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,�.a� , . <br /> ��. , __._ - __ <br /> •: — - _ <br /> • - - — — <br /> �_ .;..�� _ ----- -- <br /> ' �:73f""6.'.. `•lu�:.�"�'7E3`��peT�r.�t��. Si'lpSf.`l'GYA73a1�4p13�7,1s' l7i!]'17.7$4at3lNt��+1+17� . 9ipl3's�Yll�_e1tn".�+-. - — .- _ _ <br /> ..:h��La.l:r nros �`°- " f6ew_-v__'r......'+'�..��:�.�.:.s.�..;e.r�r:.��d�._.. _,._,.._a,;�,re,. .� _-'-�-.� .--:.z. ,-z:.:,y.,-,,.,_.�z.,... - _-.-__..--- <br /> ,..�� <br /> _- - ___-_ _..� _�.�.._.�.�..._�...� .�.......�,�.-.�..•.�... - <br /> ' -Ir�.+-�.�i��.�'{i7••`i�n�41.� ..t�T�...t�/Tf'.�s�.�it.�l.`r}��i��i�`d-lwt,'i��.:tl"i'i�'9::�`}�".AG.,"_i•il��'i��uuiur ��� -_ - q�. 1 t�. �%'__ -- -, <br /> ' - � "' . . .. - �er-�r.- .F„er�^.�r�- . �--^rn•--x�r.�:mn+ar.naTOam .- <br /> ..� ..,�- . _ _ ...... <br /> �, <br /> . .. � _ �., : '� . .. . - .. . Yt� <br /> , . .. . . ,� � � � <br /> .� - .. . . ... - -� >.-._. <br /> �!��►5- �,U3'�� <br /> -- perioda that Lender requires. The insury ce careier pn►viding the ih9urance shall be choren by ldorrower subject ta l.eixkr S — <br /> - - - ` i+�,ar+�va1 wZiieh::iiadl n�i b�unreaccn�bl t�ithh�ld. If Hnrrc►a-er feilc to m�intai�covGrage desaribed ubove,L,endr.r may,at . <br /> Lenderb optton,obtAin coverAge to protect L.enekr�rights in die Prop�ny in accordance wilh paragrapl�7. <br /> y���� y All insurana palicies nnd renewuls shull be ac�:eptable to Lender and shall inclucic a standard mortgage elause. Lenckr <br /> sf�nU hc�ve the rlght to hold the pol.icics und renewals. If Lender ru�uires,�nrrower shull prompily give to 1_�endcr All rxeipts <br /> — of paid premiums and rencwal notices. In thc evcnt of loss.Borrawer shall give prompt notice to ihr,insurance currier and <br /> Gendee l,ender mc�y make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrower. <br /> �v � Unless L.ender and Borrowec otherwise agree in writin�;,insurance proceeds sh�ll be npplied to restoration or cepair oi <br /> —""---' the Rruperty dnmaged, if tha �estoration or repair as ccouomicnlly f��sible and Lender's security i9 not lessened. If the <br /> restoraUon ur repair is not economicaAy feusible ar Lender?s secunty woulC be Iessened,the insuranco prcraeds shail be - <br /> — applied ro the sums secured by this Security Jnstrument, whether oc not then due. v�ith uny excess Qaid to Borrower. If <br /> ---=-= Horrawer abandons thc Property. or dces not answer K�itiun 30 dnys a notice from Le;nder tt�at the insurance ca�rier has <br />----=-.---_�.—-� offered ro scule u clairn,then Lender mny collect the insurance pra'.eeds. Lendet may ase the praceeds to rep�ilr or restorc <br /> the Propeny or to pay sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument,whcthcr ar not then due. The 30-day period will besin when <br /> the notice is given. <br /> �= Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicaaon of proceeds to principal shall not extend ar <br /> --__ _�..:�,.� postpone the due date of the monthly payments refencd to in paragr�phs 1 und 2 0;change thc amaunt of the pu;rments. If . <br /> _� under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower� nght to any insurance policies wid proceeds resulung <br /> --M" �� from�amage to the P►��rrt}° prior to the ac�uisiticsn shall p�ss to[.ender to the extent af the sums secured by this Securiry <br />`'-"�=��'-?�k'�,•� Insnwnent imm�diately prior ro the acquisition. � <br /> -===�F G. Occupancy, Preservation, Maiutenmice und Protectian oP the PropeMy; Borrow�e�•'s I[.oun Appilca4lon; <br />`� '?"Y'' I.enseliolds. Bono�ve�shall occupy,estahlish,and use the Propeny z+s BorroNer's pnnc�pal residenco wiihin sixty days aft�r <br />-'-��.s*ri�:; � � <br />_�_;,".�i�;1��• ,'_' the execution of this Sewrity Instrwnent and shaU continue to occupy the Pruperty as Borrower's grincipAl reside�zce for ut — <br /> -:-°�+��ry f:_• lenst aue yeur after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agreas in +vriting, which consent sh119 �aot be <br /> " """J°s' °`''-� umet�onaGly withhcld.or unless extenuating circamstssssces esist wh:_�h are.heyond Boiro�ver's control. Borrower shall nut � <br /> •'f:;�Q" , , , <br />'��i�'�'�.� � � destroy,damnge or impair the Property,allow thc Property to detcriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shafl <br /> '!<<.�� '�'^ be in default if uny forfeimre acdon or proceeding. wheth�r civil or criminal,is began that in l.ender'.s good faith juclgment <br /> `����^��'��'`r'� �� couid result in forfeiteue of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br /> ->�..,.;:,.,,c,�,� L- --r---- p P fi� P Y S � <br /> � �=�_�• . a�,�p �crr��rity interest. Bottower maV cure such a default and rovided in ara a h 18,b cuusin the action <br />''�-.�"�!��`� or prc�ceeding to be dismissed with a ruling Lender's good faith determination,prectudes fortei[ure oi che Be�nuwci� <br /> � .r interest in the Propeny or other material impairment uf the lien created by this Security Instrument or[.ender'.s securiry <br /> " '; intcrest. Borrower sl-iall also be in dcfuult if E3orruwcr, during the loan applic:�tion prace�.s, govc materially falsc or <br /> = • ��5 , � inaccumte informatiun or statements[o Lender(ar failed tu pravide Lender with uny muterinl informutionl in connection with <br /> .'`.,.,�., `��%�, •' the loan evidenced by the Nota. incluJing, but �tot limited to, repmsentntions concerning tiorrowr.r's cxcup�ncy of t6e <br />,-� u.r. ..+:-�- •� ProEx:riy as a principal residencc. IF this Sccurity Ms�n�mcnt is un�i Iciischald,E�ormwcr tihi�ll cumply�vith nll thc provisionw <br />��''••`'�'" `�`' �' of thc Icasc. If i3orrowcr ncyuircs fcc tiUc�o thc Pro(►c�ty,thc Icaschold und�hc fcc tidc shnll�iot mcrgc unlcss I.endcr ngrccs _- <br /> ""''•.S`•�;�'�; 'd ro thc mcrger in writin�. � <br /> ��' '�� � ^ 9. Protecttun uf Lender•s RiRhtti in the Property. If l�orrower f+iilti tu �xrii�mi thc covcnunts ►md agrecmcnts <br /> "'""'� � consaincd in this Sccuriiy Instrumcnt, or thcrc is n Icgtd pnxceding that muy signitica�ntly nftcct l.cndcr's rights in tlic �+� <br /> � �• ` Property(such as a procccding in bankruptcy,probutc.for condenination or fi�r(ein�rt�or to cnforcc laws or rcgalotions),then �E` <br /> . ' ' Lendcr may do and p:�y for whutcvcr ix necctisary tn protc�ct thc vnluc of the Propeny cmd Lcnder'+rights in the Property. � <br /> __=''����'"•r ''� ' Lendar�:�ctions may include paying uny sums securcel by u licn which ha,prioriry ovcr this 5ecuriry Instrument,c�p�aring ��. <br /> : C �, . u:''__' <br />_ -: :� „,;�.�;� . in court,paying rcasonable :►ttomcys' cntcring on the Propeny to makc repairs. AltNough Lender may tctke uction -_P <br /> under this paragropL 7.Lcndcr docs not havc to do so. <br /> � '�Y� � Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this paragr.iph 7 shsll become additional debt ot' Horrower tiecured by this ,- <br /> • ; � Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrec to nther tenns of payment,these amowits shall beur interest from the <br /> �• .� date of disbursement at ihe Note rate.tnd sli�ll be payable,with interest, upon iwtice from Lendcr to Barrower requcstin� <br /> � payment. <br /> S. Mortgage Insur:�nce. If Lender required mortgage insur:►nce as a condition of muking the lo:m secured by this <br /> " ' ' f . Security Instrnment.Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired w m.+intain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any <br /> 'L' � rcason, the mongage insur.�nce wveragc required by Lender lapses or to be in effect, Borcower shall pay the <br /> Y � , '� premiums required to abtain coverage substantially eyuiv:+lent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a wst <br /> - ,� substantially equivalent to the cose to Borrower of the mongage insurance pmviously in ef'fect,from un altemate mortgage , <br /> . insurer approved by Lender. If substanti:+lly eyuivalent mortgagc insurance covcrage is not avuilablc, Borrowcr shall pay to <br /> " Lendcr cach ntonth a sum eyual to or�c-twclfth of the ycarly mortga�c in�ur:uice pnmium 6cing paid by Borrower whcn thc <br /> `• ` insurance coverage hpsed or ceased to bc in effect. Lender will accept,use and rctain thcse payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> � •�' of mortgagc insurance. Lass reserve p�ryments may no longcr be reyuin:d,xt the option of Lcnder, if mor►gage insurance <br /> � .� coverage(in the.tmount and for the penod that Lender rcyuires)providcd by an ins�ver approved by l.cnder again becomes <br /> <� • " . available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay thc premiums rcyuimd to maintain mortgxgc insuruncc in cffect,or to providc a <br /> , 'y loss rescrve,until the reyuirement for mortgage insur�nce enJs in acwrdance with any writtcn agreement benvecn Borrower <br /> � and Lcndcr or upplicable law. <br />: ° 9. Inspectiun. Lcndcr or iis agent m.�y makc reasonablc cntrics upon�uiJ inspections of the Property. Lcndcr shall <br /> • �' give Borrower notice at the eime of or prior:o an inspection specifying rccisonuble cau�e for the inspection. <br /> • 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim For dama�es,dimct or conseyuential,in connectivn with any I <br /> " :� . Singlc Fa�nily..I�nnnlc MadFYcdtllc Mnc UNIFl1RM ItVSTRU11fEN7'•-Uni(nnn('�vcnan�, 9/40 fpax�.{��jn p��xr..i I <br />,-. • .':.� •' Gmot Wcc��aelncas Pamb Ina■ I. <br /> ,, ., . <br /> -. ., Tu Ordcr Call���100b(10t+309 O VAX Ota796n' <br />... . --------------_.-_- � <br />..� �----� ....__.._.- �---... ..... �. <br /> �. <br />: .. ,. -'-"----'---._.___._ <br /> .... ----•----_.....----`-'-----'._.............-�-'---•-^'------T'___�..--.._.__.�-_-..�—�r--. <br /> . ' .. . .. - . . " . ' ��• . - . . <br /> .. ' . . � • . . . �•. . - � • , <br />. .. � ' � ' . . , . . <br />_ . ) � - 1 - . - . �� . ,��I: .. _ 1 <br /> 1 <br /> ? ,.. ' . . . . ., .. . .. <br /> - - .� : .. .. . <br />