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<br /> � ! �. !.-:���a:�..c:,ay 4- - _ :
<br /> h .�.�rc�r,��3�y z �,_
<br /> ��'s'���+i�_t.�_:� 6. Assl����b+�y covsnant� and warrent�Fo it�e Asai�nee tti�t (t+) Aaalqrar haa e�at ex�uted eny pNar =���
<br /> __ ,�,m�;,� etslqnment of the O.,saM or�f Ib ripht,dtM and Interest lhe�reln ar the rentt�la ta accru�thereuntlsr,(b)Mstg�a�
<br />=r y�,���r.'+��`°• p�r�o,�I act or exrcuted einY Inetrumant whiGh mlqht prenrsnt thd AasiSlneu lrom op��tlnQ unde►any nd th
<br /> :. `�'i�_� d�F�eiw� op
<br /> ,or whlch would Ilmitthr�Aaal�nee in euch operatiqn;(a)Assi9nc►r haa noieccepted�ent undsrth�l.,a�tor
<br /> � t� r,-� eny psriod�u ta tha►current p�rtod Mr vrhich rsnt has alresch+becorne due and pry�bb;(d}th�i�no dMwult now
<br /> _7T? .� exlatin,yunderth� a �,and(e)Asslpnorfi��notexaci�tedorgrentrjdenymaSMicadanoremendmentwhatevaroltheleeee
<br /> ���
<br /> = :-<� either orsity or in wridn�exaept as aeR torth In Schedute H,end�nae rmd l.euse is i��iu�l i�ra:a a���i b��a:;t �.^:— __
<br /> _.:�
<br />-_ _'.'_
<br /> "��'`�'�����' � B. fT IS MUTUAl�YAG(3EEQ WITH RESPECTTOEACH I.EASE THAT: -_-- —
<br /> -j;�---��r�',,� �"�-�`� .--_
<br />:::s�,�..x�uv�,rr.. 1. A��I�r�aab��erebyprnt��a;�IssiontoA�.;Ig�orto�oA6c2u�an,but�a�prl�rQoe�ccninl,allre�te,ismuNS,�d� ��;,,�„��,� _
<br /> yu = °
<br /> ��' � ��'-�j -�� andprofibfromtt�asaldRresnisesandb�eta(n,anduaeanyenJayth�eame,but�eaervestheriDhttorevakesuchpsrm on __—
<br /> �r r° ;..� .
<br /> _"' - ;ti�:•.A , atanyt��na,wi�cr�ithoutcau�.by nc2lsain�rritinptoA4slgnnrbbaerNfladmailsen7totheeddre3eherelnatterpreecrlbed4or
<br /> . . A..s
<br /> =.'t;i��;.r�:_::°r.,�,�. sendinp noticea.(n any event,auch permisslon to Assignor sh�if ba sutomatically revc�ked upon dsfauk,fay Aasi�nor in the ���e_���_-
<br /> � .. •�,� paymentntany ottheObligaUortsaecuredherebyorinthepeKormanceofanyobtfgation,covenante�reemontherein,inea(d =______ __ .._
<br /> " '" mortflage or deed of trust,in the Lease or Ir.any of the Obtigations set:ure�d her e by,or tn any sscvr inq d o cum e��t gi v e n(h �N�� �:�..
<br /> " '��f�t �:�.; connection therewfifi,(all of vrrhlGh wifl be ret�red to hereln as"DefaulY')In the evant thst the Asalp�ee should re+roke auch ��,�„�� �
<br /> '��.'�:L���- �` permisslonoraitertheocourrencHClBDefault,theAsslgnee,mayetit�optlon,aRernodNcationtoAasignoc,bycertifledmail,to �:�:��_------
<br />=��Q" �• the addresa herelnatter prescribed for sending noticas,d(rect any or all of the tonanta ot the Premises to pay to Asaignae,fb ��+�^°--.---�_
<br />- agent�rn fb�ttarnoys.such rents, issues,profib. revenues,deposiq,righta and beneiits aa may now be due or shall °�-''`r�_�"°
<br /> :; '�' ���,
<br /> -� ; �F harslnaftstba:.umedua,andAsal�neomayco.l��ttt��°,ame.Theattitladitortyri�enetat9mentotP;nvffir,Ar,ag�ant,orattomey �::�T__.. _
<br />__ ., r oi�lsglpneestatingthnttherehasbeenapefaultshallconsHtuteconclusivee,vidancethereol,andanytenanttootharpersona ��=��.=_R
<br /> is�uthorized snd directed to rely therean.7he Asst�nar turti�ar sgrees,that in th$event thepe�miasion to use and retain the �'�,�� �
<br /> ° - -' - rn��i�,i�w�ri�e,{�ue:�,uepubiiydndproiiia,snould'oe4esm(nuiaaQruponinea�curanceoia��iuuii,�o(mm�iia�[diyiurn��vet �
<br /> --�-- to kyai,���,a4 uha t�ma^nd t:�th�n�anner►equeat�h�Peei nee,�!4�w4 �+e��Jt°or eth�t rscnis��sr�»it�b �9sa�� �.�_.,,_i k� _;'�„"�.;-
<br /> $• ty ��- r�,:,. ��7��>;+�
<br /> „ � o}the�remt5es an accordance witn the�r�ovislons ot�he Leases. ti a� �;�-:_.v•y:-
<br /> 't�y��-
<br /> ',!. ' ' �;�I•' _ ..-_.� �.
<br /> •� � �, .. 2. Notwithstandin�the provisions of pa�ac�raph 1 hereinabove,upon nr at eny tlme after a L�efault,as detined �,�. ��'•��e,�
<br /> ,i'.��:•.�'._ n e .� ��a l:`.. ..�.5°-�@!C
<br /> ,,;;::: :•,� :�; <:.; .. h�reln�bovy,lheP.srlg:�so,A3�isopUon,maydeclareAflDbliga8o��sscuradh�rabyimm�dl..t..lyclu;��ndpuyub...,nndmay,at ��. _;;;..�,;;,�,,,
<br /> ''���"�`:' . ` ;•�'.'�� • its optlon,without Rotiae,and if any such Obltgatlons bv securod by deed of trust irrespective of wNethera decl��ati�n of :" �
<br /> ,r,,,_�': ; ..�.
<br /> r default under said deeal af trust has been delivered to 7rustee thareunder,exercise a!I rights and remedies contalnRCt ln said ;. ��s
<br /> . . ...I4':r,:,':�'.::���'� �
<br /> � i���?K`;,;�:;�;. mort$ageordeadoftrustPnr�w►thout�egardtorthe�dequncyoiseaurityfortheObligationsherebysecured,eitherinperson tr?� .
<br /> i .. � �.,.i•;�, , .
<br /> �� �, � � or�by agent with or witboui 4�ringing an action or Aroceeding,ur by a receiver to be appolntod by a c�urt,enter upon,takb � �
<br /> . ,,,
<br /> ,--= ----vsy�vi�i�Tini�a-o BTi�ti3j'ie3r'�i�'3�a�w�i8ii7�ova ai otijf j�i2:3i�i�Z,i:lw!:���nlorc��lY34L�1�;.�!!L�ar.rtnn4�w Riv{a��1a�A} '
<br /> r,.�; _ _ .
<br /> �sas,obtatn and evlcttenents,iix or mod(ty rents,and do any acte which thc�Asslgnee deems properto protect tha securiry ':`
<br /> ' ' hereof,and elther with or without tekin , ���
<br /> g possession of the Premises,In Its own namo,sue br or otherwise�cotleet and recefve •:;�. .
<br /> all rents,Issues and profits,including those pastdue and unpald,any epplythe same,less cost and expenseaai oparation and
<br /> � . collectiore,includin g,but not tlmltetl to,pa yments for wages snd p a yroll taxes,compensallon of managing egent and other ' ''�,` � i
<br /> � mane�erteent cosb end expenses,real estate texes end essessments,water,sewer,en d s lm f lar c harges,insurance an d , .;.
<br /> � worker'e cnmpeneatton premlums,prnund rents,customary�eal e�tate commisslon,and rt�asonablA attorney's teesand court ; � �,
<br /> costs,uponany Obli�elions�ecuredhereby,andlnsuchordera3theAsslgneemaydeSermine.Thee�teringupanandtaking
<br /> poaseaafan of the Premises,the collection af such rents,Issues and profib and the applicatlon N��reof as aforesafd,shall not
<br /> ., cureorwalveanydefaultorwalve,modiiy,orafiectnotfaeofdetaultunderaeldmortgageordeedoftrustorinvalidateany act -���f
<br /> � done pursuanttosuchnotice.Asslgnorherebyreteasesanya�ndallclalmawhlchithasormlghthaveagafnstAssfgneearising , :,�.�^ ,
<br /> � out of such colleetlon,menagement operation and malntenence,Axcepting the Nabllfty o}Assl$nee to account tor amounta ' • f
<br /> ° coAected and�xpended by it •�. .,`''
<br /> . 3. Tf►e Assignee shall not be oblig�tod to perform or dfscharge,nor does it her�by undertake to pe�torm or , •'��,oj'� `
<br /> � discharge,any obifgatlon,dury or Ilability under the Lease,or under or by rea�on of th(s Asstgnment Assignor shall and doe9 -
<br /> � hereby agree to Indems�itytha Assignee against and hold it harmless irom eny and all liability,loss or damage which it may or
<br /> . might fncur under the Lease or under or by reason of thls Assignmont and of and from any end all clafms and demand
<br /> ' �: whatsoever which may be esseRc3d ageinst It by reason oi any alleged obligation or undertaking on Its part to pertorm or in the
<br /> , � discharge of any oithe terms,covenants,or egreements contafned in the Lease;shoutd the Asstgnee incur any such Ilability,
<br /> � loss or damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this Asslgnment,or in the detense agafnst any such clefms or �•;:::�..
<br /> � demands,the amount thereoi,including costs,expenses and reasonable attorney's fees,together with interest thereon at tfie '���„� �
<br /> " �":��� highest rate set tarth in any of the Obligations secured hereby,shali be secured hereby and by the safd mortge�ge or deed of ,
<br /> • ', trust,and Assfgnor shal I relmbursethe Asslgnee theretor Immediatoly upon demand,end upon the fellure of Assfgnor Eo to do '
<br /> , the Assfgnee may daclare all Ol�ifgations secured hereby Immediately due and payable.
<br /> t. Until the Obllgatlons secured hereby shall have been pald in fult,Assignor covenants end agrees to keep leased ,
<br /> , at a good and sutticient rental the Premises and upon d�mand to transfer and�sstgn to the NsslAnee any Qnd all subsequent I
<br /> • � Leases upon all or any part of such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and conditions as are herein
<br /> contalnt+d,and to make.execute,and delfver to the Assi�nee,upon demand,eny�nd all instruments that may be necessary or
<br /> desirabte therefar,but the terms and provislons of this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Lease or Leases �
<br /> , whett�or or not so assigned and 4ransterred. �
<br /> , . 2. AsSignor shall.upon requeat of Asslgnee,furnish ft a complete Ust as of tho dato of the request of all Leases and �
<br /> other tenancios ot the Promises in such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assfgnee.Further,If requested,l4ss►gnor .
<br /> sNall deliver to Assignee executed or certffied copies of all Leases end other written agreements,correspondence,and ;
<br />- � " memoraRda between Assignorand Lessees and other tenantssotting torth tha contractual arrangements between them.Such
<br /> .Y..__._�M.....__.,_ _._.........r,....��...�...., _
<br /> __--._- .-_-.—°c'.- - �oyvvoavum�vo��mwcwm���wwnov.v.....v. �� -
<br />` 3. 'fhe faffure to list any sper.iflc Leases under S�hedule B hereto,�heli not invatidate or aftect in any manner,the •
<br /> ° goneral esslgnment of renis end leases provided tor herein.
<br /> • t.
<br />- �. �'' 4. Upon the payment in full of all Obligations sscured horeby, as evid2nced by the recordinc� or tiling of an
<br /> � instrument ot satisfaction or full release of said mortgage or deed of trust,unfoss there shall have beon recordad anothor
<br /> � mortgageordeedolVustin�lavoroftheAssigneecoveringthewholeoranypartoftheleasedPremis�s,tnisAssfgnmentshall
<br />= become null and vofd and of no ettect. .
<br />��:
<br />° CCG70 5/80 2�
<br /> F
<br />:i
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