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<br /> '1't�f's'T.�II!R�c�Vli��'�AII IIIC II11�YS1YCOIClltS 110W UY IiCCC.�tICi•erc:ct�i an the�pr�perty,and nll casemeius.appurtcnancev,nnci �-
<br /> t�xtuns oiow or liereaftxr ii pact oti the prai�erty. Ali replacements nnd odditians shall also tfe cavered by �t�is Securiey
<br /> Yi1lltUllitlll.AIa I1P(71C�QCC�l�iils�ti fCICYI'l'CI!0 I�1(dllti SCCl1YIAy It15lI'U111L'I11 pti II19"Praperty,"
<br /> NUItFtOWE(t COVBNANT3 that Horr��wcr in lawfully sciscxl of tha�stato iiercl�y coa►veye�i u��J b•rs tl�e rislu tv graait u�xl _
<br /> - . con���y th° Prv�;x�ty onci ih,�t thc I'roperty is u�icncwnbcruS, cxccpt for cixumhrr,nccs of ruorcl. B�rrower wareunta uncl wifl
<br /> _:_ - -
<br /> �lcfcrxt�c�xrally►hc Uile to the i'ruperty a+guinst ull claims und dcmands,suLje�.�to uny���c�i+�br».^G.s of[�!'o�v .
<br /> 'I'HIS SL:CUKiTY 1NSTRUMBNT cambin�s uniforn�covcnants for nationa!u.se aad non•unitorm cov�nants with limited
<br /> ._,� verlutfono by Juri�ct ictinn to�onstitutc u uniform sccurity instrumcnt cnvcriug rcnl property.
<br /> CINIFQKM COV�NANTS. Barrower nnd I.endcr covenur.t and ugrec us fallows:
<br /> .._...
<br /> 1. 1'.�yme��t c,t�'rh�cip�� end Interest; PrepeYn�ent and Lute Charg�. Barrowcr sha�l promptly p�y when ue t e
<br /> pdi2cfp,d��f i�nJ Int cre5t un taec d�ht evidcnccd by dic Notc und any prcpay�ncnt nnd lute charg�s duc under the Notc.
<br /> ' 2. I�Wnds(nr 'foxes wr.d insuru�nce. Subject to npplicable law or w u written waivcr by l.ender. Borrowcr shall pay to �____
<br /> �.crxlcr un thc day �nontl�ly payments nrc duc undcr the Notc.un4il dse Notc fs paid in fuU. a sum ('Fund��')'�,�1Ut��Paym nts
<br /> — All(I AtitiCS!,111CI1t3 WI l�fll:�ay iiunin priority uvcr this Sccurity lnstrument as a lien nn thc Prnpcn�;�rb)fl�Yns�rnncc premiums,
<br /> ar�round mnts on the 4'ropeny, if nny:(c)ye:►rly hiunrd o�•properry insurancc premiums; {d)y y
<br /> if uny; (u)ycarly cmottgugc insuranc;c premiums, if nny; and(� any sums payuble by Horrowcr to I.cndcr, in accardunce with
<br /> thc pruvisiuns uf p:uagr�ph 8�in lien uf the payment of mortgnge insurnncc premiuins.These items arc calleci"Escrow Itcros."
<br /> - - . i,�����r �����y� �it��ry�it;;�, ��r;lleit anc! hold Funds in an nmount not to excccr.l the maxi���um amount n Icnder foe a fedcrally
<br /> rclutcJ nu�rlgagc Ivm n�ay rcyuirc for BurrowcPs escrow uccount undcr the fedcral Real Estate Settlement Proculur�s Act of �
<br /> ___�.�� N)74 ns nmc�xicJ Yrow iiu�c to tim�, t�Ll.S.C. Section 2C�1 et seq. ("RI�SPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds �
<br /> - • - - sr.ts n Iec:scr ;�mn�co�,lf so. Lcnder may, at uny time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to cxceed[he lcsser ari�oant.
<br /> c_ _ _.� l�nder may cstiuiate t.he amowit�f Funds due on the basis of curccnt daw and reasonaUle estiniatcs of expenditures of future __
<br /> -= 1?scr�►w ltcros or��thcr�vi�e in+iccordancc with applicnblc luw.
<br /> '('i�e runds �hali bc hcld in �m histitutinn wliosc deposits are insurcd by a fedcr►1 agency, instrumentality. or entity
<br /> _-,- __>� IlncluJin�I..c'nJcr,if I.endcr is such csn ins�itutian)or in nny Fcdcral Home Loun Bank.Lendy�alyz ngft ieh sFow acc u t tor -
<br /> •---
<br /> �.._.
<br /> liscruw Itcn�s. Le�idcr rnaY nnt churgc 13orrmvcr for holding un�appiying thc Fuu s.ar�n�a
<br /> ,. = vc�il'ylsig tUe Escruw([cros. unless L.cnder pays Horrower in teres t o n t h e F u n d s a n d a p plicable law p ermits L.ender ta makc such
<br /> �''i n churga Huwcv�r,l.c:ndcr roay �rquire Qorrowcr to pay u one-timc charge far an independent rca! esuste tax reportinb service
<br /> -- _ - ����� �y �r�,�; _;;�.,,��M_r�m� wieh tliis loan. unless npplicable law provides othcnvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> � � npplfruhle law rcyuires interest to bc pa�c�•l.�ndcr shall n��t be required ro pay Borrowcr any interest or caru�►ibs�n th:;F�:n�s. u
<br /> '��.; Barru�ver nnd l.cnJcr may agrec �n w�iting. howcvcr, thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.cnder shaU give to Borrower,
<br /> �=*�a�z�"� witlinut ch.�rbe, :an onnu:d accnunting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds und the purpose fnr whieh each
<br />.... -r�ew.rr���,
<br /> ----_��+ debit t��U►e I'undti�ti:�s madc.The Funds ure pledgcd as udditional security for all surns secured by this Sccurity nstrument. _
<br />.°:���"�1 if thc runds hclJ by l.ender cxceed thc umounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shaU account to Borrower
<br /> ---��°¢ � G�r U�c excetis Fu nds i n ascurdance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any _
<br /> �����:.M limc is nin auffiricnt to paY the Escrow Itcros when due,L.endcr may so notify Borrower in writing, and, in such c:ise Borrower �`
<br /> �TT-'^�=' sh;dl pay���I-encicr the an�ount nccessary tu make up the deficiency. Aonawer shall make up the deficiency in no more thitn
<br /> _Q�---:=-
<br /> - '- -�' .
<br />- — u�s:::�7 �--,v
<br />_:T���.� � t►vclvc munllely payiucnts, at Lcnder's solc discrction. .`
<br /> --=--_��,,� U�m payment in full of al1 sums secured by this Security Instrument. I,ender shall promptly refund to Bormwer any ,.�i.A:
<br />""i"�""�``' I�unils hcld by l.�:ndcr. lf, undcr paragraph 2l, Le.ndcr shall acquire or scll the Propcny, Lcnder,pric�r to the acquisition or sule
<br /> -.-..,..��,.� �
<br />;��ar.r.���a_�?a'L� nt�Ihe Vrupctty. �hall apply nny Funds hcid ny l.cnder at the timc of acquisition or sale as a creclit against the sums secured by
<br /> .'�:�����=.� tl�ic:lccuriry In�tsument. ,
<br /> _ _---: i.Appllcut tan oP Puym�nte.Unlcss uppliGable law provides otherwise, nll payments reAeived by Lender under paragraphs
<br />_� -�i � ;,i�i� 2 s���d�be applicd: lirst, tu uny prcpaymcnt chargc�due under thc Note; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />---"' ���s �hirJ, t�►intcre�t duc: tiiurth.to principul duc: and la,t,to any late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> �• ,_ ,�. �;f�;���;�,����.y, Borrower sliall pay all ta.res,assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br />=;.;�,,;,;,,.:.� . ���,�,;�� i�i;iy uunioi priuriry uvcr this Sccurity (ntitrumcnt. and Icaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay
<br /> - •=:c-c-ca:.
<br /> r.-;�;i,: ���cu„�►11�!cuiun� in ihc m�mncr pr„�id�d i°par��.n'ph 2.or if not paid in that manncr.Borrowcr shall pay them on timc directly
<br /> �=c�' �u tl�c{kr+un mti ed p-�Ymcm. liorr��wer�hall pramptly furnish to[.�:nder:dl notic;cs of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> . . �.,
<br /> ._���,'`�r, �������.�_�����r���;���ti i��L,��r,iynuunts Jircc[ly. t3urruwcr sh,dl promptly furnish to 4cnder reccipts evidcncing the p•�yments.
<br /> '���^"� N,�ir��wcr�liall p�rumpUy di+rhurgr uny �►cn w�uc�i��as priurity over this Sccuriry Instrument unless sorrowcr.(al agrees in
<br />�.;;,,,,,�...�, • �
<br /> ' •''��'"` :�. � aiU�o����u lh�:p:�ymc�tt ut'�hc��hligtuiun +ccurcd by Ulc licn in a manncr acceptublc to Lcndcr: (b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> �..:,'�{..�:��'�'
<br /> , ��Y „� ,���;;�u�ti ;i�oi��,�cn�i,rr,;mciu uf thc licn in. Icgal prorecdings which in thc Lender's opinion operatc to prcvent thc
<br /> "-�"=-` rnfnrrcnic�u ut ahe livn;�►r Ir) ,cc�u�c� Irum thc hold�r��f�hc licn an agrccmcnt satisfactory to Lcndcr subordinating thc licn to
<br /> ' -`°�`�.�;'' �iil, brrunty b«uunicut. If Ixudcr dctcrwincs that:►ny part of thc Property is subjcct to a lien which tnay attain priority ovcr
<br />• `'�'�`' � �•i' �Idh�riuruN IntiUun�col. (Ait�lcr m:ry 6���c Nur�u�vcr a noticc iJcntit'yin�the lien. 6orruwcr shall sati�fy thc licn or takc one or
<br />�, '�.:{�� �: ntuir ul d�r+irllain+,��li�rlh uh��vc within 10 dayti of thc giving uf noticc.
<br /> 4 R;�j �orm 3028 9l80
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