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<br /> I TQC3E'I'HER WiTH nl{the in�p�ovements now on c�reafter erccted o�tl�e property,and all ease�mntx,aopu�tenances,
<br /> �nd�ixtures now ox hereaRer a puri of the pmpemy. All repl�cei�ients and addiiioas siyall al��h�cov�ze�t�;r t�i^�r^�,ryYy --- -
<br /> � Instrument All of the foregoing is rcf�rred to in this Secu�ity Instcument as the"Property."
<br /> --�"'�� BORItOWER CUVENANTS thnt Bon•owar is tuwfully seise,d of tfie estate he�Uy conveyed and h�.s the right to gce�u
<br /> — and canvey the Propecry und thet the Fropeity is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Haaower we�rants and
<br /> will defend generaliy the title to tlie Property against all cls�ims nnd demands.subjeci to nny eneumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECLJRI'3'Y INSTRUML�NT combines unifom► cuvenants for narional use and non-uniform c�venants witl�
<br /> ° -- '" limited variutions by judsdiction to constitute a uniform security lnstrumcnt covering real pinperty.
<br /> ' UNIk�''ORM CQVBNANTS. Borrowcr and I.ender covenant nnd agrcc as follows:
<br /> � 1. PWyment ni Princfpal end Iatcrest;Pre�sayment and Late Charges. Bonowcr shall promptly�ay when due thc
<br /> ___--�! principal of and intenest on the debt evidencecl by the Not�and any prepayment nnd late chazgas due undcr the Noto.
<br /> -- _ 2, �nda fur'lhaces and Insvranse. Subject to upplicable I�w or to a writt�n waiver by Lender,Bonowes shull pay to
<br /> ! c
<br /> ' l,ender on the day monthly payments are due under thc Note,until the Note is paid in ful1,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly
<br /> taxes ancD assessments which may attein priority ovFr this Security Insuument as a Gen on the Properiy:(b)ycarly leasehold
<br /> ------= payrs�enu or ground re►�ts �n the Propeny, [f any; (c) yearly haznrd or property insuranco pretniums� (d) yearly f:ood
<br /> -= insuxaace pmnuums.if any: (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums. if any: and (� any sums payuble by Boirower l�
<br /> - Lender� in accorcfance with the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mo:tgage insurance premiums. These
<br />=�+'c�r�.qd�j�}�� items are called"Bscrow Items." Lender may,at any time,collect�nd hold FLnds in an amount not to exceed the mnximum c,
<br />-_•=--_- = amount u tender fur a federully related mortgxgc toan may rcquira for Borro�ver s escrow account under tfie fcderal RcAI _
<br /> v Estate Setdement�racedures Act of 1974 a�nmended from dme to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("R.�S�'A").unless anot}�er
<br />"�'��� law that applics to the Funds sets a lesser amovnt If so,Lender may,at any Gme,collect and hold Funds iu nn amount not to
<br /> , ;',„,�,... � exceed the lesser amount. Lander may espmate the amoant of FUnds due on the basis of cun�ent datu nnd reasonable
<br /> '{:� �4::.,
<br /> - �v:�:,„ ' esdmutes of expendiWres of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicabie law.
<br />;rf;.�;;f�C��?�� '1'he Nunds shail be held in an insutudun whose uepnsits nre u��ured by u fadr�ai agcncy, instrumc:tG:lity, a: endty
<br />-„���;���� (including I.�nder.if Lender is such an insuaruon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shaU apply tUe Funds to pay __
<br /> - jg''�' 1he Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bonower far holding nnd Applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escruw
<br /> ��""��-�7i' ;�'" account, or verliyirg the Escrow Items, unless L.ender pAys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicuble ln�v permits
<br /> ,,;�5 ;;��;`� Py;.� LCntir.r iu uiutic sitc:ii a chargc. Ha::e:�er, L.^.�e:m�; se�uire Re,nnwe.r tn�ay a one-rime eharge for att indepent�ent reaa
<br /> •°`'�r- •• estate tax reporung service used ay Lender In connecdon with this lovi,unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br />=t�•:�:�i,��
<br />_��a;1,.,q;; r� agreement is mude or applicable law requires intemst to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> - ,N_.�,, ,�.�� '�� carnings on the Funds. Borrower and L.ender may agrec in writing.howevcr.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.endcr
<br />"-'��: shall give to 8orrower, without char�e,an annual accounting of the Funds, showing emdits and debits ro the Funds and the _
<br />``�'�t' .�`. � u s�for which ench debit to the Funds was made. The�unds are pledged as additional security for ull sums secured by
<br /> ?��•='��'��"" tPhi�ccurity lnsuument:
<br />—
<br />