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<br /> oltterwlYS aitprcir�d by RF►pilcebld inw,biiiaii fiGi�i7�3 6 4:wl.:t�f at pre�'luc�3 tiie etterc.:SO Ug fiiy£1lCS't PI�';iiZ UY Pi.:i2:.i ji.tii��
<br /> prxurwm�nt at In�u►�nC�ot t h�paymtn t o f t�x�f a r o t h i r I I e n A o r c h r�r g e f�b y L e n d er ehall not be s walvar of L.ander'q�I9Rt to ���••
<br /> �cc�l�r�y thr rt3tlurrry of th�tt�ebls�tne�kcund by iNit DNd o1 Truat 7he cova�snts and pflr�emsnte narslii con- °
<br /> id� suc�s;Mnd It,Mf�n�1lou�►�9f Joi�M�nd�+�1 LOibMR11�G�+�• �.
<br /> Wrt�d st►�II bind,and iho rbhb h�rw�sMr�Il lnur�to,tha rsep�cHve�uccas�on rnd aalAn�of Lnnder�nd TruaWr.A!1
<br /> covanwna�nd�Nmsnh of 7rustar�h+►II bs�alnt�nd�even�•Th�captiane end M�dlnpi of the parpraphs of MI�DMd ol
<br /> nuri t.-�ta�c�m�7L!°tl!'�tlltk��R�PM 1'!!f!t0 be U60CI l0 Ifll�fN�At Of da}IRE fhe pfOY14I011!{I1EfdL1�.
<br /> ��� �p�!N�MW�M,TM ps�s h�rWy raquNt tli�t a copy o1�ny noHcd o1 detautt hmreundw and�ccpy ori Rr�y nc�ucq
<br /> 04�al�hQrmunda btl malNd to�act�y�arty to thla Ds�d al7rurt at the addrss�sat forth ebovs In the manr,N prNC�ib�d by
<br /> applicabfs law.Excspt fw�ny othar ootic�requlrsd under applicabte law to be pfven In enother m�nne,ony natice provid�d
<br /> lof in thle O�d olTrut!shill�piwen by mellinp auch nodcs by�srUHal mail addrss�d to the othsr partie���t th��ddrNS set
<br /> foRh�bav�.Any natics prnvW�f tor In this De�d of Truet sheil b�e(fective upan mallinp In th0 menner dselpna�d
<br /> T�us�b mor�tAan one peroan,�oUce eont to the oddr�as eet tar'�h above aha�l be notice to ell s�ch p�rwnR
<br /> (q N�q�eYon.f��ndsr may make or.c�ueR to be made raaaoe�Able entries�pon end Inspec�oni o1 ths Prop�rty,provld�d
<br /> that Lsnder�ts�ll ptvo Truttor notice prlor to any euch tnspectlon specityinfl re�eonai�ie cause ther�tor ral�tsd ta Lcn�:,r'a
<br /> In1�t In th�Pra�ty.
<br /> (qj Mo�wp�.Upon payment oi sIl�uma eecured by thir Deed oi T�uat,Len�ier ehaii requeat Trust�e to reconvey tha
<br /> Qroperty and shlll surra4xler this Qeed ot Truat and ell no4e3 avidenciny IndebWdnasa decured by th�s Dued af Truatto Trustes.
<br /> Tn�atas�halt rsconvey the Properiy wlthout�rsrran4y end without eherpe to the pereon w pereons lepally entltled tl�sneW.
<br /> Trustor sha41 paY di cost�of�ecord�Hon,If any.
<br /> m� pM,�p�piap�ei�;�N�!I1��n4 Ae addittonal s�urity for the payment of the No9e,TrueWr hereby pranb
<br /> I,a:,d::csr.�C:ak�re=�a i!n!lorm Commercinl Code a aacurity Intere�t In all fixturoa,eqtidpment,and other psrwnal p�op�ty
<br /> u'ed In connection wilh the real esstate or Improvemsnt��xs2ed thereon,and not otherwise deciered or deemod to Ire a part uf
<br /> the r��e�ta0�aecu�ed herst►y.Thit Inatrument e4�n11 be construed ee a Securliy dQreement unde�sald Code,and the Len�er
<br /> ehaf�have all Ms ript�te and remect�ef oi 8 Becured pa�'iy ui�u'nr satd CCd�tn�ddidor.�o!he r!�hh�n!rem!�!es n►a!tecl��ndsr i�
<br /> dnd acc,orded th�L�xler puraventto thl�Daed of Trus�pro�lded that Lender'e rt�hta and remedlea uRder thle parayra,�h shall --
<br /> bs cumulative wNh.and In no w�y a Iimitetlon on,Lender's riyhts and rert�les u�d�any othx aecurity eyresme�t eig�tis.�by �- -
<br /> Borrawar or Trusior.
<br /> �� �����.7rustor hareby warrante and represenb that Mere is na de}autf under the provialona of any
<br /> mortp�,desd ol trw�teue or purchaee corrtract describing ail or eny part of the Property,or other conVect,Inatrurnent or
<br /> ^g:�:s:er.!canati!�!tln�A lian or encumbratsce egaln�t all ar eny pert of the Property(c�llectively,"Uene"),exi�8n�as o!the - -
<br /> dab o�this Oeed of Truat,and tfiat nny and ail exiati�p l.lens remaln unmoditlecl except as discfosird to L��do�I�TiUSa"vi b -----
<br /> writlen dlaclosure ot Ile�ia end encurt�brances provldGd tor h�ereln.Trustor ahall timety perform all of Trustore obligatlons, __
<br /> �ovsnants,rep�aasntetlonaend warranties under eny and all exisiUnp end future Uena,shall promptly forward to Lend�r cupfes
<br /> of ell noBces at default aent in connaction w(th eny and all existing or tuture Uena,end shall r�ot w�thout Lender'e prior writtan
<br /> conaent In sny rt�nner modity the provlstone of or allow any tuture edvance9 undnr ar�y a;�i�i��r tutu.a L'ass:.
<br /> �) AppMeaYon ol Paym�nlr.Untesa otherwise raquired by law,suma pal�to Lender hereunder,inctudinp withoui�limltatlon
<br /> paymenb ot princtp�l and Interest,Insurance proceeds,condemnation proceede nnd�ents and proilts,ahell be epplled by
<br /> L6rxiarlo theamounb due endawrinp from TruaWr and Borrower in sueh order as Leader In ite aole discretion deema c�astrable.
<br /> (k)�w�e�bNkr.It any provlalon oi this Deed of 7rust contlicte with app�icable Inw or is declared IrnaUd or otfierwiee
<br /> unentorcesble,euch con�lct or invalidity shall not aftect the other provisons of thta Deed ot Trust ar the Nota whlch can be
<br /> Qiv�n eHect wtthout the conflicUnp proviaion,and tothis ond the provislon9 af thia Deed ot Yrust and the Note are declared to be y�
<br /> sevetable.
<br /> (q T�.TAe tamn"Truator"ared"Borrower"ohati Include both efngutar and plurat,and when the Trustor and Borrower „�,,,,,:
<br /> are the eame pe►son(e).those terma as used In thls Deed of Trust aha8 be Interchangeabte. ;_.
<br /> (m)Gor�rnMp I.�w.Thls Oeed of T�ust ohall be govemed by the lawa of the State of t�ebraaka. r.«_
<br /> Trustor hna executed thiaQeed of Trust aa of the date writter�above. �"=-
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