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�.,. ... , ,,..., . ..._.,�• <br /> , . . ,��.f;«�,::;w�.,.�..�.w..� <br /> - '�.r � ��•��,,,,,....:.. • ��i,- . ,� - . <br /> � I I� :�'� " .. . .� �.. � d •a:_v..._ • .:.C�.tS�:x'. . . • .. . fS.t^�'•_ �S�-.: <br /> � '.: <br /> ...i...�..r,... ' }��;�.11V��N�i*�� ��•�°�'l��n�f�... T•���i\'^'7�1'i".YAt�r . . .. _; � .r�- - � . . E Y�-�v)m I_'rfS� :� .. <br /> M]i'. <br /> �. ..:.'�:.+Y.L'9�l1'!r"71l����[E�W^1..�..— � "'^'• - �T ^'�^�''Y^.w�"`r+%�.a"'.^.In^1tVP�RAf��'�'!!!II�"},'R.'t.°�`x`�..����{��f�.t s _. <br /> "'_ _._..__ .. i,�.,.....: . . __..__ .. .�e,_t._. �.. - ."" �..__.._.__. <br /> ......._ <br /> -.....,... .��- - o.....-- <br /> --- _.. ._. . ___ . ' <br /> ���..� __... ��-'--'----- <br /> ...-:.n�m'�"ol,�,� ` _= __- <br /> . � . .; ��� °�.�e���� � <br /> •�•�,•.,.�•:,,. ti. If the do�POwar tcuio[a: loi mc:intmn or pay tho prciidun�:,fu� iho roqulrcd Inaur�nco of tho Propvrly,nr Ibl P iY �ood ro(afv�or lel Iporfotm � . <br />_ �:'..,,?.,,,,r �', (0)pny nny umaunt duo undor a priur mort4apo or truat docd bofoto dolinquont,or(dl m�lntnin tho Proparty'n p P <br /> -__= uny of thn aavonents or r.greomonta ot thle Tniet peed,thc�n the Londer mny,nt�ta opRian,pay auch inauranco promium�,tnxoo,moitpaqo <br /> - -_:�T:� or iruwt deed peymonte, or meko re{�alre nnd dis�uroa such sume and toko auoh aodon aa it daoma neaessary to protoct Ite intereat v�ithout <br /> -_�"-'-__�.�,�� vinivinp ur of}eoUnp Us ri�ht ta declore or dofault nnd ouaolernta tha dobt eo�urnd horobv bnonusa of nny euch fnifuro o1 tho�orrower. Any <br /> omount��o di�bursed by the Lender siieil oonetitute�dditlonel ir�dol�tadnoae of tlie Dorro�vor oonurud by thl�Truet Dood and ahntl boor Intorost <br />_,.v�r,��_:_, from the date of dUbureumont at the rate payable w�dor the Noto. Nothfnp oontnlned I�thls paragroph ohall roquiro tho Londer to make any <br /> _---_•=�' � r:nr.h dir.hw�emonte m teke nny noSon whetsoovor. • <br /> I <br /> __ � p, 7Ae Lendnv may moke or ceuso to be made reaeonnble ontdea upon nnd fnepec�ian of tho Praperty. � . <br />_ -_ `�:': <br /> --��--�°" �. The pr000ede of any nvvard or clalm f�r damagea,diroat or consequontlol, In oonnectlon with ony oondamnotion or other tnktnp of tht+ <br /> --_:,,��� Propetty,or part theroof,or for conveynnco in lieu ol condemnmion,oro hereby nesipnad and shail bo pnid to tho Londor to tho extant uf tho <br /> ..;x�>-;;�- �: full nmount aP tl:e rnmaininp unpafd indebtadneae aacurod by thla Truat Dued. <br />=:=,Yrtt��. . <br /> �g.��%'���` If the Property is nbnndoned by tha 8orrowat ur,if nfter notice by the Londm to tho Borrowor thnt the condemnor offore to make nn nward <br /> =--'�;""n � or satHe e cloim tav darnagea.the 8orrowor fnSla to rospond to the Lender within 30 daye ehcr tha dote suuh nmtca Is mapcd,tho I.ondbr <br /> .�.� ',�'.�.: <br /> __.�„L,y�:�� la outhoriied to ooiloot�nd opply the proaeede to the sums socured by thlo Trust Deed, : '��.� <br /> �=�"�'�'*�`�, Condamnution pvoccods or awurds shnll bo aroditod to tho last moturfnp installmente��the indobtedrteas socurod and ohnll not oxtend or <br /> --='"����,�°���� postpone the duo date of thn inst�liments referred to in pnragraph 1 horeof or ohunge tho nmount of suoh inst�llmente. ., <br /> �-���'�Tib:C . <br /> -- -��- 8. If thu Lender fssues a paniel rolenso of thio Trust Daad,tha procoada roceived thorelor shall bo araditad to the Inst maturinp installmonts of <br /> =V'y�`Y` the indebtadness socured horeby. <br /> - -:�.:v.�i:�.�r:r" ' .. <br /> - -:�rti•rrir�• <br /> F�5�-` "�� 9. If the Lander oithor voluntariSy or involunt�rily becomee o party to any auit or logal proceoding relating to tho Propony,Nota or thia Twet Doad, � <br /> ...f=�,....��:. <br />___���•�-� then the Borrower will ►oimburao the Londar(or oll coste nnd,to the extent permifted by low,roasonubto utrorneys'foos incurr�d by iha <br /> '�'��}S•�r••�� Lunder rolatinp to auch suit or iogaf procnudfigs ar�sald ourr.�aha.l ecrta�itutc sddltlor.e!ifidebtednees seo�!red by this Trust Dead end bear I_•:'•_' <br /> r,. . fj�• . <br />= - inture3t ot thr�rato pnyablo undor tha Noto,until poid. <br />__=�"y:.'��G±��'� • . <br />-�—�'�" 10. Ao edslitlonni seauriry,tho Borrowor doea hereby asnipn,trunsfer nnd set over to the Londor,in oeso ot dofault in tho performanao 04 any ,+�t.;.: <br /> ,,..,, � ' <br />_ • :s,:�:r of tho torma or conditfons of this Truat Qoed,the Nota or tho terms ot nny indebtodness eooured horoby,oll of tho rnnts,rovonues ond any <br /> � r^�''.` incamo of noy type whateoevnr ta be derived from tha Propeny,includinp Isnd eontraot puymante. 7he Londefr,in person,by ugent or by ti-� <br />��;i,.. ,.__nn-.. <br />-'l::i.�%�: roceivet,without rogard to tho aolvoncy or insolvanoy of tho Borrowor u►tho vnluo of tha Proporty,ehall bo ontitlod to take possessioo of, , <br /> - � ropair,rent e�tl manago tha Froporty and to auif�at tho rants, fCVQRUC°211d 111?mm�thnrat�otYl And It may pwy nut nt anld innOfY�e all UMp009E9 ��'.`r' <br /> .�.w�r�,�.ryy of rapair ond costs incurrod in ronting nnd mannginp tha P►operty end collaoting ronia and for pnyment of insuranco promiums with ony ,��L,__ <br /> �1�, " ` romaioing balancu to 6o nppliad to tha lost m�turinp poymonte of tho debt aocurod horoby. Upon preaenting o aopy ot this Tmst Deed nnd .c�_, <br />��'x ' demand to any lossoo, tonont or contraot purahvear of tho P►oporty, suoh porson shall pay ull ronte, paymonts and profits accruod or =- <br /> ���� '' thorenfter accruing m the Londor until turthor notico fram tho Londar. �"`-' <br /> ,=� 4 �t-�- <br /> ,,,_ <br /> ;t<iif:�� + ` <br /> .�� 11. If olt or any pnrt of tho Proporty or any intarost theroin is deoded, �oloty by Innd contraat or othotwiso convoyad,dlieneted or furtAar t�°--- <br /> � � , ,,,.,,y� oncumbere�olther v�luntarily or involuntarily without tha Lander's pnot writtan aonsent,oxcluding 4s)o transfei by operetfon of law upon �:�;��` <br /> • "� • the death of a�oint tenant or(bl tho grant ot any loasehotd intarost not contalning an optian to putcheso wlth a lease torrm of two yeare a� — <br /> °.,;,,.�;'��;.: , less,or lo)the aroation of tha purohase money security intoro�t in household oppllence a,thon tho Lender muy,at ite option,declare all sums <br /> r•'s.;t.., !: secured by thls Trust Doed to ba immodietoly duo end payable. �.r'�'`' <br /> ��, ,�{, .. '. <br /> -�';`"T''�'• `' 1 F. Upo�the Borrowar'e breach of uny covanant o�apreement of the Borrower in this Trust Deod,includinp thv oovnnante to pay when due any �� <br />=:3.t';"fi, � <br />�;�•._..i��"L aums eecurod by thls Trust Daod.the Londer,et its option, may declaro oll of tho aurno socured by thfe Truet Deed to be Immedfetely due , <br /> .�'s_ <br /> J-�i.,,�,�_�t and payeble wlthout further demand ond moy invoke the power of aale nnd/ur uny othor ramedies pormfttad by applfoable lew inaluding the �•� <br /> °-_'°�— ��- rlght to foroolose thls Trust Ooed i�the mennor provldad by law for the foroclosuro of rnort�aQos on real ostato. The Londor eholl be ontitled ��„ , <br /> �"�"`,x�' to oolleat aU roaeonablo costs and oxpansos incurred in pursuing such romedios including,but not limfted to,and to tho oxtent permitted by <br /> _„t.:_ '�•^ <br /> �:.��'••:�rs� .•i• law, reasonable attornoys'foos. <br /> � . �r • ...�,t��. <br />'f-�..;o,:�`�y : <br /> ;;_;�r�.�:_��� If the powar of sato ia invokod,tho trustoo shall rocord o notico of dofoult In oach onunty in whiah tho Proparty or soma pert thoraof la locatod <br />-_::.—=�=•.nr_. and provlde notiao theroof in the manner proscribed by opplianble lew. Aher the lepsa of euah tlme as mny bo requirad by apFltaable Iew, ;',,.. <br />,:.,;�F";:;'�"�"i tho Truetoe shall givo publio notico of eale to the porsons and{n tho manner prosarihed by appliooblo law. The Trustee,ar the attorney(or . � � <br />.��:_;_��'�_' tho Trustoe,without domnnd on tho Borrowor,ohall eoll the Pmparty At pubUo ouotlon to the highoet biddar at the time and placo and undor , _ <br />_.;::�;:�*°�,�x'!" tho terms deslgnntod In the�otloo of sale in one or mae pnrcole and In suoh ordor ne tha Trustao may detormina. Tho Trustoa may postpono <br /><<,-:�v�.,�� salo of all or any parcnl af tho Proporty by publio announcomont at tho tlmo and placo of any proviously schodulod salo. Tho Londor or tho <br /> - -- ••y Londor'e dosignoo muy purchaso tho Proporty at any snlo. <br /> Upon roceipt ot paymont of tho prico bld,tho Trustoo ehntf dolivor to the purchaeor a Trustoo's Dood, without wnrrnnty,convoying tho �.:� <br />-_- Proporty sold. 7ho racitc�ls in tho Trueteo's Oood ohall bo primu fnclo evidonco of tho truth of tho stntumants medo thorein. Tho Trustoo ahall . ,. <br /> -�,�i'.,,.� :y ' appty tho procoeds of tho oolo in tho following ordor: lol to aL'roasaneble coats and oxponaos of tho ealo,including,but not Ilmited to,tha , <br /> - "�'= 's. Tructoa's toas of not moro than 5500.00 plua.6%ot tha emount socwad horoby ond romaining unpoid, and costs of titta ovldonco; (bl to <br />_ �-.-:..e;��:�:." <br />'.;y,;,;;,,,.,.,,,,..'�' all sums secured by this Truat Doad;nnd lo)tho oxoone,It any,to tho porsm�or persons lagolly entitled tharato. <br /> .._ . , <br /> ,- '��+� ^r 13. Any 4orbeeranco by tho Londcr in oxaroising any right or romody hereundor,or othorwiso aftordod by opplicnbla low,eholl not ba n waivor <br />" ••:s�.'� -� of or procludo tho oxorciso of any such riflht or romody in thc ovent of continuinp or futuro broaohoe by the Borrower. <br /> � •'ts 14. All ramodios providad in thia Trust�oed nro dlstlnot and cumulative to any othor rlght or romody undor thia Truat Doxd or offordod by Inw ,; <br /> ". - :-.� :�. or oqufty,and moy bo oxoralsod conourrontly,indopondontly or sucnoseivoly. <br /> . '.�N,. + 1 G. Upon paymont of all sums socurod by this Truat Dood,the Lendor ehall roquoot tho trustaa to roconvoy tho Proporty and sholl surrandor this <br /> Ttust Deod and nll notos ovidanclnfl indobtodnoss sonurod by this Trust Dood to the Trustoo. Yho Trustoo ahall raconvoy tho Proporry without <br /> � war�anty to tho p�rso�or porsons log�lly ontltlad thoreto. Such poreon or pars�ns shell pay nll aoste of roaordation,if ony, <br />� �g " �� 1(3. Tho Londer,nt tho Londor's optton,moy from timo to tlmo tomovn tho Truetoa n�d appoint o succossor Truetoo to nny Truetoo appointod j •. <br /> � • � �• d � hnreunder by on instrumont raoordod In tho oounty fn whioh thls Trust Ooed la roaordod. Without convoyenco of tho Propurty,tho suaoossor I <br /> � •� ��• Trusteo shall auccoad ta alt tltlo, powor ond dutioa aonforrod upon tho Trustoo horofn and by appltcnblo law. <br /> • .r � <br /> 17. Except for any notico3,domands,r�quoats or othor oommunfcntions roqufrod undor appUoebla law to bo pivun in enothdY mannor,whonovor � <br /> - • � the Londor,tho Borrowor or thn Truetoo givoe or�orvoa ony noNoo (fnotudinfl, �vithout limitetion, noUco of dofeult and notioa of salol, � <br /> '�'"'" domands,raquosts or othor communfontlon wlth rospoot to thia Trust Dood,oaah suoh notico,domnnd,roquost or othor aommumcatfon shall ' <br /> � �r=� � " n.:.,W.�:�nnnnrl ah�11 be nfinnfivo nnlv ff tho samo is dollvorad bv porsonal sorvioo or rnnilod�y oortiliod moil,postugo propaid,rotum racoipt <br /> - -= - -- <br /> __---��__ - -- .. o <br /> -_-.�; � roquastod,addrosoed to tho nddross sot Porth at tho boeinning of thls Trust dood.A copy of any notico of dofnWt,any noUOO ot sa�o.�oqwroa � <br /> `� ••w- or parmittod to bo pivon horoundur,ohall bo mallad ro each poreon who ia o purty haroto at thn nddross sot farth nt tho boflinnin{�of this Trust <br /> �k�' ,< Dood. Any porty may et uny timo chango ft3 addros3 for such noncoo by dalivcring or mailing to tho othar partios tharoto,ns aforosaid,a <br /> no[ico of such chongu. Any notico horoundor ahall bo doemod to hovo boon givon to tho Borro•NOr or tho Londor,whon flivon in tho mannar � <br /> � dnsfpnotod horain. ' <br /> . .. . � <br /> �""' " 1B. Tho covannnte and apraomante horoin contnined ehall bind, and tho righte horaundor shall inuro to tho rospootivo ha�re, po�soral , <br /> • .i, roprosontativos,sucooseoro und assigns ot tho partios. All oovononts ond agroomonts of tho Borrowor ahall Go�oint and sovoral. Y�honovor <br /> „ roforonco is modo to tho singulur huroundor, it ehall includn tho plural and tho plural ehnll includo tho singuln►. � <br /> � <br /> , . � <br /> ,1 - - -___ <br />