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. � „ -._' �. <br /> -- ,. � ,. _ <br /> ��L�I�II�or�q�YiiN4iai�va .�....._..'��.�ar['�,_...���y_._.._ . <br /> �da.-..u.a...[aa.- .aC � .. _-..-- <br />. ._' ----- _" � -" ..__�c..�f�rr��-�—��-- - _. .. T <br /> ".'�.�4._51�f�i._ _ �+..�^.�w.•,•r^'.2SR'�rn r�_.�• -- +.�.r...�_^ -__- _._„-,--_. <br /> _ y� e <br /> -----�� <br /> . .•; ,. � -... r..� , <br /> ( � L.4.'` y, k r i .._. <br /> �1� .).,n��_, � ' " �_=—� <br /> l�Yn�►it�nuy�x�lo�iger lx;rcc�uircJ.ut tl►c optian ot y,cn�lcr� if mortga�a in�:ura�lcc c�vct��hl•iiii"i�i::u�nwn�t.:��d ��;r the��ri�►c! � <br /> that I,rixler rcyulrcw)pr�ividccl by un In�urcr nppr��ved by[.t�xler ugain l�ccunx:s iiv:iilub�c�nJ�is�,bt:�it►e�t. Ii�nn+wEr sh,uU pky - <br />� thc prcmivart+reyuircd tu�uaiutain morcgagc in�ur.u�ce in cff�ct,or tn proeidc n lu�°�res�:rvc,tuitH tha reyuirer�xnt tur iiwrtga�e � <br /> insura�x�e�xls in uccnnlance with any writtcn aarec�nent hetvreen idorrctiwer uixl I.cixler c�r uppllcuhle law. . <br /> e�. p r:r=_;�Qy, I Per�lrr or itK t�Rent maY ��li+�+�r<<tS°��ubic cntrirs u�x�n nnd inrpectiui�s uF the Pr�perty. l.encier shuil give <br /> porrowec noticc at the titno of'or prinr to an inspection spc�:ifying reasoaiable causc[ur ti�e iusjn.:tfui�• ` <br /> � 10. Condemnwtion.Th� proceeds of c�ny uwnrd or claim f'ur damages, direct or consequential. in cannectloi� wilh ariy <br /> cu�xicmnation or ot�►er taking of un;� part ot the property,or f'or c��nv��yancc in li�u oi'cundemnution. nrc hercby nssigned aixl <br /> shall bc paid to iFndcr. <br /> (n the event oa a rotal taking of'thc Property, the��rocecds sha��I�e apPlled to the snms secured b�+ tltis S�.�curity nstn�men , <br /> whcthcr or not tlicn duc, with any exc:ess pai�1 to Borrower. In the cvent of a panial tukii�g oti tt�c Prop�rty in which th�fair <br /> markct vatue of thc Propeny inuncdia¢cly befoKC dte taking is cqual to or sreater than thc umouni of the aus�u sscurcd hy this - <br /> Secw•ity lnstn►mcnt immed�atcly lxfbrc the�nking.unles.Horrower and Lcnd�r othernisc agrcc in writing,the sums sccured by <br /> this S�*�urity ins[rument shall bc reduced by the nmount of thc pracc��ds multiplicd by the following fra�tion: (a) �he total <br /> antount of thc sums scc�ared immediat�ly beforc the ta�:ing, divided by lb� �hc fair market value of dtc F'rop�rty inunediatcly <br /> beCore ttie takiiig. Any bala�tce st�all be paid to IIorrower. In the event of a paniul tnking of t��e Property in whict� tlis f'air <br /> market vulue of the Prope+ty immcdiately trrfore the taking is less than the lmount of the sums sccuraf Immediately before the <br /> taking, untess Horrower uuJ l.ender athcrwisc abcee in w�ritieip,nr unles�applicablc lnw othenvise provides. the pro+ceeds sliali <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whethcr or not the sums nre then duc. _ <br /> If'the Proucrtv is abandoned by Bottowcr,or if,ufter natice by[.cnder to Batto�ver Niat the corsdemnor offers to makc an `___ <br /> J uward or sr,tttc a claim for damag�.s, Borrowcr fails tn resp�nd to Lcndcr w�thin sU days ufi�� d�c da►c t8��otfcr. is gir°r., _ <br /> - L.cndcr is authorized to collect and uppiy[hc pnx.-ce�iti.�t iw upii�,��.eiiiie� i���c�ii�iditOTi GL.Y»is flf the 4'^e�rt�or ta!!�e s!�m� <br /> secured by this 5ecurity Insttument, �vhetber ar not then due. <br /> Unless [.ender and Bona�ver othernise a�ree in writing. any application af p�•oceeds tu principal shall not extend or <br />__ ;x��tponc thc due date af thc monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or chnngc Qie umaunt of such paymcnts. -_ - <br /> 11.Borrowcr Not Rcteased; Forbearn�ce By l.endcr Not u Waiver.�xtension of thc iin�r fu�pay�r.cnt ar mc;i:fcation <br /> of amortization of the swns secured by this Security Instrument granted by l.ender to any successor in interest of Borrawer shal! ` <br /> - rtot operate to relca:cc thc liability of the origtnal Norrower or Borrower'a,ucc:;ssucs in 3nterest. i..en�'cr s4�a!!not be rcn��ircd to _ <br /> ' commence proc�wi�ig� uya::�s:a�.� .sa=:r..`°:-•r'•� i"'-�rc�ct or refuse to cxtend time for payment or athe»vise maiify amo�Ki�3tion - <br /> � oi the sums secur�l by this Securiry lnstrument by rc:�son of any demand madc by thc ori�inat barrowcr or 8u�i��Ye�'s <br /> successors in interest. Any farbcar.►ncc by Lcndcr in exercising any right ur rcmedy shall not be s waivcr uf or prcclude the <br /> = exercise of anv right or remedy. <br /> L'o-si nen. Tiic c�wenants and agrcem�nts af this <br /> - 12. Succcssors and A.ssigns Bound; Jnlnt and gevernl i.iability; � - <br /> = Security Instn�ment shall bind and benefit the successon and assigns of Lender aud Borrower,subject to the provisions of _ <br /> paragraph 17. Bonower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security � <br /> - instrument but does not cxecute the Note: (a) is co-signinfi thi� Security instrumenr only to mongage, grant :u�d convey that <br />_'� Borrower's intcrest in the Propcny undcr thc tenns uf this Sccurity Instrument:(b)is not�er�.+�onally obligatcd to pay die sums .�_ <br /> - secured Ny this Security Instrumcnt;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any othe�r Borrower ma � ree to extencl.modify,farbear or �___Y <br />
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