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<br /> �mymcnts ma;�!lrmgcr bc ce:quired, at tl�c n�tictiu uP Lec►dcr, if murtgug�inr,�irancc c�wcrugc lin�tiL�"a���fit u►Ht fnr�hr.�+adod _
<br /> thxt l,crxicr rcyuirus)pruvid�l hy w� i�zsurcr uppr�►vo�1 by l.c�xicr ugKin i�c<rn�es uvaltublc ntxl ia nbtrinod. &►r�uwer hfqJY p�y
<br /> !ho(�rcmfuim required to maintulp mortgnge Innurc�nce In cifcct,nr tu prnvide u lc�ss reserve,until�he requireinent for�,ngag� -
<br />� insurancc cnds in accordancc with Any wrttttn ngrecmcnt bctwccn i3arrawcr and l.�txicr i�r npplicuble{uw.
<br /> 9.I�pectinn. L,cnder ar its n,ent rnay n�ake rcasonablc entries upan utxf is�specdnns af thc Pr��periy. i.endcr shall givc
<br /> Borr�wer noticc at Qic time uf or prior to an inspectic�n specifying reusonable cause for the inspection. _
<br /> lQ. Condemnattan.The proceeds�f uny uward or cl�eim f�or dumri�es, direct or cnnscyuenti:il, ln cunnectinn with any
<br /> candemnatian or other takin�af xny part�f tite Pruprity,ur for co►►vcytu�ce in licu of candcrr:�ation,sr�hercby r.ssigncd anJ �_
<br /> shall bc paid to Lcndcr.
<br /> An the event of a totnl taking of the�Pr�perty, ihe proceeds shAll be applied to the sunis secured by this Se�urity Instrument, �-
<br /> whether or not then duc, with any cxcess paid to Borrowcr. In die event of a partinl taking of the Pronerty in which the fair
<br /> mnrket value of the Propeny imme.diatcly before the tnking is equnl to or grcater than the mnount of the sums secured by tl�is
<br /> Security Instrumenc immedintely before the taking. unless H�rcower and I..ender othenvise agree i�i writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Ir�strument shall be reduced by d�e amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediatcly before the tuking, divided by (b) the fair markct vulue of the Pr�perty immr.diately
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid 4o Bocro�ver. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair . ___
<br /> market value of the Property immediately beforc thc takirg is Icss th;u�the nmaunt of the sums secured immedixtely before the
<br /> takir,g,u�Hess Borrowe►•and Lender othcrwi�e agrec in writing�r unlcss applicable law othenvise provides, the proccecls shall
<br /> be apphed to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrum:.nt wheth�.1•or not the sums are thcn due. �
<br /> If the Proparty is abandonec!by Borro::�er,ns i�,afi�� naiice by I.ender t��iorrower that the eondemnor offers to mt�Ce an =-
<br /> pward or settle a clnim for dama�cs, Harrower f1il�to respond to Lender wi[hin 30 days aftcr thc dai�the noticc is•giv�n.
<br /> I.ender is nuthorized to collect and apply the praceecls,at its aption,either to restoration or repair of the Property ar tu the 9wns
<br /> s�curecl by this Security Instrument,���hether or not then due.
<br /> iJalcas L,cnder a�td Borrower oUierwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to priuciptal slioll not e�tend or �-
<br /> postpona the duc date of the rnonthly paymcnts referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower lrlcet�teteased;rorbearanze�y Lender Not u'Waiver.Extension of thc tirnc for payuient or modification
<br /> of amartizntion of the sums secured by this Security]nstrument grinted by L.ender w any successor in interest of Burroaer shnll
<br /> not operate to release the liabiliry of the original Borrower or�orrower's successors in interest. I.ender shnll not be required to _
<br /> commence proceedings ugainst uny successor in interest or refuse eo extend time for payment or othenvise modify nmorti;cAtion -
<br /> of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Borrower or Bo�rower's
<br /> succcssors in intcrest. Any farbcurance by Lender in cxercising any right or remedy shall not bc u wuivcr of or precludc the -
<br /> exercise of uny right or rcmedy. —
<br /> 12. Sttccessors and Assigns Bound;Joint and 5everal I.iability; Cu-si�ners. 'Chc covenunts :ind agrcements of this =
<br /> Security Instniment shall bind nnd benetit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, sabject to the provisions of
<br /> parngraph 17. Horrower's covenan[s and abreements tihall be joint and several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security —
<br /> Instcument but docs not cxccutc thc Notc: (a) is co-signing this Sccurity Instrumcnt only to mortgagc, gr.int and cnnvcy that R.,�.
<br /> Sorrower's intercst in thc Pruperty undcr thc tcrms af this Sccuriry instrumcnr.(h)is not pcnonally obligated tu pay thc sums R'•—
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)abrces that Lw:ndcr and any other Borrawcr may ugree W cxtcnd, modify,forbcar or
<br /> mnke au►y accommalations with rcgnrd to che tcrms oF this Security Instruncent or the Nute without that Borro�ver's consent. ""�
<br /> 13. Loun Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,• �``'
<br /> P�..._.
<br /> and t{iat law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan rharges collected or to be collected in cannection with the a-_-�
<br /> L"__ _
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan chargc sh.dl be reduccd by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the ptrmitted limit; and (b)any sums slready collected from Borrower which exceeded perniitted limits�vill be n:fundui to �`-:
<br /> Borrower. L.ender ma choo�c t� make this refund b reducin the rinci .�I �nved wider the Nate ��r N makin i direct r`�`
<br /> Y Y F p P' Y � � - -
<br /> payment to Borcowcr. !f a refund ruluccs principal, the reciuction �vill he trcatcd as a p:�rtial prepaymcnt �vithout any `
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. =
<br /> 14. Noticcs. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Sccurity Imtrumcnt shall hc rivcn by dclivcring it or by mailing
<br /> it by flrst r.lass mail unless applirable law rcyuircti use of anod�er methoJ. Thc nuticc ,hall be d6r�tited to the Propcny Address
<br /> or any ot�er address Borca�ver desi�;nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by tint class m:ul to �
<br /> i.ender's address stated hcrcin or any other uddress L.cndcr dcsignates by nutice to Burro�vcr. Any noticc providcd for in this
<br /> Security Instrument shall be dcemed to have bccn givcn to Borrawer or Lendcr�vhen gi�•en as provi�al in thix para,zraph.
<br /> I5. Govcrnittg Law; Sevetabil(ty. Tbis Security Instrument shall be govcincd by f�Ylcral law and Uie law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that a►�y provision ur rlause i�f this Securiry Instrurrte�tt or die N�ne
<br /> cunflicts with applicablc I:►w, such contlict shall not affect othcr provisions uf this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc Notc�vhinc�an bc
<br /> given effect without the cont7icting provision. To tbis end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note arc declarai
<br /> to be severable. ( .,
<br /> 16.Dorro+rer's Cuny. Borrower shatl be given one confom�eJ copy of the Nute and of this S��:urity Instniment. �
<br /> I
<br /> Form 3020 9190
<br /> Paqo 4 uf 0
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