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<br /> _ ' * �!' .._ _�'�'II.�'t'�u'`r.'p'VNRl+._.+r�.. _.._ _._�"r�'ti�#MbIM�'1(9�tilY��F.4R►w�� -'��e�n.ivi�--:.._�.....- -�.-�._.:_-� _._...
<br /> --- - i►r �_.�
<br /> -���=•��; ��� ,y yn .�
<br /> �VB7C7��
<br /> ,"" '' TO�E'I�f{Efl VIIIYH ati ths impravemento now or harEnfter erected nn tho properry, and all C�serncnto, nppurtenancc�, and ��
<br /> fxtures no:v ar hereafter e p�it of tho�roperiy.NI rep:acemr•nta and sdd:tlon3 oha!I el�o bo covcrcd by thl3&ccuHry Inet�-ur��cnt. �
<br /> A:1 Ol�IIU IGYr,U�'itp I� PG'��iCf�IO l'7 ihf9 C�cui;ty I�ntrurn�at oo Iho "Pro�:�y,' �
<br /> - -.. . {lffiaN(SW.'GI C(111i•lJGN?:l Ihn1 Mrr�urn. la lau/.1J1� aNva1 nl Il�n r+atnlw csuh�� n c.i� nA '
<br /> _.. __.._.._. ._ ._....._, --.___ _. . --•-._ h_.__, e_nv_,CC� �._ F�c� cFio r��hl to {�rcnt r.rui
<br /> -,—__' ZT"' .
<br /> cnnvey th� Wrop�rty enA Ihat Ihe Proae►ty I9 unoncumbe�mi, excapt tor e�i��mbra�nees o1 rer,ord. Borrower warrente end will
<br /> deiend��n�rcNy the thi�to th�PropNty�p�lnet�N cuim��nd dem+mde, eubJact ta�ny encumbr�naa ot record.
<br /> " ' 'fl�l9 (iECUHITV IN9TRUME6VT oombinee unfturtn ooven�nta for nition�l uo• �nd non-unNnrm aov�n�nta wlih lkr�M�d
<br /> �� vadallana by WrltdlctFon to conoiltut��unNam ncurtty In�lrum�nt covwlnp rwl prnp�rty.
<br />,•'�`.'�x'�'� �� UNIFORM G�VENAt�TB. BaROw�r snd LYnd�r cuveneat�nd�prer�e lolfow�;
<br /> 1. Raym�nt a�Pr1�ic►Ipwl �nd Intor�at; PP�pnym�r.Z�oed l.�t� Cherp�o.Borrower eheH promptry p�y when
<br />. �• du�th��dpal oi�nd intK�at on Ihe d�bt wldmc�d by th�Not��nd�ny pr�ymmt anN I�t�chwrqa� duo unde�tho Noie.
<br /> • • � � 2. unds tof Tiunr �nd Imurr,n��. SubJect to �ppNcabl� I�w or to a wrtttm wnlvsr by �entl�r,Bortow�r ehdl pay
<br /> �_��� to Lenda on the day monlhly paymente aro due unde�the Note, uNN the Note fa p�!d In tul, a eum('Fundsy ta: (�) y�ery -. ;
<br /> ,�:;�.,,�s±„+� taxea pnd�a�ssm�nta whlch may atuln prtortty ovK thla S�curtfy Instrument as ■ Ben on the Propety; (b) yeady Isuehold ,
<br /> • p�ymente or pround ronte on the Propaty,M any; (o) yary hwrd or pr�perty Ineunnce prorr►luma; (d) yeufy Aood Ineunncs >.
<br /> ' premluma,i} eny; (o) yearty modys�ge Inau►�nce premluma, M any;and(Q nny euma payndle by Bortower to Lendx In accardtnce .
<br /> � : wrih tho provislona o!pangr�ph 8, In Neu of the ptyment o1 mortgipa inaunnce premluma, These Iterne are caHad "Eacrow ,
<br /> . Itema.' Letider may, at any IYne,co�aci end hoid �unds in an emount not to oxcccd tho m�reum amount n Imdcr(or a
<br /> ' f�a�;y rs�cted ,��s�:y.g�lo:r�raay requiro tar 9oROwer'e escrow account under the tederal Re�l Estate SetUement Procedurea •
<br /> . Act o}1874 ea amancled hom Ume to Ume,12 U,B.C.@ 2601 �+t eeq. ('RESPA•), unieae enother uw th�t appllea to the Fund� ;` ,
<br /> sets e IeaaeQ amoun� 11 so. Lender may,at �ny tirne, collect end hotd Funds In en amount not to exceed the le�aer nmount. • �
<br /> lander mny esllmata the amaunt of Punda due on the basts of currmt data and reasonable estinutes of er�anditurea o}tuture " •
<br /> Eacrow Itana or otherwlse fn eccordence wilh appHcable law. �
<br /> � Tho funda ahaN be hdd In en Netkutlon whose depoafts ere Insured by a fedaal agcncy,fneWrnentality,or entky(kidudinp , ,�
<br />�-� , �� Lendar, if L�der Is sueh en Instit��Uon) or In any Federcl Home Loan Dank. Lender shaH apFty the Funda to pay ihe Eacrow
<br /> Items. Lender mny not charge Borrowe� Por 1ol�ng en�eppi�np the Funda, anrurJly ana�yzing tho o�uov�account,or veYlfyinp �� � '"
<br /> . � � the Esuow Itema, unlesa Lender peya Borrawer intera�t or. the Funda end applirabie law pem:fts ender t� mnke s�•ch a `
<br /> � cherge. However, Lender may requke Borrower to pay e one�Ume oharqe for an Mdependent rsel estete tax reportin8 service �•��i,,
<br /> � - �- used by Lender fn connocUon wtih ihfs innn, wtl6b6 app!!cab!e [ew providea otherwlae. Unless an ognsement la m+�de or '�`f--`.�''-�_
<br /> �•• npp�3�sbie low requYea lntcsest to be paid. Lendet shaN not bo requked to oay Borrower nny Intaest vr eamings oo the F'unda. +L.��:�:,::;��i.:
<br /> ' � �",''� Borrower nnd Lende� may agrea in wdtlng, however, that Intereat ahall be pald on the Funtla. lender sh�A gkue to Borrower, �;.� .�:•�,.�;,--,
<br /> �.��..
<br /> ' without chergo, nn annual accountinp of the Funds, showing credfte end debiW tu the Funds amd the purpqse for which each ,��,,:,,.,,';-
<br /> �� �• debR to the Funda wan m�de. The Funda are ptedged as additlonal security tor eili auma secured by 4he Security InaVument. 1•;;�;���r:��
<br /> 4. ,;:� a; .-
<br /> , If the Funda held by Ler�dx exceed the amounte pertnftted to be hetd by appAcable law,Lender ahall account to Bortower ua�r.�.`;,:,,;�,
<br /> - '':f� for the excesa Funds in ecaordance with the requiremente of epplirabte law. Ii the emount of tha Funds he�d by Lender et rny •,;•:�: ;: :c�--
<br /> � Ume Is not suffidcnt to pay the Escrow Itema when due, Lender may so notHy Borrower in wriUng,and, In euch case Bortower 4�t;::;,.-``__°
<br /> .�•:,
<br /> �� `;`:�� shell pay to Londa the emount necesaery to make up the deflciency. Borcower ahall m�ke up the deflclency In no moro than ',�;::,,."�`ic":.--
<br /> ` ��;�'�� tweive rnonthy paymenta,at Lender's eolo dlacreUon. � �_
<br /> °'''• U��n.��;m�nt !n f�!ll ot e4 9!�tn�apcured by this Securlty InaVUment Lender ahNl QrompW refund to Bortower anY Funda �`� =
<br /> � ; ''��� ',� heid by Lender. I}, undcK peregreph 21, lender sheN scqulre or sell the Properly,Lendor,pdor to the acqulaklon or nde of the ,
<br /> �,� fiT�i��
<br /> , ��, '� ,,.(� Property,ahan appiy any Funds hNd by Lender at the Ume of ecqulsiUon or aele ea a credft agahet the suma eecured by this ��i°�s�-,�.-_:
<br /> �;;� Securtty Instrumen� �""'�'�'`-
<br /> 3. ApplioKldn of P�ymanta. Unlose eppiicable law provides otherwlae, all paymenta rece#ved by Lender under ,`��,r�---
<br /> , , paraprophe 1 end 2 ahsll 6e eppiied; flrat,to any prepayment chaeges due under the Note; second, to amounte payable under �r;;�_-�
<br /> parrgraph?;th(rd,to Intere3t due; to�rlh,to pdnclpal due;and last,to any late chn►ges due under the Note. �^p:��•
<br /> 4. Chargos; L1Yns. Borrower shali pay all texes, eaeesements, chargea, flnes end ImpoalUons atUibutable to the , • ••n�
<br /> .• Property which truy attaln priodty over thls 3ecurtty Instrument,and lesaehald paymente or ground renl�, If eny. Borrower ehdl ...r r,,-=:
<br /> pay these ohNgaUons {n the mnn�er provlded {n pangraph 2, or If not petd in that manner, Bortower ahaN pry them on Ume . �
<br /> � direcily to the pereon owed ptyment. BoROVrer ehdi promptty fumish to Lender all notice9 of emounta to be pald under thla „ ,���w�
<br /> puagnph. II Bortower makea theae paymente directiy, Bortower shall prompUy tumlah to lender recdpte nvidenclnp the
<br /> paymonta. ' -
<br /> Borrower sheN promptlyr discherge nny Ilen which hea pdodry over thla Security Instn�ment unless Borrowar: (e) ngreea!n _
<br /> �� wrftkip to the payment ot the obllg�Uon secured by the Aen in e manner acccptable to �.ectder, (D) contesta In good faRh 4he p
<br /> t., Aen by, or detends agatnst entorcemeni of the Ilen In, legnl proceedings which in tha Lender's opinion operate to prevent the , ,.
<br /> . . entorcemd►t of the Nen; or(c)aecures irom tho holder of the Ilan en agreement saUsiactory to Lendet subordineUny the Nen!o
<br /> thls Seeurtty InaWment. It Lender detmmines that nny pert ot the Property Ia subject to e Ilen whlch may nttnln priodty over thls
<br /> �� ,a Securfty Insttument, Lenda mey ghre Borrower n noUce IdentHying the Ilen. Bortower shell s.itisty the Oen or take ona or more o}
<br /> „ f the ncdona eet tath above wkhin 10 days of the glving of noUce.
<br /> 6. Hazard or P►op�rty Inauranr.e. Barrower shail keop the lmprovements now exlsUr,g or hereatter erected on the
<br />: Property Insured egak�et los�by firo, ha7erds Included wfthln the tertn 'extendod covernge' and nny other hernrda, tncluding �,��,,
<br /> ticods or floodiny,for whlch Lender requlres Insurance. Thls Insurance sha71 be maJntained In the umounte and for the perlods
<br /> that Lsnder roqukes. The Insurnnce carrlor provlding the Insumnce shaN be chosen by Bertower eubJeai to Lender'e approval
<br /> '�' whlch shall not be unreesana4y withhe�d. It Borrower fails to maintsin coverage described ebove,Lender may, at Lender's ,
<br /> opUon, oblaln covernge to protect Lender's rights fn the Properry in eccordance with puragrnph 7.
<br /> '" QII Insurence policies and renewals shail be accepteble to Lender and ehall include a stendard mortgaQe ctauso. Lender ��
<br /> " shnll have the right to hold the polides and renewaly. It Lendcr requirea, Borrower ahall prompty give to Lender all recelpte of �
<br /> paid premlurru nnd renowal notices, In the e��ent of loss,Bortower sha11 give prornpt notico to the insorance cartler und Lender. `
<br /> ".'�'��� Lendr.r may mako proof ot losa If not macfa�romptry by Borrower. I
<br /> �'�'� Unleas Lender and Borrower otherwiae agreo In writing, Insurance procecds ehell be epplted to rostoraUon or repair of tha �
<br /> �• Properiy dameged,H the raatantlon or repefr is economiceNy feastble and Lender'e secudry Is not lesaened.I}the restorallon or ; •
<br /> ������, repafr ts not economicaly fEAebto or Lender'a secwity wauld bo lossened,the Inauruncn proceeds ahell be epplied to the suma �
<br /> oecured by thie Securityr In:�trument, whethor or nat then due, viith any excesa peid to Borrower, II Borrower ebandons the ,
<br /> �� Property,or does not anawer witt�ln 90 deys e notice from Lender that the Inaurence cartter has oNered to settle e claim, then �
<br /> � "° Lenda may collect tho Msurenca proceeds. Lender mey use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay eums ,
<br /> • secured by this Secu►ity Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day perlod will begln when ihe nodce Is ylven.
<br /> " Untesa Lender and Bortower otherwlso agroo In wrttlng, any appllcaUon o} proceeds to prindpsl ehall not oMend or
<br /> poatpone the due dato ot the monthy paymenta roterred to In paragmphs 1 and 2 or chsnge the nmount of the payments. it ,
<br /> under peragrnph 21 the Propeity Is acquked by Lender, Borrowc�r'e dght to eny Insurance polfdes and proceads resultlng irom
<br /> � demege to the Property prtor to tho acqulslUon shall pnus to Lende► to the extent of the sums by this Security instrum�t
<br /> -_ _.,__.__ _ - = •___y_._•._-'__._ '-W__
<br /> �- ----
<br /> --------.---.--- emvctawtery Fntv' w u�o avyvw�ws�.
<br /> - • � 6. Occup�ncy� Preaervetian, Malntenence end Protectlon of the Property; Do�rower's Loan
<br /> App11G�t10�1; Le�8eh01de. Borrower ahall occupy, estabYsh, end uae the Propcyly as Borrower's pNe�clpat residence vrlthin
<br /> slxty days efter the uxccutlon ot this Securiiy Instrument eind shali conUnua to ocwpy tho Property es Bortower's ptincipal
<br /> ; � recldence tor nt lenst ona yeer eRer the date of accupancy, unless Lender othe�wise ngreas In wriUng,whlch consent chnll not '
<br /> be unreaaqnebfy withheld,or unless extenuaUng clrcumstences exist which nre beyond Borrower'a control, Barrower shall not
<br />_ deaUoy,dnmsgo or Impalr the Properry, e➢ow the Properry to detc�io►eite, or commN�vasto on tho Property.Bortower ehali be In
<br /> detautt II nny torfetturo ncUon or pruceeding, whethe chril or sriminal, is begun thn4 In Lenda's gaod lalth judgment could result
<br /> In forteiture of the Property or othenvlae meterlaly Impnk tho Ilen crcntecl by thls Security Instrumenl o►Lenda'o seeuriry interest.
<br /> .- " " F1310.LM0(10Nt) Paqo Y of 5 - �
<br /> � ' 9505�
<br />