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<br /> —,� EXIdiB�,Q. --
<br /> --- (Gsand Isl�nca,NE) _
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<br /> � ;�95� �,a��
<br /> ,� .
<br /> _ � RI� CEL1:
<br /> - — _-�� _�-
<br /> --�-�= A tract of land camprisin�a part of I.,c�ts One(1), 1'wo(2), Three (3), Seven(7) and Ten(10)
<br /> �_��± and thai pari of the vacated alley adjacent thereto,all in Commercial In�ustrlal Park Subdivision _
<br /> —_= of part of Block One(1), Nelsen 5ubdivision,City of Gr1�d Island,Hall Caunry, Nebraska,and
<br /> _ � more particularly described as foilows:
<br /> - _=-°�A�� Be�;iuti�i�g at tne Northwes.cor^er of said L4t One(1);tl�e�ce rnnning South along the West�i�e �
<br /> — -�.riP��.,�� --
<br /> ''=�ti�--:�_;. of said �ts one (1) and Seven (7), a distance of Seven Hundred Nineteea and Eighty-theee �.�--
<br />_,,,.,;,a,;,.;j„4_: °= IYundr�eciths (719.83)feet to a point that is Thiriy-seven and Six Tenths(37.6)feet North of the
<br /> v���`�������,�Q���{�p� Southwest corner of said Lot Seven(7); themce mm�ing East, parallel to the South line Af said ""`"
<br />_-��AYY!�'l�lt... • __
<br /> Lot Seven(7); a distance of Five Hundred Four(5(?�.0) feet to a point Four (4.0) feet East of
<br /> f` `"�``� '" the East line of said L.ot Seven(7); thence nu�ning Nor[h, paralle�tu u,.e t�'Jes�lu,�o:sa�u L,cts ____
<br /> ;._�.,:.: . �.�
<br />-�-'=``'�;"� � One (1) and Seven (7) a distance of Three Hundred For¢y-four and One Tenth (344.1) feet;
<br />-{�"`' '� thence running West, parallel to the South li�e of Loi Seven(7), a distance of Sixty(60.0)feet; �:T_
<br /> .` =� . ' ' r „� w � i;;; � �r n P 1 a clistance of Four Htnmcfla�d G:��
<br /> �;` .r,�..�1 ` �tt�:tc�; tutuzing 1`.a�7li, p.:rr11...to ths �..i e �f..ai� L.._ n_(-�. �
<br /> ° �� Ten (410.0) feet to a point on the NortherZy line of said Lot Three (3); thence runn�g �_=
<br /> . ' s��� , Southwesterly along the North line of said Lots Three (3), Two (2)and One (1), a distance of =-=-
<br /> � ��Y, , Four Hundred Forty-five and Thixty-one Hundredths (M�t5.31) feet to the point of begirmuig, �n_�
<br /> " � except that pait of Lot 1, Commercial Industrial Park Subdivision described as follows: �"`w;
<br /> ,,. ..�. .. �'_-
<br /> � � � ' '� Refe�ring to the Northeast corn.er of said Lot; thence Westerly a distance of One Hundred ":��
<br />._-Y��i:4-,�•.�. ,�'
<br /> = Sevenry-four and Seven I3undredths(174.07)feet along the Southerly existing highway right-of- �'•..
<br /> ._� `r •� „.1 way line to the point of t}eginning; thence Westerly deflscting IX}0 degrees, UO minut�s, 00 '"
<br />- �'"""�'� �ecands a distance of Eleven and Ninety-three Hundredths(11.93)feet along said right-af-way
<br />.r,V. �. ,.��.�.� :. line to a point on the Easterly exist'vng Webb Road right-ot=way line;thence Southerly defleceing �
<br />_ . : � �• 085 degrees, 34 minutes, 14 seconds lefc, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty-three and Forty- _
<br /> `�' " `"� �',,��"� seven Hundredths (363.47) feet along said right-of-way line. thec►ce Northerly deflecting 176
<br /> .Y'" •R
<br /> '_-.�;�.�,; degrees, 50 minutes, 06 seconds left. a distance of Two gIundred Ten and Three-Yenths(210.3)
<br />_ �` ,;,;y�, feet; thEnce Northerly deflecting 003 degrees, 03 minutes, 40 seconds left, a distance of One
<br /> :,;y� Hundred Fifty-four and Forty-nne Huiidredths (154.41) feet to the point of beginning.
<br /> � � . _<'' PARCEL 2 •�
<br /> ,,
<br /> � _. }�;;,�
<br /> ..;c
<br /> . ��,•,
<br />- . 7.;i
<br /> �V � Part of L,ats Three (3), �our(4), �ive(5), Six(6)and Ten(10)and that part of the vacated alley �,���`
<br /> ;- . _ adjacent thereto,all in Commercill Industrial Park S��bdivision of Part of Dlock One(1), Nelsen f'`'•r'.
<br /> - ;�;5:�. . �.�., Subdivision in the Ciry of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br /> � � � � ., follows: Beginning at the Nor►heast carner of said Lot Four (4); t3ience Southeasterly along the
<br />_ . �. Easterly line of said Lot Four (4), a distance of Four Hundred Sixty-five (465.0) feet; thence
<br /> " ' Northeasterly along a linc Thirty-five (35.0) feet Northerly from and parallel to the Southerly I
<br /> `'`����� � line of said Lots Five(5)and Six (6)a distance of Four Hundred (440.0) feet, to a point on the •
<br /> °`t;; l
<br /> '� ; Westerly line of Industrial Yane; thence Southerly alon� the Westerly line of said Industrial
<br /> � - . �• Lane, a c�istance of Forty-seven and Five Tenths (47.5) feet; thence deflecting left 26°16' and I.�
<br /> '" .,.nnine fih�,*hAacrPriv alnnv the Wecterlv line of said Inciustrial L.�tne, a distance of Thirteen and '
<br /> -_-_, - =r= - ....�a----------°� ----� ---
<br /> _ �.:_ . ....
<br /> _, Ninety-four Hundreddis (13.94) feet, to the Northeast corner of Lot Eleven (11), Commercial !
<br /> � Industrial Park Sub�ivision; thence Sou�thwesterly along the NUrtherly line of said Lot Eleven �
<br /> " (11), a distance af Tihree Hundred Sixty-five and One Tenth(3G5.1)fest,to the Northeast corner ,
<br /> " ., of said I.ot Ten (101; thence Southeasterly alung the Easterly lin� of said Lot Ten (10), a �
<br /> . distance of Two Hundred Sixty-two and�orty-three Hundredths(262.43) feet;thence deflecting �
<br /> � .. �• right 98°26'20" and running Westerly, a distance of Three Hundred Ninety-nine and Seven ,
<br /> � Tenths(399.7) feet to a point Four(4.0) feet East of the West line oti said Lot Ten(10); thencc ;
<br /> Northerly parallel to the West line of said Lot Ten (10), and this line extended Northerly, a
<br /> ., .. �
<br /> �
<br />'.}. .
<br />;,y
<br />_ „ i
<br />