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.^,rz�. i:, . . _ . ... <br /> . •<.t r• . ' , <br /> i, .�• _ _:,e. . <br /> �•r�^ -- — — ., - --���"�-_ <br /> . .. �+�°ja .lb.11�:J�'�� ' - <br /> , <br /> � ���t�,t��r�,'�'IS'i'�TF�,�JtJti•�•nas�a��,���s-r; K�i�r.� , �- <br /> THI5 kUJ1U37ABL8 RATE RIUBR is mtuic lhl� ���h cfay of <br /> aoii Is incar{x;rxted int d shal!bc tkema!ta amend and suppiement <br /> ti�'iirert�e5 iked �f 'fruvt ur a�;urity Urr�� ��Sil:l�iiCj� IIiSiPiU�i�lil") uf IS�.: ;,«+a,:- dwYS g::�.n .°',} tit� ur.d_��igr.:� - <br /> �"Bomawer')to ur:uro Horrower'�Note("Note")!o <br /> OCZE_t�'1k1US FEDERAL SAV I N(iS BANK <br /> (the"Lender")of the same Jatc and cuveriug the prapeRy de,crib�.d in the Sccurity Instrurrtcnt and lacated at: - <br /> 926 S CX.AUSSEN AVENUE <br /> (�tD.PJD 1 SLAPtO, NE 68801 <br /> �Pro�xny AdJrc�+l <br /> THF NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS AL�.(DW[N(; [�OR CHANGES 1N THE <br /> II+ITEREST RA�'G AIVU THE IViONTEiLY �'AYM�NT. 'I'NE NnTE LiMiTS TH� — <br /> AM6EJPI'i'�'HE BOkRO�WER'S IN1fEtZEST RAT�CAN�HAP�GE A'C ANY Ol`7G�'C'LM19i� <br /> AND THC MAXIMUM IdATE T11E BORROWGe�MUST PAY. <br /> ADUITIONAL COVENANTS. In uddition to thc covcnants und agreements mude in the Sccuricy Instrument. <br /> 1Borrowcr und Lcnder furthcr covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> INTERESTRA'fE P�ND MONTHI.Y PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> (A) Chnnge Date • – <br /> The interest rate may change on the first duy of October 1, 1996 ,and that dny of each succeeding year. <br /> "Change Date'means each date on which the interest rate could change. <br /> (B) The In�ex <br /> Heginning with the first Change Date,thc intcrest ratc will bc based on an Index. "Index"mcans the weekly Average _ <br /> yield on United Statcs Ttcasury Securitics adjusted to a constan[ maturity of onc ycsr, as rnade uvailable by the Feder.0 � <br /> Res:rve Board. "Cuacnt Index" mcans thc most rccent Index fiFurc availablc 30 days beforc the Chnnge Date. If thc Indcx = <br /> (as defined above)is no longcr 3vailable,Lender will usc as a new Index any indcx prescribcd by the 5ecrctary. As used in �• <br /> this Rider, "Secretary" means the Secnetary of Housing and Urban Develapment or his or her designec. Lender wiU give " <br /> Borrnwer notice of the new Index. _ <br />- (C) CaQculztion oS Interest Rate�:hanges �;� <br /> Before cach Change Datc,Lendcr will calculatc a new intcrost�atc by adding a mnrgin of � <br /> r. <br /> �. <br /> Two and One�lialf �crcentagc �: <br />- p�ints( 2,5000 `�O) to the current Index and rounding thc sum to the ncurest une-ci�hth of one percentage point �. <br /> (0.125��0). Subjcct to thc limits stated in Paragraph(D)of this Rider,this rounded amount will hc thc new interest rate until R <br />- the next Change Date. <br />_ (D) Limits on Interest Rnte Chnn6es <br /> The intcrest rate will never increase or decrcatic by morc than one perccntagc point(1.0°l0)on:�ny single Change Date. <br />- The intemst rute will ncvcr bc morc than fivc percenta�rc points(5.0�/�)highcr or lowcr than�he initial interest rate. <br /> (E} (;Alculetiora of Payment Changc <br />_ ff the interest rcue changes on a Change Uate. Lender will calculate the amount of monthly payment of principal and <br />- interest which would be nccessary to repiry the unpaiJ principal balance in full at the m3turity date at the ncw interest rate <br />_ [hroaGh substantially eyunl payments. ln making such calculation.Lender will use the unp;�id principal balance which would <br /> bc o�ved on the Change Date if thcre hud been no default in paymcnt on the Note,reduced by the xmount of any prepaymcnts <br /> to principal. The result of this calculUtion will be the umount of thc new monthly paymcnt of prinripal and interest. <br />- (�) 1�lotice of Chur+ges <br /> Lend�r will give notice to Barrower of;uiy change in the interest rate and monthly payment amount. The notice must <br />- bc given at Ieast 25 days befarc thc new montlily paymcns amount is duc.und must s�:t fonh (il the dute of thc notice, <br />- (ii) thc Change Datc. (iii)thc old interc.r•t �atc. (iv) thc ncw intcrest rute, (v) thc ncw rnonthly payment amount. (vi) the <br />- Current Index and tlic date it wus published.(vii) the method of ralculating thti chunge in monthty payment amount,and <br />= (viii)�ny othcr infonnation whiclti may bc rcquircJ by la�v From timc ro time. <br /> x�s, <br />-_ Wrat lokes L'uqnc5s Fams,lna� <br />.° ItEM6582('J104) fpu,qYl nt:p�iArsl ToOM[rf.all�1�606�i.9D0393O FA]IU1679I•IIJI <br /> � <br />. � <br />
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