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1 ' .i2 t��-o•----.�..{,c- {�'r ' i,. „ ��r �., ` � -1� -Y_. <br /> iY .. .... _ . . . »-X-T.�=i��_ - ' -_ _ - -- _ <br /> • ♦V1WNY•hvr ...� - -- _-_�_ _ " --- <br /> .Jf S ,r-. �y - _— . <br /> ��.aL1'� '__— ' —____ . <br /> • � ..nw17C:T•T^^1!!I"^�+�lT^R^.�RD`�'7'/�:%?'?�il..�l!�S'ffi.'vC;v^"T'.:aCy•^_-_ _ '—_ <br /> __ -__ - �' `r. I: - - -- - . <br /> ��� _-__- . _ �a�ai_ .1C. ..�. .-__'_-____ �� <br /> -.:.Sm-��wRl`'�N� tgj�}c� �I��__"_— """". . . <br /> ; . n. , Ct�+QlC;!.^,dTC ���" ��M1���lT ��a:��,,,�_�__ .. <br /> � � + ° <br /> :.h 1. Vayr.i�nt�. Flarrower epraa:to �n��o r.11 ps;�mAntS on th� escurnl debY viit^n duo. U�tl��� Copeo.•�l cnd l.ea:�r r_�;;c� a�i�r,:=:•'•�, r.i:y � - - _ <br /> ;,�,+„?�_�r,��- paymenta 6�nder receives from Ba�cowet or 1or Oarre�war'e bnnetit wlll ho epplidd(int to enY emounts�inrrov�er nYVe9 an tiw s�eur��3 cic;u4 ___ __ ___ _ <br /> .t���•� r4 excluaivo uf Intero�t or principq,NGO�id ta intlrwb eod ttNn to principd•If partial pra�aymerFt ot tt�e eecurad d�bt accur�for my re��mi,ft will <br /> �""'`""'�" n�t r�duco or axcute eny scitieduled ptiy+neM untilthe ttcur�d d�bt I�patd In tull. ._ <br />_ , -,� ,.,�,-�n <br /> _ ,....:'~J,`.,x <br /> '" -=�W._i&y 2.CI�W�u ilp�kwt Tfd�.Borrower will pay�II texe�,a�:ossment�,and other cherpes ettrl6utahls ta the propnty wtwn�ue end wili Q�tirtd dt� _ _ <br /> � r to th�propo �painst�ny claim�whlch would imp�k th�Om o}tht�d��d of tru�t.Lsnder may ro�quir�Borrowe ta esdpn eny right�,cl�lmt nr _ <br /> - ----- <br /> ..__�. <br />-�,x�;���°��-�` defeneee whlc 9orrawer may hove eqainst parttee who�upply Ubar or m�tertAt�to improvs or m�i��in ttw prop�sty. <br /> ..._... .s.., ., _.: . <br />` T•�'�-`""" ' 9.luwnne�. Borrower witl keep the property in�urod uncier tnrrne �cceptaWo to Lcnsior oL L�nrrotvc7'a c:cp_ncn cn�! tor l,en�!^r'e h°�neflt.A41 ?•- <br />:___,_i.c,_ c.:... ----.. <br /> � Insuranc�palicieo�hall Include�tt+�nd�rd mortyap�ctau�s in favor qf Lender.�Lend�r will h�nam�d n lo�s pay�s a�s tM Inour�d on�ny�uch <br />=z;-=,-;�k--�-�; x intwa�cs pollcy.Any incuronce procsadc rosy b��p�Iied,within Ler�der'e dl�cretlon,to elthe►the re�tontion or ropilr o}th�Aom�d propNCy <br /> � E ' or to the secursd debt.If Lendar reau.rea monpage insurence,Borrower ag�aea to malntain such insureace for an lonp oa Lenclar raqulr�f. _ <br />�wL 3� - 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wlil koap the property in paod condit(on and mako all repairo reasonebly ne�ea�sry. -��� <br /> r�.,:- <br /> '�`��•"�"'� 6.Exp�cM��.Borrower egreea to pay all Lender's expensea including roasoneble attorneyo'feea,If Borrowor breeke eny covenent�in thla deed ______ ___ <br /> '•-�` ° '' • of truat or In eny obliqAtion secured by this deed of trust. �orrower wfll pay these amount�to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 0}thi�daad of _ _.-_ <br /> •.�i. tru�t. ��.�.- _ _ <br /> - �� '�-' -� � � 8.Prior S�curi4y h�te�sta.Unleae 8orrowm firct obtalna Lcnder'e written conaent,Borrower wlll no�meke or permlt eny changas to any pdar _ — _ <br /> �, socurity intnreste. Borrower will peAarm ell of Borrower's ohtipetions under any pdor mortp�ye,deed of trutt or othor eecurity epraement, <br /> - Including Borrower'a covenante to make paymente v�hen d�a. � _^ <br />"' "� 7.As� of RmU and�ofits.Bortowar asai8ns to Leoder the renta end profite of tho properry.Unlose Borrowor ond Londe�haw apreed _� -- <br /> othorw se In wdtiny, Borrower msy coilect and retein tho rente ea long es Borrower is not In dafeuit. It dorrower deteolte, Lender,Lender's �:�n�--�-• <br />=:3�; : � apent,or e court appointod roceiver maY take posseaslon end manaye the proptrty end coitnct the rent�.Any ronts Lender ce,ileeis sha8 be --- <br /> - neceasefry ieteted expena4afThenBemelninp emou�nt of rents wfll then app y to pDy�eniB�on the�eb u�ed debt ea provldedlln�Cove���1any othet �,_� <br /> ' n ? � 8.Leai�hdds•Condaminium�;Pl��wd UNt Dw�opm�nts.Botrower egreea to camply wtth the provisions of any lease ii this deed of trust Is on = _ <br /> ;y !} e leusehold.1�this oeed of trust la on a unit In a candominfum or e planned unit davetopment,Barrower will perform all of Bortower's duties ����s <br /> under the covena��ie,bylowa,or rnpatations of:h�condominlum or pinnned unit development. ,r�._: <br /> 9.Autharity of L�id�r to N�rfom�ta BarowN.If 9orrovrer feils to purform any of Borrower's duYiea undsr this dced of uust, Lender may ` ���`�=�-�: <br /> � perform the dutlea or cause tAnm to be performed. Lender may elgn arrower'e name or pay eny emount if neaesury for porformsnce. It a�y <br /> g ...�",�:_�`---: <br /> ° � � constructton on the properry ia disaontinued or not carded on in e reasanebte menner,Lond¢r may do whataver Is necessery to protact Lender's •�..,�F,...-- __- <br /> � security intereat In the proparty.This may includo complottr►a t7►o consuuction. ��` <br /> t lu-�.r�. <br /> {-'.---- <br /> ����� Lvnder's faiture to perform will not proctu�s Lender 6om oxerclsing any of ite othnr riphta under the law or this deed of trust. "�,�`�1t�_""°.-.� <br /> ,� Any emounte paid by Lender to protect Londur'e cocunty mterest wiii be securod by chi6 dend oi irust.Such amaarsts ti:411 bs due on Anmend .� ,t '.'--��%a`�'-�r <br /> � :..f.,.::,. — <br /> and will bear interest from the date oi t�e payment until pnid in full at the interost rato in eNeot on the aecured debt. }•� ;�' <br /> 10. Dsfault�nd Actd�ntion. if Borrower fails to make eny payment whan due or breake eny covenant6 under this dead of trust or eny . ;�; <br /> • obligatlon cecured by this daed of trust or eny prfor mortpape or deod of iruat, Londer mey accelerate the maturity of the secured debt and ' ; <br /> _ demand immedinta paymont an d maY invo ke t he power o 4 e a l a a n d a n y o t h e r r o m e d l e s p o r m i tt e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l e w. 'r:� • <br /> 11.8�qu�at tor NoBcs of D�twtt.It is horeby requoated that coptes of tho noticoa of default and snie bo sont to each pereon who Is e party " ..y�;'�� <br /> •��• hareto,et tho eddreas of oach euch person,as set forth herein. �;+� <br /> � ' 1�.POWN O�S�If.If the Lender invokea tho power of sale,the Trusteo shall firot record In the oNice of the registe�of deeds ot each county ,:;f <br /> wherein the trust property or some part or parcel theroof Is situeted a notice of defautt contalntng the information re�uired by taw.The Ttuateo � :r; <br /> shail also mail copies of tha notice of defeuit to the Botrower,to eech person who ia e parly horeto,and to other persons as prescribed by . <br /> applicabie law. Not 19ss than one month after thn Trustee recorda the notice of defauit or two montha if the truat property Is not tn eny ,,� <br /> incorporated city ot viliage end la used In farming operatiuna cauled on by the vustor,the frustee ahal!01vo publia notice ot sele to tho petsona ,-..,,, <br /> " � end in the manner prescribed by apppiiceble law.Trustoe,without demand on Borrowor,shall Feil tho property et pubiic euctlon to the highest . �� <br /> 6ldder.If required by the Farm Homeateed Protection Act,Truatee shall aHer tho proporty in two aeparate eaies as required by applicebte law. �. <br /> Trustee may postpono 881e of eli or any parcel of the praperty by publlo ennauncement at the time ond p�ace of eny prevlousty schadulad sale. ° ry- <br /> Lende�or Ite designee may purchase the p!operty at eny sale. '�y! ,,,, <br /> Upon receipt ot paYmant of Me p►ice bid,Trusteo shall deliver to the purcheser Truatoa's deed conveying tha proporty.The rocttinls contvinod in '�"*� � <br /> Trustee's daed shall be prima facie evldience of the truth of the statamente contelned therefn.Trustno shnli epply the proceeds of tho sela In the ;r'•�� <br /> - failowing order. (e1 to oil axpenses of the sale, includinp, but not limited 40, reasoneble Trustee's fee�, reasona6ie ettorney's fees end ;�„_ ` � <br /> relnstatement fees;lb)to alt sums securod by this doed of trust,end(o)tha baiance,if eny,to tho poreuns Iegnliy entitled to rocelve it. � ,� • .` <br /> � " 13.Fonclosurs.At Londor's optfon,this doed of trus4 may be foreciosed In tho mannqr provide by applicnblo law for foreclosure of mor4gagos ' -�.;,��r �h <br /> on roal property. , " <br /> �� �� 14.IntpwUon.Lendor may ontcr tho property to inspect it if Lender gives Borrower notice beforehand. Tho notico must stato the reasonable ' <br /> ' cause tor Londer's Inspectlon. <br /> ,,..�. . <br /> , "' 16.Cond�►nmUon.BorrowAr assigns to Lendor thv roccreds of eny ewerd or ciaim for damag ea connoated with a condemnation or other tnking ,-:;•,.,' . . <br /> j', of alt or any part of the proporty.Such procaeds wiP be appliotl as provided in Covenant 1.This assignmant is subject to tho terma of any prior , :•', , <br /> securityagreemont. •�,,'� '� � <br /> i,s;�.� <br /> 18.Wdvsr.By exercisinp any remedY availablo to Londor,Lender doos no*,flivo up any rights to later use eny other romedy. By not exercising I ' <br /> •• � nny remedY upon Borrower's default,Lander doos not waive any right to lator considar tho ovant e dotault if it happens again. <br /> • 97. Jdnt �nd Sevenl LlabtUri;Co-alynars; Sueceaaore end A�dyns Bound. All dutioe undor tMs dood of trust are joint and several. Any i • , . <br /> Borrowar who co•sfgns thla dood of trust but doos not co-eign tho underlying debt instrumontls) dooe so only to grant 2nd convey that ,:, , , <br /> :,•i Borrower'a Intereat in tho proporty to the Trustne undor the terms of this dood of tru3t.In eddition,such a Borrower agreos that the Londer end <br /> ' eny other Borrower under this dood of trust mny oxtend,modiiy or make any othor changos in tho torms of thfa deed of trust or tho secured � <br /> � I debt without that Borrower's consont and without roioasing that Borrower from the terms of this dood of truat. <br /> ,, ; 1 Tha dutios and bonoHts of t�i�deed of truat ahall bind an�benofit tho successore and assigns of Lundor ond Borrowe►. � <br /> � � � 18.NoUc�.Untess otfierv�iso roquirod hy law,any notice to Borrower shall bo piven by delivering it or by mailinp ft by cartifiod meil addresaed to <br /> i <br /> Borrowor a4 the property addr0es or any other eddress that Borrower hea given to Lender. Borrower will give any notico to Londer by certified , <br /> . mail to LondoYo addreae on pape 1 of this tleed of trust,or to eny othor addrass which Londor hae dosignated.Any other notice to Lender shall <br /> bo sont to Londer's nddross os stetod on pape 1 of this dood of trust. <br /> � <br /> Any notice shall bo doomod to havo bcon givon to Borrowor or Londer whon given In tho ma�nor otatod abovo. <br />' 19.Transf�r of th�Prop�rty w s Ban�fteiv Interest In the Barrower.If nll or any port of tha property or nny tntorost in it is sold or vansforrod <br /> paymentLit thor•Barrowor�is notcanneturel persan ondda bonoficfal intoroepinrtthotBorroh�or8isusolddobtroi sfored.Howovar�Londor moy not I <br /> domand payment In tha ubovo situatlons If it is prohibitod by tedorui low as of the deto of thia doed of truat. <br /> , � 20.R�conv�yanc�.Whon tho oblipntion socurod by thf9 dnod of trust has boon paid, end Lender has no further abligtftlon to mnko ndvnncos <br />- - ---_- _--_---,-_ - .�.�.e.tho��errumnnu or aareoments socured by this deod of trust,the Trustne shall, upon wrltton roquost b the Londnr, roconvoy tho trust <br /> Y_ �.L�.. ..s.ti� _.._. <br /> ---------___..._ — _..--- ' - - '--' --� --'----.a._' _ <br /> propurty.Tho Londor shail dalivor to tho eorrowor, ot to BOrrowor's successor in irt[�raai, inv i�va..,00�. o�ti�����...a�• �••�• a..��..w�• •..� -� - <br /> o6ligatlon so satisfisd.Burrower ttliail pay uny�ecordation co�ts. <br /> Zt. Succt�sor Trustt�. Londar, ot Londor's nption, moy romavo Trustoo ond appoint o succossor trustoo by first, mailfng a copy of tha <br /> substitution of truateo ns roqutrod by opplfcoblo law,and thon,by filing tha eubstitution ui trustuo for rocord in tho office ot tho ropistor of dneds <br /> of onch county in wh'.ch tho bust propo�ty,or somo part thoroof, fs situntod.Tho succossor trustoo,without convoyance of tho property,sholl <br /> cuccood to oll the powor,dutios, authority and Utle ol the Trustoo namod fn tNO dood ot trust ond of an��succassor trustea. <br /> rpnga 2 0/11 <br /> - , OANNER9 6Y6TCMS.INC..ST.CLOUD.MN 68301 It�800�397�13411 FORM OCP�MT4�NE O/1991 _ <br /> .�_ -1 _ <br /> . <br />