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<br /> __ - : -"' b� David [?. idtu:dt and H^a.n� 7 Mundt, httahAn� nn.t wif�_. ._-- -......_.. -----
<br /> --------- ~
<br /> re.siding At or having en attice st .��W---�n.� �`rol'�st, ��---, �'and Z��.nA_ T1F. 6eeos _...
<br /> __._--_-. '
<br /> __
<br /> �� „ „ FIrs7ler Bank,tdaUanai Asaoctatian,Omaha,Nebreska heving
<br /> --�----i..a IhBrein c8116d ASS�9teor )�to - ----__
<br />_._.--��_:��:�;;� its principai offlce at Omahe,Nel�raska(hereln called"ARSlgnea"), __
<br />�=-.u,n�;.L}• ,:� �..
<br /> --ri� '��.�° W{TINESuE'TW:
<br /> ���sn��cnatia3is�;'e1� � !
<br /> �:�fl!?`�1�_-
<br />-- - �`� FAi�VAI.UE R�CEIVED,Assign�tr he�etry grents,transfers and assigns to the Asgignee a�1 of H'ie sight,tiNe und
<br /> �-��::�em�7
<br />'=��rR��� InterestofAs�ignorinendtoanyandallleasosanda�thertenancl�snoworherer�Rermadeonorarithr�st���cttotherea esta►
<br /> '""�'�- --
<br /> '""e1°��' loCeted in Hall County, Nebraska � �� and mcxe pa�icularly described
<br /> �ti;��� inScheduteAheraaf.whichreal estateahallbereferredtnhereinatteras'Premises ,Includinq,butnotlimitedtothatcertain
<br /> ���n�A:e���``�� Leaseorthosecertalnleaess,wilhmodfi€catlons,Ifany,dsscribocfinSchec3aateBhePea4,co�ari�tha;'rsmi;.�wt,c;,Mltrr�l�l+
<br /> `-'��'��'�`�:;af'�' (1)any and all extensions or ronew�la thereof,(2}any and all gu�raniees a!ihe Lesee's obilg8tlons under any thereo�and -__
<br /> v.��,,,z�,�j undeP any�and ail�xtensiona or renewaie oi r�riyti ie�oit,and�3)ul}r:�t�,d:auaa,R'�flt°�re�e�"�'aa;deoos(ta eamest money
<br /> `�,�-.�; . pay�nanis,ri�i�f;;u���:►s���r:,�:�,•h�*e4fter�rrsinn tram sueh Ibase end tenanctes or tor the uae and occupanay�f the R�,:�:=
<br /> :�^�*��ti';•�;1�r Premises,and any and ail extensions and renewals thereot Said leases and tenancfes flr.othsr use of tha l�remisss 2�tRer .
<br /> . �'-.
<br /> � +�;<;:�t' witha�iYandallguarontees,modltica�tions,extenalona,andr�dnewalathereofshallbos�rnetimesh�reinafter�et�rraelloaslhe ____
<br /> .�.•. ':?'• „Lease'or"Leases"; -_
<br /> � - � �� E OF SECURINC:
<br /> , 4: FOR TFl�PUAPCI�
<br /> .. `. , �''-,�,.`
<br /> �'�' ��,, ONE: Payment and poftorrnan�e oT each and every debt,Uablliry and obllgation of every tvpe and d�scrl tfon �-�
<br />�.� .�. ���;:�„'n�.,,r''� . oR-,�-
<br /> which Assf nor ma naw or anylime hereafte�owe to Assignoe,inc�uding,but not Iimited to,the indsb�e�ness oi nor .�-�..
<br /> ,,r ,� � •'- secur.,�o iiy u�n�������s�ba�a ar 8�o!���.2��±s!+;:�p p�cnv�or���he Assignoe dated �'une ,19._9 � �_
<br /> � '••'•� � andrecordedortobereaordedatorprlortother�cordingolthlsAssignment,oranyothermortc�ageordeedoftrusthereattor
<br /> . �,«::.,. � .
<br /> • :'.��:t.:;�_ -�-, rt of the Premtsos,(whetl�er such debt,IiablUty,or obllg�tion now extste or is heroafteecroated or e_=
<br /> ,.,.:.,�;..,; covering the whole or sny pa .�
<br /> , •;;�;:�;��„ . incurrsd artd whether it is or may be direct nr indfrect,due or to become due,absolute or conUngent,prlmery or seeondary, �_�;
<br /> � liquidated or unllquldated,or jolnt, several, or�oint and sevoral,all such debts,Ilabllitles and obltgatlons being herein �
<br /> � collecttvely referred to aometimes as tfie"Ol�ligauons'�;and
<br /> ��:�
<br /> �� � . 7VW0: Pertormance and dfschargA of each and every obligation, covenant and agreement of Assignor
<br /> •� contained herefn or in any such mortgage o�desd of trust or any noEe or bond aecured thereby,or In any obligation or eny ""��
<br /> � ' securing document given In connect ion w i t h any o f t he O b l i g a t l o n a s e c u r e d h er ob y. .
<br /> � �.
<br /> .;� LEA3E:
<br /> . . �
<br /> ''� 1. To ta(thtuily abldR by,perform and discharge each and every obligetton,cavenent and agreement o!the Lsase
<br /> ' " by Lessor to be performed,to giva prompt noticeto the Asstgnee of any notice ot defauft an the part otAsalgnor with respoctto
<br /> the Lease recefved trom Lessee orguarantor,togethor with an accurate and complete copy of any such noilce;atthe sole cost �.
<br /> � �°" and expense ot Asstgnor,4o enforce or secure the peAormance of each and every obllgaUon,covenant,conditlon end
<br /> � agrsem�,ntoftheLeaseby theLesseetobeperformPd;nottomodityorinanywayaltertfietermsoftheLease;nottotermtnate
<br /> ,-��. the tarm ot the L.ease and n�t to accept�su�render of the rents thereunder or to waivo,excuse,condone or in any manner
<br /> u release or discharga the Leasea thereunder from the obligatfons,covenants,conditions and agreemenb by the Lessee to be
<br /> • .�� peAormed,including the obllgation to pay the rental called for thereunder In the nsanner and at the placa and Ume specifled
<br /> ' therein,and Assfgnor doe3 by these presenb expressly release,relinquish and surrender unto the Asslgnee all Assignor's
<br /> �° . " , right,powerandAUthoritytomadltyorinanywayaltertheterrnsorprovislonsoftheLease,ortoterminatothetermoracc�pta
<br /> surrender thereof,and any attempt on the paR of tfie Assig�or to exei�cise any such right without th�written authority and
<br /> � consent of the Assfgnee thereto being first had and obtafned shall constitute a Defauit ot the terms hereof,es defined �
<br /> �� herefnafter,entitUng the Assfgnee to declara all sums secured hareby irremodiately due and payable.
<br /> " 2. At Assignor's sole cost and expenye to�ppear in and detend any actton or proceeding arising under,grow(ng
<br /> � out of or in any manner canneCtecf with the l.ease or the obligetions,duties or 8abilities ot Lessor,Lesseo or guarantor y
<br /> thereunder,end to pay all costs and expenses of tho Assignee,Including attorney's fees in e reasorsable sum,in any such �
<br /> , action or proceedinc�in whfch the Asslgnee may appear.
<br /> ' 3. That should Assfgnor fail ta make any payment or to do any act as herefn provided,then the Assignee,but
<br /> without obligation so to do and without notice to or demand on Assignor,and without releasing Asslgnor ir�am any oblic�ation !.
<br /> � hereof,may make oe do the samo(n such manner and to 3uch exter�t as the Assi�neo may daom necessary to protect the �
<br /> " •� security hereo4,including speci8cally,without Iimitfng(ts general powdca,the rtght to eppear fn and�lefond any ectlon or �
<br /> praceed�ng purportingtoaH�ctthesecurityhereofortheriphteorpowersoftheAssignee,andalsotherightbutnotthedutyto .
<br /> perform and dischargo each and overy abllgatfon, covenant and agrebment of Lessor in the Lease contained;and In ;
<br /> ---------��—+ .. - --"___�_�.��..�....�..d.......�ve..wniJenllnrnuu�c �_
<br /> —
<br /> --- ,.-- -�
<br /> „ , exercising any sucn powers to pay necessary co an ex , �
<br /> : .� tees.
<br /> `' 4.. To pay Immediately upon demand aII sums expended by the Assignee unde�the authority hereof,together with
<br /> � interast thereon at the htghest rete set forth in any of the Obllgations secured hgreby,and 4he same shall be added tv the �
<br /> . '" Obltgations and shaU be secured hereby and by tho safd mortgage or deed of trus4.
<br /> ���� ' .
<br /> ' S. That Assignor will not trenster nr convey to the Lessee the 4�s title to the demised Pr�sni3es,or any partthereof, �
<br /> - � � „' unlessthe Lessee essumes fn writing end agrees to pay the debt secured hereby f n accordance with the terms,covenas�ts and !
<br /> candttions of the said note or bond secured by sald mortgage or deed of trust
<br />-. �
<br /> I.f:Gf�l '�lISF j1 .
<br /> i , �__ .
<br />