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Hezard fnsurance.Truata chall keep the bulldings und othe�Improrornents nav exls;ln�or heroniter orocted on lho Tiust Properry lnsured Dy <br /> Insurance cnrflorv saNslactory ro Bena�IClery s�alnat loss by fr�hazsrtis lncludod!n fhe te�m't�xtendad covcrege"and such other hazards, <br /> cesualt/es ertd cnntln�nrtcles es mey be requlred by Bertellclary,In such emounts end for such periods as may be roquirod by Bene!lclary.Tho <br /> policy ol Insurance ahall be tn fo�m acceptn6fo to Benoficlary,►rra+lde that the same ma�not Go cancolled or motlilled without filteen(ib)days pr/or _ <br /> wrfttnn naNca ro Benellclary,and sha/l hsve loss paydbb pravlslons/n fevor of andln form acceptabfe to Bonollclary.All premlLms on fnsuwnce <br /> po/lcles shall be pald!n tho manner providcrd under paragraph 4 hereol or,il nof pald/n such martner,by Trustor maidng payment at fea�t fiffeen(ib) _ <br /> ° deys�prior to the due data,dlroC,ty to thn lrtsurance�a�der. AenRllGary ahaU heve tho rlght to hold tho policles and rene�vnls thereot and 7tustor sha►/ __ <br /> � promptfy turnlsh to Banelicfary all renewal notices and a0 pald promlum recelpts recoivad by lt.In no event shall Beneticlary or Tiustee be held <br /> responslvlo/or fallrre ro pay InsurencA premlums or for arry loss a demage adsing out of s detect In srry podcy or arlsing out o1 any fallure d any _ <br /> - '- rasu:sac�companj�!o p��fnr°n;bss e!dsmsge lnsvr[rd sgsfnst nr fnr 12/!a!�P�y TiucM�M aHect the lnsurence requlrod heteander.In tha nvr+nt o! <br /> �"�`�`� loss.Trustor shsll glve prompt notice by mall ro ths insurance cardar and BAnoNclary.Boneliclary msy mako prool ol lass if not mada promptty orin �,i�-" <br /> ___—_,,� prop�r torm by Tiustor.Af!pollcies ol Insuraneo and arry und alf rehmds oi unarrned premiums sre hereriy assignoa ro Bene6c�ary as aaduronal �:�;_�, <br /> ��c;� securiry for tho payment ot the Indobtedn8ss.In the�5vent ol Baneliclary's exerclse o1 the power of sala contalned hereln,or ln ths event of ��� <br /> fonscbsuro,a!1 dDht,tltlo c►nd lnterest of Tiustor/n ond fo ar,y Insurarrce pollcy thcrn!n/ace sha/l pnss to fhe purchasei Af the Wstee's sale or F� <br /> ; lorec.osure safe.!n case o/eny loss,the lnsurance procesds may,at tho optlon of Benellc(ery,be applied by Beneticlary upon the Indebtedness,ur _ _ <br /> - -=_.`a ac�oa»thsreof,nrtd!n suCh otder and amount as Beneflclary mey defermine;or ssld insuranca proceeds,at the optlan of Boneflclary,may eUher � _ <br /> --.*� be used!n replacing or restodng the Trust Propvrry aa�Gei1Y or tataAy deStroyea to a conditron snnstacrury ro nenerlciury;u��niu 6�swa��ee �__ <br /> c,� proceeds,o!erry porlion thereof,may bo released to Tiusror.Unlass Beneflclary and Tiustor othenvlse agree!rt wdtlng,any such spplicstlon ol _ <br />===�i� msurenae proceoUS shal!not axtend 4�pustpone the due date ot rhe No1e,or eny InslaGmen[s callnd for therain,ur change Ihe emuunf ol such ___ <br /> �i'''� lnstallments.ll the Tiust Aroperty!s acqulred by Beneliclary pursuant to the exercise ol the pawvr of sale or other fureclosure, all dght,tltlo and =_- <br />-"'�i"x���-� uu`cio5t vi uiioivi�A.^•T.�:.^.s.:;!^s::'°^^Q P'^!'`-'a�rc n�mb/n as a resu/t of dama_qe ro[he Tiust Property prior fo!he safe or acqulsltlan shell pass fo -_� <br />.4Y3;; ! _ <br />_;;�.�a� 8eneltclary and shs/l be applied first to the costs and exponses,lncluding anomey fees,Incuned m colleoting such procaeds, then/n 1ha menner � <br /> and!n the order provlded hereln. 4 <br /> � ���' 8.P�eservaHon and Melntenence of Tiust Property.Tiusto�wl!!keep ihe buildings and other Improvements now or heroafter erectod on the Tiust � :- <br /> � Property/n good repah and condlNon and wlll not commit orpe�mit waste, wi11 not alter the dssfgn or structural Characte�constituting any building F <br /> ,:_�i_ Y!G,=. <br /> --'�'. now or Irerertfter erected on and constltuting tho Trust Proeprry w�thout the pdor written consont ol Benellclary, will not do any act or thing whlch : <br /> -�� � would undu/y fmpalr or deprec/ate tho value of the Tiust Pnoporty and wlll not abandon 1ho Tiust Properry. Trustor wlll not remove sny lixtures <br /> "="`=`��'• cona'rtuUng thC�Trust Properry uNeSS the seme are lmmedlaiefy repfeced wl(h like praperty sub/ect to the Ilen nnd securlry Intvrost of Mls Oeed ol f A <br /> `�P liust and o/at least eqes!va/ue and�Uliry. Tiusror wlll com,�y►vi�h a!1 prasent and future ordinancos,rogulatiens and requlroments of eny <br /> --"�"n� govemment8f bOdy whlch are epplicAble to the Trust Properry and to the occupancy and use thereot.I/thfs Oned o/Tiust ls on e unit In g �; <br /> "'-� condominium o�a p/anned unit devafopment, Tiusto��haii pedorm all of Tiustor s obligatlons undor the declaretlons or covonants creanng or � . <br />,="-?�','Y'7 =`� <br /> governing fhe condom(nlum or tho planned unit dovelopmonf,tho by/aws and regulatlons of tho condomin/um or planned unit d6vafopment,er�d fhe _ <br /> a�� �:� constituenPdocuments. ��. <br /> .� 9.Inspect/on.Benellcfary ur ifs agents may,at a!1 reasonab/a hmes,enter u�on Ihe Trust Proparty for the purpose ol inspection. Benellcinry shall have .r <br /> ----��'�� no dufy to make such lnspoctlon and shal!not be Ila61e fo Trusto�or to arry person In possossion i!it makes or lalls to mnke any such Ins�ctlon. • ?��� <br />'�'-'�� f0. ProteCtlon ol Secwlty.I!Tiustor lalls to perlorm nny of the covenants and egreements contnined!n thls Deed ol riust,or If any acUOn or proceedfig t; - <br /> °=1���,� Is aommenced whlCh doss or may edversely aHect the Tiust Proporty or tho In�erost o1 i�cstor or Beneliciery thoreln or the Btla of Trusror thereto, <br /> =�-�-_�,� fhen Benellclary,at Jts optlon,mey perfam such covonants and agreements,make such appearartces,defend sc�8lnst and Investlgate such actlon , <br /> __— or procnodinp and take such othor ecNOn as Beneliclery deems nccessary to prolect rts lnterest including,but not Ilmited to,dlsbursemeni of <br /> roasonsble ettorney lees end entry upon the Trust Property to make r+4palrs.Nrry amounts disbursod by Bene�lclary pursuant to mis paregreph 10, <br /> � with Interest themon,shnl!constrtute lndebfednoss ot Tlustor secmed b/thls Oeed o/7rust.Unless Trustor and Benellcary agree to other ferms of <br />" '� �� <br /> poymenf,such amounts shnlf bn payable upon notico Irom 8enelklary 10 Tiustor requestfig pnyment therool,and shall bear Interest from tl�e dato _ <br /> �� of dlsbursement et tho delault rate,il ary,set lorth!n rhe IVOta,or othenvlso at the highest rate permined by law Nothing contalnerJ!n thfs paragreph <br /> - shtrll r�qulro Bnnvliclery to Incur arry expenso or take nrry ecllon Aer9undor. Trusto:lnEnvcabty euthorizvs end empowers Benellclary to enter upon <br /> �' fhe Uust Piopprty as Tiustor's sgent end,In Tiustor's name a othenvlse ro pedorm any and ell covenAnts and agroaments to bo poAormed Cy <br /> ��'r ilustor as horoln provlded.Bnno/lciary shall,et its option, be subrogateo tn arry encumbranco,lien,clnlm a demand snd ro ell dghts and securitles <br />_"lESS�� fvr th9 peyment thereol pald or dlsCharged by 8enellClary under Ihe prwlslons hereol and o�ry such sub�oga0on nghts shell be edditlonal and <br />.�''u�.�' cumulative seCUrity!or thls Deed ol Tiust <br />„�.•,- a <br /> ='-=» •`'LL 11. Condamrtarion.Tho procoods ot erry awa�d or clo�m far damugos,diroct or consequerttte�,!n connccBon wdh erry condemnalbn o�other taking ol the <br />���;:i; �'•' Trosf PropOrty,o►Arry parl thereol,or fo�convsyance rn lieu ol or!n nntlGpat/on of condomnetlon,orr�homby asslgned to and Shall be paid to <br />•yy..�;, o. <br /> BenellClory�Tiusror�vlll ple and prosecute,!n good loith end with duo drligence,its clalm lor any such ewartl or paymvnt.9ntl wi//causo the seme ro be <br /> `'��� cot/ecNd and pald to Benel'klary,end,shoufd!t fail fo do so.Uuslar inewca6y authorizes and ompowors Beneficiury,In the name ol Tiustor or <br />.y7'i" . <br /> �`�� ^ othonv/sat to fil�prosecute,settie or compromiso a�ry such clalm end ro collect,receipf for and�etam the procosds.If the Tivst Properry Is ebendonod <br />'`_'��; `� Dy 71uSfo�or,afror notico by Benehclary fo?)ustor th&t tho candemnor o8ors ro maks an award o�setlle a clalm tor damages,Truslor fuils to respond to <br />';:��° ". Benelicfnry withln thlrry f30)days altar lhe dete such notice rs m�'ed, BenQficfary Is nuttrorized ro co!lect and appty thn proceeds in the manner <br />;:r;,�� Indir,eted heroln. The proceads ot ony awarcl or dai�m m�y,aBcr deducNnq all reasonabJe cosis and expensos,mcluding atfornoy feos, whlch muy have <br />__•'.:..'!;i$�:f beenlncurrod by Bene(iGary In tho colloctiUn thvmot, ot the sole dacretion ol BnneGCrdry,bo roleased to Tiusto[applled to rostoranon o1 Tiust Property. <br />` or applied to the payment o!tho Indebtednoss. Unless BenellGary end irusto�othenvise agree!n wri�ing,arty such applicatian of proceeds to I <br /> :A`�{t�'�� Indobtcdness shtt;l not extend or posfpona the due date of tho Nole or the payment ol any installments called for thorsundec . <br /> =:.F`v- . . 12, iNStor Not Raleased.Exfonslon ol tho tlmo!or�pt+yment or malrflcafJOn d a/sy amortrzetlon ot the Indobtedness grantod by Benefic�ary ro any <br />-:�,;�1• s�icCessor(n Fnterost ol Trustor shall not opomro ro re/easo. In eny mpnno�tho liabiliry ol irustor snd Tiustor's succassors in mtorvst.Bvnofic(ary shall <br /> -._._�'°"�` not bo requlrod[o commQnco procv�edings agelnst such successoror roluse ro oxtond timo furpayment or othenviso modlty emomratlon ol tho <br /> - • i,.�.�c---a..ese,u.iJ u�v`(umanri mana fw TiuSfo!017d iN3t0YS SUCCO850I5 111 111fElBSt. <br />__... _ - .......�...��.._'_'� "'__ _ _.. <br /> '� v ta Flnnncisl lnlormntlon.Upon roquost oi Benehctary, Trustor will pralde to Bene/lciery, wifhin nlnory(90)days of tho close ot Qach liscal yoer ol <br />—��" ' Tiustor, the consolidatod belancv Shoet end Statemont of Qamirrgs of Tiustor ond Qny and 911 guAranrorS o/tho lntlobtadness svcured horeby.if 8ny, <br />`.+��_�' ertd wiii provfdo and dellvor to Sonef�clary such other financlal inlormation and rn such manner as 8enellctary may rousonab/y mquost�rom time to <br /> .. � iima <br />' �i,_ <br />'.�.;`'R 14. FinanCfvl COVenents.In additfon to ttrry other IlnanClA1 covenonfs of 7lusror mado In any other pgroemc+nL�nsnumon[or documont, Tiustor shnll I <br />_.}�i��`- compty viith and shall cuuse any and al!gut+rvntors of fhe Indobtedness securod hvreDy to comply wlth,or bo�n compllance wrth, tho fullowing � <br /> :;,�}�ti linencfttl covonents:(Thls paragrvph shall not opply il covonenis and ntqulromonts are not set lorth horom.) <br /> 1G 5chodulo ot LtlBSas. WRhln ten(10)ddys n/tor domund,Titrslor shell fwnlsh to Bene/lciary a schodule,certd:ed to by?rusto�salling/orih all loases <br /> �'�. • o!tho Tiust�ropnrty,or orty port(on themof,lncludinc�In oach case, the name of tho tenants or occupants,o dt?SCnption o!tho spaco occupfod try <br /> �t•' suCh tenent or oCCUpnnt,fho rontol ptryAbla lor suCh spBCe,and suCh othor informatron and documonts with rospoct to such lQasos und lenanaos <br /> os Beneliclary may roasonab/y roquost. <br />=;:,�r�s` 1l�Covenants of hustor wlth Respoct to Lenses Wdhouf fhe p�ior wntten conser,t ol8eneliciary. Tiustor sh.all not.d�recdy or mdlrocdy,wdh respeet to <br />,`;#�:t;::� any loltse 01 spaCA!n th0 liust Property,or uny portlon thoroof, �vhether Such lease(s now or herealter m oxistctnce. <br /> ., '.� <br />