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<br /> uf e�le,arui ths sAle,�r�cludlag the pw�+mcn!at�he'�Yudtee'd fees rctwdfy incurred,u�io rxaead 5.AO 96 of
<br /> ti�e prinelpN!amioupt a!�he nute a�We ttme uf the dtclRration at def�ult,Nad reaeoRSbk�Koeeeye't�s N p�'�ad
<br /> by IAw;(b}t�i�U sums sec-ured b,y thia Seturity Inet�ument;And(c)any sxceae to the�ereo�ar peXSOr�t leq,RUy wutklM
<br /> to t�
<br /> 2Z. �aonreyanee. tlpon payrncnt of aSi sums secured by this Sectuitp Inshumcnt,Lender sh�fl rtyuest'm►stee tcs
<br /> reconvey the property and shap surrender tlds Security Instrument and all nuYes evidencing debt secured b�this Secunity
<br /> Instnir.�ent to 7lvstcx. 'Ilustee shaU reconvey the Pmperty withuut warranty and wIthout charge to the lxrsoa or�ersons
<br /> legally enttded to i� Such pers�n or persons shaA pay any rccordation costs.
<br /> 7.3. Subatitute'Yt�t�.gtee. L,ender.at its optian,may from time to time nemove'II-ustee and appoint a succassor tceastee to
<br /> �ny 71t�stee appointed hereunder by an iaspument recorded in the county in which th;s Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Vl'tthout convey<lnee of the Ptoperry, the successor trustee shall suceeed to�l! the title,power and duties confemd upon
<br /> Tiustee hereia and by agplicable law.
<br /> 2i. Reynest�or Noli:cev: Honower requesu that copies of the tiodces of cie(aufx.and fiale be sent to Borrowet',s�,addn:ss .. ' .'.•'
<br /> r�vhich is otttJ�Ptnperty Addnt,ss: .. : • . , . . ,. .
<br /> 2S. Riiie.ra to tliLs Security Instrum�n� If onc ar more iie3ers s►re��ecu;ed by Ho�rower and recorded tobbther with �� .
<br /> • this Secuc�ty��a�s(rument,the covenanYs�nc] Agreements of each s�ult rid�r shaA be 9ncorporated into and shall a�nend and
<br /> supplement the cav�nants and agreements of thls Secur�ty Instrumcnt as if the�ider(s)wei�e a part of this Securiry Ynsx�ament.
<br /> j�hcck applicsb:e bax(ee)J
<br /> �Adjustable Rate.Rider �Condomintum Rfder ��-4 Fumlly Ridrr _
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �Biweekly 1'ayment Ri.dor
<br /> �Bulloon Kidcr �Ratc Imps•ovemant Ridcr �Sc�ond Home Kidcr
<br /> �Othcr(s)[spccifyJ
<br /> 8Y SIGN[N�BSLOW,Borrowcr accepts unJ abrccs tn dic tcrms�md covennnta contnincd in this Sccurity lnsmimcnt
<br /> and in uny ridcr(s)cxecuted by Dorrower und recordcd with it.
<br /> Witness: • Witness:
<br /> ��
<br />' •��/'?^► �� �-�—�---'��—� etil) (Seal) _
<br /> Kevin D. Trosper -soROwcr anelle M. TTO�;+eI -Bortower _.
<br /> (Seul) (Seal) P:
<br /> -Bortowcr •Bortowcr �,,;;__
<br /> �:�
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss: �'�`':.
<br /> On this 25th day of May, 1995 .befone me,the undersigned a Natary Public ���:_.
<br /> duly commissioned and yualificd for said county,personally came �;';���`
<br /> Kevin D. Troaper and Danelle M. Trosper, husband and wife ,to me known to bc thc ��;,.K
<br /> idendcal persons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing inswment and acknowledged the execution thereof to ���
<br /> ba their voluntary act and dced. ---
<br /> Wimess rr�y hand und notnrial seal at G d Ta land, Nebrasita in said county,the .. .
<br /> date aforesnid.
<br /> y ftE�1�'fi9MlAR.�Yw�e�r�slu ,`•:`;:�
<br /> III R08ERTA 4 REEO ^ .i
<br /> �j�pm�,�p,JYIr 30,199e Notnry Public .,
<br /> TU TRUSTF.E:
<br /> The undersigaed is the holder of the note or notes secur�d by this Decd of ltust. Said note or notes,together with all ,
<br /> odier indebiedness secured by this Deed of 7kust,have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note oe notes
<br /> und this Bccd of Ttust,which arc delivered hereby,and to reconvey,wid�out wairunty,all the estatc naw held by you under
<br /> ' this Qced of'Iivst to the person or persons legally entiiled thcreto.
<br /> Datc:
<br /> , Ebrm 3028 9/4{I fpugc 6 oj6 pagerl ..
<br /> �
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