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<br /> payments ma,v nu lunbcr bc requircd,nt the uption�f I.endcr,If martgnge insurancc caverage(in thc wswunt a�ul far ihc�xri�xi �
<br /> � that Lcnder requires)provideci by nn insurer npproved by I.ender again becomes avuilable nnd is obtalned. Aorrower shnq pay
<br /> W.�,��.��,�,Q,},,.3
<br /> '-""!__�___, th�pretniwns��equire�to mnintain mort�n�e insui�itce in eff et, or co provide e�Incs reserve, uritil th.^.re�juirenwnt fnr morM�+�P
<br /> �---
<br /> ..� ir.surancc ends in:�ccordancc witi�nny written agreemcnt beiwcen Horrowcr and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> �„� 9.Inspectton. Lcr�der or its agent muy makc re.�sonablc entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shall give �
<br /> °.���� Borrower notice ut the time af or prior to mi inspection specifyinb reasonable cause for tl�e inspzction. —
<br /> -� --_== 10. Condemnatlan. The pmcecds of<my award or claim for damagcs, direct or canseyuentidl. in connection with any
<br /> ��°°'-===y"��'� condemnation or other ti►king of any pa�t of the Property, or for canveyance in lieu of condeinnation, arc hcreby assi�ned and
<br />_——_- , - � .
<br />�'"..'="�'n�s�` shall bc paid to Lendcr.
<br /> - �—•
<br /> ..�:�;_,�;.�,�sa':,a�e►
<br /> � �r�� In the event of a tatal taking of the Prapeny,the proceeds shall Be applicd tc�the sums secured by this Sscurity Instrument,
<br /> .��..kx�1RAT.��T�s_.i�
<br /> �.-�� , whether or not then duc, with any excess paid to Bunower. In the event of a panial taking of the Property in which the fair —
<br /> -.-,• ���' ti��.:
<br /> :��d:•�;, market valuc of thc Property immediutely bcfore thc taking is cqual to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> _:;�,;;��:��.'.
<br />_�6�•...•.;;;;�; � 5ecurity Instrun�ent immediately beforc che taking,urdess Borrowcr and L.endcr othenvis�agrce in writing,th�sums secured by
<br /> TS��� . .-
<br /> _ r.,� " � this Securiry Instrument shall be reduceci by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the follo�ving fraction: (a�) the total
<br /> -_ -,�r�,� � t�mount of the sums sccured immediatcly before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immed�etely �
<br /> - � beture the tuking. Auy balance +huli bc paid tu Burrower. In the cvent of a partial taking ot'th�Property in �vhich thc fair - -
<br /> -' . . ����� mnrket valuc of thc Pro en immediatel bcfore thc takin �s Icss than the umount of i��e sums secured immediatel before the ---
<br /> .'�,�,:,.,..�;. P Y � Y S � Y �—
<br />-;:- ` '4• , takin�, unless Bor.owcr and L.ender othenvise a�rce in writing or unless applirable law nthenvise provides. the procecds shall ° --
<br /> .. � C:A.s�ae,.
<br /> -----��;_-� he aprlied t.^ilte�wtte se�l��c�1 by this 5ccurit}•(nstrurncnt�s•hcthcr ar r�ot tLc�uu;�a,C thei�Juc, ► _-�-
<br /> -- -r"��=�- -�•,�,. �f thc Pmperty is abandouet!by Borro�»er,or if, after notioF hy 1 cnde��n R��rmwe!•thst the condemnar offer !a ms.�e ar. � -
<br /> ���'.�,�
<br />, . ` award or scttic u claim for damagcs, Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is �iven, , ' '
<br /> :� ' Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restor,�tion or repair of the Propeny or to the sums 'y�s_,,�--
<br /> . %�::. :1",. -;=
<br /> ..� secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. �; ,.
<br /> r�t Llnt��� i itid,•r SII(I POCTI�\4P1' othr.rwi�r abrer in writing. �tny npplicaliun nf �>roce�Js !a Y*:nc:;»! shs!! .^.ot �xtend a, �._'��•'
<br />. _ „.�,, � postpone ihc Jue dute of the n�unthly p:rymr.r.ts rcfcrced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of such paymcnts. �
<br /> l l.Burrower Not Released; Forbc�rancc Bv I.nnder Not u Waiver. Extension of thc umc for payment or moditication �� �:.:_-
<br /> �.�s..�._.
<br /> - , :,f a��.����z;..�:,��:��t�c s����;;�curc� by itlli J�L4l ll�%SIIJI�UIIICIII fjlplllCU V�' i.cu�Sc� i�uny �uccr�au� t1I III�L'ICJI U�S07fUWCr�IIi11I '_?..z'-
<br /> �_.
<br /> not operatc to rclease thc liability of the original Borrowcr or Borrower's successors in intcrest. Lender shall nut be required to •r-�
<br /> :�t�,,
<br /> ' commence proceeding�against any successnr in in�erest or refuse to extcnd time f'or payment or other�vise moJify amortization : :l,(.���
<br /> " of the sums securcd by this Securiry [nstrument by rcason of any demand madc by the original Borrower or Bonower's � "• '
<br /> " suceessors in intcrest. Any forbear�ncc by Lendcr in exercising any right or remedy shall not ne a waiver of or prccludc thc ;,;;�:
<br /> „ exercise of any right or mmedy.
<br /> i."
<br /> ' . 12. Successors und Assifins Bound; Jolnt and Sevenil Liubility; Co-si�ners. Thc arvenants and agrcements of this ,
<br /> �, Security lnstrument shall bind and henefit the ,ucccssors �nd �ssigns of Lendcr and Borrower, subject to the provisions of ,
<br /> ° , paragraph 17. I3orro�vcr's covcnants and agrtcntents shall bc joinc and xvcral. Any Borrowcr who co-signs this Sccurity
<br /> Instmment but daex not execute the Niue: (al is co-,igning this Security ►nstrument only [e� mongage, grant and convey that • „
<br /> " Borrower'� intcrest in thc Propeny under thc tcrms of thiti Sccurity Instrument: (h) is not persanally obligated to pay thc sums
<br /> � e• sewred by this Security Instruntent: .ind(c)a�,rces thut Lrnder and any other Borrowcr may agree to cxtend, modify, forbear or
<br /> , � make any accommodatiuns�vith regarJ lu tlie tcrm�ot'this Srcurity[nstrument or the Note withaut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> , . , 13.I.oun Chutq;es. !f the loan ,ecured by thi�Security Instrument is tiubject to a law t�•hirh sets maximum loun cliarges.
<br /> and that law is finally intcrpreted w that the interest or othcr luan�harges cullerteJ c�r tu bc cullected in connection wi�h the
<br /> ,,,r� loan excccd thc permittcd limits,thrn: (a►:my surh loan chargc xhall hc rcJucrd hy thc amount ncccssary to re�lucc thc chargc
<br /> �7' to the perniitted limit: and (h1 any sum>:dreaJy rallectrd fYom Burrou•rr which rxceeJed prr.nitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> . , Borrower. L.ender may choose tn make this rethnd hy rcducing the principal uwe� u�idcr ilic Nolc ur b�� making a direct
<br /> �'�: (�aymcnt to Borrowcr. If a �cl'und redures principul, thc reductiim will hc trcatcd as a partial prcpaymcnt without any
<br /> ��". • prcpaymcnt chargc undcr thc Nc�[c. -
<br /> . , 14.Not[ces. Any noticr to Hi�rrowrr pro�•ided fi,r in this Sccurity Instrument shall l�r given h�•delivcring it or b��mailing �
<br /> it by tirst class mail unless applirable law reyuires usc uf anothcr roethod. Thc notice shall he directed to the Prc�perty Address '
<br /> _ or any other addres, Borrower dcsignatrs hy notirc n� [.cnJe:. Any noticc to Lcndcr tihall bc given by first rlass mail to
<br /> I.ender's address stated herein or any other addrrss Lendcr de+i�nates Ny m�tice tc� Borro��•er. Any notire provided for in this I
<br /> Security lnstrument�hall be JcrmeJ to ha�•c becn Fiven tu Borrnwer ur Lcnder when given ati pruvided in this p:�ragrc�ph.
<br /> „ 15.Govcrnin� Luw: Severul�ilitv. This Scrurit}• lntitrumcnt .hall hc guverned by (cdr�al law anJ thc Icn�• ul thc ;
<br /> jurisdiction in which thc Praperty i� Ic�ratcd. In thc c�•cnt th:tt:�ny provi�iun ��r rlau�c c�f this Scrurity InsnUmcnt c�r thr Nutc
<br />� ' conflicts with npplirablc law, such ronflict shnll nut affcrt cnhcr pruvitiiunti of thi.Scrurity In�irumcnt or thc Niuc u•hirh r.m hc
<br /> ' • �iven effcet without the rcmtlicting prcivision. Tu this end the provisian,uf thiti 3erurity Instrumm�t mid thc N��te are derlared I
<br /> ��' to be severable. I
<br /> „ 16.Borrowcr's Cop��.Horrrnti�cr tihall br givcn onr conti�rnud ropy uf thc N�nr and ul'thi�Srrurity Imtrumcnt.
<br /> Form 3028 9190 i
<br /> i
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