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<br /> YHiS TRUST QE�O,mwie thls�_day of„_,_�urio _„_,,,_,_�.Y9 95 by and amonp thu Tru�tor. ,,.,._,,,._,�___......_.....�.e.�.--. �.�;;•�=s;=.:
<br /> Williem�,,,��{+Pr �n flelares A. naner tL tuqbnnd �nd wi�a, ...... _
<br /> _(h�reln'BurroMre�"1.
<br /> whose matNnp�ddree�is��Zq NPA'°n y D�Csant� Island. NE 68803 _ _ .��---- _—
<br /> end FiroTier ilnnlc�l�',�,�n '1 AwAncigti nn ,[�ah(�,l.,Ke_braska _,(hereln'Tru�t��"1,�nd ths
<br /> � ry. � �n '�Ag,°,"��iAt� pmaha�P��v�jae.�a�t�ayeddrerais 1700 Farnam S��ceet. _,_, •-
<br /> Benefir,.e FlroTier Fian Nz ir� n on-+
<br /> llmahn� Nej+�1` tin1 - (h�reln"Lend�r"1. �
<br /> BORR�WER,in conflderetfon of tha Indebtedneaa herein recaivad end the ttust heroin oreated,l�revocably pranto,tran�fcre,conveys end ae�iflne to
<br /> Truatme,in TRUST,WfTH POWEq O�SALE,the foflowlnp deeeri6ed property.IooeMd in Hall CounEy,Nebreake:
<br /> Lot 16, Block �, La HeiBhte Second SuUdiviaion, Grand Ieland, Hall County, �
<br /> Ne�►rasi,a o =.-__-
<br />- t��..,'-
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<br />-�i TOGETHER with eliltufidinge,flxtures,im�rovemenl�end appurtenanoes oow or heroafter eraotod thoroon end oll rights-of-woy,oasemonts,rente, "�•s�
<br /> issuea,profit++,i�oms,tenemente,hereditementa,privileges,eppurtenanaeo,royalttea,und mineral,ofi,gas�:r�wate►rlphts thereunto belon�ing,used ,
<br /> � or snjoyod with said land or ony pert theroof,alt o}whlah.Including reptaoomente and eddiUons thareto e�11 be deemed to be a�d remain a pan of
<br /> � th�prop�tty covsr�d bq this Tr�st Deed;end ell of the foregoing topether with eaid property a►e herein refarred to ee the"PropeHy." .� u
<br /> �.;...
<br />-' 70 SECUflE to Ler►der tho repayment af fndobtodnesa evidenced by Borrower's Homo Equity Line Loan Agreement and Home Equity Note dsted 4c.;:�-
<br />-- ,19,�,ry.togother with eny and all ronewale,modfficaUona,end extenaiona theroof and eubsiituNons or oxchanee�therefor
<br />�`� Ihen n ths'No�n")In the mazimum pdnalpel sum outetandinp et ony ono tlme of 8 �5_��[] nn ,topothor with intere�t ot the rate
<br /> provid�d th�rain,with a final msturity,it rtot sooner pald,at ,����5 ,X1�1 ZAnn .nnd es security for any tuture advanaea that may
<br /> � bo mads by the Lender ta the Borrower irom time to Gme anrl ns aeounty for the payment of any end oll othor indebtednesa of the Borrowar to che
<br />� Lender which may ariae,all of eaid suma not to oxoeed in the egpregate o sum equel to three times the originel principal amount of tho Nota. For
<br /> �:¢rpoaas of the Nome Hquity L(ne Loan Agreement,peragrapha 2,3,4,6 ond 11 below ehell be deemed covenante retatinD to tho Proparry.
<br />'�� BGRROWER covananta thot the Borrower fe Iowtuliy seized of the Property horeby oonvayed and ha�the right to grant end convey tho Propeny,thet t�
<br />--; thn Property le unencumhered by eny mortQnge,trustdeed,enntraot 4o pumhoao or otherwise,oxcept for n npad nf Tr�iat �_ f,
<br /> � in fa�ar of�;, R and Loan �
<br />-� �on whtoh the unpald balenoe on thfa daie does not oxaeed 9 " . The Borrower aovenants to compiY with all the turme and
<br />�� proviafons of any pdor mort�t�c�o,truct desd or contmot to purohase, upon the Froporty dnd to muke all poymentn thereon boforo thoy become i ^
<br /> �� delinQuent. If no name or amouni ie Inaerted in thfe pnregraph,then the Borrower oovonante thnt thnre are no prior lians or nncumbrancos of any kind ;'�;,
<br /> upao tho Proy�arty. The Borrowet turther covenante to watrent and defend 4he title ta the Proporty ogainst o!i clnlms nnd domands.
<br /> �
<br /> a The Borrower and tho Lendm further oovenaet and agroe ue followa: I
<br /> - I
<br />- 1. The 8orrower sholt ptomptiy pny when due the principol end Intoreot on tha indcbtod�osn ovidencod by tha Noto. �
<br /> 2. At lea�t te►�daye befote they become detinquent,Bortowor shall pay all taxos and speciui nsseesmonts lovied or asseasad egofnst tho I
<br />_ P�operty,or any pert lhofiof,end all taxaa,lovtes nnd easesements teviod upon tnie Trust Daed oe thu dobt whicfi it socuroo. I
<br /> •J 3. 7Re Borrower zhall kaep the frrprovemente and buildinQa,ff nny,upon tho Proportl�fnsured,with a aompany or companios npproved by tho !
<br /> ,1 Lunder,for nn amount not leaa tAan tho unpaid 6alanoe on tho indebtednosa socurod by this Trust Dnod with n standatt!mortgape cleuse �
<br />.� with loss paya6le to the Lendes. The Qortower ehell deliver seld polioy or potic{ea to tho Lenden �
<br />_� In the event uf e loas,tho�orro�ver ehail fltve p�ompt notice to the insurunco car�ior nnd tho Londer nnd file o proof of loss. It tho Borrowor is not �
<br /> __�..a._iY...��.......�..1.en r�nd►nr rmlace thn denl3Ged PfODORY.if oconu�.��b�iv fensible,nnd I.
<br /> � cTnervnse in cieiaui[.mo oarrv�rm nio�oio.::.o�r��...o..._.._.....•------ •-�-�-
<br /> tito seourity of this Truat Oaed would not ba impeired. If the F3otrower is in doteult or eleote nnt to ropair or raplaca tha domapad Proporty or ropair `
<br /> or taplacoment would not oconornloeily(ea�.Wle or the sacurity of this Trust Deed wouid be Impaired than tha insuranoo procoods 3hall bo nppliod to i
<br /> the laet meturinp paymente due on the Note. If the fnsuronce prooeeds nre in excoss of tho totol amount duo on snfd Noto,tlie oxcosa shntl bo pufd �
<br /> to the Boerowm. Ineurance ptoneetlr for repair or roplecement nha0 tto pleced In oscrow vrith the Londer and diebursod Ly tha Londor during or upon �
<br />- comploUon ot nuch repNr or repleoement. If the Lender ncquttes tltto to tho Praperty by oxotcfeing ito powor of solo,forocfosuro or othorwiso,in
<br /> sed�fROtion of tho Indebtedneia secured horeby,in whole or in part,then c�ll ripht,title and intorest of tho Borro�vur in and to such insuranco poliay
<br /> � ur pnlicfes nhail pass to tho Lender.
<br /> 4, Tho tiorrower ehnll koep tho Property in good ropdt nnd sheil not commit wosto or pormit impairment or datoriorutlon of tho Propnrty. �
<br />,,� '
<br /> f
<br /> i .
<br />