� ' . .._ .. ..-- _- -,_�
<br />„ � ' . ' — � — ov.cr.�nit f.rnrlrr t'u+i'htr rnvGn�nt unu agrtc ati C��iur,s: �i,�+a�� , ,..
<br /> iti�►'ti�IEr:�It.fFt�t('f��F��A*�lTi:. i1��t�3
<br /> 17. �'��r+rck���rk 4'a•v�•�unr. !F 1 ;r.:�s•t.<<.����;,,...I��uixcEi,�i:�ayu��.��i "sn f�c;Y ti��1:r p^t.;t�,.p',���. 1.r:r�i;r :���:"sr.:•1���ri�
<br /> .7 , , T� : --t,t,*.ir.. �,... ,.� � �i,:'. I,�;�r. 3:..�!:: �l�,tt {,:r�u�i i tn rnlL�!.ilS rnik:i,�r.��;i.uircd i�i _
<br /> r.., ���: 1: . , �;� r ' '� •,�,. , �. � �,�
<br /> t �.i _.1� _�',i ! . I r, �r. I ,;�,,. li�� ,�1 f �.�. �u .. . . .-
<br /> �.:.�..,�iu;• 4;..::.�.._�:...U_„ . : , .�, �,� .,_ • ---
<br /> E;6'll�l`�ll'�.
<br /> N tlb�SwwPr uf�ak br iu�okaid.'1'rs�rtrr shrlM r�v.'orti r nulka ot tlti'ruli In e.�ch�.ti�uttily in w!►ich Nativ�paK oC lbe
<br /> Pe�c,tw�ty k iaratbd end ri�U m�wil to$k�t d'�!+naEke in the mwaner prercribai Ny nppi{c�abk!Nw ta Aorrower aad to
<br /> tM o01�er penaAr prc+►�dk�rd by rppNcN�{o Inw. APtrr tft�t tl�ne re�lulned by applii�Me irw,Tr+ritea��� P'��
<br /> notict ot w1e ta the pw�eae�io urd kM tl+e�p��b9 Ml�p�bk ww. "['»ra3M wi►iwat demNwd ua Born►wex�
<br /> ehrU�cii 4hr f'�v�{�erly Rt�►uGNc�ueliwt tu thit hfp�t 1►Mk1Rr st tht time�nd ploce rad un�der li�e ter�iMi�lws 1�
<br /> tiis ebotfee ut�wlt in one ur wnore p.n�MN.::.:..:;c.�:..°:��='',=.-.•",�!''°�,»�,•""', `!�rnwiee IYU�y➢�4�If�zr�lt t►f ilq a1r kpy
<br /> p.rc�d ae tt�e pwpertr br ��c�t tlws�ta�e.na Rl�oe dr�n7 p�twMly rka�eduMa a.te. Le4dtar or ia
<br /> aesl�,eee u+wy tw�u�e u�e waperly d wny.�le.
<br /> U r�odpt uf pMyment at the prke bkl,Trwtee shall deilrer tp it�purrlw.rrr Tru�tce'e decd cr�►veri�ti�r
<br /> P�n{xr4y�. 'Ibe�eclt�is in 4he'�'ruatee's dee�!nlwp be p�im�[acie erldence utlhe lrutb u[the atNternente nu�ek tl�eneis.
<br /> Tnulee ahwll s►P�9 «Prooeeda uY lhe sal� tn the dolb+virog�rder. (p) tn afl axitx wnd cxpeure�c�[ekercWlf�the
<br /> p►wa o[eak,and the�ale.[ncludin�Ihe p�Yment of 1l�e Trwtee'�ttes actwilly inrurred,nat to ezctQd f iMe '�..
<br /> � t� p�pMl amaunl ot t1� note�t si�e time uP li+e de::�:aitun OI Q�l�A!!I� fl!!S� S�lRINI�iA�C A�t0171tr5� fe� a�
<br /> perm�ned Dy raw;(b) to �N sums securrd bY this Secvdty Inairumcnt;wnd(c)+�ny exce�s to 1he per� ��r penam
<br /> �,uy eaaaea eo��. —
<br /> 1�, Recouvdy�nce, Upon paynxnt of a11 sums secured by this Sccurity Inswment, I.c�iurr Shall requcst Tn�st� to
<br /> re�onvey Ute PrAperty ur�d shall surcender this Sccurity Instn►uient and nll aotcs evidencing d�bt sccurai by th9s Secu�ity'
<br /> Instrument to Trustce. Trusta sl�all reconvey Qie Pr�neriy without warranty :end �vithout charge to thc penon or penons
<br /> [egally entitled to it. Such penson or persons shall{ray t�iy tecordudoa cos�s.
<br /> i�. au�;�,rwi,,'�'r,�•,�. r.nder.r,t itc nptiu��,►nay from time to time rcmove Trustac and appoint a successoe tivstee to
<br /> a��y T�ustee appointed hereunder. Without conveyauce of the Property. die successor trustee shali succwcil ta .�II t,'te ril�,
<br /> Fe«�er un�dot�PC rnnferrerl upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. _
<br /> zo. keauesE Cor i�Ioi;ci.�. Burra�scr rcquests that copies of the notice�o[defuult und�atc b+:�r��i���u��;'N'::u��'�''° _
<br /> which is thc P�operty Addr�ss. • �
<br /> Riders to ihis Secvrity Inst�unten�. if onc or morc riders are c�ecutcd by Borrowcr and recorded togtther with�his _
<br /> Security InswmcnG the co�•ennn�s of eflch such rider shall be inzorporated into and Shal! omcnd and supplcment the _
<br /> coven»nts=n� �:on.��r_en�s of[his Security G�swment us if the ridcr(s)werc in a pa�t of this Security Instniment. (Chcck
<br /> applicablc boxtcs}J.
<br /> �Condominium iRider �Grnduated Paymenc Rider �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �I'lanned Unit Dcvclopment Rid�r �Othcr[Specifyl ADJUSI'ADI.E�iR TE R I DER
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Aorrower acceptti und ugrees to the terms conutined in pages t through 4 uf this Security
<br /> Instrument and in tu►y ridcr(yl execuued by Borrower und recorded with it.
<br /> Witnesses: �
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> Borrowr.r
<br /> D J Elh �N
<br /> (Scall
<br /> Borcowcr
<br /> KA GER S
<br /> - (Senl) -
<br /> Horcowcr
<br />- (Seal)
<br />— Borco«•er =.
<br />- F.-
<br />= STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hp�� Counry ss: �
<br /> �.
<br /> On this 14th day of June, 1995 .bcforc mc,the undcrsigncd,a Notary
<br />- Public duly commissioned and yualified for slid county,personally came •
<br /> = D J E I HUSEN A S 1 NCiLE PERSON AND KATh1Y L GERDES A S�NGI-Ec�P1ERk$�yn to bc thc �
<br />,� identical person(s)whose nnme(s)urc subscriNed to the toregoing insu•ument and acknuwledged the execution thereof to bc
<br />° their �oluntary nct and dced.
<br /> ' Witness my hnnd and notarial seal at �AND I SLAN in said county,the
<br /> �.
<br />,:,, datc nfor�said.
<br /> _ � i
<br />= Gt. �
<br />�;�i MvCom►nissioncx irc� S:� N���:��y wni��
<br /> _ �— "'
<br /> GttItH�L tt0innr-ai�ie o�nmrasu
<br />-� �� RODERTA L.REED
<br />=� My Cemm.Erp.luly 30,1998 REQUE5T FOR RECONV EYANCE
<br />�'-" TO TRUSTE�:
<br /> .�
<br /> � 'fhe undersigned i:; the holder uf the note or notes sccured by this Deed of Trust. Suid notc or notes,togcther with all
<br />•3 other indebtedness secured by this Dce�of Trust,havc becn puid in full. Yau are hereby directed to cuncel,nid nute or nutes
<br /> � and this Uecd of 1'rust,which are dclivcrcd hcreby,and to rcconvcy,�++ithout wu[rinty,ull thc cstatc no�v held by you undcr
<br /> � this Dced of Trust to the person ur pcnons legully cntitled thcreto.
<br /> � , Date: ' �
<br />�.1 . qurge a„f a paFes l
<br /> a;q '
<br />.——
<br />.��.� . .. . . . . .. .. _.___—___—__.J�..��.�ae-- e.�.._—__.__ '
<br />