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<br /> 17'.'CrAnnfrr of the Prsiperty or p iE�net{cla!Intercwt iu ik►rrower. If all or any purt af t i� ru}�ry x�r uny 10!Ci'C9t 1I7 II
<br /> is sold or transferrcd(ur if a bencf�cial i��tcrest i�j Livn•ower is sold ar transferreJ aud[i��rrowcr is�w:u netural perwn)wi►tn�wt
<br /> Lt;�xicA•'s �srinr writtcn cimsont, l.�ndcr may, at its uptic�n, rcquire immcdiatc p,�ynxnt In full aC tdl ��+tnv �ctiurccl by thin
<br /> Srcurity In,tr�iment. However.this option shall not bc oxercisecl by I.x►xicr if cxcrcise is prc►hibired hy f��lcTUl law u.s uf the da�
<br /> ..
<br /> af this�'cc��rity Insuument.
<br /> - ' It'Lcnder rxen:i�es iiiis uptiu;3,i..c:►xl��slial!givo�^•ui�oti:c�s:otic:of:cccicrat�un.Ti�°nnk���4b„fl nrnv[dr.e�x�r��kt of�t�t
<br /> Icss than 30 days fro�n the date tUe notice is del�veral or mailed wilhin which Borrawer must pay a!I sun3s�curcd by this
<br /> l�� Se>curity lijstivment. If Borrower fafls to pay these sun�s prior to tl�e expi�ution af tliis period.Lcnder may im•uke any remalies
<br /> permitted by¢his Securiry Instrument withqut further noticc or demand on Borrower.
<br /> I8. Romower's Right to Re[nstptk. If Iiorrower mects ccrtain corJditions, Borrower shall havQ the right to hava
<br /> enforcement oi this Security instrument discontinued at any time prior to the eurlier of: (a)5 days (or such niher perial as
<br /> __ , applicablc law may specify for reinstatemant) before saic of the Pcopc7ty pprsuant to any powcr of sale cm�tainod in this
<br /> - - Scsurity Instn�mcnt;ur(b)c��uy of n judgment cnforcing this Sccurity Instniment.Tho�c cunditions nre that Rorr�iwcr:(a)pays. ' _ ___
<br /> L.eraler all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and t8e Note as i�no accelew�tion had occurred: (b)
<br /> cures any default uf any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays nll exp�nses incurrt:d in enforcing tl�is Security Inst�ument,
<br /> -- including, but n�t limited to. reasonable nttomcys' fces; and (d) tukcs such action as Lcnder may rcas�nubiy require to assure
<br /> that the licn of this 5ecuriry �lnstniment, I.endePs rights in thc Property�znd F3arrowcr's obl'egazian ta Nay t,►c sums sec:uretl by
<br /> this Seeuriry ir.strument shaU continue unchanged. Upon relr�,statement by Barrower, this Security Insttument and the
<br /> obligaeions secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acccleration hacf occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not�pply in tFr case of acccicratdon under para�ruph 17.
<br /> �' 19. Sale af Nate; Change af �.aan Servlcer. The Note ar u p:uti�il int4r��t In the No¢e ttogathcr with this Sccurity _
<br /> Insttu►nent)may bc�ald onc or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale tnay result yn a change ir.di�entity(known
<br />.... ��-----�� ��1110 ��Lo�+n 5erviccr")ii�a�wltc�t��i�ui�tiuy payn�:,nts�i1�liiiucT ThG::6iC.9I'�C�.1hf�gCCU�i�'�lI�SiUIIF�.^.:. �'.°fE!:.�S�J!lI°_�h!!�!!A _. ...
<br />-___�-�_�=� �*!r.�re Ch�.*Iaes of the L�?�n Srrvicer anrrintrrl tn.i sale of the N�►tr if therr i�:�chanee of tlte I.u.n Servicer.Buriowc:r�vill bC -_
<br /> �'� givr.n writt�n notice r�f the change in accordance with paragraph l4 above und applicuble law.The notice will state the name und
<br /> address af ihe new Laan S�rvicer mid the address to which payments sh�uld be made. The notice�vill also rnntain any othcr
<br /> informution required by applicable law.
<br /> 2U. �iazardous Substances. Horrower shall not causc or pe.rniit the presencc, use.disposal, storage. or rcleasc of any
<br /> - liazar.ous Sub;t�lncc:; on o: in 2he Prnpei�ty. Barrower sh�tl not �i�, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affectinfi the
<br /> Properey that is in violation of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not a�ply to the pressnce, use, or —
<br />-___�.Y.... - = stor�ge on tt�c Pmp�rty of s:nal! quantitie�. of Ha:ardous Substunces that are gene�ally reco�ni�r�to h.e ap�eapriate.l��normnl _ -
<br /> _ _ residcntial uses and to maintenance of the Property. -
<br /> --- Borrower shall promptly�ivc Lender written notice of any investigntion,claim, Jemand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> _ _ _� govemmental or rcgulatory ugenry or privAte party mvutvmg the Property ana any Har.arc3uus aubsi;u«�u� cuvi�u;u�ic,dai I.a�
<br /> :.�_.._..��•- of�vhich Hurrower has actual ku�owlcdgc. If @arrower lt�ams, or is notified by any govcrnmental nr regulatory authority, that
<br /> ---�--- nny removal or othcr remcdiation of any Ha•r.ardous Substance affccting the Property is neccssary.[3orrowcr shall promptly take
<br /> ---- _ - all necessary rcmedial actions in accordance with 6nvironmental Law.
<br /> ----�-�V- As used in this paragrapl�20, "Ha�ardous Substances" are those substunces defined as toxic or haznrdous substances by
<br /> -�-, Lm�ironmental Law and tl�e follawing +ubstances: gasoline, kerosene, other flummable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> _-__=__-v pesticides and herbicides.volacile solvents, materials contuining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive�iaterials.As used in
<br /> _��,� this paragraph 20, "Gnvironmental l,aw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdict�on w7,ere the PropetTy is located that
<br /> --"'LY4""'° relute ta health, safety or cnvironmcntal prorection.
<br /> `��='-� NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Bormtivcr and Lender furthcr covcnant and agree as foUo.vs:
<br /> -„�� 21.Accelerntic►n;Remedies.Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to accelerntion fo➢1�u�vin� Borrower's breach
<br />-_:d,�;,a�,� of uuy covenunt or ngreement in this Securtty Instrument (but not prio�r to acceleration unaler paro�rnph 17 unless _
<br /> -�-��� t��plicable law provides othenvise). 'rlte notice shall sperify: Qa)the defhult;(b)the nction requlred to cure ttte default:
<br /> .,ri��_-�f;�� (c)a�ate. not less than 30 daps f'rom the dute the not9oe is given to Borrower,by wMch thc default mus1 be cured;and .�---
<br /> =_,._r.,��_�,� (dl that fiiilure to cure tlie default on qr before the a�n4e spectffed in the notice may result in acceleat�tion o�the sums �.
<br /> ,t�m�6.,.� secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the��opeMy. The n�tice shall further inform B�►rrc�uver uf the right to e�>::�
<br />-_:�� reinstate after �rceleratton und the rigl�t to bring a court nction to assert thc non-existence a,f a defnul! or any other pr•�_
<br /> �,;� ,�, � defense of IIorrotii•er to acccler.�tton and sale. if the default is not cureil on or before the date specified in the nc�tice, �,
<br /> ;'�:,,;',. ;y Lender,at its optton, may require immedtete payment in full of all sams secured by this Security Instniment �vithout �::,1..,
<br /> `'" •' � further demund nnd may invoke the powcr af sale anc9 nny other remedtes permitted by appl[cable la�v.Lendcr shall be ��?;;�:
<br /> .� entitfed to callE�ct uU expenscs Incurred in pursuing thc remedies prov[ded in this paragraph 21. in�ludinfi,but not limited �
<br /> '�� ��'�'.'. �`kt to.reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of NtEe evidence. I���
<br /> '��-=`''�`�' ' ' If thc power of sule is i��voked, Trus3�c shall record n nottcc of dcfauGE nn each count�• in �r�hich any p�rt af tlic
<br /> `';-�:��'-�'°' Property is located nnd shall mail copies of surh notice in the manner prescrlbe�l by uppltcuble lmv to Dorrmscr and tn •
<br /> =,��;; _° P� N Y'PP 9 PP R p
<br />__��z.,�, the other rsuns rescribed b a Itcablc laa•. After ta�E time re uired by a licnble law,Trustee shnll ive ublic noticc
<br />';;��.;�;,;-,�; •� of sale to tlie persons and 'en the manner prescrtbed by applicuble law.Trustee,without demand on Borro�ver. shall sell
<br />_- ��-.. ' th2 Property nt publlc auciion to¢he higAiest bidder nt the ttme and place and ander the terms d�ignated in thc notice of
<br />".�a;`.:-; s3le in one or more purcels and in am• aa��r Trastee determhies. Trustee mey postpone sale of all or any parccl of the �
<br /> "' ��`�= Fraperty by public nnnouncctnent at the timc and pl:tcc of any previously schcdulcd snle. Lender or its desi�nee may
<br /> �:,_-�
<br />�wN;-�w_„� � purcliase the Property at uny setc.
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