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<br /> appiicahlL luw rtt,ay spccify Wr�einstutemcnt)t�cCors calc of the E'rcrpr,rty p�ry�lu�i��aiy�wer uf saie contait+e�t in this
<br /> . Saurity Insixu�ncnt: or�(b)envy of a j«d�nxnt enforcic�g this Su:udty Inst�u�u�nt. 'l'hase cunctitions ura that Horrnwrr: (a)
<br /> pAy3 Lendtr al� su�ns v�hir.h then would he due under rt3e Securiry Ynitrumtnt snd tha Nc�tc ss if no eocrkndoa b�d
<br /> n�.curced;(b)curcs uny default of.�ny other covenant5 ar agreenxnts;�c)pays all ex�enses incurced in enfarcing this Secudty
<br /> �, Instrument,including,but not limitcd ta, reusonwble atuxneys'fees; und Sd) �aices suc� accion as I.encicr muy rr+uK,r�iy
<br /> rcquiro to assure thnt Iht lien o�this Security Inswcnent,Le,nder's right�in the Praperty and Borrowerk abli�ttian to p�y Ihe
<br /> sunLS socured riy tf�ls Security Instcument shnU cex�tinue unchanged. Upon relnitatcment by Eorrowa, Ihis Security
<br /> Instrument and the obliguians secured hereby shall remain fully eFfxtive as if no acaleration had occurnci. However.thi�
<br /> right to roinstate shatl not apply in the case oE��ceferadon under parngraph 17.
<br /> 19. S�le o[NMe; Chenge ot LoAn Scrvker. Ttia Note or a p�unal interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> ln�trnmeat)may be: sold one or more tim�s witliuut prior notic�to Borcower. A saIo may result in a changc in the endty
<br /> (known as the"I.oan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments due uncler the Note and this Secunity Insirurnent. '�rien al.sc�
<br /> may be ono dr mo� changes of tlie Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chang�of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Bonower will be given wrltten notice of the chan�e in�ccontance with paragraph 14 nbave and anplicable law. '�'he notice
<br /> will state the na�ue au�i.address of the new Loan S�rYiccr und thc address to which payments should be macl�. The nofir.e wiU
<br /> alsa conF�in any other informatian required by applicuble law. .
<br /> 24..'Aazardous SuFastances. Borrower shall not cause or p�errait Aie prese�xcc.use,dispoGal,st�n�tr�R.or rolease of an�►
<br /> Ha•r.3udaus Substances on or In the Fsoperry. Borrawer shall nnt dA,nor aUaw anyone eTse to do,t�nything affecting the
<br /> Froperty.tiya[is iu viol►�zlon of any Cnvimamcn��l�.u�:. 77ie prece�Ing t�•ro s�nte.nces shRll not�epply t42hs`p;escnce;t�ao,vr - .
<br /> stomge ou the Property of small quantities of Ha�nrdous Substances that�re�en�rally rezo�ntized t�be ap.prRpriate ta ncirmai ____.
<br /> resi�entiA]uscQ r�nct io mnintenance of the Proparty. `
<br /> Eonower shall prompdy give.Lender�vritten notics:of:tny invesagation,claim,demind,lawsuit or other acaon by nny
<br /> govemrnental or rebulatory agency or private paciy involving the Property and any Hnzarc�aus Substance or Bnvironmental
<br /> Law of which Horrower lias actual kno�vledge. If Bo►rower le:tsns, or is notified by uny governmental or regulatory
<br /> authorlry,thut any nemoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessAry,Borrower
<br /> shall promptly take ail necessary cemedi�l uctions ln accordance with Environmental I,aw.
<br /> As used in this paruqrzph Z0,"Hazardous Substances"are those substunces de�ned as toxic or h:�rduus substanees by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosenc,other tlammuble or toxic petroteum praducts, toxic -
<br /> pesticides and hcrbtcides,volatils solvents, mateduls containing�sbestos or farmuldehyde, nnd radioactive tnnter�als. A�;
<br /> uscd in this pamgrnpli 20,"L�nvironmentnl Law"menns federal Inws nnd 1:►ws of tlic jurlsdictfon�vhcre the Property ie Icxated
<br /> that relute to health,snfety or cnviromnental pratcction.
<br /> IVON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. auROwer nn�t.ender iunher cavcnnni:uui ugrec u�[uftaw,:
<br /> 21. Acceleratton; Remedl�.w, I.endcr ehall give notlee to Rorrower prlor to acceleradon Pollowing Sorrower's
<br /> breach of ony covenant or aqreement In thls Security Iastrnment(but n�t�rior to scceierati�on under paragr�ph 17
<br /> untess applicable lesw provide,9 otherwise). The notice shpll spectfy: (u)the defnulh,(b)the actio�n required ta cuxe the
<br /> defoult;(c)a date, not less than 30 days from the dute the��ottce ts giveu to Rorrower,by which the default must be
<br /> cured;and(d)that tailure lo care the default on or before the date spectited In the notice may result in scceleratfun of
<br /> the sums secursd by thfs Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The natice shall further infmrm Borrower oY
<br /> the right to refnstate a[ter acceleratiun end the rigl�t to brtng a court actton to assert the non�extstence of u default or
<br /> any othcr defense of Horrower to ac.celeretton and sale. IP Ehe default Is not cured on or�ucfore the date specifued in
<br /> the notice,Lender et its option may requirc immedinte payment in tutl oP all sums secured by lhis Security Instrun�ent
<br /> without further demund and �nay invoke the powcr of sstle und nny other remedtes permitted 6y upplicable law. ---_
<br /> Lende� shnll be emQtled to collect ull expenses incurred in pursn(n� the remedtes provided in tlils pars�grnph 21,
<br /> (ncluding,but no!lim[ted to,reasonuble nKorncys'fees and costs of title ev[dertce. –'°'
<br /> IP the power of sale�s invoked,'lYustee eha11 record A notice of defnult In ench county In whfch uny part of the •' -
<br /> Properiq is located and shall mail c.r�ples of such nottce in the maanner prescribed by appl3ca61e luw to Barrower ar3d to ''
<br /> the otiaer persons prescribed by applicable law After the tlme required by appitcable 9aw,'IYustee shaq give public � �=_
<br /> nouce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by npplicuble law. 'tlrustee,without demaud on Borro�ver. '�
<br /> shall sell the Property nt Publle uuction M the hl�hest bldder ut the time und place und under thc terms designated in �`'�':
<br /> the noiice of snle in one or mom purcels and in any order 1lrustee determines. 'Ilrustee may postpone sale of all or any ':�.°�"
<br /> parccl of the Property by publir unttouncement at the time And place of uny previousfy schedWed sale. Lender or its '�' �
<br /> designce mny purchase tbe Property at uny sale. �
<br /> Upon receipt o! puyment of the pcEce btd, 'Il�ustee sholl deliver to the purchnser'll�ustec's deed conveying the ,_
<br /> Property. Tlie recitals in!he Trustee's dced shall be prima fncte evtdence of the truth of the stutements mnde thereln.
<br /> 'It�ustee shall apply the pr�cecds of the s.ale ta tl�e following order: (a)to all costs and expenses of exercising the power
<br /> �
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