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<br /> _-==--���� ��= ����,;'!� --
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<br /> p. H����oeM M�iM1�M.Yru�tor eF�Atl k�s►►th��$ci�+'tf►��c�P�anr�wflh�II apnlla�bl�Invaa,erdln�etes a►nd ro�IMiallo+u
<br /> r91RMnp to indu(�trinl h110��or�nvlronmK►tdl proM�stlon tr�lks�ctiv�ly nNrr�d t�horeln s�"Envi�anm�nt�)Lawr"'y Ttu�Ilwll
<br /> kMp th�prop�ty freY Iran�I I eub�tanc�e dwm�cl to b�h�rardau�or toxlc und��nY Gnvironment��I.Mw�(cWl�ctiv�Y��10
<br /> twrNn u"Fi�tardou�I�iaMri�ole'�.Trwtor h��by w�rr�nb��nd npra�nte to l�ndur ttui,i ttwr��r�no Har,��doup Ma�IS 4n or
<br /> - undsr thR Prop�rtr.Vruttar h�reby�pr�to Ind�rnn�ty�nd hold harmloa lond�r.ih dlrocoon.cN1c��,�'►P������
<br /> - - - � •- T��fJ"_'?ntY•_3
<br /> �sy aucc�swn 9ui�we+'�i��.��:�.ir::��cr.�c.;�!nK�np rnd etl cf�im�.darnW�e��orMa and ll�bilttlM ul�lnp In atx�ctlon w
<br /> tit�Pr�nu�uw,d��pOe�l or tnn�art al errf►M�zardow M�terle�a on,undM'.trom o��bnut rin��i��•p••�Y•
<br /> _,�,� SUpVIVE R�CQNVE�ANCE AF THIfl QEED OF TRUST. �y�p -
<br /> 10. Asola+R�nt ol R�.Tni�tar hsr�by�sr10n�a t.w►d�r t��r�r►a�ls�wb�nd prAfib of th�Pr rovWfd ttuit Yeustor
<br /> ah�ll,undl the occurronce of an Event a1 D�tauli harwnd�r,h�vs tts�r►flhtto coll�ct�nd rehln such nnb,lwws�d Prdfls�t t�f►
<br /> b4corn�du�and pay�dte.Upon tha occurronc�oi�n Event ot Osf�utG Lfnd�r ro�Y�eith�r In p�rsor�ar by����u`w1��t
<br /> - - - ° brin�inp Any actlor+ar praer=dln�,or Fiy�recslva►rt��t,�in ib own n me ar in the nn�mera!H�a True�iea nnd do�ny wcb+�w�hlch It _
<br /> upon�nd Wk�pousss�on of tAa Property�or�ny pi
<br /> ,nr�n Rthersotorin1sratthKNn,
<br /> deem�nece�a,y or deetrAbie to prererve the valu�,mArkeubl�ity or ranubllity o1 ths P�opsrtY Y P�
<br /> � lacre��e the tnGams theretrom or protect the se�urity hereo}an�,with or wllhout takiRq potwaf�an of the PropKt�t��w 10�e►
<br /> otherwlee collect the rsnte,lsaues end profite lhereof,Inctudinq those�e4t due end unpald,end apply the aams,loss cosb and
<br /> — expentes o1 opsr�Non�nd coltecUun Includinp attornaye'lees,upon eny Indhe edlo�Uo���h���,81�u�and proHts�ttw
<br /> may determtnt.Ths entsrinp upo�nnd takfnp pnass�sloi�of the Property�
<br /> nppticatian ihoreaf es etoreasid,ahatl not cure or ws�lve any detauit or notice o1 del�ult herdunder or invatl�atd�ny act dons in
<br /> - respoaea tfl suah dctaatt or pureupnt ta euch noUce of dafault and,notwllhatar�ding the conUnu�nce In�oosaes�lon of the Property or
<br /> the aolleCUon,�eCeipt end apPllcetlon of rente,Ise��ee or pretttD,and 7ru�tee as�d Lende�shall h«�entitl�sl to ex�rciae svery right .
<br /> �nrovklK!trrinenyofthe!ean4ac�rnent��rbylawuponce�urre�r.eofanyEvenlolDetnult,includlnpwithoutli h���d n o�ye = - -
<br /> - "-- exerolse the power o1�a{e.Farther,LAndaPs rights end remedies under thta pctagiaph ehall Gu c:u��.ut�ttz��:
<br /> � limlt�t!onc+n,�wndersrl8btse�drdmedie�underanyesstgnmento}�e8s�sndre�OsrecordedagafnsttheFropeity.Londer,Trustue
<br /> and the recelver ahall be Ilable to account only those rents actuafiy recelved.
<br /> 11. Ewn1s M�M�uH.The toilowing ehail constitute an Event of Defauit under thla I]eed o}Truat
<br /> (a) Faflure to pay any InstallmAnt of pri�cipal or Interest of any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> . ----- � (Dj !:�ce„�h of orc!et��dt imdereny provisfon conlainad fn lhe NOte,this Deed of Truat,enyotthe Losn Dacuments�or any
<br /> other Iien or enCUmbrence upon the PropePtSr,
<br /> (a) A writ of execution or attachment or eny similer process shali be entored agalnst Trustor which shall hecome a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any porUon thereof or Intere�t therefn;
<br /> (d)Thero shall ba flled by or again3t Trustor or Borrower an actton under any present or tuture tede�nted an tr stea.
<br /> - ----= atawta.law or repulatlon relaNng to bankruptcy.lnsolvency or other rollef tor deb thn ronte.et sues or proiita�thereol,or Truator
<br /> --_���� receiver or Itquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ofi aii or ni�y paY�f tt:�• sa�st;.-. .
<br /> _:T�� or Borrowar shali make any general assignment tor the banefit ot credlto►s;
<br /> -____�,�a,.� (e)The,sale,tranater,lease,assl8nment,conveyance or fuether encumterance o1 all or eny part o4 or any interest In the
<br /> - i�'� Praperty, elther voluntarliy or Involunterlly,without the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor ahail bo
<br /> "`-��=:�'! permitted to execute a lease ot the Property tha4 does not contain an option to purchase and the term of whlch dooe not exceed
<br />---- _—;�:�,� one year,'
<br /> W �' (� qbandonment of the Property;or
<br /> ' '_-""-'—`�"''� (g) If Trustor Is not en indivtdual,the Issuance,eale,trenster.aeslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totnl �
<br />=�__�-��� —
<br />�"-�•'�' ���-� of.�-Percont of(If e corporation)fts Issued and outstending stock or pt e partnership)a total of percent ot r �
<br /> ���r>���' pertnershlp interesZS d�fring the pc,iiod this Deed of Trust remaina q Ilen on the Properiy.
<br />''~zi;:��_'� r 12, R�m�dN�;ACC�NnUon Upon ONauNl.In the event ot any Event of Oefault Lender may,without nottce except ea requlred by t�._.
<br />-"���`= lawr,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the eame shaU therqupon becoma due end payable r
<br />� -i_��_..'.��, �.;�_�
<br /> �^�_'- without eny presentment,demand,protest or noUce o1 any kind.Thereafter Lender may: ��,;,,-.•.
<br /> ""r �.:�sz�
<br />--•'�'�'�_� � (a) Demand that Trustee exeratse the POWER OF SALE grented heseln,and Trustee shuli thereaftsr cause Trusto s
<br />- � ���=•�-`� Interest in the Property to be sold and the procoods to be distributed,all in the manner provided In the NebreakoTrust Deeds ��=°;
<br /> �`• AcC
<br /> "-;�?'� (b) Exercise any and all rights provided tor in any of the Loan Documents or by law upon occurrencoo4 anyEvent of Default; f',r-,
<br /> , :
<br /> :,c�:�1'.: :e "'s�
<br /> . :i i;- end�c) Commence en a�tlon to foreclose thia Deed o1 Trust As a mortgage,appolnt e recelver,or speciflcally entorco t�ny of tho
<br /> �, covenants hereot
<br />.'_,'�.._�:"� No remedy hereln con?errod upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exclusive o}any otherry medy horeln,�^�ven �
<br /> - Loan Documents or by law providod or permitted,but each shail be cumulative,shall be in additlon to evo other remedy g
<br /> `�'�4!� ';�...± !4 hereunder,In the Loan Documents or now or hereafter existfng at law or in equlty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrentiy,
<br /> �„�;;�,�';'�•;y� ` independently or successively.
<br /> ,v�;•�•�. .r--�' 13. Trast�a.Tho Trustea mey reslgn at eny time wlthout cause.and Lender may et eny timo and without causa appoint a
<br /> , .,,.,,..,.
<br />!�r,�`�?'; , � successor or subst►tute Trustee.Trusteo shall not be Ilable to any party,Including wlthout Ilmltation Lendor,Borrower,Trustor��any
<br /> '°"'"`� '� � purchaoer of ttte Property,for eny loss or damaga unless dua to rockless or wlll(ul misconduct,and shall not be requfred to take any
<br /> „' :� ,�� • �"� � actlon in connection with tho antorcement of this Deed of Trust unless Indemnifled,In wrlting,tor all aosts,compe�udiclal or
<br /> expenses which mey be associated tharewlth.In addltfan,Truatee may b�oome a purcheser at any sale of ihe Property Q
<br /> � •.;• ; • undet the power ot salo 9ranted heraln);postpone the eale of ell or any portlon ot the P►operty,as provlded by law;or aeli the „
<br /> � '�"�•� i. Properiy 3s e whoie,or In separe4e parcels or lots at Truatae's discr�tlon.
<br /> ' 14. Fees and Exptnsor.In the event Trustea sells the Proporty by exerclse of power of sale,Trustee shnll be entitlod to epply
<br />. . ..;;:� �. any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sale,including all Trustoa's fees,and Lendsr s
<br /> , and Trusteo's attorney's fea9,actually Incurred to extent permftted by appltcable IAw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclaes any
<br /> ' � �� ' right providad by law to cure an Event of Default.Lender ehall be entltied to racover from Trustor all costs and expensea nctuaily
<br /> 'r �� Incurred as a result ot Truetar's do'lault, Inciuding wlthout Ilmitetion all Trustee's and attorney's teea,to the extent permitted by
<br /> . ' . � �PPIIcablo iaw.
<br /> 15. Futur�Advanc�s.Upon request of Borrowar,Londer may,at Its option,make additfonal end future advances and re-
<br /> "'''"'� edvances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thoreon,�t�sll be socured by this DoQd of Trust At no time shall I
<br /> .-�=a�'`�Y-- ..e...�....,,,vi amr,un�ottl�e Indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Truat,not fncludlnQ sums advanced to protocttho securiry of thfa L
<br /> .._
<br /> nnn nn ,..�,i�hovnr fa nraater.
<br />:�-,.��._. .------� .....�.....�.�._._...--
<br /> �' Deed ot Trust,exceed the orfginal princfpal amount statetl nerem,or a ^'°-••-- ° I
<br /> ' "' 18. MNcNian�ous Provhlon�. �
<br /> � . (a) BoROw�r Not RNte��d.Extenalon of the time for peyment or modlflcation of amortlzotton of the sums seaured by thle
<br /> � Deed ot TruBt flranted by Lender to any auccessor In Interest af Borrower ehall not operate to release.in any mannor,tho liablllty I
<br /> - • � " ol tho orlglnal Borrower and Borrower's succeasors In Interes�Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedings agalnst �
<br /> ' '= �uch successor or retuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modity amortizatfon o1 the euma seaurod by thie Deed ot Trust
<br /> - by reason of any demand�made by the originel Borrower and Bo�rower's successo�s In intorest I
<br /> (b) L�nd�r's Powtn.Without affocttng the Ilabllfty of eny other parson Ilable tor the payment of no 1henlioather tofore
<br />'j,�� mentloned,and without eftecting the Ilen or charge of thia D9Qd of Trust upon any portion of the 6�roparty ,
<br /> releasod as seCUrity for the lull amount oi ell unpaid obligatlons,Lendor may,from time to timo pnd without nottco(f)release any l
<br /> - ��:.. ..
<br /> pereon so Ilable,(Iq extend the mpturity or alter any of tho torms o1 any such obltgotiona,(Iil)grent other Induigencos.(Iv)releaoe I
<br /> :�-: •e; � or ruconvey,or ceuse to be rotouaed or roconveyed at any timo at Lendur's optlon any parcel,portton or all of the Property,
<br /> ,•:y�..,
<br /> ,�r�+��' �', ��.,�', . (v)take or release any othor or eddlttanal secuNty tor any obllpatton hereln m9ntloned, or(vi)make compositlona or other
<br /> -_ arrangemenie wfth debtore In relatton thereto. •
<br /> , �
<br /> .{ .: � I
<br />