•_ .. •Mro IIAW►Mrhs�r. �,_. �- - -.....
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<br /> ' � , llZ".e:..�'-� .�
<br />. _t:w�.u. -.— ..._.. . �- --- .
<br /> _- ^NCQa��i."'_�.� —__
<br />�,j.,...��t�vr��.. =
<br /> �':AYJI,C'A �
<br />°__�:.n�'�lt��IS:l1 � • �__.
<br /> r:i•�...,.
<br /> !
<br /> _---ra�iti ���V`� ����w�+/:.�.p �i..._
<br /> ���,7 i�.
<br /> ciistanee of'fhrrc�iuYxlr�l Forty-four and One'�cnth�344.1}feet: thence ctcilcc:ting l�it�°(1(�' -
<br /> atKl mm�ing'i�estcrly.a dlsta�►�e a�f Sixty(60.q)feet; therxe deflecting right�D°IXl' arxi n�t►ning
<br /> �'Jnt�thcrly,a distancc af Four kiunclxed Ten(410.0)fat, W a point an the Northerly iine af�aid
<br />_ �.,ot'ri�ree(3); chcncc iYartncastCrly xl�tig ii�e N�r:Iw.ly Dii�of�aid�.�s�'Thsc;a (3�s:r.s!Pe�:s(A.� - --
<br /> -- a, af�tance a� Thrce klfurtidred F�rty and Sixty-nine Hundredths (3a0.69) feet, to the place af _
<br /> begirtning.
<br /> -� �
<br /> PARCEL. 3:
<br /> �-- — The Southerly Thirty-seven and Six Tenths(37.b)feet of Iat Seven(7)anrl the Northerly Forty- ---
<br /> tw�and Four Tenths(42.4)feet of I..Qt Eight(aj� all in Commercial Industria!Park SubdivlsiQn
<br /> � of Par� of Block Oi�e (1) Nelsen Sutydivision in the City of Grand Island, Hali Counry,
<br /> o`.�,�.�.. Neba�aska.
<br /> _._—;,��cK;�rw:;� -.
<br />__ ° ;� PARC�L 4•
<br />-- ..b�,.� -
<br />=s�r��-��� A tract of laaid compxising a part of Lot Ten(10), all of Lois Nine (9)and Eight(8y. and the
<br />-__�":;;iw��� - westeriy unk riu�ndred Sixiy-fivc(15�.0} fcr;.c::.ot Scvcn (7), �:oc�Qne{1), l�?elsen��ord
<br /> ��� Hall County, Nebraska, more parcicularly de�eribed as follows: Beginning at a �
<br /> �-"���r.= Subdivisian.
<br />'�-"�%�'��� . '�: point on the north line�f said Block(�ne (I), said point,being One Hundred One and Thirty- �
<br />-_y._ -
<br /> �.ti^;,�:'�=.. !r_ �ia�q���t�(�Qt.3R1 feec east of the northwest corner of said Lot Ten(10);thence easterly
<br /> --�� ,�.t�
<br />�:`�ti��a�:.•�: �� a along the north line of said Block One(1), a distance of Six Hundred Forty-nine and Thirty-nine _
<br /> "''"" �'' One Hundredths(649.39)feet to a point Twenry-ni�ae and Fifteen Hundredths (29.15) fe�t west `
<br />�iti�:�.,..:• -'. _ -
<br /> •��� � of the nnrtheast corner of said Lot Seven(7); thence southerly along a line One Hundred Sixty- --
<br /> "��`'�' �:��'- five (165.0) feet east of and parallel to the wPSt line of said Lot Seven(7), a distance of Thr�e
<br />__ .`r.r'a�t;'-4 ... —_
<br />,: .,� -,x�, ' Hundred Twenry-eight and Sixty-nine Huadredths (328.69) feet, ta the southerly line of said
<br /> ''''' �°d`�"°�:, Block One(1); thence westerl alon the southerl line of said Block One(1). a distance of Siuc ��
<br />--'�a.�.s,....,,.�,:�;�.- Y g y �ir
<br /> - _�- ;.,.,z,.;�: ' Huntired Forty-four and Thirty-five Hundresiths(G44.35)feet,to a point One Hundred Two and ��: :�
<br /> ''1����"`� •=-�: • Sixty-Five Hundredths (102.65) feet easterly from the sout3iwest corner of said Lot Ten (10);
<br /> e -
<br /> ;;:s,.:�:= << • :�.:
<br /> . '� thence northerly a distance of Three Hundred Ninery-three and Fifty-seven Hundredths(393.57) ,.
<br />,:�='. . .-��' feet to the place of b�ginning. .�t,
<br /> -:W'. . .
<br />-=��.,�,..:,.,,,,,,.,�<:
<br /> Together with that part of Lat Ten (10) not included in the above description; and all of L.at
<br /> � �;���` .�:'' Eleven(11), in Block One (1), said Nelsen Second S►a'bdivision;
<br />=�, . .;» ,. ,
<br /> -. ' �`:�
<br /> � �� Together with the��acated access road ac�jacent thereto; �
<br />-_ �' � '�`, all exce t the followin :
<br /> .,r;:. P g �
<br /> . � .f�v:,:
<br /> � The West 50 feea of the East 89 feet, and the Northerly 12 feet of the Westerly 1 Q5.53 feet of � � ,.
<br /> ... , � ��, ,;.
<br /> said Lot 7, and t➢ie Northerly 12 feet of said Lots 8, 9. and 10; and further except that part of :
<br /> � . .�.; said Lot 11 more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said
<br /> �^s�`�` Lot 11; ihence running East on the North line of said Lot for a distance of 168.99 feet to tlie
<br /> . �.�,
<br /> ; Northeast corner of said Lot; thence deflecting right and runcung 5outh on the East line of said �
<br /> Lot for a distance of 12.06 feet; thence deflecting right and running West on a line parallel to �,�...�
<br /> ;�;�
<br /> the 12 feet Souch of the North line of said Lot for a distance of �17.41 feet; thence cleflecting ;�-���
<br /> .. left 45°40'00" and tunning Southwesterly on a line for a distanc2 of 56.6 feet; thence defleccing �
<br /> ���''�,'� left 45°40'QO" and running South on a line parallel to and 12 feet East of the West line of said � �.
<br /> � Lot for a distance of 344.89 feet; thenre deflecting right lOG°59'35" and nuuiing Westerly for �;.'„
<br /> '__-_ -____--- a distance of 12.55 feet: thence deflecting right 73°00'25" and running Narth on the West line ;
<br /> � � � � of said Lot foz a distAnce of 394.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning;
<br /> _, , ., , i :
<br /> And further excepting the follawing; ;
<br /> � ..
<br /> �� A tract of land located in L.c�t 11, Block 1, NEISEN SECOMD SUBllIVISION, City of Grand °
<br /> - Island, Hall Counry, I�lebraska, described as follows: Referring to a point where the East line �
<br /> ° �� of said Lot 11 intersects the Southerly right of way line of Old Potasl� Road; thence Westerly ;
<br /> � • a distan:.e of 117.�11 feet alo�ng the Southerly existing Qld Potash Road right of�vay line; thence
<br />-�Y ,
<br />: `
<br />