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<br /> J��,� nEED OF TRUBT •
<br /> - PAIITiES:TM�[9evd o1 Trwt tr matN on �nsr 25 i9�5 .�morp tl+r Qnnta._...Arnnr.n �. im�„�,�.._
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<br /> CSIiI�^I�.ri.T r�+'�'ux__I7TTRE1riQ...y�^..ur*a i'RFi�iaWir"i. rw, �°-
<br /> A4SNfl R 1�AAL`K� A'�"�'[1RNR}[ -_,_„__ - �/
<br /> --=- w t a w r�s l d s n c e�d�'e��I• o n .��x �o n n r�n ..�,�n�y�,� -Courtty� N�br�k�4'7ruat�"1,�nd QI»8�+»lit�Y. \Q4
<br /> �nFre PRn�uat sAt►�(�q iF �at�?„��2nCIATI(f13 ,�corporatbn or�sd
<br /> �nd�x{stkip und�r the lawi of urtA�,A�c_�� wf��Wck���I� �" q^�''^^+*am ams��$�,..
<br /> .t3�0.?�3�A2�.,�8BBS�CA..�Re� -3�^^Q - 1'LendK'1.
<br /> - - - Cv;.''�:.k.r:Fc,t w•!ua rcolv:d,Earrc:�er[rravacet+ly nrrnts�nd coi�vuya to Truetsa,In trutt,with ponrK of srl�,th�n�l propKty,of wf�{ch
<br /> -__�-� Bc�row�r IE I�wtuly aeized, desc►ibad bNow and all buiidinp�, flxnx�r, �nd sxiitl►q �nd futtx�Ir.�provamrnu tMrwn�ud ail rlpAt��oT-way.
<br /> - eaocm�nt�, nnt�, Issueq, Profk�, Incorth. ternm�nt�, hendit�m�nto. PriYiNiNt�rsd �ny �ppurt�nanus thK�unto Mbnpkip (NI ca1Nd tM
<br /> --,,.;�.a;�fi�9a1 0 � _ ,Nebra�ka Seee1 `..- --
<br /> •pr p�rry'.
<br /> �• .��..v-�r� P►l4Pf.NYY!!�RESS:�(1?...+�.�'i.RpK _ .��.$A��.�1.I+AItTID._
<br />__-.f;4try,,�r"r�,�
<br /> LEOAI DE�CAI�TIONs (s'�� tcmn �c�'�
<br /> _«��s�;,�f,�� IAT FIVS �51 , SLOCK '3W0 (2), BARTLINd'S SUHDYVISIQ�], HALL COLT23TY.
<br /> �,--� Nl3BRA9KA.
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<br /> I"+ .r � -
<br />-��r;;�:�c7•" � County,Nebreske. -
<br />::_�.�.,_t�i�:"' � tocated in � --
<br /> "' " � ! TIiL@:�arower covenents end wanenta t(tie to the property,except for _
<br />.:�;,'ry�'aa��.X�' ' • �erwc�.
<br /> M-'(lJ.,.:y:,..� �- �
<br /> ,;�w-_�h,. SECUIIED DEBT:This doed of trua4 eecuro�to Londer repeyment of the securad debt cnd tha periorma�ce of the covenents end �greemente P,.___
<br />,.,4� . ,; .,�..:��� cont�lnad(othls deed of trust snd in eny oiher dacument fncorporoted herotn.Secured debt,ne used In thfa dead ot uutt,inctudss any amounU ���
<br /> �• , _� ��� Bovower owes to Londer under this dsed of truct or under eny InaVUment eecurod by thia deed of trust, end ell mcxlificatWn�,exten�lona and �,
<br /> ..`:;�.;,:. . ., ronewa[�thxsot. °F',
<br /> «��
<br />°" �" �� �;' The eecured debi ia evidenced by(Liit all(mtrument�end eproementm secured by this deed of truat and the date�thereof.l: ��•�:-:
<br /> 'AI:�•,�':'3' '` �� AROM29Sf�R� N�TR Ah^� RR iRTTSf Af3RFfiMEt1'L flATs� 1NAY 2S_ �99�', t'To�,'`',
<br />_=1'�.rkf'1 T^ "�� Y,.
<br /> -� � _•'K.���., .
<br /> -',+ti'"'-•'•�''--''�' ❑F+itun Advene�s: The ebave emount is securod even though ell or part of it mey not yet be edvanced. Future advancea a►e ��`;
<br />_ '::;.�f corttemplYted�nd will be eecured to the seme extent es If made on the date thie deed of trust is executed. ��T
<br /> . "�,�,; .,._„.
<br /> A ❑Revolvfnp Iine of credit egreement datod ,with initia)ennuel Intareat rate of 96. �,%�:
<br /> � All emaunte owed under thf�agreament are socured ev�en though ell emounte mey not yet be edvanced.Future advances under �'.. .
<br /> � tte egreament are contampleted and will�e securod to the some extant as if ma�.on the dete tMa deed ot truat Is exocuted. ,,
<br />� .. . The obovo obtipation is due and payeblo on nttm �s_ 2onn if not pald oerlier.
<br /> • ' �� The totel unpaid balenco secured by thia dood of trust et eny one time shall not exceed a maximum princi�a�emount of �
<br />:��f''. .� " RT.RIIP.T7 THOI],ILA 1N^^ "^"^^"" orcvnr otnvm at,m 4a/�nn DOIIafB(81,L.;AGFI_48 _ 1�P�U81f110fB8L�
<br /> Sus en nmounto disbursed under the terme of thls deed of trust to protect the securiry o} this dood of trust or ta porform eny of tho ' '
<br /> ��,�"::ir ' covnnenUe contei�ed in this dend of trust,with intarast on sueh disburaemonts.
<br /> �`' ..,
<br /> . � ❑VWia61�Rete:Tho intorest rata on the oblipatfon secured by thie doad of trust mey vary occording to the terms of that obtigetfon. �
<br />: • � � ❑ A capy of tho loan agreement conteining the torms undor whlch the fntorast rete mey very is ettachod to this doad of truat and I
<br /> made e part hereof.
<br /> RIDER9: �Cammerciel � *G^'^•TM"'"^^ nF RFNTC ❑ - - �
<br /> -�.' � �.. -- OESIt�NAT10N OF HOMESTEAD �
<br /> )�.' • Pureuent to the Farm Homostead Protoction Act,designaUon ot homestoad ❑ Is etteched to thls dond of truat and mnde e part horoot
<br /> `� ' ❑ has been disciuimed;tha disctaimor is ottached to this deed of truat ond made a part hereof. �
<br /> �..`• �
<br /> " � SIOtlATURES:By siyninp b�low.BOffoW�r�gtN t0 th�t�mt�Nfd COwn�nt�contdn�d in tfils d��d ot trutt,tncludl�g thos�on pag�2.�nd In „
<br /> . � - mnY ddon d�o b�d abovo si d by Bweuwu. � .
<br /> - - =- ��o_� y'� _��. �,��,�o �'�.�; °�
<br /> _ _-----= �y1.r/.ti�T/_ r - v - - — �
<br /> , �
<br /> - � ACKNQ{iiLEQGFnENT:STATL•OF NEBFlASKA, .. County ss: ,
<br /> Tho forogoing Instrument wna ncknowtedpod beloro mo on this_ ��'rN _day ot MaY_?9AG _
<br />-- b�/ R[1tv ATRR h1S^ Cf1AN9t Ifl T RRQTRR IIt1QILANII ANi] DfIFR _ .
<br /> ITIU�ItII
<br /> . ,. - CorpO[�1t W �_— INlm�ol CorpoqUOn or P�rtnerthtpl �
<br /> � vmex.no °f---
<br /> - ecu+owiedpm�nt o __ on bohalt of tho corporotion or pnrtnorahip.
<br /> � , My comm's uo NOTA��11 M Ilitsi►� -��I������^ �.
<br /> . . . ��QN K.�(��� V L � INoury Publitl
<br /> canrn.Exa oec.19.199
<br /> � ' Thlo�nstrumont wos proparod b -.-= --
<br />- � _ ' p f 08C��KENS 6Y6TE�dS,�NC..ST.CLOUD.MN F0301(1•800•987•13�11 FORM OCD•MTO�NE 011 D791
<br /> APPL13 0000eoxs �'a' roi� i11EBiiASKA
<br /> CCD# 0000000000
<br />