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<br /> - ------- THl�DEED OF'�RUS�Is mada ae ot the.�.Lh day oi
<br /> = tho Tru�tar, Ranal�d G. Martel and C,arol .�. Msrtel� huteband end WiPe „_,,,.,.,. ,
<br /> who�m��►mq�ddres�U_L�bnS ►��w_- �R- (heroin"TrueWr;'whMtwr ons a rr�or�a),
<br />------ �:
<br /> __ _ t'�s Trustae, _�iv o3nts ��a eb��ej�� CQ•u4:;3ei�,;,, —---�-- , �_
<br /> whase malilrtq addreaafe P•Q� Box 15079,Grr►nd Ysl•Ado,NL b88Q2-1507� (heroln"Trustee'�,and
<br /> � — - -
<br />_ ,
<br /> R-, the Beneticiary,
<br /> - whoae mailing addreae Is _..P�O Box 1507 Grnn�Ialan . �F� ,�jl2��507 (heroln Lendar'�.
<br /> -- Ronald G. Martel av�l � °
<br /> FOR WlLUABI.E CONSIDERATION,Including Lender'e extenslon of credit identitied herein to
<br /> _ � ��ivab�nd-�u-:ii£a (hereln"Borrowor",whether one or more)and the truat hareln creatad,
<br /> - the rece pt o!which le hereby ecknowladged,Truator hereby Irrevocably granta,transfers,conveys end asalgns to Tr�eetee,�N
<br /> - -- TRUST,WITH POWER OF SAL�E,for the benefit and cecurlty of Ler�der,under and eubJect to the tern�s and conditlons hareinafter Ece1
<br /> torth,the real property�de�scribed a�tollowe:
<br /> Lota For�rteea (1�) and F�€teen (15) in Farrall Subdivision, a part of tha S�uth Hal£
<br />--�.—�,� of the Northwest Quatter (S'�NW'�) of Section Twenty Four (24), Towaship Eleven (I1) _
<br /> _=-- =� t�crtk�� (?are�e �en (1(1) West oE the 6tb P.M., liall County, Nebraska. L _
<br />_=L����c:•� _
<br /> -- .—" Yoeether with ell bufldings,li�provemcnt�,fixtures,atreete,alleys,passageways,easements,rights,pNvlleges and appuRe- �-
<br />�:�ar-r.;�_����� nances tocated therean or In anywlse pertnlNng thereto,and the rents,Issues and proflts,revorsions and remalnders it�ereof,end --
<br /> such personal property that Is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixtura,including,but nat Iimitad t4,heating and
<br />__—,�� cooling equipment;and together with the homestead or merital interesta,it any,which interests are hereby released end waived:all __-
<br /> �,���- ot�rh�r.h,Inaludi�g replacemente end addittona thereto,la heredy decl�red to ha e part of the real eatate secured bythe Ilen otthle
<br />:''ra� DE�ed of Trust and all of the foregoing heing reterred to herein as 4he"Properiy". _---_-_
<br />•ti��fi, Thta Deed of Trust shall securo(a)the paymen4 04 the principal sum and interest evldenced by a promlasory noto or credit __.
<br /> ;'�-"�'�'�� dyic'oiiio^Rl t�'SlQSC.� .TnisA 9. 1995 _ --.hAVing a maturity date of � --
<br />-�i}��'�� In the origlnal principal amount ot� 73,500.00 ,and eny end all moditicatfons,extensfons nnd renewals
<br /> - �.�,�. •> -
<br />`_„?;�:.,; �. tt�ereaf or thereto and any end ail future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them it more than one) hereunder __
<br />:.�`���T� , pureuant to ono or more promisaory notes or credit agrsemente(herein called"Note");(b)the payment of other eume advanced by
<br /> Lender to proteat the security ot ihe Note;(c)the pertormance of ail covenants and agresments of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)all
<br /> ,�a��n� ,� present and tuture indebtedness and obllgattona of Borrowe�(or any of them I}more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,indirect, _
<br />�:,.;,� '��+", absoluto or condngent end whether arising by note,guaranty,overdreft or ot7�erwlse.The Note,thts Deed of Truat snd any and all
<br /> -- - '�" other docuents that secure the Note or otherwlse executed In connectlon therewith,including without Ilmitatlon guerantees,aecurity _
<br /> —,.,,.•i,� i.: _.
<br />�--:,�:i.w.�.
<br />_r_,��n� agreements end asstgnments of leases and rents,shall be reterred to hereln as tho"Loen Documente". �;,_
<br /> � Truator covenants and agrees with Lender as follows: ``_�^:
<br /> `'�'��' 1. Paym�nt ot Ind�bt�dne�.All Indebtedness secured hereby shal!be pald when due. M
<br />-;�i}�g�'�•� 2. Tid�.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,hae the right and authority to convey tno Property,end warrants that the tfen �,�
<br /> '�-�=�:�� created hereby la a}iret and prlor Ilen on the Property,axcept}or Ilens end encumbrances set forth by Trustor In wrltlng and
<br /> ��' �i detivered to Lender betore executlon of this Oeed of 7rust,and the executlon and dellvery of thie Deed of Trust does not vlolate any ��
<br />:W��r.r�__ ��"�
<br /> .:,,,�u�_ contract or othe►obligation to whlch Trustor Is subJect ,. -
<br />�,,�r��-� 3. T�xN,iiNMam�nU.To pay betore deiinquoncy sll texes,special assesaments and all other charges against the Prope r t y _
<br /> now or hereatter levied. ��`
<br />,}�va�°�'•� 4. Insuraneo.To keap the Property insured egalnst demage by tire,hezarda Included within the term"extended coverage",and {:.
<br /> '���? such other hazards as Lender may requlre,in amounts and with companles acceptabie to Lender,naming Lender as an edditlonal ::}�;.
<br /> named inaured,wiih loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss undar such pollcles,the Lsnder ts aulhorizod to adjus�Collect and .,
<br /> compromise,all claime thereunder and shall havo the optlon ot applying all or part of the Inauranco proceeda(I)to any Indebtednesa � -
<br />'.�•e. � secured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or restoration ot the Proporry
<br /> '"'`; or(III)tor any other purpose or obJect aetlatactory to Lender wlthout aNecting tho ilen ot this Deed oi Trust for the full amount secured
<br />?'�-�:2 - hereby betora auah payment ever took plaae.Any appllcAtion of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> :'N={�.�,. date of eny paymente under tho Note,or cure any default thereunder or hePeunder.
<br />:;�'y.�.:,�:!. .� 5. Escrow.Upon wNtlen demand by Lender,Trustor nhail pay to l.ender,In such mannor as�ender may deslgnate,eufflcient
<br /> °` �,�`,..'� suma to enable Lender to pay ae they bocome due one or more ot the following:(q all taxes,assessments end other chargea agalnst
<br />-:�`�` �°.�.:;�.�` tho Property,pi)the prernlums on tho property Inaurance requlred hereunder,and plq the premlums on arey mortgage Insurance
<br /> •`�`:.°, , requlred by Lender.
<br />° �7�'.i. 8. Maint�naac�,R�p�in ertd Comptlance wRh Lew�.Trustor ahall keep tho Property In good conditlon end ropalr;shall
<br /> ��:�a� � '�. promptly repafr,or replace any Improvement which may be dnmaged or desttoyed; shall not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> � deterloration of the Property:shall not remove,demallah or substantfaliy alter nny of the Improvemonte on the Proporiy;e.hell not
<br /> ' "' commit,sutier or permit any act to be dono In or upon the Property in vtolatlqn of any law,ordinance,or regulatlon:and ahall�ay ond
<br />_ �1�r; �� promptly dtacherge at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilena,encumbrancea end charges Iavied,Imposed or asseased againat the .
<br />--;:�,�:,-:�!�` Property or any pan thareof.
<br /> 7. Frt�in�nt Dom�ln.Lender Is hereby es3lgned all comQensation,ewards,damagea end other paymente or rellef(heretnafter
<br /> � ' "Proceede")In connectlon wlth condemnation or other taking of the Property or purt thereof,or tor conveyance In Ueu of coRdemna-
<br /> � •a.�.-+�':�;�� tion.L.ender shall be entitled at Its opUon to commence,appear In end prosecute In Its own name any action or proceadings,and
<br /> -� -� ehall also be entitled to mako eny compromiso or settlement In connectlon with such 4aking or damage.In the evont any portlon of
<br /> ,.�� .� the Property Is so tekvn or damaQed,Lendor shalt have the optfon,in ita sote and absolute discretfon,to eQply ell such F'rocoeds.
<br /> __.i__�..��u....�r e...�e.........e.�nn..rrnrl hv It In nnnnartlnn utlth IIuCh P�OCBBde.uonn any Indebtedness secured i _
<br /> -_-• •- -- etitoi ucuiiva��a�v.v��v...a......o.q......�..',�..�.•'_—"--—......__. _.
<br />- "�{��� hereby end tn such order es Lender may determine,or to 9ppty sll such Pro�eoda,atter euch deductlons,tu the restoreUon of the i -'
<br /> ``''_'!�'��"'' � Proporty�+pon such conditlons as Lendor may determine.Any epplicetlon of Procaeds to indebtedness ehall not oxtend or postpone
<br /> _;:�.`�.; the due dete of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any deteult thereunder or hereundor.Any unepplled tund�ehell be pald to I
<br /> `.;:,r Trustor. �
<br /> �, ...h�__�y,w; 8. Pertomt�nc�by�ond�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event ot Ddfault hereundor,or It any act is taken or leQal procersding �
<br /> � • ... �, commenced whlch materlelly eNecta Londer's Interest In the Prope►ty,Lender may In Its own discretion,but�vlthout obligation to do i
<br /> . � '`. ,� • so,and wi4hout nottce to or demand upon Trustor and without roleasing Trustor trom any obllgation,do eny ect whlch Trustor has
<br /> , i•:�;••••• agreed but tella to do nnd may uleo do any other aat It deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Truator shall,Immedlatoly �
<br /> upon damttnd theretor by Lender,pay to Lender alt coats nnd expenaos Incurred and�ums expended by Lender in cnnnectlon with
<br /> � theexerclse by Lender o1 the tore�oing righte,together with Intereatthoreon atthe default rate provtded In tt�e Noto,whlch ehall bo i
<br /> � �;t�.�..'
<br /> ,;. �.K. �. added to tfiA Indubtedneas secured horeby. Lender ehall not incur any Ileblliry bacuuse ol enything It mey do or omlt to do
<br /> e' ° hereunder. �
<br /> .,r��`,.•.�
<br /> `p'-.',rF!t'in,�.`. I
<br /> ��
<br /> , r �
<br /> , ,�, . _ — _ - L _
<br />