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<br /> � � � (n W w� � �' __
<br /> � I �, � � � __.___
<br /> � �.
<br /> -----= Deed of Trust °�"" -
<br /> - --—_= 61AlVKS � �"�•,
<br /> ] ER�'RL:,
<br /> I./
<br /> th d une , 19 ,by end beMgen �Y�}LL• �1B4La.�-. \ r=-
<br /> _ = TH13 DEED OF TAUST Is mada fhls ay ol �:-
<br />- -= 8 Birigle AernoA _ _whother one or mora �hereln�ter cel.'sd the "Trustor'), s�'^�.':
<br /> wtrosomNiingeddressls_.�6 -�3?W—G0�1ege.a (`°and IPlands P7 6A80� . �_�""`
<br /> - NOAWESTQANK Nebraska. National Aesociation (heralneferce►bdtho"Truatee"),whosemaldngaddres�ls ;�;_'�_
<br /> - --^° � 202 W Third. Xand IOZand. NE ,end NOAWESTBANK ivehraa{�,� Nat�onA1 Aseociat��_,(heielnaftei ��-
<br /> '� .,,.,-.
<br />�-4�'- caUedtl►a�Be►�e!lclary�,whosemeJGrgeddressls 2Q3_ Thi',Cd.� �rand Ieland�NF 68801 . �
<br />-:��_--� • �.
<br /> - --<����� YvlT'iJt.S�'ET'ri. -
<br /> __ _- WHER64S Trostorls lnde4ted b eene!!clsryln tho P�nclpal sum d FORTY TFIOUSAND AND N0,(100----------------~---- �.,'-;�
<br /> - DoXels(S���Q�9-�-�1,whlch lnde�Otedness!s eWdent�Bd by 7luatora prDmiss;.;y note dafed .Tune 19 ,18�-,(he�elrtelte►
<br /> -,d.i_it�ilirJ.J . ��;r.
<br /> = callAd the"NOte"),pa,aL�la ro the ordor d Berteflclary and having e matunry d�li!��—� ��i�; �+_:;-�
<br /> —=�' NOW.THEREFORE•,!a the purpaSe of aticuring: '�
<br /> -��'=-�ni (a)paymerrt ot tlte Note1 together w/th lnterr3st thereon.laro charges�PrePayment penalUes erry futura advences and e!I exter:sbn�mod�dlcetlo�rs �i•^�
<br />�,�i„riai,.:�s',.''� gnhctHiAJrv�c end ranewals NfF100% �f+',n,f,�:
<br />��"���� (b)peyment ol all othe►sum;�ibes or cherge�together with irtterest thereon,edvenced to protect tho securlty ol this Deed d Trust and Ute per/amance �fi�
<br /> �x�,_;:
<br /> ;��� d the cavenanta and sgmements ol Tiusro�whether or not set fonh harein, 1�'+���
<br />':v,cT,______ (o)performanpe�dischsrge d end Comp!lance wlfh e+�ery tenn,caenant obilgaUon and agreement o/Tiusto�contalneC hert+In or Incorpora�ed by �_�_=-
<br />'�r�pi:y,1� reference a ary ofher secu�fty Insvument at afyttmo ghen to secure the Notes and =-__
<br /> �����s,� (�U�e repayment o►NI other sum9 0✓future advancos,wllh lnterest thereon,whkh msy herefolore haw been or hereafter be aWenced by Beneflc/ary to �_""
<br /> ��.�i� Trustor a liastor'a successor In lnterest or utla 'Y�=�-
<br />-�..:1,:,�m ell d whkh!s herelneKer coUecBreJy culled the"Indebtedness';Tiusbr lnu+rocabfy grants end uansfers ro Trustee,!n bust.WITH POWEA dF SALE,the
<br /> _._=�:x;;y�S� followingdASC►ibedproperfy: .,N;
<br />--=`:"'�"'''s� Lat 6. Block 70. Original Town now City of Grand Island, Hall County� Nebraska.
<br /> _��--��� &�,_'.
<br /> �",_:;
<br />_..,�,,�.• _
<br />'��---�_��= togettier with(�all bulldings,sWCtu�e�eddltlons,enlarpoments modidcatlons,�epalrs,replacements,and lmpmvements now a hemaltor located thereon, q��.
<br /> `_��� p!)ell equlprr+ent machN�ery end fixlmes pncluding,wlthout limltatlon,all LghUng,heatlr:g,yentlaUrtg,cool.jng,slr condiNoNng,spdnkfing end p/umWng _
<br /> � � lixtures�water and pawr system�engfnes,boller�range�aerts,dlshwasharR mlmors end mantels,curpetlng,lumace�oll bume�ele+ratvrs and
<br /> -��+�=a! motor�rn(rJgeraUan plsnts or unit�communkatlon syst�m�d}mcuno� dansformor&electrkel equlpment,storm and scnsen wlndows,doors,fnvMnga and
<br />--_—= shades)►row or hornafte�atteched t0.or bullt!n,any buJlding lmprowment or Improv�mant now or hemafter bcated thereon,(r0)all easwmenis and dghts of
<br />_----- s wey appu►tenent thereM(N)aD feasohold estat�dghti ddo end 1nto�esf d Tiusror!n end ro atl boseS whether now or heruelter exlsNng or entered mto ,
<br /> '�Y`"s�" (1ncluding,wlthoul limfeetlon,all cash end secudty daposlt�adiance rentals end deposlts or pa�ments ol a s/mllar natur�),pertaln/ng theretq(v)all�ents, r��„
<br />::�`•��:�� Isstees,prd'ds end lncome tlterefiom(subJect to the ilghf d Tiustor fo colkct and appy such innt�fssues,protits and lneome as they become duo and '�,,
<br /> '��'' payaWe so long as no went d de/euR exlsts heiwinder),(vp a!1 roysftlBS,mU�erel,ol!end ges Nghts snd proldS watet wefer Hghts,and watsi stoCk,(vil)sl! .,,,,�:
<br />-°:,'.�,�� tengrt►e►�t�herodrtameatS privlleges end eppurtanances bobnglr,g,used or enJoyed In connectlon theiewllh,and(vflq sll proceeds oi comrerslon,voluntary ;'#�
<br />='=-����'° w lmnfuntary,ol any ol the foregoing/nto cash or Itquldatsd clsims(!ncluding,wlthout IimRatlon,proceods ol lnsure�co end condemnaUon awards),stl ol i�
<br />_� - ��' wh/ch Is herelnalter collecWay cal!ed the"Trost P�oparty':
<br /> ��''ri'.
<br /> =.�`e;;`, 1. RUa Trusta caw+rants,wairants snd egraos wilh Benefictary,Rs suc�ssors and asslgn�that Tiustor own�the Tlust Property Iree►rom eny prbr llen
<br /> "�;��+,�'�,•. •}', or srtcumbrar►Ce,thet thls Deed of T1ust Is end wllf remaln a va0d and enforaeable first Ilon on the Trust Property,thai ivsto6 et!ts expense�wlll
<br />--��`; �• prese+v+o such tltk�and wl11 mufntaln th/s Daod d Tiust as a Nrst and paramount Ilen upon Ihe 1Yust Property end wlll foreuior warrant and defend tho ,
<br />-1:-;;;,;;' -; vaildiry and pHodiy of the Iien heieoi egalnst the cls/ms of alf persons artd partles whomsotnrer. Tiustor,at Its expense,wl/1 cause thls Deed ot Trust.
<br /> � '. and ench amondment or supplament hersta�to ba Uled end recorded as a mortgago d the Tiust Properry!n such manner and!n such plece snd w1U
<br />�,��;�•`:"" � tetro suct►acUort es!n the oplrrbn of Trostoe may be requlrod b�a►y present or/uture law fn orcler ro perlect,mafnteln and protsct Ihe llen ol thls Oced
<br /> � � ��• ol Dust es tho same may be emencbd or supplementsd Irom tlma ro t/ma Tlusror wlil maAro such lurther essumnco or assu�ances to perfect!ts tlUe to
<br /> ^��,•��� the Tiust Property es may be iequlrod Uy Benef�Iary.llustor heiet�y relinqulshes till rlght W dower and homestead In and to the Trust Property.
<br />::t:.
<br /> >,• r `'�. 2.Peyment ol lndebtt�dnes�Trusror ahal!punctualy pay the princlpal d m�d lnt�rost on fhe Indebtedness secured heretr�
<br />..;�;.:�` f•, � 3l ConsGucUon a/Improvcmont�irustor shalJ com.plete fn good entl wakmtuilike manner e�y bulidin�s,fmprovements o�repalrs refatlng[hereto which
<br /> " may bo bogun on Me Trusf Proporty or contempiatsd 6y the fosn evldancod by lhe Notn secumd hemby,to psy when due all costs end Ilabllftlos
<br /> ''�:'',``� incum�d Uroreforn,and nof to pemrtt any consWCtlon lfen ogalnst such Trust Property.In fho e�ront conswcdon o1 burldirtgs,lmprovemants or repa�rs
<br /> � ��' nro ConfampluMd, Austor efso egtee.s,anythfng In thls Qeed ol Tiust ro the ConGpry nofwlfhstanding;(a)b promptty trommonat erry such work and ro
<br /> '"- complote tha proposed Impro+roments promptly,(b)to compkrto tho same In accoMance wilh tho plans end spectlicaBons as opprwe�b/BonoflGary,
<br />= y���-;, (c)to COmpy wl�h e!1 the terms ol a bullding loen s�reement N ery,beMroon liusto►and Bonoflclory,tho farms ol whfch ere Incovpo�ated he�eln by
<br /> :,�:;..., _.,,k, rekr�rBrtce end rr.edo e psrt hereM, (�[o n11ow 8eneflclury(o lnspect ihe iluct Properry at ell Umes during constructlon,and(o)ro rttp/aco arry work or
<br /> .J�.�L t�..�
<br /> -.,, .•••' rtltt(0/18f9 U/iSBOSftiCNry[o ve�rrciary wiiimr r`rr``cun j ioj v'aru m�oi i�nimn nvw'a uv�rr:o�.m�-:�.�..�.�...o....
<br /> - �'��';:���` � FunB�for PdymonJ ol Cha�os Su6,bcf trt�aApllcable lew or to o w�ltton wahror by BortofiGnry, 7►usror shnll pay ro Beneficlary on tho lirst day ot ench r
<br /> `-�:�:t�, month,or such olher d8te each monlh os mey De spocll/ud by BeneflC/nry,und!tho Indebrodnnss(s pald In lull,u sum(herofnaftur cnllvd the"Funds') �'
<br /> ••: ,, , oqual to 1/i2U►o/the yefu�y tczms and assessmonts wh/ch r»ay ettaln p�loriry over fh ls Doed o f Tros t a n d g r ou n d re n t s o n t h o n u s t F Y op erry,i f arry,p l u s
<br /> m
<br />' '>,-,��, t/72th of tho}ren►ty premlum/nstal/monts tor hazsrd lnsumnr,o,pG.is f/t2th of tho yeady premtum fnstnllments for mongage Insurance�if arry,all us
<br /> • �:;;.,�t',,�.; r a e s 6 n a b+}�ostima.'ed/nllly�tind Imm dn,a to Cme b y 8eneficlary on tho basls o!essaSSmonts and bllls end reasortable ostlmates thered. 7'he Funds I
<br /> ;•s r°+- shn/l bo hekl!n an lnsUtuUon.tho doposlts or eccounts ol wh/ch are Insured or gunranteed by a lodoml or stato agency lnc1uding Boneficlary.
<br /> . �,,,;•>.`• • BenefiG�ary shnll app/y tho Funds ro pay sNd taxos,nssessments,Insurancct promlums and graund rsnts.Beneficlary shall not bo ruqulrsd ro pay �:
<br />-• - � Dustnr cury intorest or ortmings on tho Funds ReneflGary sha/1 glvo ro Tiusto�wlthout chnrpn,an annual accounting d the Funds shavrng crodits and j;•.,,
<br /> ' � ' dpblts to Ihe Funds anA the purposo fo►which o9ch debtt to tho Funds was mttde. Tho Funds aro pladgod as&dUiffona!sacuriry for the Indobtednoss l.
<br /> �., :�h " sacur�d by thls Ueod of Trust.BCr1a emount o!Iho Funds h0/d 6y BUneficlury,fogethor wllh the futuro month/y(nsto/Jments o�Funds payablo pdor lo � �.;'
<br /> .� �"'� tho duo da[as oi texea ctssossmrt�+ts,Insur�n[:e pmmlums and gruund ront�shall oxccted thv amounJ raquired to pay sald tnxes.ass�essmenta I
<br />�-';,~..:.q'�:i,. lnsurance promlums nnd ground mnts as ihay f�l!du0.such oxcosa shall be�at TiusMr s opUen,o([her promptfy repald to Trustor or cmdRVd to Trusror I
<br /> �:�':� . ',�?�''' I ..
<br /> n�c rz�m Mro m.ya•iso»ei
<br /> , ,)�;.���/
<br />