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<br /> TO(i6THER WITH nll tho imt►rovemcnte�ow or herenftc:r cr�uted on the psugerty,and�11 eascm�nt�.upputtetaancr.s,
<br /> and�xtures no�v or henaikr a pan of the property. All replaceraenta und uddittonR sh�ll also be covered by thie Securflty _
<br /> leswmcn� All of the foregoing is r�femc3 to i�thts Sccurlty Instrumcnt us the"Pt+opertY."
<br /> BORROWHR COVENANI'S that Bmrowcr!s lawfi+lly�ei6cd of the estate heraby comeyed and has the ri�ht ta g�ant
<br /> end eoravey tha Property and thst tho Property is vaencumbend.oxcept for encw�nbrancea of rerord. Borrower w�rrants and
<br /> wiU defend genereUy the�itla to the Property sgainst sU cislms and demand9,subject to rmy encwnbrunces of record �
<br /> THIS SECURTfY INSTRUMBNT cambines unlform aavennats for ��adonal use and aon-w�lfona cavennnts with
<br /> limicod vartintions by jurlsdicdon W consdtute a unffarai secudty instcut�eut coverir►g real pmpertY•
<br /> 1JNffORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender covenant and ngree as foUows: a when due We
<br /> 1. 14yment of Prindpd�td Interati Prel�Y�nt ond I.ate Chargs�. Botrovrer ahall promptlY P Y
<br /> prinr� �f and iaurest on the debt evldeaced by the Note and aay pnpayment nud late chaTges due under the Now.
<br /> �Flmds ror 1Ysa and Iasunace. Subject to applicabie!aw or w a written waiver by Lender.Bomower shall pay w
<br /> Lender on tho day raanililY paYmrats ore due under the Nou.unW the Note is paid in fWl,a swa("Fuads")for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> texes and sssessmenta wuich may Attain,priority over this Security Inatnunent as a Ilen on the PropeRy: (b)YeaziY leasebold
<br /> paymcuts or ground nn►ts on tde Prope�ty. if any: (a) Yca�1Y hazard or pmperty insurence premiuwas: (d) Year1Y Aood
<br /> insurenco pnmiums. if eny:(e) Yea�iY mortBeSe insnrance premiums,if eury:and(�anY sums ireYable hy Bmrower w
<br /> Lender,in eccoldpnce with the pmvisions of parngraph 8.ia lieu of the payauat of mortgage insurance premiums• 1�
<br /> Items are callod"Bscmw Iuma" Lender may,at any dme.collect and bold Funds ln an aaiouunt aot to exceed the mu�cimun►
<br /> amount a t¢nder for a federnUy �elaud mortgago loan may nequire for Hormwer's escrow account uader the federal Real
<br /> Estete SeitYe�aent Procedwres Act of 1974 as ara�ended itom tima W time+12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> law that applies to tbe Hmda sets a tesse:amoun� If so.l.�de,rasY.at anY t�.c�11�t�°�Qld Fund.s in an amnuat not W _
<br /> excad tbe lesser amounG l.ender may estimate tke awouat of Ptuids da�an the basis of cucrent data and�easonable
<br /> esdwates of expendiwres of fut�uie Esctow Items or othe�vv�se ia ecoord�na wjdi aPPUcable law.
<br /> 'ITne Fuuw �ait;a i�cid iu an iest�ttsdon whose cle�osits tue instued by a faicYUl axency. iasnvm�taliey.ar esttty _
<br /> (includ�ng I.ender,�f Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Fedr�al Home Luan Bank. Lender shall apply�he Fuads w pay
<br /> the Escmw Items. [.ender may not charge�o�rawer for koldiug and applying thc�nds,annuallY analYzi°8�� ��'
<br /> �nt,or vaifytng the Bscmw Items.ualess I.ender paya Boimwer iate�st on the Funds end applicable law pemnits
<br /> Lender to nnalce such n char�a However.L.ender may iequire Bosowec co Pay a ono-time c6arge for aa independem Rut
<br /> estatn tea r�porting sendoe used by I.en�ec in oonncxtion wItt�this laaa.uN�ss aPPllcable law pmvtdes athaiwlse. Udas,�t
<br /> agroement is mia�e or appIIcable Iaw requIres interest to be paid�der shall aot be requ+red to pay'�onower any interest or
<br /> earninga on tUe R�nds. Bomower end Leuder may agroe in wnting,howevet.tttat inurest shall be pa�d on tbe Ftmds. I.ender
<br /> shaq glvf wtti�h Weach dc6it to the Pltttda was mad�e. 1�'henFigtnds are pledg���al secu ty f t�ll sums sectued by
<br /> F'-'i�"s.e -
<br /> tb�is Secudty Inshumen� Lender shall aocount to
<br /> If the �nds held by IsndGr exceed the amouats pemxitted w 1k held by applIcable law.
<br /> Bomower far tho excess F1�ads in aaoo:dance wIth the nequinemrnis of appficable luw. If the amount of tLe Fimds held by
<br /> Lender ut any time is not sufficient w pay tha Escrow Usms when due,I.ender may so aotlfy Borcower in writing,;m1d..In
<br /> euch case Borcower shail pay to L.ender the amount to make ap the dofciency. Bosrower shaU malc�s•u�s d�e ' .
<br /> defictency in ao raocc than twalve arontblY P8Y���at I.e�sole discretion. re�d w Bosm�wer a� . � �.
<br /> �P�PaY�nt in fuU of all sums secu�d by this Security Insaumeat.LenJer shall pmmptly >•,�
<br /> Flmds Ixld by Lender. If,ander psregraph 21.Lender sflall acq�ine or seli the Property.Lenekr.prtor to 1t5e acquisidon ot
<br /> ssk af the Aroperty.shajl appiy any 1Ciu�ds held by Lender at the time of ecquisiSon or sale t�a cz+edit against tl�a�ums
<br /> scculod by this Sauiiry Instsumen� � nta c�eceived b I.endei widcr
<br /> 3. Appt�at P�+menb. Ualess applicabfe !nw ���the�i t�tie Nou a�eoond.to ainous►ffi payabltl under
<br /> paragtaphs 1 and 2 shall be sppll�d:fi�sb t�aaY PnepaYment c6a�g
<br /> paragraph 2:thiid.w inunst due:fautb.to quxipal due:and last►w anY lete charges due uada tt�e do�n�a amibutable to tbe'
<br /> 4, Cliatges; i.ieay. Boirower shall pay�1 ta�ces,assessmeats.chuges,fines and impa '
<br /> Property which may attain prtority over this Secwity Instn�ment,aad leasehold payments or gound ients.if any..Boccuwrer .
<br /> shaU pay these obligations in the manner pmvEded ia panaArapb 2.or if aot pald in that manner.Boaower shall paY them on
<br /> time dic�xt�y w the p�rson oaed payment Bmrower ahnli PmmptlY flimiah ta�der ail nodces of amaunts ta be paid ander ,
<br /> this nar�ntph. U Bbimwer makes thesd paymeats dirxdy.Bomower shall�n�mptly fi�mish to Lender receipts evidencin$ ,
<br /> the paymenta.
<br /> gomower shall pmmptiy discharge any Uen which has priority avet d�ts Secui3ty Insuumer►t unless Boreower.ta)egtees
<br /> In writing w tho payment of the obligaotun sxured by the IIea in a mazuier aroeptable w I.eader;(b)coausts ia gaod faitli tl�a
<br /> lien by.ar defeuds against enforcxmene of the lien in.tegal p�ings wluch in the Leader�s opinion operate ta p�vent the
<br /> enfo�ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of tha lien an ugreement satisfactory ta Lender subotdinadng the lien
<br /> to dus�.-urlty Insuum�,nt I�'Lender dstemoints that eny�+s►rt ef thn PmPerty 3s subjxt tn a llen which may attain pciasity
<br /> over t�is Security InsLwnent,i.ender uta,y give Botrower a notice identifytag the l�en. Boirowa shall satlsfy the tten or�mlcc ,
<br /> one�tr dnono of the actions set forlh above within 10 days of the giving of uadce.
<br /> ,�a: Q�urard or property L�ranoa Bomuwer shall keep the imprcrrctmen�ta now e�isting or hereaRer erecie�i nm the
<br /> Property insured agsiiusst loss by fu+e,haz�{acIaded wiWin tha teim"extended a�verage"and any other haze�s.iur+cluding
<br /> Aoods or tlooding.for which Lender requires tnsurance. This tasurance sl�ali be maintained In tha umounts aad fox the
<br /> ,., [�+3rta � �naseaq1or,�s��
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