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.�.".f{". . . , . ..,���r"Tfil..^;!�_--- <br /> t��+t^,:�' _ - <br /> .y:�_ ,-".>>��,��.-�.�-.._. _ --. - <br /> ' ..�� - -- - - - - - - <br /> :,s �:��" _ ' - <br /> :�z.�.i.��"...'J�. �.�.�. '?rs"'�"Ft rt'i4^_-'P.'rE'�".;.+f"'!rtr �.��ae�••r.:a./� -- - ' ^�- <br /> —1 . <br /> s <br /> � ---._°��. �.s_�_�._._�.�_�:._��-,i..�.a,��+.4�rf.�:-=_".• �_�a�,�..,=�.��:.:....h.m,�,...�'��'.,c�a�:�i:a`�=•--�- - - <br />.__-_-_--iws"i --- . �an......�--------- -- <br /> . _ __ T :.,. . --___-_"_�-_ .. ___"._ . __""_. - � . _.-. <br /> '., . .. �. . .. .. .. . �l <br /> - -_.�..n..�v\.��. �`���V `1111M�.k��i�r w I� .' —_ <br /> — !7.'l'rwnsfex oP Ihe i'r�q►�rty or�Brnef�clat Interest hi ilorrrnw�er. If'«ll ur n�ty pun af t�c Property ar m�y intcrest in i�e <br /> is r•.nIQ ur Ira+itit'crrct!l��•if n bcncliciul intcrest in i3oric�wcr iR sold tir tr�nsfcrrcd An�l l3orrov�cr i4 not u n�tu�al person)without <br /> L'.cn�lcr'�; prlc�r writtcn cunticnt. I.c��dtr �noy. +it its o��ion,c�:clu6�c immcdintc p�iymcut in fdll af nll sum9 secucal by �I�is <br /> 3c+:urity Intitnmicnt.Nawcver,�his uption shaH not be exerelsecl by I.e�tder if exercfse is proltibisecl by feQeral la�v as of the c�ate <br /> -- _----- -� of 1hiW Security instr�anent. <br /> if I.o�tder excrcise5 tlifti option. I.ender shaU g ive l3orrawLr uuiice uf aca:tc��.�tion.The r.mice sliall providc n�c+'i�d of'not _____ <br /> Icss tF�an 30 duys front thc dntc thc noticc is deliverc�or mailed within whirh Iiorrawcr inust pay �ll sums secured by this <br /> -'°� Security Instnimcnt.lf Rarrawer fails t�pay thcsc sums prior co tlic expiratian of this perinsl,Lcnder may invuke any rcmedies <br /> permittcd hy this BccurUy Insirumcnt without funher notfcc or dcm�nd a�Aorrowcr. <br /> ».__ _ .. 1R, !k►rnc►u�er's Rlght to Reinstate. If Rcen•owcr inzets ccrtain conditions, Borrower shall have thc risht to liave — <br /> cnforcenzcnt af this Sccurity lns�rimient Jiscantinued ut uny time prior tc� tlic earlier of: (a)S Jays (or such other peri�d ns <br /> -_ ._-_-- ---.-__ upplicnhtc Inw ntay s�ecify for reinstntemcnt) I�cfore snlc of the Prc�perty pursuant ta uny pawer of salc containai ire this <br /> Securtty ins[rument;or(b)entry uf a judsment enforcing this 5ecurity lnstrument.Thase conditicros nre thut IIorrowee(a)t,ays <br /> Lend�r all sum�whicli then �vould be due under this Security lnstrument and the Note as if na nccelerati�n had ciccurred; (b) <br /> cures:uiy defu�alt nf nny other covenants ur agreernents; (c�pays aU expenses incurred in enforcing this Securily Instrinment, <br /> including, but not limitul to,reasonable attarncys' fees;And(d)takcs sucl�action as L.ender muy rcasonably rcyu►re to assure <br /> - tliat dte lien of this Security Instrument. I.ender'E rights in the Property and Borrower's ahligation to pay tl�e sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall coneinue unchanficd. Upon reinstatemeni by Borrower, this 5ecurity Ir�strument and the <br /> — ubligations securccl hcreby s6a11 rcmain fully effcctivc as if no accelcration had occurred.However, this right to reinstate shall <br /> - � not apply in the cuse of acceler�tion under paragraph 17. _ _ _ <br /> - 19. Sale of Note; Chunge of I.onn Servlcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (lugetli�e with this Sccurity <br /> � Instrument)may be sald one or more times without prior notice to Barro�ver.A sale may result in a change in the entiry(known <br />- -___�=�=��;�;�F;� a;th�`I.oan Serviccr"} �I�;�i cuil��ts rau��ttity pay���Y.s dttC ur�cr tttc T.:�oF�»nd thi�cerur�ry Inctrument.There also may be one �_� <br /> z — o, ,mnC c�anges of th�e Laaa Scn�icer unrelated to a sale�f�he there is a change of the Iuan Servicer,B€�rrok•er will be _ <br /> :�� � given written notice of the change in uccord�nce with paragraph 14 above and applic�blr law.The noticc will st�tc ttte nume and <br /> nddress of the ne�v l.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be m:��e. Thc natice �vill alsu cantain any other ��;.� <br />--- �;;;%� information reyuired by applicable law. �. <br /> - --'-"-""° 20. I�azardovs Substunce.v. Honower shall not cause or perm9t the presence, use, disposul. stora�e, or rclease of ni�y <br /> �'"�":°`� IIazardous Substances on or in the Prorr.ny. Rc�rrower shall n�t do, nor allo�v anyone else tn do, anything affectin� the �_ <br />-""="�..s����� <br /> ;���;;� Property that is in violation of uny Environmcntal Law. The preceding two sente�ues shall not app!}� tu thc presence,use, or <br /> ���' � storage on the Praperty of small qu�ntities af Ilazardous Substances that are generally rccoo'nitiect to be appropriate ro norn�al � <br /> -"':.'�"� , ,� residential uses and to maintenance af the Propeny. <br /> "'•=7`�'�J =� �;;��! ••r,•^+ fi� �.iv�,i ender�vritten noeice of an} imestigation, claim, demand, Inwsuit or adter actian by n�y <br /> �-� �- �a,+r:iw Pi"vI'rv'r'rv �. •••••�^� o� . s.._. <br />_w�� rµ2i4A governmental ar rogulatary agency or privnte pany involving the Properry and any Hazardous�unstancc or Envi�uuuicidn, ° <br /> '`� of which Borr.ower has actual knowlcdge. lf 8orcower leams, or is nonfted by any govcrnmental or regulatary nuthority.that <br /> �':. ---.:- <br /> any remuval ar othcr remedintion of any Hazardous Substanre affcc:ting thc Property is nccessary, Borrower shall promptly takc �__, <br />.����.� alt ueccssnry remedial actions in accordance with Envi�conrnental Law. --• <br /> ----- As used in this para�raph 20. "Ha•rardous Substances' are chose subs[ances defined ar toxic ur hazardous substance�by __ <br />�'°�"""�.� Environmental Law and the following substunce�: gasoline. kerosene, other Flammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic _ <br /> ---=��;;;;;,;.;�,;3;� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos ur fo�maldehyde,und radioactive msterials.As used in �,: <br /> --=:,,�;5,•'�t�;,� this paragraph Z0, "Environmental L,aw" me.�ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located that <br />.�_�.�������:�� relutc to hc��+lth,safcty or environmental protection. �_ <br /> =_T:�r�: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Aorrrnvcr and L,endcr f'urthcr covcnant snd agrcc as follows: �=i <br />�.-Y a 21. Accelerutton;Remedies. I.ender shnll�Ive notice 2o Borrmver pri��r to ncccleratiun follmstng Iiorro�ver's brestch �r:rr. <br />-"�'�2y��. of any covennnt or ugreement in this Saturlty Instr�ment (but not prtor to uccelerutton under para�ruph 17 unless ��ti- <br /> -.:�,�_:.. (b)the actton reyuired to cure the defaiulh -�, <br /> ,..:_S.►��?; upplictjble law provtdes otliensise). 7'he nottce sl�ull specff3: (a)thc defnult; �� <br />--��-`��=:3:_ (c)a dnte,not l�ss tl►an 30 day�+from the date the nutice is glven to Borri►wer, by whfch the default must be cured;nnd ____. <br />-�r:.,:_�;�;:�'` (d) that inilure tu cure the default on or betore the date spe.cified i� the notfce muy r�.wult in acceleration uf the sums � <br /> ;;--::�c�; ' secured by tl�is Security Instrument nnd sate of the PrapQrtp. The notice s6u11 further Inform Borrower uf the ri�ht to _ <br /> refnstnte after uccelerntion and the ri�ht to br[n�; u court nction to assert the nun•existence of u default or nny other <br />-�����'3,� defense of Rorro�ser to accelerution and sale. I[the dcFuult fs not cured on or before Yhe date speciffcd In tlm notice� <br /> ' '` Lender, at its option, may requirc immediutc payment(n full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrument without •' <br /> � � �'�it. <br />°�•';,, 6urt6cr�lemand nud may invoke the power of sele i�nd nny otl�er remedie.ti permitted bv appltcable luw. Ixnder shaU be :..� <br />' �' � entitled to col'oct ull expenses incurred in Q�u�suin�the remedi�provided in this puragrnph Z1,including, bat nut limited _ <br /> :_.r...... <br />-- to,reasc�nable attorncys' fees und costs of'title evtdence. <br />-�.%+,i:;i.„-.�: • If the pa�ver of sate is invoked. Trustee shull r��core!u notice uP default In each cuunty in which any part of the <br /> '`''� � Pro{serty is Dacated and shull mail co�ims of such not[ce In the munner pr�scribed by appltcable lu«• to Borro�ser s�nd M <br />::-.��;:.. , . , <br />'F�-,:,,�+z�� the other parrsans prescribed by applics�mle Iv�v. After the time reyuired by applicable la�c,Trustee shall give public notice �: <br /> - = :.w",�'��" of snle to the persons and in tt�e munner�re�crfbed byuppltcable Inw.Trustee,with��ut dcmand on Borrawer,shall sell ' <br /> "' :'°�;';( =' the Property :it publ[c auction to thc highest bidder at the time and place und under the terms designuterl tn the notice of <br /> ��. � <br /> ;y� sale In one or mom parcels und in uny ordcr`Prustee determfnes. �'rustee may postpone sule of all or any parcel of the <br />- �-�z"="'i ' Property by publie muiouncement nt the time nnd place of unv prev[ously sclieduled sale. I,ender ur its desl�nee�nar� <br />'-f:';':.:�_"+� pmrhASe the Property nt nny snlc. <br /> . . .. -k���� <br /> �,: Form 3028 8/90 <br />' _. ., ' .��� PaBe 5 0l 8 <br />- hb,��� a 1�'�. r <br />..,:i • • ._. ._��-._. <br /> _.__ _�—__.� "__..--_-""_'�._.__�—..._.. .... ...... . __ <br /> . � , - � . <br /> • ----.__._....--... ..-- ...-- --'-"_.--.�—,_.;,.�" ,...�`..�-._-�-�..`an,n'�c'wz'T-7c�' <br /> . . ,'.."._.�___._.T _.. -� _ - ,,�,� , . .. . �,i'. <br /> . .. ., .i:,;�' . ' <br /> - .. ' . . _ .. '.,.S:i: � . . . <br />.' ' ., ' �f . ' .. . . -.. . � . �) . . <br /> �� .. � . , . ..-`i+ .' . �1.` . <br /> . . _ `' <br /> " . . . .. . . � . � <br /> � - .. - . .. . . 1) <br />.v` ' ' . - ''� .• .. . ,�i ' � '• ''I��'�T NY�,.'_�'r/ .. ' ' �� .. . <br /> :f� <br />- . . .� . .. ' - . .. .� . .. . .. � �__ " ._ ..-_-.��__ '1 <br /> . <br /> ' _.___�r�� ..... _ —.._ �l. ..___- <br />