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<br /> HOftAWOf I�IiYYlltly IWlZad, dnaW+d bNow�nd �11 bu8d��p�, flxt�xa�, and�xisti�p�u�i Cu:u:a i������:t::tt: tt.W��n er�!r!9 rin_hts�Rw�y,
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<br /> L,FQAI OWCRI�TIOd: �str�1 =—
<br /> NSg�iASRA.
<br />°' locatec�in . Coumy,Nabraake. �
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<br /> _ TiTLE:Borrower covsmnte and warrante title to the property,except tor . ��
<br /> ��
<br /> � SlFCUlIFJ3 ttE1S:'!Ms desd of vust secures to Lender ropayment of the securod debt end the pertorm�nca of the coven�nt�and�preemenU �i-
<br /> � cont�ined�n thls dead ot vust end in any other document Incorponted hetein.S�cured debt,aa uced in this deed of uuet,tnctudea any amounta ��.
<br /> - C_.._v:
<br />— E3orrowor ower to Lend�r unde�tNit deed ot Vuat or unAer eny instrument secwed by this daed o}trust, end ell modificatione,etttonsbna end -.,.-
<br />-= f81WW�l�ihlfl0}. ��r
<br /> The securad d�tit I�svid�nced by(Ust etl Initruments and apraemsnte�ecured by this deed ot tru:t and the dates thereof.l:
<br />_ � A p1ZQMr�4o v NQ'1'F ';��
<br /> �Futur�Adv�neoa The ebovn emount Is aocured even though etl or part o4 it m�y not yet be edvanced. Future edvancea ere �,F�°[
<br /> contsinpt�ted end wfll ba sawred to the eame extent as if made on the dete thia deed of truat is executed. f�-::,
<br /> I�a'`-:<.
<br />° ❑ Hevalving Iine of credit apreement dated _.,with Initial annual Intereat tete of 96• �•
<br /> — All smounU owed under thia�grcement ere eecured even thouph all emounts mey not yet ba edvenced.Wture edvance�under ���"'
<br />— the�greemant ere contemptated end will he oocured to the eame eMO�t es it mede on the date this de�d of Vutt b executed. C
<br />— The ebow oMleatlon i�due and paVable an �'►irn�1 S. �^�� �if not pald earper, � -
<br /> The totel unpdd baiance�ecured by thta dead of Vuet at any ono time shall not exceed e mex(mum principal amount of ��p�ua Interest,
<br /> Fo�xiam:�^u.^,r,g,z•^n aiver �nmaun nun ue/i nn--- Dollars 19�4�5n�-��--
<br /> p!w eny�mounM diaburced u�der the terma of thia deed of auet to protect the eec�crity of thie deed of trust a to perform eny o}the
<br />- cavenan ts con la i n e d I n t h W d a a d o f tro�t,with Interoat on euch disbursements.
<br /> []VrrlubN Rrt�:Yhe Intereot rete on the oblipatlon secured by thfs deed of trust may vary accordi�g to tho torms ot thet obligetion. „
<br /> ❑ A copy of tha loan agreement conteininp the terma under�vhich the interest rotu may vary is ettached to thio deed of trust end
<br />-_� msde�p�K hareof.
<br />'.'� RAERS: ❑ Commercial 1rG� Aaaic�t�Ei�iT nF RF'NPS � --
<br />_g Puraumi ta the Farm Homoatond Protectian Act,desf�naUan af homsetead ❑ is attached to this deed of truet end mede e part hereof
<br /> ° ❑ has bnn d'+sci�imed;tM dieclatmer is etteched to thie deod of vust and made e part hereof.
<br /> i
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