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, . n . ••. . t, �� . <br /> r� " <br /> � •�� , ,;,;...,.r.,;;,.,_ .. . �.. . <br /> . �. . . , - . ,._ <br /> •,. .� , �.•_� :" <br /> �'�'}�'��•MJvY'le/b�!t. _'__ - .. .n_..�c.�._...__..W.Y..--_ -_-_ <br /> : 9�..�.d42�2 <br /> c�ndarnauHan af aihc:tnl:i:�g oE any par!ef the�'rc�:tty,or far canvcy�ancc ir.lieet af cct�CemnatFan, here!►y lRSSfBne�i n��d <br /> sha116c+paid ta i.endcr. <br /> � the event of u total taking of thc Property. the praceeda hhali be npplied to the sums secumd 6y this Security <br /> Instrument�whethcr or not then due,�vith aay exceRS puid to 84trower. In the event of u pnrtiui tnking of the Property in <br /> whlch the fuir market value of tho Pmperty lmmcdiatety beforo thc taking ia equul to or greuter thun tha umount of tha sums <br /> �ecured by thix Security Insuument immediutely befoi�e thw tukfng,unless Borrower and l,ender atherwiso agree in writing. <br /> tiza xu�ns securcd by thlr:Sc;eueity Insttument shntl tse mduced hy the.amourt of the proeeeds multiplied by the fatlowfng <br /> fracdon: (o)the totul omount of the�umR secured immediutcly bcfore the tuking.divided by(b)H►a Fuir mnrkot value af the <br /> P'roperty immedtutely before the wking. Any bulance Rhnll bc paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partiut taking af the <br /> Prnperty in which the fatr murket vnlue of the Property immediutely before the tukin�ie lcws thun thc amount af the sGma <br /> secured immedtntely beforo the wlcIng.unless Borr�wer und l.ender otherwise agree in writing or untess npplicuble luw <br /> otherwise provideA.the praceeds Fhall be npplied to the sums secured by this Security Insnument whether or tsat the sums ure <br /> then due. <br /> If the Pivperiy is abandaned by if.ufter notIce by Lettder tu Borrower that the condemnar offors to make <br /> un nwnrd or aenlo u claim for damnges,Borrower fuils to respond to l.ender within 30 days after the date the notice la given, <br /> L.ender is uuthorized to wllect und upply the Its option.either w restoration or repair of the Propeny or to the <br /> aums secu�+ed by this SecurIty Insuumen�whether or rtot then due. <br /> Unless Lender und Borrower othenvlFe agree in writing,uny applicntion of proceeds to principal shail not extend or <br /> postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referred to in pflrogaphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amount of sach paymenu. <br /> 11. Sorrower Not Released; Fbrbearunoe By Lender Not a 1Natver. Extensian of the dme for payment or <br /> modiftcadan of nmarti2udon of the suma secwed by thts Securtty Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest <br /> of Bomnwer shuU not operate to relensa the liubillty of�he oriSlnal Bomower ar Barrower's successors b►interest.I.endee <br /> shul�aot be cequtred to commence praceedtngs n�ainst nny Euccsssor in interest or refuse to extend dme for payment or <br />: otherwtse modify nmortizadon of the sums r.ecurcxl by this Securlty Insaument by�eas�n of any demsind made by tha arigInat <br /> Botrower or Botmwetk successots in interesG My Curbeuruncc by i.ender In exercising w►y�'ight o,�remcdy shatl not!�e u <br /> waiver of or prcclude the eaercise of eny right or remedy. <br /> 12. Snccessoru pttd Assigns Bourtd;Jotnt and�tvernl Ltabitity;Casigaers. The covenants und agrexmen�s of tbis <br /> Security fnstn�rt►ent shall bind and benefit the successo�s and assigns of Lender and Bomower.subject w the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17.Bomower's wvenants und ngeements shall be joint und seveml. My Borrower who casigns this SecurIey <br /> Inswraent but dces not execute the Not�e: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to mort�age.�rant and convey that <br /> Horroweri;tnterest in the Propeny under the te�ms of this Security Inauument; (b)is no2 personaAy obligated to pay the sums <br /> sec►ued by tD�is Security Instrumenr.and(c)agrees that Lender and Any other Borrower mny a�ree to extend�modify.forbear <br /> or makc uny accommodations wlth rcgard to the terms of thls Securtry Instrument or the Note v�+ithout that BormWer§ <br /> �n�. - <br /> 13. l.oan Chprges. If the loun secured by this Securlry Insmament is subject to a law wh[ch sets <br /> charges,and th�t law Is finally interpreted so Uiat the intercst or other loan chur6es collected or to be co!lecied in connection <br /> wtth the ban exoeed the pemutted Iimits,then: (u)any such loun charge shall be reduced 6y the nmount necessary to�cduce <br /> ttte charge to the petmitted limi�snd(b)any sums alreudy collected from Bomuwer whir,h exceeded permitted limits will ba <br /> refunded to Bomawer. I.ender mny choose m make thia refund by�educing the priacipal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> dtrect payment to Boirower. If a�+efund reduces principal,the c+eduetton will be treuted as a partlal prepayment witliont any <br /> prepayment chnrge under the Note. <br /> 14. Notfas. Any notIce to Boirower providsd for tn thIs 5ecurIty Inswment shall be given by deiivering it or by <br /> rnuiling It by fust class matl unless upplia►ble Iaw c+equires use of another method.The aotice shall be directed to tha Property <br /> � Address or any other nddress Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any notIce to Ixnder shall be given by first class <br /> mail ro I.ender§uddress stnted hereln or uny other udd�+es.c Lender deslgnutes by notice to Borrower. My notice providexl for <br /> itt this Security Instiument shall be dcemed to have been given to Horrower or I.ender when given ns provide�! tn this <br /> IsaraSraPh• <br /> I5. Governing Lt►w; 3everabil[ty. 'tl�is Security instrument shall be govemed by federnl law end the law of the <br /> judsdicdon in whtch ths Property ts locuted. In the event that any provisian or clause of this Secudty Instcument oa the Note <br /> conflicta with applicable luw,such conflfct shall not uffect other provisIans of thia Securiry Inst�ument or the Note which can <br /> be glv�n effect withaui the conflicdng pmvision. 'Ib this end the pruvisions of this Security Inswment und the Note ni+e <br /> declt�red to be severable. � � ' <br /> ^�if� BorrowPr's Copy. Bomower shnp be given one conformed copy of the Note an�avf thts Security Instrumen� <br /> , 1'�. 7lranster of thc Property or a Benefict�i lnterest In I�orrnwer. If aU or ar�y part of the Property nr any intcrest in <br /> � it la sold or uansfernd(or iP a beneficial interest in Ho�rower i.c sold or uansfemed and Borrower}&•q�ot a naturat person) <br /> without Lender�prtor w�itten consen�l.ender its opdon,require linmediate payment in fuli Af a1l sums secured by <br /> this Security Instruc+�en� Howover.this option shsill not be exercised by Lcnder if exerclse is prohibjted by fedeml Inw as of <br /> the atate of thia Suurity Insuumen� <br /> If Lender exercises thia opdon,Lendet shall�ive Bomower nodoe of uscelerntion. Ttie notice shall provfde u perIod of <br /> not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is delivered or mu�led within which Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this <br /> S¢cudty Insuumet�� if Bomower fails to pay these suma prIor to the expiration�f this pedod.Lender may invoke any <br /> zemedles permitted by this Secudty Insuument without fuJther nodce or demand on Borrower. <br /> i& Borrower's Ri�t to Reinstate. If Somowet meets certein wnditions,Bomower shnll have the right to have <br /> enfonement of this 5ecu ry Insmcment discontInued ut any time prIor to the earlter nf: (a)S days(or such other p�dod us <br /> ' Single Family�Fi�nn[e MadFYtddk Mae 1JNIEORM 1NSTItUMENT--Unifortn Covenants 9/90 lpoge 4 ojb pagrs) <br /> � <br /> 'lC_ui•S[ .`RFl\h,��:LY!: g��� '.�t4L�raw�ara '_ __ _ --_ — _ -- _v. — -- . <br /> � �W �s��--} -+�-P�lC!vi"--r_",�-- . _-- <br /> ___....v :l °�'i��^�iF��S�fi� l��{� .i{� —_—_ _— — _ __ <br /> -.-....r .=-�7..�f`=:`.n.,... 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