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.. � _ .r. _. .. <br /> , : <br /> . . .. ._ <br /> �rmu.»n,:• , .. `ty <br /> ..ms4y�N � � ' ,. <br /> -. n ' ..�_.. ,tt, • <br /> rr ""'4����.�"'°•- . . <br /> _' ....�._. . _._ .� -- — — ,.� . <br /> ' - ---"-'-�_ <br /> � �'�;,� ` `_.--- <br /> ° — F- - -- -- �--------- <br /> -s:�Ty.`�FR"�� �����a.�i����� <br /> °-tr=��?'� E;�)!lF:ra�w79 �-,_ <br /> . <br /> a- •o L]�........._, ��,...., i� Yr;- - ;,�1 <br />,_ . . _�_ _-� 9. • .. _ _ �y r•1 �r:,..::;i� cn 9in c.;r.��::i c:..,;i r.' <�:. l!%,':::� I?r.;rr..::� ,�i�t ±�•r.'.�r.:.:� c,��.•::.'°: r;. t l <br /> - . ,.... .� —.° . --_� •� � - _ .' �i� itr«�sn��s v p�.�qucii,•I:.:::R'::.t fT:.J i:37 L�.J G.:�::::d C__.: <br /> ,.�::....�. _ <br /> ---a�Y PaYments Unrt+�r r�G�h,v�hom iun�awa cK jnr ewrroww'�[,.�w��i.::I L��,^.;..�.. ..._. ._ _.�, <br /> —'_- �xckulrre o1 IrrterKx cx S�'M�P�I�a�onef 10 intrr�t,srxl th�n tn��nc(p�l.if partfal prepaymar�t ot the aeccxed dab4 accue�fnr any re�an, it wi31 <br /> not r�c�ar�xc�ts�+Mr�c�'M1*������t ta p�d In fuii. <br />-- --=- 2.C�l+hn�A0�!�'���a�aw�i w�l'�nny rM isxN,aa�a+ur�nt�, ind nM�r chKpra sttriDut:��M ta tt►�prop�rtY w�rt dw and wAt d�(Mrd Uti� <br /> to tM praWrtY�qaGv�t�o+�Y ct+lm+wt�ich waild kr'PaM the Non ot tt�`�d�ad of ttuFt.L�ndar mcy nquir�Barnwer to uelqn any ripht�,claira�4r <br /> dat�wMch 9oaa�wr may Mw+�9�crwt P�tM�wrta wpply labor a maUxiat�to improw a makitafn the prop�rty. <br /> ------ , � -,. e^;tr.e•,•.vAN k�!r tfr.f pro!f�+ty iru�ur�d undst tMen��ce�pt�bb t0 Lender�t Bor�oN�r'a�xp�ns�an0 tor Lexl�r'e Mr»tft,AM <br /> ----- ... G�.:::::_..._ <br /> I�xx�D��sh�M lnclud�a atMx�d mortqp�dau�e in tavor of L�nd�r.L�rxia wi�br r�w�wd�b:aµ�Ya c.r a t��lr��:.*:.�an crr.+n,� ---- <br /> kwur��cy A�W k�x�na pr�may W witl�fn L�nd�r'�dl��atbn,te 4ftMr tl»�wtoraUon ar np�lr o1aM d�mN�d praP�Y -- <br /> �� <br /> or to tM siEus�d d�bt H I.�r�d�r��Ruke�morta�p� ruuuncs,Barow�►a0re�r to m�lnt�in�uch kuurana+for u bn0 aa 1.��►r�irM. <br /> � {.�ro�ty.Borrowar wfll kNp ih�ptopa�ty In poarf conditlan�nd msk��U rop�fn raa�onably nocoa�ry. <br /> �,E��.Bwtovwr prN�to p��all Lertdu'�expm���.Includlnp reawnabl��ttane�ts'ts��,ti Borrow�r bre�k���y covenants tn this d�sd <br /> - of tru�t or In rny obNpatio�a�cur�d by th1�dNd of tru�t.Ba�rowx wftl psy tF�D�e amou�to�aa provid�d in Caw�►ant 9 oi thlt d�ed of <br /> �_-�.� uu�t. <br /> si��lty i$tK�s�.�w�ruwfM p�rtam�H oftl3odrrowirs o�Wl�itbviit�undir�ny���mWa�t9�ps��dNd of vwt d o��iti� N��emaint, � - <br /> IncNidirp Barovwr's cown�nt�to mok�p+�ym�nts wh�n due. <br /> 7_q��a o}it�nb ard holks.Barower n�ipns to Lendx tM ronts�nd profiU o4 ti�prop�rty.UnNss eortow�r and lsrxbx ha�+�pned <br /> 6ttN�w�N fn w�Itinp,Barrow�r may caflact and rotaln the ronte aa(anp eE Burows►ta not in defwlt. If Bortowrr daiwtts,L�ndet,LarbK's <br /> o�nt,or �courc appolntaD rsulwr may t�ks{wassasbn �nd man�pe the prpp�rtY and rallect tha r�na. Any ronts LendN catleen sfuY b� <br /> = sppGM fir�t to tAs co�to of m��th� prnik�tl/. ����court�o����nd�tta^�1►a'twa, commtaslor�to nntal n,�d any oth�r <br /> n�cuaary r�l+�t�d exp�nse�.TM�im+ini�0 am�wnt ot rsnts wAI then�pply to payrtwnt�on the�cur�d dabt aa provld�d In�ovemnt 1• <br /> --- s ��bu�itat�d.lf thio�o�utt i��a oMn a unit 6n�ndbminium or a ple�ned unitrydevulop entRrSorrotv►er wl npe tixmillha!Bardrove�r'•dutfas _ <br /> — v u�r ttw covwnonts,6y-1aws,or r�qutauons of tM�undort:inium+�r pt�r►nsd unk development. -- <br />:_���.'� � �.��y�}�M�to pNtorrn 4ar gortawK. If 6orrowrer teile to pe►form eny ot 83trot+er'�duUea under this desd o}trurt, Londer msy ----- <br /> -=---°--°�� pidpmt qfN Autks or ca��io����n to lie psi�o�ma�. l.:.r,Ecr m:y�l�n Lorroti:er's neme or pey any emount if�ecns�ery tor pafotmance. If any <br /> y.��y, � coruvu�Klon on ihs prop�rty 1�cHscontirw�d or not cxrled on In�reaaon�bta mannar,l.endar may do wh�tsver(a neceasary to pnatect LenOOr'� <br /> �u- � secixiry iniecest In tfb aoperty.Thli may Includs compkUng the construcUon. _ <br />_=-;��,, <br /> _ --° LenQerb fe�lure to perfo�m wAI not pre�Iude Lender ftom exeecl:ing any of(ts athar dghts undor the law ar thia Qead of truet. <br /> .�rt���a- - <br />,�.�t�., �:;,y;,,-,.�u��ia Naid I'iy 1.=.nd=r to,^•fOt^G!L6'^!���'" �"��!���Y interest wlll 6n secured Uy ffiIs deed oY truft.Such emqunYe will be due an dem�nd __ <br />:�,1;�,�. ai►tl will bex intereat from the date ot the payment untfl paid In tu11 at the Uterest reto In ettect on the secured aebt. � <br />�::�:i.;; �p,p�y�It�r,d AealrxMtao. If Sottow�r fa0a to make any paymant whan due or broalu any ccvsnmts under thlo daed of trutt or sn1� ___._ <br /> =��� obllgotfon ucured by thle dead of vust or any prlor mnrtga9a or desd of wst, Lender may eccelerete t�e m�4uriry of the eecured debt�nd <br />�_�:*��:• ti -- <br /> �-v:r;, aem�nd immedi�ta p�yment�nd msy Invoko the power of eale and any other remedlea{sormltted by appltabte Isw. <br /> "',',�;,;�k/` ��,p�t{��s of Wtwh.!t ls Mroby roquested thet coplos of the nonces oi delauh and s�io ba eeni iv o6ui��:or.a:s�.Y a;,t:'i�: -__ <br /> ',�� �' ` ' hareto.�t the�dMss�ot each euch peraon,�9�et tonh Mreln. <br /> `� ." ' 12,pow�r�1 Suk.f}the Lender Invokoe ti►e power of sate,the Trustee sha0 f(rat record In the office of the rogitter of deeds of etch county � <br /> - .�• ��'�''. ,� wMroln ttw trust p►operty or some pa►t or parcel thereof ia sttuated e notice of detauk contalnlns�ths InformaUo�i tequlred by law. Th0 Tru�tae <br />`�������^_-" shail dso mail copiss of the nottce¢f default to the Borrower, to each person who Is e party heroto, end to otiwr perauns ee proscribed by � <br />--;-�`�'�i� '�� • applica b M lav�.t lo t l ess t h a n o n e m o n t h.a f t e r M e T r u rt e e ro c orda the notice of default or two mo�ths if tha�uust{xoparty ts not In�ny <br /> r, ,`�,�;,,�� , incorpor+e2ed e{ty or villayu and la uaed In terming operaUona canted an by the truatcr,the frustee shaU fllva�wblic notice o}sele to the perwns <br />--,f'.,:;•r.�.'� - and In tM msnner prascribad b y apppllceble iaw.Trustee, wlthout demend on Bor►ower,sha0 soll the properry at pubtla aucdon tn the P�Ighost �i r <br /> :++;,,�* ' bidder.If requlrod by the Farm Homeate�d Protectfon Act, Truatee ahell offer the propeety In two sepente salee aa requi►ad by eppllcable lew. �� <br /> xr°`�°l,��'" Trmtes m�y PoctPone r�k of���or any p�tc�l of the property by publio ennouncement at the tlme and place of eny prevtously schedulad eoin. _-__ <br /> vn���•.+r�� Lender or fu datpnss m�y p+rrc hsss t he prapany et nny sale. ---- <br /> �_-;�,� Upon r�celpt of pn�ment of the prlce btd,Trustee shall delie�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the properry.The reGItlals contalned In �''-°'_ <br /> Trustee'a deed ahe!be prlme facle evldience of the truth of the atatoments contnlned therefn.Trustee ahalt apply tha proceede of the sate In the [s�..� <br /> � , �� ►elnstiteme t tees��lbj to�etl aumsssecu ed by thfs�doad of�trust and icl�he balance,(f any,t�o t e pe�eons 19gelly sntki°d t 0eeelve it,feee and `;. <br /> ,.�_ - .i ��t. <br />...;'-•�=�:�.7'�:-°n'� .�i3 <br />-���1 ;:� �3,For�ctoww.At Lender'e optton,thla deed of trust may ba foreclosed In the mennor provlde by appllcabte taw for foreclosure of mortgeges �7'�'' <br /> _:'-=�R;+� : � vn rcal properiY• 11 ��' <br />_''i:._ �i,.�._ <br /> ••••�."s,7r"F.,gf.�° y4,Map�eUwi.Londer mey entor the property to fnspect it If Lender fllvea Borrower notice batarehend.The nottce enust etete the reasanable �.,:,! <br /> w . <br />-:.:-� i,�' ' cau�n for Lender's(n�peccion. .° <br />:�;,.s:r•�" <br /> n:+ 16,Cond�rn��ttlon.Borrower asai�ns to Lender the proceeda of eny ewerd or clalm for damagos connected wlth a condemnatton o►othar tek�ng <br /> �` of ell or eny part of the proporty. uch proceeds will be epplied es provlded In Covenant t.Thls essignment Is sub�ect to the torms of anyprior <br /> :r� �. <br /> • - • searlty�8raemm�t. • <br /> �����. <br /> �i ,• 10.W�iwr.6y oxetclsing any remedY avaflable to Lender, Lender doea not glve up any rlphts to leter use any other remedy.By not oxercicing ;i. • <br /> ?A,=•" any remedy upon Borrowor s dofeutt,Lender does not welve any ripht to Inter cons�der tho ovont a detault If iR happens eyeln. <br /> � - 17.JdM�nd S�v�nl U�y Co�s�9ne*j% Succ�tson �nd Aulpni Bound. All dutla�a urtder thla deed of ffust are joint end soveral.AnY <br /> '°""" ' ,;, Borrower who co-sfgns thia deed of trust but doea not co•sign the underlyfng dobt insVUment(el does eo only to greni and convoy that . <br /> . ;.,;-, L'arrower'a fntoreat(n the property to the Trustee undor tho terme of this deed of trust.In asfdition, such a Borrower adraes that the Londer and <br /> � .� debt without thOt awrower e�consent and wlthout retea�ng thet�orroweee6om the terms�of thla deed of ttust this dead of Vust or the stcured <br /> � � � TM d�tiea and bertetite of thla deed of trust shdl bind end Benefit tho successore end essfgns of Lendar end Borrower. <br /> �" 18.Notic�.Unlesa otharwlse requlred by law,any notiu 4o Borrawer shall be plven by dalivering it or by matllnp fi by certtfied meil addroasod ta . <br /> �.���. ��j Bortower et th�p►operty eddross ur eny other ed6rost that Borrower has gIvan to Londer.Borrawer wlll gi�e eny notice to Londer by certlflod <br /> s� . . �f mafl to LenAer'e eddreaa on pege 1 ot thls doed of trusL or to any other eddrese whlch Lsndar hae designated.Aay other nottce to lendor ahall <br /> „ be ecnt to Lander's addreaa os dtated on page 1 of thls doed ot trtist. . <br /> . � Any notfce ehall 4e deemed to hs�vi been plven to Borrowar or Lender when ptven In the manner staud above. �'� <br /> ��. <br /> ' . � I � i8.Tr�n�fer af ttN Prop�rty a a B�neflctal IM�cest In th�Bor►owa.It all or eny part of the proportY or nny Intorest In it is sold or transtorred <br /> :;;�s:, whhout Lender's �rlor vnittan consont, Londer may demand fmmodiate paymont of tho socurod dobt. Lendo•r may otso domand ImmoJiato <br /> • ������ de�nd p�eymeiret 6��tha aboWO ituatlonsrlf IL is prohlbted by fodorel low og of the date of thfs doed�of trust�eT errod. Howovor, Londor may not I <br /> ., ...� ` . <br /> 20.R�conv�Y�nc�•Whon the aDtlaetion securod by thls dood of Vus4 haa beon pald, end Lender hao no turtho�obllgation to mako advancos G,,: , <br /> ' untler the Instruments ar a reamente securod by thle doed o}Vust,the Trustoo ohnll, upon writton raqunst by tho Lendor,roconvoy tho trust ��: <br /> _- - - �_ T��_.....,e�..0�s�.n.r�*no r�rmwm_or m Borrotiver's successor in t��terect,tho trust deed e�nd the noto or other ovldonco of tho �,� <br /> _ , ,`'' -_= v�� •....��..�. _.._..__..._. _ <br /> ....�•. � <br /> .:.F; ob1lgation so setlsfled.Bor�ower shall pay any recordetlon coats. <br /> 21.6uca�sar Trmstae. Londcr, at Londor's optlon, moy romovo Trustoo nnd nppofnt a succesaor trustae by firflt, mafllnp n copy of the � <br /> suDstitutlon of trustee e�requlred by applicablu law,end thon,bV fillng the eubstltution of trustee for racord In the offico of thn roglstor of da�ds <br /> �f at eech county In which the Vust praperty,or somo part thoroo4,is situatod.'fhe succesaar trustoo,wlthout conveyanco of tho proporty,shnll I <br /> � succeed to all the power,dutles,eu:hodty end title of tho Tru»toe r.amod In the dsed ot trust end ot ony succonsor Vustoo. i <br /> � S <br /> . � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> .' i <br /> i " fpego t o121 � <br /> -��t •. <br />� - BANKEAS SY6TLMS,INC.,ST.CLOUD.MN 66�01 fl-EDO•597-29411 iORM OCP�MTO-NE 8!1 W91 I <br /> '- ' r I <br />