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<br /> TRl18TOR RFJ10 THtB BEFOR�SIQNiNCi: �t�5� �Q��� •
<br /> Trustar urtdcrexsn�stltatthe doassment t!�!!t Tniatcr Is about to exeoute It�Oead uf T�uat end not s mortqepe and that the po�rer
<br /> of sa�is provldsd tor In the Qeed of T►uet prnvides eubatnnUslty dlttereM riphn and obUaaUOne to Trustor then a rttoRpaQe In the event `-
<br /> ot s�sfault or braaoh of obtteadon under ths Oeed of Ttu�L Inaludinp,but not Ilmited to,tha Lender's ripht to h�ve the Properiy sold
<br /> by the Trustee w(tliout any Judioial �roaeedin�,T►uetor repreaenta and warranta that this aaknowledpement waa exeouted by
<br /> Ttu�tor bforo tha exeoutlon of the Deed of Truat ��� ��� `
<br /> Tru�tor Lisa L Loadoa
<br /> r
<br /> T►uetor Bonai Gratopp
<br /> THl5 DEED Q�TRUST,la made as ot the 16thd8y ot June ��g95...,by and amonp
<br /> theTrustor. Liaa L. London. ainBle b Boaita M. Gratopp� a married pgxson �
<br /> whose meiling address is 1024 Q Street, Geaeva, N� 66361 (herein"Truetor."Nhether one or more), -
<br /> �T�� York State Baak b Trust Compan►�- G+3�ievs Bsanch _ ,
<br /> whaae maillnp address Is 1022 G Street. 8ox 365. Geaeva� NB 68361 �hereln'Truetee'q,and
<br /> ������ YorTc Seate Bank � Trusx �ompaay -_ Gesisva Branc& �___^___. -
<br /> whoas mallirtp addtesa Is lOZ2 G StreRt•, Box �65, Geneva, NE 68361 (hereln"Lender'�.
<br /> FOA VAtUABLE CQN9I��RATION.inciuding Lender's extenston of aedit IdentHled herein to Lisa L. Loadon and
<br /> Bonita M. Gratopp (hereln"Bonower",whether orte or more)and the trust herein areated,
<br /> the rece�pt of whioh Is hereby aoknowledged,T►ustor hereby t�revooabry yranta,tranafere,conveye and easipna W T►uates.1N -
<br /> TRU8T.WITH POWHR OF SALE,tor the beneflt and eecurlty of Lender,under and subjeot to the terms and aandlHona herelnatter aet
<br /> forth.�e real properly,deac8bed as toltows:
<br /> Lot 2, Jameoa Subdivisioa. City of Grnnd Island, Hall County, Nebraeka
<br /> Commoaly Ruowa As: 410 East Suaset, Grand Ieland, NB 6$801
<br /> togeth�r w(th all buildings,improvemant�,flxturea.atreets,elieys. pausagewaya,easements,rights.prlvitepea and appurte-
<br /> nances located thergon or in anywlae pertalMng Mereta,and the cents,issues artd pro8te.reverolons and remninde►a thereaf,and
<br /> aueh pmreortal property that ta attached to the improvements ao as to constitute a ilxwre,ino�udin�,but notlimited to.heaUnp 8nd
<br /> coolinp equpmen�and topether with the hameatead or marite�Intereste.ifany,whioh intere6ts are hereby releaeed and waived;atl
<br /> of whtah,inaluding replacemente and eddltiona thereto.Is hereby deotared!o be a part of the real eatate secured by ths Ilen of thta
<br /> Deed of Ttuat and all ai the forepatng beinp►eterred to Aerein ae the"PropeAy".
<br /> This Deed ot Truat shall aoaure(a)the payment o!the prtncipat sum and fnterest evidenced by a praniaaory note or credit
<br /> a�reement dated June 16, 1995 ,having e meturiry date of July 1T, 1995 � .
<br /> in the odpinat prtnctpal amount ot S 59,3f�0.00 ,and eny and ntl modNicatlons,exlenalQhs and renewals
<br /> thareof or Meroto end any and atl tuture advancee and raedvanaea to Borrower(or any ot them If mo�e than one)hereunBer
<br /> pvrauant to one or moro promiafory n�tea or credit apreemente(hereln celled"Note'�:(b)the payment ot other suma advanced b'v
<br /> Lender to proteot the security atthe Note;(o)the pedormence of ell cove�anb and agreementa of Truetor eettoM herein;and(d)ai�
<br /> presertt and tuture Indebtedneas and o�lfpetio�s ot 8orrower(or any of them ft more than one)to Lender whether direat,indiroct
<br /> abao�ute or conUnperN and whetfier arialnp by note,puaranty,overdraft or otherwise.Tho Note,lhis Oeed ot Truat and any and ail
<br /> oMer Aoaue�ta thatseaurethe Note orotherwlse exeauted In conneedon the rewlth,leeluding without IlmltaUon guaranteea eeourity
<br /> a�reements and eaai�nmenta of leasea and rer�ts.ehall be retened to here�n as the"Loan inatruments".
<br /> Truator covennnts and egreea wlth tender as totlowa:
<br /> 1. PaynNnt d Ind�bMditKt.AII Indebtednesa secured hereby shsil b�patd wfion due.
<br /> 2. TNI�.Truator is the owner oi the Property.has the right end autAority to cpnvey the Properiy,and warranta that the lien
<br /> created heroby la a flrat and p�ior Ilen on the Property,except tor tiena and encumbrancea se:toM by Trustor In wntlnB nnd
<br /> delivnred M lender betore exeouNon of thls Deed of Trust,and the exeautlos�end detivery of thia pead o4 TNSt doea not violate any
<br /> contract or other obti�allon to whlah Truator is aubJeat
<br /> 3. TixN,Aswssm�nb.To pay betoro delinquenay ail taxes,spealal asseasmenta artd ai!othe�charQes aOaU�t the Properly
<br /> �ow or hereafter levted.
<br /> 4. tn�ur�nc�.To keep the Property insured againat damage by tire,har,arda Included within the tern► extended covereDe,and
<br /> such other ha�arda ae Lender may►equire,tn emount�and wlth eompanles aceepffible to Lertder,naming Lender ga an additlona)
<br /> named Ineured,with toes peyabte to the Lender.In eaee of toas under such poticles,tha Lender is authoNzed to adjust,cotlect and
<br /> compromlae,atl olalmathereunder and shail have the optlon ot epptyfng al or part otthe insurance proceeda(i)W any Indebtedneas
<br />= se¢ured hereDy and In such order as Lender may determine,(il)to Me T�ustor to be used tor the repalr or reatoretlon of Me Properiy
<br />= orpii)foranyotherpurposeorobjeetsaUatactorytoLenderwithoutatteeUng thellenotthts0eedotTrusttorthetutlamountseeured
<br /> hereby botore euch payment ever took piwce.Any epplicatfon of procaeds to Indobtedneas sha�l not extend or postporte the due
<br />= date pi any payments under the Note,or oure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br />:_ & Esorow.Upon w►Itten demand by Lender,Tnistor ehell pay to Lend�r,In suah manne�r as Lender may deslgnate,suttialent
<br /> suma coenatite�enoerto pay eatney oecome aue one or more armero��ow�ng:�ij aii�axes,asaesama�s and vmer�aryes s8a�r;s�
<br />� u+n i�r�psniy,(tiy the pr�mtums oa!h�pro¢attylnsurartc9 required hareunder,wnd(Ili}the premluma on anv mortpaae InsurflnCe
<br />- requtred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Nt�tntManc�.R�p�ln�nd Compll�nc�wtth t.�w�.Trustor shan heep Me Property In Qaod condition end repair,shail
<br />= promptly reAa�r,or reptace any Improvement whioh may bs damaped o�destroyed;shail not commit or permft eny waBtA or
<br />° deDerto�ntion of tha Property;ahall not�omove,demotlsh o�substanUally alter any ot the improvemerns on the Property;shail eot
<br />.- commlL euffer or permit any aat to be done in or upon Me PropeRy in vloletlon ot any taw,ordinance,or reguletion;and shail pay and
<br /> prompUy dlacharpe et TrustoPs coat end expense atl ilena,enoumbrancea and chergea levied,impoaed or aaseased agatnat the
<br />= P�operiy or any part thereof.
<br /> - 7. Ecnin�nt Damaln.l.onder Ia hereby essipned att compensatton.awa�de,damagea and other payments or rollei(herelnnfter
<br /> - "Proceede'y in eonneoUon wiM condemeatton or other faking ot the PropeAy or part thereof,or tor conveyance tn Ileu ot condemna-
<br />= tton.Lender ahatl be enUtled at Its opHon to commence,appear in end prosecuto In Its own name any aotlo�ar proceedinps,and
<br /> ehatl also be enttried to meke any compromise or aetUeme�t In connoatlon with such tektrtg or damape.inthrevent any po�tlon ot
<br /> N�C 3t67�Na�qfeukunl D�Rw.10/QS
<br /> � OtY!lMeebmleantofCammwe�TnnfuieBhArpsAUOnnronuncotaNeDn�4
<br /> �
<br /> _
<br /> �
<br />