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<br /> S� ���p o� NropeHy L�rar�ce. l3orrawer sliall kccN tha im�ravements now cxisting or hereu[tcr ere�cted an the
<br /> Nroperry insural against lass by fi*�,hazards iixludod within the term "exeended coverege" c+nd any other hwards, inclucfing !
<br />- p�wcls or flwcli��g, far��rhi�(►1 pn��rr requires insur�nc�.This ir�surance shatl be mnentained in the amounts n�x1 tar the�eriods
<br /> that L.ender requires. The insuran�:e carrier providing tlie insurance shaq be ciiosen by Borruwe►•sul;j�ct to?.c�:d-T'�n^:mva!
<br /> which sliall not be unreasonably wiU�hfild. If Aarmwer fuils to maintain coversiga de�.�cr�bal abovr., l.tnder may. at L.ender's
<br /> option,obtain cuverage to pratect Lcnder's rights in the 1'ro�erty in uccordance witi�paragraph 7.
<br /> All insuranee po�icies and renewals shall be neceptublr:to Lender and shall include�stnndurd mortgage clause. �.enaer
<br /> shaU have the right�o holcA the policies nnd renawals. If L.ender req:�ires.Borrawer siial!promptly give to 1.ender all reccipts of
<br /> � paid�n.miums anrl reneiva!notices. Yn the�vent of loss,Borrower shall�ive prampt natice to tiie insurance carrier end Leixler.
<br /> I.�ncler may make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrawer.
<br /> Unicss Lender and Borrower uthcnvise agree in wriu�g��nsuranc�prr�ceeds shall be Appliai to restoration or repair of the
<br /> Proper�y damaged,if the restoradon or repair is economically feasible�nd I.ender's secu�rity is not lessened.If She restoration ur _
<br /> repa�r is not economically fe�lsible or Lender's security would be lessened.thc InsurAnce proceeds shull be upptied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due, witl� any exccss paid to Bortower. If Borrawer abandons the
<br /> property, or does not:mswer within 30 days a notice from I,ender that the insurance c.arrier has offered to seuor to'aam sums
<br /> ' Ixnder may eolleet the insurance Neoceeds. L.cndcr may use tlie proeeeds co repair or restor� the Property P Y
<br /> _. Se�uced hy this Sei:urity Instrament.whether or not dien due.The 30-d�y pe�jcxl�wiQf p���9C°�p��cipnl�shallenot cxtend or `
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvis�agree in writing, any 'pp
<br /> — postpone thc duc date oi the �uonthly payments refernd ro in paraFraphs 1 and 2 ar chan�c the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under para�raph 21 thc Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right ta:u►y insurance policies and�roceeds resoltirg from
<br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisitian shull pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this 5ecux'ity Inslrument
<br /> immediatcly prior to the acquisition. Iication;l.c,�.Se��a�ds•
<br /> l 6.Occu�sancy,Preservetion,iVlaintenui�ce anu Piuic;.tf�z of the!P!'ogerty; Rorrnwer's I.oan App `_
<br /> Bonower shall occupy.establish.and use the Property us Borrower's principal residence within sixty dnys nfter the exe�:ution of
<br /> this Security Instrument and st�all continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal residence for at least one y�after
<br /> - the date af occupancy,unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writins,which wnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> extenuating circums�uncG� cxist :�h�cl: w� �=;�r� H"�^"'Pr's controL iiorrower shall not dest�oy, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allo�v die Property to deteriorate, or commit war,te on the Property. Borrawer shall be in detauit ii any iocfaitu�
<br />-- action or proceeding. whether civil or criminal, is begun ttmt in Lender's good faith judgment wuld result in forfeitun of the
<br /> -- Property or otherwise materially impair the lien crented by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Aorrower may —
<br /> -= cure such a default and reinstatc,as provided in paragruph 18,by causing the nction or proceedinp to bc dismissed with a ruling
<br /> - that. in Lender's gc�l i'aith determinaeion. preclud�.s forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Propercy or other materiul
<br /> '= impairment of the lien created by this Sccurity Instrument or Lender's sccurity interest. Borrower shall also be in default if �
<br />-= Borrower,during thc loan ap�licatian prc,cess,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(ar failed
<br /> `_ to provide Lender with any material infomtation)in connection �vith the loan evedenced by the Note,including. but not limited --
<br />.�:�• ta, representations conceming Horrower's occupancy of the Property us a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a —^
<br /> -= leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the Icase. If Borrower acyuires fee tide to the Propeny, the —
<br /> leasehold and the fec title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �_
<br /> �� 7.Proteetto�a of L�ender"s Rlghts in the Property•Cf Aorrower fuils to per form t he covenants and s�greements contained in ___
<br /> "`��� �his Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeciing that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Praperty(such a.5 a �u
<br /> "� proceeding in bankrupt�y,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do nnd �"f.::+'�
<br /> - pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valuc uf the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property.r1-end ri�ourt,�paying = _
<br /> ',�.� include paying any sums securr,d by a lien which has priority over this Secur.ty instrument, appea g �`�,
<br /> :,n'� rcasonable attorneys•'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lendcr may take action under this para�raph �'�
<br /> 7,Lender does not have to do sa ���:�
<br /> T' Any amuunts disburs�:d by Lender under this paragrapli 7 shall become additional debt of Borcower secureci by this �J_
<br /> �"�^� Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lcnder ugrce to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the i�:;;
<br /> ,r: date uf disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payablc, wich intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Dorrowcr requesting ';_
<br /> ;_• payment.
<br /> '�..: 8.Mortgu�e Insumnee.If Lender required munga�e insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security : .
<br /> -�' Instn�ment, Bonower shall pay the premiums requirecl to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason. thc
<br /> �..
<br /> w" mortgage insurancc coveragc required by I,endcr lapses ur ceascs to tic in cffcct.Horrower sball pay the prcmiums requir to
<br /> obtain coverage substuntially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously io eFfect,at a cost substantiully equivulent to the
<br /> :x : cost to Borco�vcr of thc mortgagc insurance previously in effcct, from an alternate ntortgage insurer approved by [e:nder. If r.
<br />- subwtantially cquivalcnt mortgage insunnce covcrage is not avnilablc,Borrower shull puy to Lender each month a sum cquul to ,
<br /> x� one•twclfth af thc ycarly mottguIIe insurancc prcmiwn being p�id by Borrowcr when the insurancc covcrage lapsed or ccasui to ':,,�?�,
<br /> �,, be in cffect.Lender�vill accept,use and retain thesc payments as a loss rc:serve in iieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br />_;'���;.' Form 3028 9190
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