��YN� . .,-.�•r . . ? . . .. .. ��,�w,a�,.T _ . ._.
<br /> .'IYi� .��—.'i*°r.., .. - / . � . _ �.r,� _ - t-.".'
<br /> '� _y♦�,��. �s .u- y '�n
<br /> "'� --��^ '-1.� �lF=i�:. ••- «.�.y.�� �'�. .�_ '
<br /> .. .1a..._ .�. . .. �. :;1h-.j,u_�'Y....�.rS ._...__�_...._.�.._'���....n—^�•'.��i4.���___'_"_. 1'� .:
<br />.y _ .__•_
<br /> _ .. .s.�.-°-
<br /> _,_-^°_r-.r.�.� , r�..-- .
<br /> ��.. '.a3��'� __ '
<br />-_-_.__--�-- ��__-
<br /> , '.J M u� ,...„�.-., a�•^-s:�'�,qr�ec'.nr ah^.II Iscca Ih�Pro��ny in compll�rec�elith ell��pllcohto Inw0.ardlnsrc�e3 Und ra�utatic�n9 .r�.
<br /> . � 0. t�. ?.r�.....�f..,._. . , YPU.t•�rcf:�ll
<br /> a re�?��a�g�+�����u:,id�l i�u�l"st�ccp cnvtr9nr�icnt.^.! �ra:�ctl�n(co:lcc.lvctv rctcrrcd to hcrcln r.�"F�n�lrunracntnl l.�r.o").
<br /> �,•.f;_�,v� kqep the Property iree Uom elt�ubstences d�emed to ba hnr.a��Nou�or ta::tc nndpr eny Fnv;ro�raontal Lnvla(Cttticciivcly rc'2irt��to
<br /> - "`"°��'" hirN���"tfezaudou�Mat�ri�ta"1.�ruBtor her�by warrante and repraaants to I.ender th�t thE+o are no HnxardouA Mstarllla ort or
<br />-F-:��"'� undartheProperly.Yru�torPUreR�Y�preeftoindem�nityandhotdhermle�yLendar,itediractpra,offloare,employee�andeJw►U,arid ''�-C;;•.
<br /> ��1...„-
<br />._...,,,r .. TM�FOH�C�tlltJn ��.�•� -
<br /> '�� .. any aucr,w�rp to L.ander'e�InteretL trom and ayalnst eny end all cl�lm�,derriepee,losaee nnd:labllitiss�ri�irtp In connactlon wl
<br /> c�e pr�Nnc�,u�r.dlspaal or tr�n�po�01 ony Hat�rdou�M�t�rlal�nn,under,trom er eboul tt�e Prap�rtY• ,.
<br /> ``� SURViVE flECONV�YANCE OF TNllS Q�GD O'�TRU�,L resvld�d 2h�t Tr��t�r ''
<br /> 1p,A�meni ol R�nM.Trwtor hereby+�ss�gne to Len�o►ths rente,laeusa and profite ot the�'ropei�y�P `-. '
<br /> ��'"'�� ehail,until the occurra�ce o1 an Event a1 Detnult hereunder,hnve t9�e ripht to collact and rstrin euch rsnb,luua�f ond protit�aa th�y - `_
<br /> become due a�d paya6le.llpon the occurrort�eof an Evont ot 08tau11.Londer may,t�Ither In per�on or by apent,with or withaut •--.•AF
<br /> .-;", bringinq any actlon or pracsedlnQ�or by a roc�iver appolnted by e coun and wiihout repard to the adeqwcy of Its aecudry,erster [_:4;��
<br /> _;;�,�-t"' upnn and teke�sosaosnlan ot the Property,or a�y(�aAtt►ereof,In IU own name or In the name of the i'rustse.�nd do er+y ewu whlcA It p,;��
<br /> "`` sieertes nscessary or desyrehte to proserve Me value,merkatebllfty or renteblitry o1 the PrapeRy,tlr eny pa�t thereof or InterKt thereln, ry `
<br /> .��� i�icr u s i a e the Income theretrom or protect the eecuriry hereof and,with or wlthout taking posseaalon o1 the Pr�apeRy�eue br or [�R".LL_F
<br /> -_;'�::,.� olherwlte cotlect`h���rtd col$cUon nc ain9 ercoene'ye'fee9rupton eny 1 d btedn s�eecu aed he eby al In auCh order neal.ander -----
<br /> --- expenses o4�pe►a the collectlon o1 euah rento,Iasues en�d proflta end the :---
<br /> -- mey determine.7he enteriny upon and taking possosslon of tne Properry. �`ST`
<br />--"'—""� appllcatlon thereo}as etoresatd,shall not cure or watve eny detautl or notice a1 detault hareunder or InvAlidate eny act done In
<br /> __—���_ retpon�e to su f��ei i��d aPplicatlutn o1 tl tstilsaues orBP otite,�a�d T uatee and Lenderishe 1 be e n tted of exe cl�e every ir pht F,�?��
<br /> the callectton, p
<br /> --"�° :; providedforinenyaltF�sLwnAocumentsorbylewup�naccurrenceofanyEventotiDetault,inctudingwithouttimit�tlonlherlyhtto -
<br />--- ,v,;_: exei.:l:a 4tsa�a��r o!�a4s.Funhar,l,ender'e rtghts and remedle�under this psragraph shail be cum h tli�e wYth,�n�d i�n nT�� �V^v
<br /> �•="�•w�� ,: Ilmftatlonon,Lenderaripht�nndremodiesunderanyasatgnmentafteeao9endranisrecoFdads�.t:sd aPra�rty r,; —
<br /> -"^�� • end the recefve►sha��be Ifable to account onty those rente sctualty recelaed• :
<br /> '' �� "~ �1, �wci4r o1�sftutt.'fha totto�ring sha5i c�o�taiittita an�v:.ttt ot Dp�e�41�+nder thle[7BHd 01 Tru6t __ _
<br /> - -___-- (e) Fallure to pay any Instalimont of pdncipa!os Interost of any other sum secured hereby whan due; �=Y^
<br /> ^--q_�; T � (b� A breach o9 ar detgult underony provislon CQntatne�!in tt�e IVoie,th�s�of Tru�t,any ut ths l.nan Documer►U,or any
<br /> -�i�."• other Uen or encumbrance upon the Propertv'
<br /> -.� � '-
<br /> s`.��.��, (c) A writ of executlon or att�chment or any simflar prucess shall be entered agalnst T�ustor whlch shall become a Ilen on FW�
<br />-z..?�} tha Properiy or any poNan thereol or Interest therefn; .
<br /> ��t (dy Th�r�sha!!�e 11l�hy or ttAalr�st Trustor or E3orrower an action under any prnsent or tuture federal,stete ar other
<br /> -'=:�M_�I�.Y.• ' stetute,law or repulation relaUng to bankwptay,insalvency or other refiei ior unuto;s;ar th�re shA�f he Apnointod anY Uustee� F__-
<br /> recel�er o�Itautdator o1 Trustur or Borrawer or of all or any part o1 the Proporty,or the rente,Issuea or profite thoreot,or Truttor
<br />��r��.:ir.
<br />; ,,��.;.,�: : or Borrowar shall meke any general assignment tor tha benert of credltore:
<br /> !p� The.ss7e.Vanafer,lease,asslgnment,conveyance ar turthar ancumbrap te��ie�nder.orovlded that Trusto eshall be .
<br />=°^=`�rh` `� property,elther voluntarily or involuntamy, wifioui ine or'v�as� •�sln�r ��!!--•••
<br /> �;,: ,�,'„ ., permltted to execute a lease ot the Property that does not contaln an optlon to purchase and t�e term of which does nnt excaed �
<br />.,�, ... _,
<br /> 4.�h..��. une year, r-_L_
<br /> ti, : (q Abandonment oi the Proporty;or
<br /> -�,�,-'.y�°t�- (g) If Trustot fs notan Indivldual,tha Issuance,salv.transter,assfgnmen�conveyance or encumbrenco of morethan a total R�_
<br /> �;MSr:`�� :
<br /> } pencent of(If a corporetlon)ils issued and outstanding stock or(if o partnershiPl a total of percent of €
<br /> �' . o.�--.--- "
<br /> �R`^:'�:-- pdrU►erohlp Interosta during the period this�eed of Trust remalns a Iten on the Property.
<br />__-_:s.�,?E�-;.. 12 Rsm�d{N;A�ca�nt{on Upon OM�u�.l►o the ovent of gny Evont uf Default Lender may.without�otice except es requl.•_+d by ( ,�'.F
<br /> `�r'�''=�� . law,declare all Indebtedness secused hareby to be due end payable and the same shall thereupon bec�me due and payabie
<br /> - �`'--'J,"-`-'� � wiihout eny presentmenL demand,protest or notlCO ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may. �
<br />��.°.._;"�'� � (p) Demand that Trustae oxercise the P0171'EFi OF SALE grented hereln, and Trusteo shail thereafter causa Trustore
<br />-M'r� :� Intorest In the Prop9rty to be sold and the proceeds to bp olstributed,all In the mannar provlded in tho Nebrasks TruBt Qeeda
<br /> , .�i�..,
<br />_�,�,.�,,.-���.., Ac�
<br />_-;�t-;'"�:_' . ,
<br />"4u���„ (b) Exerciseanyandalirightsprovided'torfnanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylewuponoccurrenceotenyEventofDeeut;
<br /> =_"-�'"`�" 8�(c� Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a recaiver,or spocificelly enforce eny of the
<br /> v.�;�r::.
<br /> __,,,i--:;;; covenants hereof.
<br /> �., s��.,f•: Iven
<br /> • :.�t�.:>:•r� No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truetee or Lender ie Intendod to tre exclusive of any other remedy hereln, In t e
<br />�-•_.�iti:j;,� Loan Documents or by law provtded or permitted,but each shell bo cumulative,sheil be In additton to every oiher rernedy g
<br /> �a�'�}���� hereunder,in the L�an Documont3 or now or hereafter existing at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be�xerelaed concurrently,
<br /> ` ;'';��!, , Indepondently or anccessiveiy. �
<br /> '�?�,'- . �g,nru�tw.The Trustee may reslgn et any tlme wfthaut cause,and Lender may at any tlme and without cause eppolnt e
<br />._:;;�;,:,�fA- � Includin wlthoutlfmltaUan Lender,Borrowar,Trustor oreny �
<br /> -� successor or substitute Trustee.Truatea shall not be Iiable to eny party, 9
<br /> `:;:'+.'�;'.��.,..
<br />.,::¢�;,�,.,v;�- purcheser of tNe Property,forany loss or drdmage dnless due to reckless or wlllful mfeconduc�and shall not be required totake any
<br />;`fr'��. _�,, actlon in connectlon with the antorcement of thls Deed of Trust unless Indemnftied,In wAting,for all costs.componsation or
<br />- "�': � expenses which may be easoClated therewfth.in additlon,Trustae may become a purchaser At any sale ui the Property(Judiclal or �
<br /> =��+��"'%'' � under the power�f esla granted herefn�;poat�one the sale of ali or any portion of the Property,Rs provided by Inw:or seli the
<br /> =�� �7�',r�, �. .. Property as a whole,or In separate parco ls or lo ts a t Trustee's discretion.
<br /> � ,' , 14.FM�and Exp�n�.��Qnt�t all costs cand exlpensesropexercls ng powe�op alerinc ud ng sigTeust eIs(eeatan�Lend p's f
<br /> '':�:•�i�::,.;
<br /> ••..%�,�;'<<,,� ,:z. a n y s a l e p r o c e e d s f t re t t o p a y m I
<br /> and Trustee's Attorney's 1ees,actually Incurred to extent perm itte d by app l t c a b i e l a w.I n t h e e v e n t B o r r o w o r o r T r u a t o r oxerclses an y
<br />�.,� ' !�• right provided by law to cure an Event o}De(ault,Lender shall be entitled to recovor irom Trustor ali cosis and expenaes actually
<br />��r , � �.,� � �
<br /> :::a..Y:,•,�., Incurred as a resuit of Trustor's detauit,including wfthout Ilmftatlon all 7rustee's and ettorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> ;,;:t,��:rA��� . opPltcable Iaw. �
<br /> 15, Futur�Advartcu. Upon request af Barrower,Lender mvy,at lts option,make addittonal and tuture advancvs c;nd re- I
<br /> ���`��;��� �, �-�� advancos to Borrower.Such edvAncea and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be securod by thfo Doed ot Trust At no t4rne shail
<br /> ;�S`;i:�.::< . vrhlchever is groater. � .
<br /> �, �. �:• the principel ampunt of tho 1ndeS�tednoss secu rad by thla�oed of Trus�not including aums advenced to protect the aocurity ot th s
<br /> _.:.:t���;: [feed at T�uat,oxcsed the orlginal principal arnount stated horein,or S
<br /> 18.MI�CNlaitaous P�ovblunt.
<br /> ���� •�-•-'--- ra� anrrew�.r Not Rokawd.Extenslore oi tha time tor payment or modlflcation oi amortiz�a'I�om f jma°vuman eru e Ibabllity �
<br /> :.:,�,,_.�-�- .-.� •-• -----
<br /> �Y:':-� , Dood o}Truat granted by Lendor to any euccessor In interesi oi oorru�.o�o��a�...�.��...-�--•-•----• - �
<br />.`" "` ' olthe ortfllnal 0orrower and Oorrower'0 euccessors In Interest.Lender ohali not be required to commonce proceedings agalnst �
<br /> • `Yt • I�
<br /> such successor or retuse to extend time lor payment or otherwlso modity amortizatlon of the sum3 secured by thfs Dead oi rua
<br /> by reason of any demands made by the orlglnel Borrower end Borrower's successors in intRrest. �
<br /> � • r (b) L�nd�r'�PowKa.Without allocting the Ilebility ot any other peraon Ilable tor the payment of any obllgaUon herefn I
<br /> mentioned,and without at�ecting ihe Non or charge ot thls Deed ot Trust upon eny portion of the Proporty nqt then or theretotore
<br /> � releasrrd as socurity tor the full amountof all unpafd obligatians,Lender may,lrom t�me to��m�nt ot r ndul encolsr(Iv)ee ease II
<br /> " , parson�o Ilable,(II)extend the maturity or alter nny oi the terms of any such obllgatlons,( )9
<br /> 9
<br />' „ or reconvey,or cause to he releaaod or�econveyed st any tlme at Londer's optfon any parcel,portian or all of tho Property,
<br /> ' (v)teke or release eny other or edd6tlonal seauriry for any obllgation herefn mentioned,or(vl)mako compositiona ar other '.,
<br /> � � ' • errangements with debtors In re lat lon l hero t o. ,
<br /> .,�;� 'y� ,� j
<br /> .. ..... .... .. ..._..__.�_._.---•-----•— ,r- - �- ---- -• - .. ,. - . .
<br /> . _ ... __
<br /> , __....._..___... ... .
<br /> -• „-� - ---�---- _. ----„
<br /> - �,
<br /> .
<br /> , _
<br /> , .�.-�_ -
<br />