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<br /> the PropeAy Is eo tak�n or damaQed,Lender shalt have the optlon,In Its eote and absolute dtecretlon,to appty alt euch Proceede, _
<br /> eftev deduaitng tnvrefruiri elt�s�sts and BRpr►c�aa fneurrcd by!t!n connsaQon��lh auoh Prxeede,espon Any Indebtedr�eaa aeaured
<br /> hereby artd tn euoh order ae!ender mey determine,or to appty atl euoh P�oaeeda,atter euoh deduaUons,to the rostorotion ot the -
<br /> properiy upon euch cortdittona as Lender may determine.Any appHoatlon of Prooc+eds to Indebted�ess shatl not extend or poatpone
<br /> ths due dete of arty paymente under the Note,or oure any detault thareunder or hereunder.Any unapplied tunds ohell be paid to
<br /> Tru�tot.
<br /> 8. Pttfonn�na�by t.Ntd��.Upon the oc�urrenae of an Event of Qefeutthereunder,or it any aot is teken or�egal proceedirtp
<br /> commena�d whleh materiatfy atteohs Londer's Intereat In tho RropoRy,Londer may in Its o�vn diecrotion,but�nithoutobllgatlon to do �
<br /> w,and without notice to or demand upon Truator and without reteasinp Trustor frum any obligatlon,do any aat which T�usior hae
<br /> apreed but tnlis to do end may aiao do any other aot it�eeme neceasary to proteat the seourity horeof.Trustor shatl,Immediately
<br /> upon demand therefor by Lender,payto tsnderalt eosts and expenses Inaurred and suma expended by Lender in conneation wtth
<br /> the exeralee by Lender of the torepoing►iphta,together wlih inte►est thereon atthe detautt rate provided In tt►e Note,whioh shatl be
<br /> added to the irtdebtedness seoured hereby. Lertder ehali not inaur any ilabl�ity beaause ot enything it may do or omit to do
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 8. Hu�rdous Matarl�iti Ttistor ohall keep the Property In eompllance with ail applloabio Iawe,ordlnanees and repu�attona
<br /> relnHnp to IndueWai hyptene or environmentei proteotton(cotleotivety rafened to herein es"Envi�onmental Lawa'q.truetor ehail
<br /> keop the Properiy free trom atl eubatancea deemod to be hezardoua or toxlo under any Envlronmentei L.awa(cotteodvely reTerrod to
<br /> herafn as"Maaardoue Matoriaie").Trustor hereby wa�nts and represents to Lsnder that tfiere are no Hazardou�Matednls on or
<br /> under the Properly.Trustor heroby apreea to Indemniry and hotd harmleae Lender,ite direotoro,oHteero,empfoye9�and apenta,and _-
<br /> any successors to lender's interest,trom and ayainet any and ali alaima,damages,tossea and Iiabilides arlaing fn conneodon with =_.
<br /> the preaenae,uee.disposal or transport of any Hazardous Materials on,under,from or about tha Properry.YHE FOREQOINO
<br /> 10.Aalpnm�et ot R��ts.Trustor hereby aesigns to 4ender the rente,issues and protlts of the Property;p�ovlded that Trustor
<br /> ahali,un�i the ocourrence of en EveMot Oefauitherounder,have the Nphtto aotteat and retaln sunh rerne,ilsua8 and protits ae they --
<br /> become due and paynble.Uqn�the ocourrence of an�v��t ot Defautt,Lsndar may,either In peraon or by agent with or without
<br /> bringlrt9 n�iy e�tlon ot procca0tag,or by n reaeiver sppolnted t+y a oourt and wkhout reQard to tf�e adequaeY of it8 scourity,@nter .
<br /> upon end take posseasion ot the Property,or any part thereot,in Its oW�name or in the�ame of the Truetee,ar+d do anyaata whtoh it
<br /> deema neceasary or deairaW.e to preserve the vaiue,marketability or rentabiliry of the Property.or any paK thereof or Interest thereln,
<br /> increase the(ncome therefrom or proteat the seaurUy horeot and,witfi o�wlthout teking poasesalon of the P�opa�iy.aue for or
<br /> otharwiae cotleat the renta,laeues and profits thereot,inoluding those pest due and unpaid,and appty th�same,l6ae costa and
<br /> expenses ot ope�atlon and poltecUon ino�uding attorneya'fees,upon any indebtedness seaured hereby,aIi in suoh o►der as Lender
<br /> may determine.The ente►inA up�on and taking possesslon of the Property.th�ao�leation ot such rents,iasuea and proifta and the
<br /> applicadon thereof as aforesald.shelt not cure or watve any default or notice of deMutt hereunder or invalidate any act done tn
<br /> reaponae to euoh detauttor pureuantto suah nodca ot default and,nolwithstandinp the eonUnuance in posseaelon ot the PropeAy or
<br /> the colteo8on,reoeipt and efapllaadon ot rents,lasues or protits,and Truatee and Lender eheil be entlUed to exercieo every rl�ht
<br /> provided tor in any�f the Loan inatruments or by Iaw upon ocaurrence ofi any EvenE oi t3e�fauii,inai�d{rt{�wlihaui Iim3iaSian tlss r!�ltt
<br /> to eicerelae the power ot sale.Further,Lender'e righta and remediea under thie paragreph shatl be aumulaUve with,and tn no way a
<br /> Iirtlltatlon on,Lender's rtghts and remedies under any asai8nment of leaees and renta reaorded agetnat the Property.Londer.Truatee
<br /> and the recelve►ehal�be Ilabte to account only for those rente actualiy reoeived.
<br /> 11, Er�nU o!OM1�ult.The tollowirtg sheil conadtute an Event of Defeult under thts Deed of Trust
<br /> (a) Fdtiu►e to pay any installment of principal or interest of any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A bresob of or detault under any provlslon contalned in the Note,thts Deed of Trust any of the Loan Inetrumenb,or any
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrence upnn the Property;
<br /> (e) A writ ot exeautlon or ettnehment or any aimllsr process shall be entered agalnBt Truetor whlah ehntl become a Iten an
<br /> the PropeKy or any portlon thereof or tnterest thereln;
<br /> (d)There 8hail be filed by or against Truetor or 8or�ower an aoUon under any preaent or tuture(ederal.etate or other
<br /> etatute,taw or reguladon relatlng to bankruptey,insohrency or other retief tor debtors;or there ahai!be eppolnted any t►uatee,
<br /> recelver or Ilquldator nf Truator or 8orrower or of et�or any paR ot the PropHrty,or the renta,issues or protlta thereof,or Trostor
<br /> or Borrower ehail make eny�enaral essl�nment tor the benetit of creditors;
<br /> (e)The saie,tranafer,tease,asalgnment,conveyance or fuRher encumbranae oi att or any part ot or any Interest in the
<br /> PropeAy,elther valuntarily or Invotuntarliy, without the expresa written conaent of Lender,provided thet Trustor ehei! be
<br /> permitted to exeaute a tease of the Property that doea not aontain an aptlon to purahaee and the term of whiah does�ot excesd
<br /> one year.
<br /> (�Abundonment of the Properry;or
<br /> (g)It Trustor is oot an Indivlduet,the losuanao.salo,transfer,asslgnment,conveyance or enaumbmnce ofmore than e tofal
<br /> of peraent ot(It a corpo�atlo�)Ifs iesued and outstanding stock ar(if a partnerehip)a total of percent of
<br /> partnerehip intereste duHnp the perfod th�s Oeed ot Truet remains a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> 12. RMn�diw;AccN�ratlon Upon OshuN.In the�vent of any Event ot Detauit Lender mey,wilho�t notlae axcept ea requlred by
<br /> taw.dealare all indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the eams shell thereupon become due and payabla
<br /> wfthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: _
<br /> (a) Demend that T�uatee exerolae the pOWER OF 8ALE granted heretn,8nd TruBtoe shall thereafter causo Trustor's
<br /> intereat in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be disutbuted,ail in the manner provided In the Nebreske Truat Ceeids
<br /> aox
<br /> (b) Exerciee any and all rlghta provlded tor in any ot the 1.oan Inetruments or by taw upon occurren¢e of any Event of
<br /> Oefeui�end -
<br /> (o)Commenae an actlon to torealose thls Oeed of Troat ae a mortgage,eppolnt a reaelver,or speaifically entorce any o!the
<br /> covenanb hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truetae or Lertder is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herefn,in the
<br /> Loan instrumenta or by taw provlded or permltted,but each she�l be cumutaUve,ahai�be in additlan to every othe�remedy given
<br /> hereunder,in the loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equ�ty or by atatute,and may be exercieed concurrently,
<br /> IndependenUy or euccesalvery. _
<br /> 13. 7tw4N. 7he Truatee may reaign et any time wlthout cause,and Lender may et any Nme and wiMout cause eppoint a =
<br /> succeasor o�substitute Trustee.Truatee ehall not be Ilabie to any party.Inaiuding without�ImlteUon Lender,8orrowe�.Truator or any _
<br />= purohaser of tho Property,tor any tosa or damape unless due to reckiess or wllitul misconduat,and ahait not be required to teke any :
<br /> action in connecdon with the entorcement ot this Deed ot T�ust unteas Indemnitled,in writing,tor ell coste,oompensa8on ot
<br /> . . . .""' _ " '_' ._______"__�.____����..���J�►�a..��.I1.u1lwlrt wr -
<br /> expenses whkh may be aesoclatea marew�m.in aao�aan, t ruscae may uwvino a pu��naom as a�q oa�v v��w. .�q y..............
<br />= wder the power ot sale granted herein);poatpone the sale of atl nr any portlon of the Property,as provided by law;or seil tRe
<br />= Properiy ae a whote,or In separate parcets or loffi ai Trustee'e disoreUon.
<br />= 14. F�s and Expata�.In the event Truatee selis the PropeKy by exeroise ot power of eale,Trugtee ahalt be enUtled to apply __
<br />= any eate proaeeds first to payment of ai�coste and expenses of exercising power ot sate,inatuding a�i Truatee's feea,and lendet's =
<br />= artd Trustee's attomey's taes,ectuslly inauned to extent permltted by app�toab�e taw.in the event 8orrov�er or Trustoi exeroisea any _
<br /> �ight provided by law to cure en Event ot Oefault,Lender ahait De ent�tled to recover trom Trustor all aosta and expenses aMuaily
<br />= inaurced ae a result ot Trustor's detaul�Inetuding without IlmitaUon all Truatee's and attomey's tees,to Ne extent permitted by -
<br />= appticeble taw. -
<br />_ 16. Futuro Advanca.Upon requeat oi Borrower,Lender may,at Its optton,make addlNonat end luture advances and re-
<br /> y advanceato 8orcawer.3uoh advances and readvances,with fnterest thereon,ehall be secured by this C¢ed ot 7ruet At no Hme shait _
<br />- the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Oeod of Truat not ina uding sums advanaed to proteat the security of Mls
<br /> Oeed of Tntat,exceed the original prinolpa{amount etated hereln,or� 'b' whichever Is greater. •
<br />