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<br /> � -��`�=`?�� l7.'Trnusfer of thc 1'�•npertv nr a 13cne17cia1 Iu�erest in Ro�rowcr.Yf nll or sany p:�rt of thc Property or any intcreht in it _
<br /> is Fold or transfcrrcd(��r if.�tMneGcial intcrest 9n Uorratvcr is sold ur�ruasfcrrc.i uncl Bprrowcr is not a natural p�rson)withnut
<br /> �
<br /> .._.��;t:a?«�_�n�ru.� L.ender's prior written constnt, I.e�ider may, ttt its iiption, r�c<uire immediat�a paym�:nt in full of ull sums secureci by ihis
<br /> --�---- —
<br /> - "- ""� Sccurity Inst�vmcnt.tlo�ccvcr,this utxtiou yhidl �iot be cscr�itic;u! y I.cndcr if cxcrcisc is prohihited by f�dcrsil law ns of thc da[c
<br /> of this Sccurity(nsUument.
<br /> _��!� if L.ender exerdses this��ption, Lender shall bive Burrower notice of lccel�rntion•rhe notice shall provide n periad of not
<br /> ��� Iess thun 30 days from thr datc thc �mtice i.r• delivercd or mailcd within which Rurrawer must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> � - f- Sccurity Instrument.If Bun•uwcr fi�ils to p,ry these sums prior to the expiration of Ihis perial, Lender may invc�ke any renudies __,
<br />::�-��, ,�� pcmiittcd by this Security Instrument without furthcr nntice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> -=�`:• °�fi��:��,�` 18. Boerower's Etl�ht to Etcinstute. If' Aorrower mects ccrtain c�ndition�. Borrowcr shall havc thc right t� havc
<br /> :r�^.w:.,.,Y�'•�+q� "� enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discuntinued ut any time prior to the �:arlier of: (a) 5 dayc (o�sucfi other period as =___
<br /> �•*�"� �`• �* a I�cable law ma � c.cif for reinstatement) before sale of tlte Property pursuunt r.o any power of sale contained in this
<br /> ::..M,a-;•� .., ... PP Y �P' Y
<br /> ^�.����4t��.�; t� Security lnstrumeE�r,or (b)entry of u judgment enfi�rcing this Securiry Instrument.Those conditions are thut aorrower: (�)pays
<br /> � ��•a•,: 'S l.ender ull sums which then wauld be due under diis Security Instrument and the Note as if no acce'.eration h1d oaurred; (b) _
<br /> :�rr' ' curcs any default c�f any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Sec��riry Instrument.
<br /> '-�5..',;,.;;,"�•' including, but not limitccl to. reasonable attorneys' fccs• and (d) takcs such act�on :u L.cndcr may reasonably rcya�rc to assu�
<br /> -° -��- that the lien of this Sccuriry Instrurocnt. L.cnder's rights in the Property w►d Borrower's obligation to pay the s►�ms secureci by
<br /> .. this Security Instnm�ent sliall continue unchunged. Upan reinstaterne�tt by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br />_,..-_� � .�'- ' obligations secured hereby shull remain fully et'f'eetive as i(no neccleratiun haJ uccurred. fiowever,this right to reinstate si�all
<br /> �. . ' w�' not apply in the case of:�ccelerasi�n under paragraph 17.
<br /> ' � 19. Sale of Note; Chun�e oP I.nan 5ervlcer. Thc Note�r a partial interest in !he Note (togcther with this Securiry
<br /> �• ----�-� `� ItlStcumCnt)nt�y be�nlr.i onC��r more timcs with�nt nrior nollCe to Borrower.A sale m.ay result in a change i�i the entiry(knmvn —__
<br /> ` __ -----:�"� :�s the"[.oan Servicer") that cullr:�ts monthly payments due under the Note und this Securiry Instnnnznt. '�here also may be one � -
<br /> or morc changes ut thc I.{ian Scrvic�r unreluled to a,ale of tlie No[e.If there i.��changc��f the Luaii S��vicc�.Borru�r•cr wiit be ____�`
<br /> „ ;=;�' ' given written notice of the change in accord;snce wir.h parugriph l4 ah��ve und applicublc law."i!'he nutice will stute the name and ----
<br /> � addre�s of the nev�Luan Servicer and the address to which p.eyments should be maJe. The notice will also contain any other -
<br /> � , inform�tion required by applicable law. _ __
<br /> - _ � ,.. Zp, l��ys��•dmic Suhctanee.c. R�rr�wer �hall not cuuse or permit the presenee, use, disposul, stor.iFe, or release of uny w __
<br /> • � ,• •.� Hazurdouti Substances on ur in thc Propeny. Bono�ver shall ,w� Jo, nor al lmv anyone else to do, anything aFfecting �hc ���---
<br /> ..
<br /> � Praperty tl�at i:: iis�icslatian of any� En�•ironmental Lsu�. The precc�ling nYO sentenre�tihall not upply to the presencc. use, or
<br /> :•�.a.
<br /> � storasc on the Propertv af small quantities i�f Ha•r;trdous Substanccs that are gencrully rccognizcd to be upprapriate to normal �,_
<br /> -• residential uses and to maintenancc��f thc Property. s—
<br /> `' Barrowcr shall promptly givc Lcndcr written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, I:�wsuit ur othcr action by uny _
<br /> governmental ur regulatory agency or private purty involving the Propeny and any Ha�ardous Sub�tance or Environmental I.aw ����_
<br /> • of whicti Borro�vcr has actu:tl knu�vledga If Bnrrowcr Icams, or is notitied by any govcrnmcntal or regulutory uuthority. that 4;;_v,
<br /> r�`: any removal or other remcdiation��f any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property i+neccssary, 8nrrower shall ptompdy take �.,_----.
<br /> all ncccssary rcnudial actions in accordancc with Environmental Law. —�.-
<br /> , As uscd in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substanccs" are ehosc �ubstancc� dctineci as toxic or h�u:udous substunccs by •.r' .
<br /> Environmentul Luw and ►he following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other (lammable or toxic petroleum products, roxic �� .
<br /> pesticides 2nd herbiCldes.��olati�e sulvents, materi:ds cuntaining asbe+tos or forrnaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �:
<br /> this puragrapl� ?0. "Environmirotal Luw" means federal laws and law�s of�he juri+diction whcre th� Property is located that
<br /> , � rclate to hcalth.a.�fety ar envirunmental proterciun.
<br /> " � ' '��;� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr and L.cndcr furthcr cuvcnam und agrcc as ti�llrnvti:
<br /> 21. Accelerutlon;Remedics. L�nder shull give notice to Borrnwer pri�rr to accelerution followin� Borro�rer's breach
<br /> - . of any cmenunt or a�r��ment in this Scrurity Instrument (but not prlor to acceleration under para�raph 17 unless
<br /> npplicable la«• provicles otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the defuult;(b) the uction reyuired to cure the default;
<br /> (c) a date, not Iess than 30 days from the date the n�►Qlce is�iven to Borro«�cr. by �r•htrh [he default must be cured;and
<br /> (d) tht�t failure to cure the default un or bef'ore the date sprcl�rd in the nutice mu�• rcwult in acceleration oF the sums
<br /> secured br� this ScYUrit�• Ynstrmncnt and sule of thc Pmpertv. 'fhe notice tih«ll Furthcr inform I3orrower of thc ri�ht to
<br /> �� ' reinstate ufter ucceleration und thc ri�ht to brin�!u cnart nctlon to �+ti+ert the n�►erexistence uf u default ar any other
<br /> defense of Bnrroaer to uccclerution und �ule. If the default is not cured on or Hefore the date specified in the notice.
<br /> I.ender, ut its nptfun. mu�� rcyulre immcdiatc pa��ment in full of ull sumti secured bv this Securitv Instrument ��Ithout
<br /> further demand und rnay imi�kc the po�rer of sulc and i�n��nthcr rcmedies permhted by �pplicuble luw. I.ender 4ha11 be
<br /> " entitled to coilert all expenses incurrcd in pursuin{�thr rcmedies provided in this paru�raph 21,includinF, but not Umhed
<br /> to, reasoni��ile uttorne�s' fciw i►nd costs uf title c�•idence.
<br /> If the pm��er of sale is invoked, 'Trustcc shull rc�urd u notire of default M cach count�� in «•hich any purt oF the �
<br /> ." Property is Incated and shall muil c�rpi�w of such notice in the munner prescrit�ed b�• upplicuble I:�w tu Aorro«•er nnd h►
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicuble I.���.After the lime rcyuired bv applicuble tu«•.Trustee shttll�ivr public notice � '
<br /> of'sule t��thc pe��nnv and in the munncr prescribed b}applir�ble luw.Trustee, ��•ithout demand nn Borroaer. shall scll
<br />' the Propertv vt public iiuctinn to thc hi�!hcst bidder ut the tfmc nnd plKCC iu�d under the terms desf�nut�d in the notice of ,
<br /> sale in one or mure pu�'ccls and in unr• urder Trutit��determines. '1'ruste� muv po�:tponr sale of ull or a�n�� purcel nf'the i
<br /> , 1'roperty by public unnouncement at the time and pince of Hm previou+l�•�cltedttled sule. Leitder or its d�wi};nee may ;
<br /> purch:�se tlie Property at an}�sale. �
<br />. Form 3028 9190
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