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<br /> 'CI Ht!�1'IZ!•H V�i'1'lE ull the itnl�ri►ver�iei�ly �x�w�t�nereaftcr eractcci ori Rnc ,ro .i , a�n;p���a�.:��:w.-_.,--..�'
<br /> tixwrrr ex►w nr hereb(ter u patt oP t1x �ropeny. Ali rKpl,cerrxnts uru[ additioas nl�all ufu� be r.nvere�i bg this Srcurlty
<br /> Intitn�n�rns. Aft of thn li►rega�ng i.s raferr�ct to i���hic Srcurity tii.rtnin�cnt ati�he"Pro�ny•" • _
<br /> Ht)RI�OW�;R C"U'V!?NAK'l;S thut y3�prrow�r ir;luwfuliy ncised�f dsc r,tat�Gerefry cmt��cya1 u�xl has the right to qrant arx]
<br /> Cunvey"the Pror►ttty A�x1 that tF�e Pn�{xrty is unencumbered,except fur encumbr�nces r►f ra:orcf� Hc�rnzwer wrrrants an:l wi�l
<br /> dcir�k3���waa�ly tia.:�lilc t��tl:.!'ror_rty^��in�•4�U cinh►�5.ixl dcmands. �ut�jcct to uc�y encumbrances af rcooni.
<br /> 'THIS SF.CUR.�TY [N,TRUR9EN'f co�nbincs unifamn covGnants for nadonul usc n►td namunifarm cuvtnants with iirr►ita!
<br /> vuriutions hy jurisdicliun to r�nstltute u uniform sa:urity intitronxnt covering��eal property.
<br /> UNIFORM CQVLNANTS.�iorrowcr nn�!I.cndcr cavenant arxi agree as fallows: whert dw� thp
<br /> 1. PAyment nt Princip�l and int�rest; PxepAyme��t and Late Chtirg4w. FZorrower shall �romptly pay
<br /> principal�f urxl interest ou thc debt evidenrcd by the Nc�t�a�ul auy pnpayment and lutc chargcs duc undcr the Notc.
<br /> 2. i�unds tor'faxcs �r.sl lnsurac:c!�. Sal�jcct to upplicablc I:►w ar to a writtcu wuivcr by Lendcr, Borrowea•shalf pay to
<br /> Lendar on the day manthly payments nrc due uixlcr the Note,until thc Note is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taaes
<br /> and�.ssessmcnts whtch may attain priority over this Secarity Instrun�ent ns a lien on tlic Praperty;(b)yeurly lensehold paymerets
<br /> or gmuncl rcnts on the Propeny,if any;(c)ycarly haz:erd ur propexty i��surance prcmiums;(d)yearly flood'+nsurancc premiums,
<br /> if any; (e)yenrly man�age insurance premiuxns,it'm�y; and(�uny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with _
<br /> the provisians ot'pacagraph B, in lieu of the payment of mortEt►Ae insurance premiums.Zhese items are called"Escrow Ttems."
<br /> L,�nder mfly, at any time, callect and hold Cunds in an amount not to exceed the m�ximum amaunt a lend:r for a federnlly
<br /> refated mortgage loan may cequire for Borrow�r's escrow accaunt ur,c�er dte fe�erz!Real FState Secdement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as am+zndc+d from ttme to time. 12��.S.C. Section 2601 et seg.("P.ESFA"),unless unother law that npplies W the Funcis
<br /> SCYS t1�CS`.+ex�L�o11hI. !t'so,landcr may, �tt:uny cime, collect unJ i�viu rtir�ds :a ar.ar.:cunt not t� erccP�l the lesser amount.
<br /> L�u�te�map cssimate th�apnoune of Funds due on ihe b:a�is of current data�nd re�sansble c:stimates of expend'ntures of future
<br /> �sc�aw Items ar othcrwis�in asccordnnce with applicable la�v. � -
<br /> Tha Fran�ls shall be held in an institution whose Q9e�osits are insured by a �fei]ert:l uger�cy, instrumenen'.it�•, or eni'sry, -
<br /> (including l..en;l�,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federll kiame Loan Bank.I.ender chn�!1.apply the Fuads to pny e6���'
<br /> �scrow lten�s.�Uen�cr uuoy no�ci�a�be Bu;wwo� ior l�utding a��d a�.+�.�1�^:nP il��FLnds,anititsa!!Y�tY.tlVzinfi thv escrow accaunt=�u�r
<br /> verifying the Escrow Iten�s,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the runds and�ip,Qiicable 1nw permits l.ender to malce su.h.
<br /> n charge. Howevcr, L.ender may requi�e Bonovrer to p�y fl one-time chr�r�c for an i�nQep..»dent renl estate tax reporting ser►�ice
<br /> uscxl by Len�tar•in connection with this loan, unless npplicable la�v pravidcs o2henvise. Unless an agreenzzrat is made o�r _
<br /> applicnble taus.r.e�Nires in�erest i��G y,�u,�.�:��3�t'��t�.:: rLS�:-""-a'=-"�}?n��y Anrr�wer 3ny inT�rest ul'C8i11i�g5�z the��171.1s. _
<br /> Bor:ow�.r ri.7i1 11r:der muy agrce in wrie�ng. Y,nwever, that interest shnll he paid on the Fun�s. �.Pndcr shal! give to T3or�o�ver,
<br /> withu�ut er��rgs, nn unnual accounting ar'¢he iFunds, s4�o�ving credits �n� c��biss to the Funcis und tiie Nurpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was ma�c.rhe Funds arc pledged as udditional security for all surns sccurod by this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> [f the Funde held by Lcnder excecd the amounts permitted to be hcld by applicuble lnw, Lender shall account to Borro�ver
<br /> for eh�excess Funds in accordance with the requircments of applicablc law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ti►ne is not sufficient to pay thc Escro�v Items when duc, L.ender may so notify Borrowr.r in writing, :snd, in such case Borrower
<br /> sh:ill pay to I,ender the amaunt nccess�ery to make up the deficicncy. Bonower shall make up the defiaiency in no more tliun
<br /> twclvc monthly payments, nt I.endcr's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in ftdl of all sums secur�d by this Security Instrument, L.ender sNall promptly refund to 6onower any
<br /> Funds ltcld by Lcnder. If, undcr paragraph 21, Lcndcr shall acquire or sell thc Property, Lcnder,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of thc Pruperty,shall apply any Funds held by Lcnder at thc time oF acyuisition or sale as a credit against chc sums sccured by
<br />- this Sccurity Instrument. -
<br /> 3.Application of Payments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all payments received by l.ender under para�raphs _
<br /> i and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepaymcnt charges due under thc Note; secund, to amaunts payable under para�raph 2;
<br />_ third,to interest due; fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges; Liens. Bonowcr shall pay aU taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributablc to the Property
<br />- wl�ich may attain priority ovcr tliis Security Instrumcnt, und leasehold puyments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> - these oblig�tions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time dircctly _
<br /> - to the person owed payment. Borrawer shull promptly furnish to Lcnder all notices of umounts to be paid undcr this paragraph.
<br />;,� If Borrower mnkes these payments directly,Aonower shxll promptly fumi�h to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br />;; Borro�ver shali promptly dischargc any licn which has prioriry�rver this Security Instrumcnt unlcss Borrower:(a)agrces in
<br />� writing to the payment of the obligation secur�by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br />- by, or dcfcnds against enforccment of thc licn in. Icgal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prcvent the
<br />= enforcentet�t of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfacwry to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> = this Security Insnvment. If Lender determines that any p:�rt of the Propeny is subject tu a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> tliis Security Instrument. Lcnder m:ty givr Borrowcr a noticc idcntifying the lien. Borcowcr shall satisfy thc licn or take one or
<br /> mm•e of thc actions set fvnh abovc within 10 days of thc giving of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 9180 .
<br /> PoQC 2 0l 0
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