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<br /> 5. He�zwtod �' 1'mp�ttY �n�u�'n�xc. �orruweT si�u91 kcxp the itnpr�ivcmcnt.r �xiw c:xi�tSng ur hercafler crc�clr�l ��n the
<br /> Fxop�ny Insurod agalnst lo!ts by firC. I1Nl11C�IS IQtCIUCIL•(I N�illdr+Ihs tcrrn "cx[c��lrs1 covcrago" a►�d i�nY�iher hazarcl�. hxtuding
<br /> floods or fluading, far which I.enJer reyuirc9 fnsurance. This insurance ahuli bo miintained tn the urnnunts xnd for tht perioda —
<br /> �;;�E,;,f�;3;,; i;;;��i���. xh2 f(1»uI�C�carrler provieiin�thP h���►r2nce sl�afl he rlioncn by Bc►rr�wcr suN,Ject to l.ender's nnpravai __ _
<br /> which shul! not 6e unreaso�uibly withheld. If 13c�rrower fails to maintain�cov�rnge described ubuve, Lencler�r.ay, at I.end¢r's
<br /> option,ab►ain coverage to protect Lendcr'r riglus in the Property in accorJance witfi puragraph 7.
<br /> All insura►:ce policies and reuewals sindl be acceptablo to l.ender wxl shall includc n standnrcl re�ortgnge clause. [..ender _
<br /> s1m�6 ha�e ihc s�gh�aa huld thc polfcies and reir�a�sls. lf Lendcr rcquires,Aorr�wer sl�all promptly�;itirr.f���xnder all rxeipts of
<br /> � �pa;c��;,cm:a•,•;a�arcx�a��:newal notic�s.In the cvein2�f Yoss.Rvrrower shall s6�r�rompt notice to the ir�s��rr.^cs�a��rn•ier nnd t..ender.
<br /> �n:r��:•m:�y ma�;o�:aof of los•;a iF s:w:m:::lc pm�rptly by�Rorr�zti:r. ._ - -
<br /> ' t�?nless]:r:i�de<�nd Borroe�•er atber�vise agrce in�vri7.qng, ia�surnnn.p�oceeds sh:�9s bL apglied Ra r�stora4ion or r�:p�tir of the
<br /> Propevty iiamageJ,<if the restoration or repair is ecnnomlcally feasible and b.ender's secustity is not less�neci.Tf t�he restorntiou ar
<br /> repair is not economic�tly fci.siblc or I,�nder's secarity would be lessene��, �he ir_surancc Prcfceeis sht%Il be applied to the suins
<br /> secured by t1»s Securiry Instrument, whethcr�s•no2 then due, with any exccss p�id to Borro�ver.t�•'l3orrower abandons thc
<br /> Property, or dces noi answer wit�in 30 days a notice from l..ender that d�c insurance carrier has Gffered to settie a clei►n,then
<br /> Le►xler tnay collect thc insurance procecds. L.ender, may �se the procecds to repair or xcstorc the Ptop�rty or to pay sums
<br /> secured by tIi€s Secucity Instrument,whethar or not then Jue. The 3(klny periad will begin e�hen the notice is�ivcn.
<br /> Unless L.encli;r arxi Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicadon of procueds ro pdn::ipa1 shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due dnte oi the mun�tity �aym�nts rcfcr�l �u i�i�arag�apt,s 1 tu►d Z or Change the amaun� uf ciie pdynicnts. If ---
<br /> u�der}i3rabruph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, �3e�rr�•.ver's riglit to any insura�ics policies nnd proceeds ru:iulting from
<br /> da�nnga to the Property prior t�the acquisition shall pass,to Lender to the extent of tha.surns secutul I�y this SecuK11�:Instrum..nt
<br /> Immeciiatcly prior to thc acquisltion.
<br /> ��Q�cupancy�pr�ervetion,Mainten�nc�.nn�Protectiein of the 3'roperty;Dorrower's l,aara.�pplication;I.easehol�9. �
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,estnbldsh,And use the Yraperty as f3orrower-�piii�4ipui resid�uw witt+i�i si:;ty dayo aft::.-ihc exe^tttin*�of ---
<br /> this Security�nstrument ancl�i+a11 eqntinus to occupy th�Property ns Horrower's principal residence for ut least one year n1'ter
<br /> the tt�te of accupancy,unless Leadar othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasanubly w�ZS�hettl,oc unless t',�
<br /> . extr.nuating ciscamgtur.ces ex+s� which are beyopd BoiTOwer's control. Borrower shall rtot destray, dama�� or impair the
<br /> Propeny. ufloiv t}�e�•ro�rry �v deteriuruzc,ui tu�zr��t wasi�on uhe :'::spe'a,• !�'is`•••'�f�h�►!hr_.ir> dc1'nuli if aa�y farfeit�rc
<br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminnl,is begun that ln Lender's good faith judgment coulJ rPSU.1e im ff�rfsatun of tha
<br /> Pro,pecry or otherwise matertally impuir the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security int�resc.nc�raower may
<br /> cuoe such u defuult a��d reinstate.aF provided in paragcaph 18,by cssusing the action or proceedin�to�e dismissed tivith a culing
<br /> that, In I�:ndcr's good foith determination,precludes forfciture of the Borro�vcr's interest in the Pc+opecty or othcr mnceriul
<br /> impairment of the ticn created by this Sr,curity instniment or L.ender's security interest. Rottower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application pmcess, �;�:ve materially false or insecurate information or statements to i..ender(or fuiled ,�—
<br /> to pruvide Lender witi�any material infarmation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, includin�,but not limited
<br /> tu,representations canc�rninb Qormwer's aceupancy of the Property as a principal rasidence. lf this Sccuriry[nstrument is on a
<br /> Ieaseliold, Bormwer shnll comply with all the prc►visions of �hc leasc. If Aorrowcr ucyuires fce title to the Property, the
<br /> Icaschold nnd thc fce titic shall nut►ncrgc unlcss i.cndcr ngrces to the mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Protectlon�f I.ender's Rfghts In the Property.If eorrower fuils to perform the covenants nnd ugrecments containcd in
<br />-- this Security Instrument, or there is u legal procu:ding that may significantly uffect Lender's riEhts ia the Property(such:�s a
<br />— proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnatian or forfciwre or to enforce luws or regulaitions). tFicn Lender may do and _
<br />— pay for whatever is necessnry to protect tt�c valuc �f ttuY Propeny und Lender's rights in the Pmperty. Lcndcr's actions may __
<br />- include paying uny sums secured by �► lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument, uppearing in court, paying
<br />= reasonablc attomeys' fecs nnd entering on thc Property tu makc repairs. Althou�h[.cnder may talce�uction undcr this putagraph
<br />_- 7,Lender does not hAVC ta do so. °°�°°
<br />- Any announts disbursed by Lsnder undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securcd by this —
<br /> = 5ecurity Instrument. Unless Bo�mwer and Lcndcr agrcc to othcr terms of payment. these amounts shall Ncar intcrest from the
<br /> — date of disburscmcnt at the Note rate and shall be payablc, with interest, upon noticc from L.ender to Borrower requestins
<br />