„ • . .. � • � �:
<br /> -� ° ' t, .. - -_, -
<br /> ' ' _ , . ' .iot,r.�.r(p,...� . �i..,. „ �. ,� . .. a•�4...�tr.o � �_..-......-...+�..,.�.....� T__._.,. �
<br /> (1• . ' . . . ' . � -��{.'z__
<br /> ' .•�{ •wli.. . � . . . . . • r )1 ^t PI'N'C♦ _ . . . . . • ;• - . _-n
<br /> .. .,.� . •'^'�< � . �- . . � �'���'��..,J4�iI �r� � �f� r+r•'f�'t��r� t-�sY..,�
<br /> ,
<br /> . � •• —
<br />_ ....:. li.�y ....� ..,.��t �W�SiDU7f....u.r�.?.et:�.,�.-�.. . . > ��.,,..�.�._.�,�_-1-.=--� --'r -- _- `
<br /> nr..�nr..,,�. .. . _ ....,f-a'---
<br /> . .. �. _ . . ..-.-.��..,4,_.. vs,,.z...���
<br /> . ..- . . . . .� _ .
<br /> YarifY�rrvscltf•„r.•�•�-�--...>s.....�.u_.......�.'__.__�..t_-..r�_.: "_`_'..___�._ . .��
<br /> ,��..��".�""""�.' g 5_�aA�90 ;; �� ---
<br /> � � ��Jo�o:ler rr.:.y cura e�ah a d:rtaa!t C,ild ►C�f1014:v, ao provlded Tn p�regrnph 10, by cau�"nm tho ect!on ar pmce2c4tnp to be ”' " ^W^�� _,_
<br /> . d:�r;saed wiih a ndin�ihst,In Lender'a poad faNh dete�m!nntlan,pr�clydES foAe!ture o'?Iho F3orrowt►'e Inte�eet In the Pro�nty o� �'• �;, •,
<br /> ut�ia cr�tc;_I L-:;ac'�����71 oT Ih�l'.cn r.sc°tc�by th!a E�c����ty In�L1li17C111 Q7 ICitl',ClO CCC!Ifl�y II11UC�1. I301Y6:rc�oh�y r?^o tz:�In -
<br /> �'� [!C:�'dIl I��C;iti:SCT,fr!r3�n3 tho t�:�il C��,:C::S:98 NT/SCC70.f{1Y0 IitCCCl_'.�l 1:!�0 01�+1:.^.CJIGt011140Td1_Ii�il OP Gl"4CLl;;;il7:(��.Gitr::T(R7 , •
<br /> toHgd tp prGVide Lendw w1Eh dny meteitiaf Intennat'on) !n canne:ttan�vith the IoHn evidena�l by Ihe Not�, Mchid'e!ip, but not 4 . .::�,.:.-.
<br /> `'��• .°� � Nn�It�G to, repree�ntatbno ooncemMp Bnrtower'� ocaup�nay oV ths PropMty aa a pdn�fp�� ruidwsa�. II tt�ta Seaurtry .sv��.�s.�
<br /> , " "�i�•`;'��_c.n„mQer�.,.,r.
<br /> •'.Y �� inat�umint 1�on � I«►r�hotd, Bartow« �h�N compy wHt� �a lh�provltMne oi th�la�t�. tf F3orrower ec�ulns In tIN�ta Ihs T:,,-_--.-,m-
<br /> ' �.:,'�RS.._=---
<br /> Prupsrty,Ihs IeR�ihold�nd ths te�titla�h�M not mKpe unte�a Lender e�r�ee to the r2Kprx In wdttnp. ':���`�°.::—
<br /> ;o,.:,_, , � . �:r---_.,
<br /> �-:�.;:x;��°� � . 7. Prd�tlon of Und�t� HI�Ms In tha Prnp�rty. u eoROwK iRw to p�rform th�co��n�r�ta�nd�prMr++�nt� Rk{.'.BM�+�-- ��
<br /> contuned In Ihls Fwcuttry Inetrument, or thnrm la e ley�l proceoclnp thtt may elgnlAunUy �ttect l.end�r'e dphts In th� Prop«ty '��'°�°_��T•=.�::_.
<br /> (euob u� proce�dlnp fn banlmiptcy, prob�to,for cond�rnmibn or iaP�iuro o�to Fita�c� l:�wa or rc�u'at:a�a), th:,� Lcn�cr n:y � • ..""".'�a'
<br /> - I���r ,ta6 -- -
<br /> '� �s+���!�y do�nd p�y la wh�tavK b n�c�ewry to prot�ct th�v�fu�of th�Prnprrty�nd Lend�r'e d�hts In the PropKty. lend�r'�actlon� _ ---
<br /> ' �`'��=�=�--`� may indude p�yfnp �ny aums n��rad ty � Nen whlch hu pdortty over thla 3ecueriy InatNmM�t, �p�lnp In couri, p�yinp ,,' , •^_� w�,�*"t_.-_,
<br /> :.',.�.,+i�'�rt""••�� reaeonabis adom�ya' fees �nd ent�rfnp on the Property to rrwke repelro. Olthouph Lendx may toke�cUon undor lhb pan�ph �;,::`.';. ,. �,�_y,
<br /> `'' {"•"'''"�`� 7, lendAr don �ot hava to do so. � �
<br /> � .�r�',, °_
<br /> ��.._�.. YYyS[t�. ,�
<br /> ° M amounte dlaburoed b Lend6r under paR h 7 ehnN become edditioml debt of Barrowx aecured by thla Seourity °- =•'�{-:-+>''�j��•1}'���-
<br /> . y y �P t'.l:.2•.f" �'uij •'."
<br /> � - InaWment. Unlesa BoROwernnd lender agree to other terme ol payment, thece unowta eh�N beu Mtarbt irom the d�te�1 ;%:�.:_..v.<-�n�-P.;:-��
<br /> dis6uroemse�t�t the Note aU�nd eh�N he pay�bte,wilh Entere�t,upon no:ice irom lenda to @onower requestf��q pay�►ar�t. . ,.`',.��,��,�„�;;=:'
<br /> � B. MO�tgap� In�urmc�. fl Lenda requked mortg�p�Ineuruice ae � candfUcn of rn�klnp the lan eecured by thla � �
<br /> ' Secwrtty InatrumenL Bortowar sh�ll pay the premlum�roquired to malnteln the morty�pe Inaurance In e(tect. It,for�ny reason,tne 'Y ` • „�
<br /> �'_
<br /> moAgago Inaurance coverage reRukad by Lender I�pses or ceesos to be (n ettaet, BoROwer ehtll pey the prerr�fu����rac��red to '•..,F,,,-��,�T��,f�.�:
<br /> � obLln covenge eubstantlaly equAalont to the mort ga Insurence re�loua U effect, 61 A C061 oubat�nfinNy equhrde�►t to the :��.=•
<br /> ;, cost to Borrower of the mortgaye Inaunnce prevlouay In e(fect, i om an altemste modgage Inaura• approved by Lendor. it ,�:�,a�!��K,y�'��"
<br /> .• ;; oubstu�tkky equHdent mortp�8e Insurance covenpe la not avaN�ble, Borrower ahaJ pay to Lender eaoh month s eum equd to ;:':;,�'�'�lLL���`-
<br /> `' !u
<br /> •«.....-���
<br /> y:� • .. . ' one�twe!Ah ol the ye��lyr mertgwge in .•�nce promium being pad by @orrower when thd Msunsnce covenge kpaed or ceased to �:.�`� .u�-.;.,�=�.
<br /> --- ' • t be In et(ect. Lender wil nccept, ue� and retek►these psyments es s loas reserve In Ileu of mortgage Ineurance. Loss reaenre �;�``:;'"'����-
<br /> � ,::-,> �•� --
<br />;_�___._..__.;;::,`,,;�_.�,_ paymAnta mav�o lonqer ba�equked, at the opUon of Lender,ff mortgege Insurance covere�ge(In tha emount and tor the palod • �r;;�•-. y�jd`c��`�'�'�.c�T
<br /> ..�.ti..
<br /> � that Lender r�c{uirea) provide9 by en ineurer approved by Lenda ageln bacomca nvaliable end Ia obtatned. Bortower ahail psy �yr;�g;,�r���
<br /> the prertYurtu nsquYed to m�k►taln mortg�go Insurance In eNect, or to provide a lea9 reaerv�. until the requlroment for moctgnge �. � .��,`��`+�.�:
<br /> , � �G±Q'�:�s�
<br /> . insurr.nce enda In eccoedance with any wdtten aflreement between Bortower end Lenda or appAc�7e law. �•":',t���''.2�,.,�,�;--
<br /> � 9. Inspsc4lmn. Lenda or fle agent may make reasonable entdea upon snd Inspcctlona of the ProperAj, Lender shaN glve ._ � � .?L�°:�.
<br /> � � �;:����'�� ' Bortower noUce et tha Ume ot or pdor to an InspecUon apecfying rea9onable cause(or the inspection. �� -�•"•!�•�i�,�`.a,i,�
<br /> ..'i,:;;,.?,.�� F i<<
<br /> ..�,;;..�?;?�, 90.Cond�mnatlon�Tha proceeda of any award or c1A4n tor damages, direat or coneequentlsl, M cannectlon with eny '` ''.{`±)�'�,�' --
<br /> �;;%;���'� condFmn�tlon or other tak4�p of any part of the Froperty, or 9ar conveyance in Ileu of condamnatlon, are hereby nssigned�nd ----
<br /> • , �„f�....<t?. �
<br /> shal ba paLd to Lendet. y �
<br /> - In tAe eveni of a tatal 4a{dng of the Proparty, the proeeeda ehail be applied to the sum� secured by thls Security �' i'
<br /> •�4`�.�,�' ' le�ndument, whethw or not then due, with any excesa peld to @orrower. In the avent of e pautiel taking ot the Property fn whlch '`'�
<br /> e .
<br /> _.� __.. ....- -•-�-
<br /> - - ` [�a tair mntacei vewo u�u�o Fitr�+c�:y S�t�ia2�f b6l8t� iha ia`Jrg ��ss�!2a oi ��t�ihen!hw arqm�nt M thn Rum�a secured ...U. •-.
<br /> r w:..i i=,
<br /> by thla Seaurky Instrument Immediatey betore the tsking, unloae Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In wrklnp, the suma � �nt�ya�
<br /> eeatred by thls Security IneWment sheA be reducod by the amount of the proceeds mukipAed by the foqowing�iractlon: (e)ihe , ;,,;1,v
<br /> 4oUl Qmount oi tha suma secured Immediatety beforo the takk�g,dl�rided by(b) the ta(r market valuo ot tho Property Immediatdy "�`,;��;, ��;�°
<br />� �� before the t�kk�g.My balance shdl be paid to BorroNa. In tha event of a partial tekinp of the Property In which the fafr mciicet A•����t� �fi.
<br /> •� valuo ot the Property Immedktely before the taldng is teaa thnn the emount of the sums securad immedistely betoro the takk�g, �.'r�`:r 1
<br /> , � unlesa BoROwor ond Lenda othawlse ngree In wrfUng or untes� eppNca4te lew otherwise provldea, tho proceeda ehall be ���t � .`
<br /> „ appYed to the sums aocured by this 3ecurity Instrument whether or not tho euma ere thm due. �,���
<br /> „ If tne Property I� ebsndone!by Borrower, or H, efter notfce by Lende►to Boaower thst the candemnor oflere to make ut -
<br />• � �, awud or aeltla � clalm for damipea, Bortower faNa to reapond to Lende�wRhln 90 days efter the date the notice Is gtven, �"�'��
<br /> Londer la amho�ed to colkct end appty the proceed�, et Rs apUon,elther to reatoratlon or repn!r of the Propetty or to the •-•4'�
<br /> . eums sacured by thla 3eauily Inatrument,whather or not then due. • i�� `�.
<br /> � Unleaa Lender and Borrower otheiwlae aqree in writing, eny epplicaUon o1 proceeds to pdncipel shap not extend or :� '
<br /> „ �. poatpon�the due date of the monthty paymenta roterted to In paraaraphs 1 and 2 or chango the amount ot auch payments. I �.��'�' �
<br /> . : ., 11.Barow�r No!Rofa�ed; forbaarancv Sy l.�ander Not a Wafver. Exten3lon of the tlme far payment or .
<br /> � �• m o�fl c+�U o n o f a m o rt�U o n o f t h e a u m a e e c u r e d b y t hl s S e c u rf ry I n s wment prantead b y Lender to an y successor In Interest at
<br /> , � Bortower shd �ot operate to reieeae the Uabikry ot the odglnnl Boaower or Borrower's successores in tnterest. lende►ahaN not -
<br /> : � .. � be n�qufred to commence proceedinga agalnat any suecessor h fnterest or retusa to extend Ume tor payment or otherwise
<br /> � modNy amoNratlon of the ruma eecurad by thi� Security Instrument by ruxson of any d�mand made by the oNginal Borrower or
<br /> BortawePs sucaessors {n Intemst Any forbenranca by Lendet In exerclsing any dght or remedy ehall not be e wahrer of or I
<br /> ��`•' prectude the exordae et nny right or romedy. � - R'
<br /> ' 12. Suce�ssora and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Savoral L.IabUtty; Co-sYgnero. me covonents and � � „ „
<br /> aqreementa o1 thla Security Instrument nhaH bind ond benefit the eucceesore and asalgna of Lender end Bortower,subJact to tha �
<br /> � provistons of pnngraph 17. Bortower's covenants and agrecments ehell be Jolnt end severel. My Borrower who co-signs this I
<br /> Security In�Wr�ent but doea not execute the Note: (e)Is co-afgning thls SecurHy Inatrument ony to mortgage, grant and convey ' ' '
<br /> � that Bortower's hterest In the Property under the terma of thls Sea�ly InsUument (b) is not pereonaNy obUpated to pay tha �
<br />- , sums eecurM by tMa Security Instrument; and(o) agreea that lender nnd any other Borrowe►may egree to oxter�d,modity, j
<br /> � torbear or mtke tny accommndatlona with repard to the turms of thls Securiry Inetrument or the Note wRhout thnt Borrowor's �
<br /> . canaont. i
<br /> . • 13. 6oan Charge�. It tho loan secured by thls SecurHy Ins3rument la subJect to a !aw whlch sete maximum loan ;
<br /> , c�a��gea,and thQt law Is finelly Int�tpreted so that the Interest or other loen charges coNected or to ba coNer.tad in connacUon � ,:,�
<br /> . with the loan exceed the pc+mitiM Rmits, 4hen: (e)any auch Ioen chuge ehall be reduced by tha dmount necessery to raduce ; �'�;'
<br /> the charpe lo the pertnitted Nmif; and (b) any sums aUeady collected irom Bo�rower whlch exceeded permmed �mits wiQ be ,
<br /> retunded to BoROwer. Lenda may choone to mako thls retund by redudng the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a I
<br /> " dimct payment to Borrower. if a retund reduces principal, the reducUon wfll ba troaled ao e paiUai prepayment without any
<br /> � prepsyment charge under the tVote.
<br /> '" 14. IdOtiC�l. My natice to Borrower provided 4or In thls Securily Instrument shaY ba ghrerr by delivering It or by mailing It �
<br /> �. •� by RBt ctae�maY unless eppflc;nbie law reyulro3 uso ot another mothod. Tha noUce ahall be dlrected to the ProRerty Addresa ,
<br /> - -- ..
<br /> or any other eddroa3 Bortower designates by notice ta lender. My notice to Lender ahnll bo &Iven by flret class mall ta �
<br /> --=_---_ . . .. . . . . . . •• • - -- ---•-- ---...._, .__ ._ .�._ .
<br /> l.an�er'e ndareas atntaa nemm or any omer aaareas Lli1QCi QBSigffe[C!! Dy noitca to Dorrowci. Nny n�irt.'v�nvrr.reu �v� ��una -_ - -
<br />= � Securfly In�Vument shnN ba daemod to have b�r.n give+n to Dorrower or Lender when gNen as provlded In thls peragra�oh.
<br /> 18. �ov�minp L.pY+r; Severabitity. Thls Securiry Instrument ehell be govemed by tederal law and the taw o1 the �
<br /> ' �urisdlc.�Uon in which the Property Is tocated. In th0 event 4hn3 any provislon or dause of thls Securfty Instrument or tho Nota
<br />= conflicts with eppNcablo law,�uch confNci ehaH not aftoct oiher proYlalona of this Sctcurfty Inewmcnt or the Note whfch can bn
<br />_ = gNen ottoct wlthout the conNct(ng provislon.To 4his end the provlslona ot thls Sacurity Instrument end tho Noto nre deGared to
<br />-- be oevertible.
<br /> 18. BOrrOW�t''b COpy.Borcower ahall bo ghren on�cvatortned eopy of t�e Note and ot thls Securiry Instrummt.
<br />_
<br />�� . 13t0.1M0(10l3a) Pope J ot 5 _
<br /> . „ .
<br />� '
<br /> 5► •
<br /> 950.55
<br />