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«; „'.`�, ����:'l'��r5^t}{t�i}y- '�,.'}.f:l � . ..`.;};�i. . . i4�l�i'.;::ii�i:;f.rAN'���(r .. <br /> I. ,�r+e�J �Iis Yr�:.., t(7•it �. , i\•� 4 ( NF} ���4. f�� <br /> i•M 1!v ��.` f f•s 4 .1�,.`. _ ._ <br /> W �t�x:�o��:., -- <br /> r�iol��'°�TJ�-._'—_'_—_—. <br /> . .. � -- . <br /> . �ryM�.-4. , .. ..___�.. .�_ _ . <br />..�— � _ �.._�_._�.��.�r. '�wsw�er�w.r�r+.iu� <br /> , ��� ���t�c���t�� C:;.. <br /> oi lhem,ohnll bo ontitiod to onlorCO Ihl�Trust Dned and any�thor soCUrity�ow or hereaitor hqld by Boneliciary or'fruEtee in euCh ordar end rne�nOf <br /> Hs they or either nf them mny In tholr absoltrto discretion delormine.No romody horoin ConlerrOd upon or reserved to 7rusteo or BenetlCiaiy io Intendt�d <br /> to 6e oxclusive ol any olher romCdy haroin q�by law providad or permitted.but eaCh BhEfll bo cumulntivo end shall be In edditlon to every Olher remody <br /> given hareunder or now os herealter exlstinp at law or In equtry�r by alalute.Evory power or remody p�ovided under th1A Trost Daed to T►ustt�Or Beneficlary <br /> or tn which oither ol lhom muy ho alhorvelso entitled,may be exerclseA,concurrentiy or Independenqy,tram time to time snd a�otten ae may Ce deemeA <br /> ex{�llent by 7rustee or 8eitie6aary nnd oilhQr of tham may pursuo lnco�sfstCnt remcdlos.Nothfnp hcreln .^,hnll b�construed as prohfbitin{�Baneticlary , <br /> from soeking a dehciency�udflment apalnst ihe Trustar to Ihe oxtent sur,h actl�n IS permftted by law. <br /> 11.TRAN$FfR AF THE PROPERTV;ASSUh1PTIOM. II nll or any pavt of iho Prppeity ot Intoreut lhurein Is Eo:d,trRnstarred ot otherwise conveyed — <br /> by Truator wilhaut Beneficinvy'8 prlor writton cons�nl.8x�ludinA(a)iha croatlon Of o IIOn Or onCwndranca su�ordinate to Ihi9 Trust�eed,(b)a lranefer <br /> by aperatlon oT Inw upon Ihe denth ol n Trustor who lo p Jolnt tanant ar(c)Ihn p►�nt a1 any iensehold Intorest ol thrae(3)yoare av leas vrhlch doe�nN <br /> cantaln en aptinn to purcliuso,euch ncuon I�n bronch of Ihis riqrqamont,nnd OonotlGary mny,f�f B8n81iCfAly'a optinn,ds;late Hif ths eums aecurad by <br /> thle Truel Coed ta be Immodiatoty duo nnd payanlo,pravfded,lurthor,Ihie Truet Oeed mny,at fioneficlery'e opl'nn,b4 de6lered Irtimediutaly du�Ynd <br /> payib�e.II(1)Tructor 1e H pa�tneishfp ond nny Inif�►dsi ln tlio partn�rn�ip�n cotd ar nasipned by nny�nedne wNaiBOever,or l2►If tho Tru�tar ia a carparattan �-- --- <br /> end a1 Uansfer ot the mp�onty Ficek ownurohlp mtore�t in tho carparn�lan or.CUra,or thu Trustor corporAt�on merpea In nny Innn with another corponlla� <br /> or ontiry.8enoiiaa�y rlmll hnvo wtuvucl euCh opUun lu nccotor�to d,pna�lo Iho nalo,trannfor or convoye��ce,�onef�clery end tho persan to whom lhe <br /> hroqarty la to Oa Botcl or trnnolorrod ionch n�ruomcnt in wni�nf�Ilinl lho credit a!euch pnrson lo ont�slaclory l0 8onaticlary und thnl the fnlnre�t payeble <br /> �n tNo eume securod by Ihin 7rust Ucad ohnu bo al aur.h rNO no 13eno1umry nhnll roquosl. <br /> 12.1�CCELEqRTiON UPON OEFAUI.T;RBMEDIEB:5AL8.Tho lulluro by Iho Truotot,to muka any payment or to peAorm eny of the lerms artd condltlor�a <br /> af this Trunt Ooed.or Ihe lerm0 Md cond�tla�s of tha Note,or nny rano�vals,moditicatlons or oxtanslons thereof,w the tellure lo make peyment of any <br /> othcr Ind�btcdncs�,prwr or sub�es�ucnt lo thls Trust Doed,onQ seCUra±d hy Ihls propnrty,or tho don►h of one or rr.oro Trustore shatl ba a breach end . <br /> detault ol this Trust Dtrod ond�ho Benol�clfuy mny doclaro a defautl and mny doclnre all sums secured hnreby fmmediatety due and payable end th0 <br /> seme ehell tftBreupOn become due und payablo without pr65animont,domand,protost or noti�e of nny kind,provided.Trustor shell huve nny statutory — <br /> right to cure Iho defaul�bcloro any not�ce of dolault antl demand tor snle mey Ao delworod to tho Trustee.Yherealier,BonoGciery mny deliver to TruBt@e <br /> a written declarution ol dofnull end demand tor sale. I�rustor agreos and horeby grants thut lho Trusloe sl�sll h8ve the power ot 5ale of the Prop6rty e��d <br /> if Beneficiary docides tho Proporty fs to be sold�t shall deposit with Trustee thie Trust Deod end the Note or notes and any othor document9 evldenCing <br /> expenditures secured horeby,and ehell dehver to Trustee n vrriuen noqce of de�ault and olection ro Causo Ine property to be sold,&nd Trustee,In turn, .- <br /> shall prep¢re a simdnr notice in the form required by law,which shall be duly ified for record by Trusteo. <br /> (�) A.�►9f thP I8¢SP CI°_ilCh ttiilB 89 mA;�nw mqi nred hy law following the recordatfon ot Notice of Default.and Notice of Oetauit end Natice of __ <br /> Sale having boen givon as required by Iaw.7rustee,without demand on Trustor,shall 6eil the Propertyr,if not redeemed,In one or more _ <br /> parcola and in such order es Trustee maydetermine qn the date and ihe Nme and pleCe designatod In said Notice o}5ale,et publiC auction <br /> according ta law. <br /> (b1 When Trustee selis pursuant to the powers herem,Trustee shell apply the proceeds of the Sale to payment o1 the coste end exp3nse9 of = <br /> exercistng the powor of sale and ot the sate,includfng,wfihout limitetion,ettorney's(ees end the puymont�if Truatee'e Fee9lnCUrretl,wnlch _ <br /> Trus[Qe's Fees shall not in the eggregate exceed Ihe Ioliuwing emounls based upon the amount secured horeby�nd remEtining unpafd nt _ <br /> the time scheduled br sale: b percentum on the balance the�eof;and then to the itama in subparagraph(c)in th9 ortler thero stated. <br />