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<br /> 1.PAYMlNT OF FRIKCIPAL AND INTEHFSY.Trustor shall promptiy pay when Oue the principal 04 end Interesl on the irtdabted�es&evf�enceci by
<br /> Ihe Note,and all oth9r charges nnd loos ns nrovidnd in lho t�oto,and tho principal 01 nnd fnterest an any Fulure Advancos sncured by ihis Trust D�tA.
<br /> 2.dVAFtRAN7Y Of 71TLE.Trustor ie lawlulty s�ized and possessed of good and indeleasibte title and estate to the Property heroby conveyed nnd
<br /> Ita�Iho r4�ht to�rant end cnnvey tho Progerty;the Property is free end ciear of ell Ilene and encumbrenc9s e�ec�apt Ilnns now ot record;and Trustor wiU ,_
<br /> wsrrant and detend the tille to the Property against ail clalms nnd domands.
<br /> 3.MAItiTENIlHCE AND COMPLIANCE 18tIT�N lAWS.Trustor shall keep tho Praperty in gaod repafr nnd candltian und sha11 not commit wasta or permit
<br /> impairrnent or detariqrAlion of the Pro�.erry and sha11 comply with the provlsions of eny leaso it this Trust Qeed is on a leasahold.tJo fmprnvomeni now
<br /> or heioAftot erected upan the Property shaii be altered,ramove�or demotished w(thout the prior written consent o1 Bonotir;nry.Trustor shall com9ly with
<br /> all law�,prdlnances, regulations,covenants,conditions�nd re:striotio�s atfecling lhe Property und not commil,suffcr or porm(t any act to be done in or
<br /> upon tho Property In violatlon of nny law,ordinance,regulatlon,covenant,conditi0n or rostriCliOn.Trustor shall compiete or rostoro promptl�ertd In go0d
<br /> work�iianNke manner any improvemant on the�rupsrty which may be damaged or dcstraycd and pay,e:hcn duo,nII claima tor�bar perlormr.d und mntcrlal�
<br /> furnished tharafor and for any alterntions thera0f.
<br /> 4.IHSURANCE.Trustor,nt ils expense,will maintaln with insurors epproved by Beneticiary,insurance with respect to the Improvemente and persunal
<br /> property.Conetitutinfl the Property,agaln9t loss by lire,lightning,tornado,and other�erfla end hazards cavered by standard extended coverege Indas�emtlnt,
<br /> In nn amaunt sqvel to et least ono hundred porcent�160?0)ot tho full replecement valve thoreol and Insuranee against such other ftazards and In euch
<br /> amounte ae la cu6lomarily carrled by ownere and operetore o1 simllnr proportles or eo Benellclary may requlre lo�IIS protectton.Truetor wlll campfy wilh
<br /> euch other requ�remenle ae 8enef�claiy may from time to time requcst tor tho protocNOn by Insuranco ot Ihe interesta ol the respective partiea.All ineurence
<br /> poUclee melnlairt6d pureuanl to this Trust DeoQ shall name Trustor nnd Boeel�r.!ary es Insured,es thelr respecuve Intereate may eppear,and pravide Ihat
<br /> Ihere bs no cencellption or maliticetlon withoul nt least 16 days prlor wriuon noliticutlon to Truste3 nnd k3enalictary mAy prncure such Insurence tn a�cadance
<br /> wllh th�proviaiona of pareflraph 9 horeof.Trustor shall dolrvar ta Benef�cinry tho origfnnl paU,les of insurnnce cnd ronewals thareol or memo copfea ol
<br /> auch po�iciea and renewals theraol.Folturo la furnfsh such insurnnco by Trustor,or rAnowals ns requlrad hereunder shall,et tho optlon of 8enet!alary,
<br /> constiruto n notauit.
<br /> 6.TAXEB,ASSESSMENTB AND CHAR�F.B.Trustor shall pay all taxes,nssessmonts end ather charc�es,including,without Ilmitztlon,finos and Impositions
<br /> attrlbuteblo to the Praperry untl leaaehold paymenta or ground renis,it any,beforo the same become delinquenl.Trustor shall pramptly furni�h to banetfciary
<br /> all notices of ernounts due under this parogruph,and In the event Trustor Fhall make paymont diroctly,Trustor shetl promptiy furnish to Beneilciary recetpta
<br /> nv:dencing such paymonte. Trustor shall pay all taxes artd essessmenis which may be Ievied upon Benefiaiary's Interest herein or upan thl�Trust Deed
<br /> without regerd to any law that may bo enaCted imposing payment of the whole or any part theroot upon the Bdneflciary.
<br /> 6.ADDITIONAL I.IENS AND PROTECTtON OF BENEFtC1ARY'S SECURITY.Trustor shali make all payments of interest and prineipal and payments
<br /> of any other charges,loes nnd expenses contracted to be paid to any existing or subsequent Ilonholder or 6eneficiary,under eny existing or subsequent
<br /> mortgage or trust dtted bofore the date they are delinquent or In default,and promptly pay and discharge any and all othar liens,ciaime or charges whlch
<br /> I111y�80p8ttl129 lh9 SCCUtIty gt9�tBtl hBf81n.If TfuStOr ld1I9[p rt18k8 1f1y SUCh pOymOnt o�t81IS t0 pBrtOfm 8tiy OI th6 COVOnB�t&8nU 8gf8BlTIOn18 COIIt81fIBtl
<br /> In this Trust Dsed,or lhe Note referred to herein,or in any prlor or subsequent trust deed,or if any action or proceedinfl is commenCed which mete►ielly
<br /> aftects Deneficiary's Interest In the Property,including,but not limited to,eminent domain proceedings,proceedi�gs Involving e decedent,notica of selo
<br /> by Trustee,notice of deleult by Trustee,mortgage foreclosure ection,or if'frustor fails to pay Trustor's debts generBliy as they become due,then DenefiCiery,
<br /> at Beneficfary's optbn end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and w(thout releasing 1'rustor from a��y obllgatlon hereuntler,may makp such eppearances,
<br /> dlsburse such sums and tetce such acUon as is necessary to protect Beneficiary e interest,including,but not Iimitetl to,disbursement ot ro3sonable attornay'9
<br />, feas,payment,purchase,contest or compromise ot any encumbranCe,Charge or Ilen,entry upon the Properry to make repairs,or declaratlon of default
<br /> under this?rust Doed.In the event thet Trustor shall fail to procure insuranca or to pay taxes,assessments,or eny other chergos or to mako eny payments
<br /> to any exlsling or subsequent lienholders or existing or subsequent beneficiaries,Beneficlary may procure 3uch insurance nnd mako euch payment,but
<br /> shall not be obligatod to do so.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficlery pursuant to thie Parflgreph 8 shatl become additlonai Indebtednessof Trustor soCUred
<br /> by this Trust Deed.Such emounte shall be payable upon notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting payment thareof,end shall beer lnterest hom ihe
<br /> d3t0 of disbursement at the rate payabie from Iime to time on outelandtng principal undor the Noto unless pay�ment of intorest et such rnte would be contrary
<br /> to opp��ceble law,in which event such amounts shali boa►interest at tho highest rate permissible under epplicabte law.Nothing contalned In this Paragraph
<br /> 8 ehall requlre Beneficlary to incur any expense or take any actlon hereunder.
<br /> 7.A9SIONMEMT OF RENTS.88neficlary ahall havo the rfght,power and authonty during the Continuance o�thfs Trust Deed to collect the rents,issues
<br /> and protlts of the Propeny and of any personal property locatod thereon with or vrithout taking possessfon o�the property affected hereby,and Truslor
<br /> hoteby ebsolutely flnd uncontlitionally assigns all suCh rents,issues and profits to Beneticiary.Beneficlary,however,hereby cansents to the Trustor's
<br /> collectlon end retention of such rents,issues antl protits as they accrue end become payable so long es Trustor is not,at such tlme,tn default with respeCt
<br />. to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby,or in Ihe pertormance ot any egreement hereundor.Upon any such detault,Beneflclary may at any time,
<br /> elthet In person,by agent,or by a receivor to be appoinletl by a court,without notice and without regard to the edequacy of any security tor the Indehtednoss
<br /> hereby secured,(a)enter upon end take possession ol ihe Property or eny part thereof,and in its own name sue for or otherwise collect such rente,Issues
<br /> end pro(ita,Including those past due and unpaid,and epply the same,less costs end expenses of operation and Collectlon,Including reasonable attorney'e
<br /> f0os,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,and in such order as Beneficiery mey determine:(D)per(orm such acts of repalr or proteCtion ae may be
<br /> necossary or propor to conservo the value of the Property:{c)leaso the same or eny pert thpreot fCr such rental,term,and upon such r.onditiane ue ite
<br /> �udgment may viCtate,or Iarminate ar adJust the terms end conditions o�existing leases.Unless TrustOr and Beneficiary thereof agree otherwtse in writfng, -
<br /> eny application ol rents,issues or profits to any indeb�ednoss secured hsreby shall not extond or postpone Ihe due dat9 0l!ho Instollment payments as "
<br /> provlded In safd promissory nuto or change the amount of such installmenis.The entering upon and takfng possossion ot the Property,Ihe colleCtlon
<br />_ of suCh ronte,issuos end profite,and the application Inereof as aloresaid,shali nol walve or cure any delaull or nolico 01 detault hereunder or Invalidato
<br />- any nCt dono pursuant to such notico.Trustor also assigns[o Beneficiary,as further secunty lor the performence of the obligations secured heroby,eli
<br /> prOpaid ronts and all monies v�hich may have baen or may heretfiter bo doposrtsd with snid Trustor by any lossoe of the Property,to socuro Iho paymont
<br />= of any ront or damogae,or upon doluult m tho porformance of any of tho provisions horeof.Trustor agroes to deliver suCh rontsand deposttc to BeneffClary.
<br />� Delivery of written nouCO ot Bttnef�ciary'S exercis0 0�Ihe nghts granted herein,to any tenent occupying said p�emises ahall be sufficient to requiro seld
<br />_ tonant to pey rant to Ihe BeneliCiery unllY furiher noUCe.
<br /> 9.CONDEMNATION.If Iille tq eny part ol tho Property sheil be taken In condemnatfon proceodings,by rght of eminent domaln or simuar eCtlon,or
<br /> shall bo sold undor threat ot condemnetfon,all awards, damages and proceeds are hereby assigned and shall be pafd to Boneficiery who shall apply
<br /> such ew4rds,dnma�as end procoeds to the sum secured by this Trust Ooed,with the axcoss,If any,pafd to Trustor. If Trustor receives any notfce or
<br />_ other Informntion rogartling such acuons or procoedmgs,Trustor shall give prompt wntten notico Ihereol to Beneficiury.Boneficlary chall Bo enlHlt�d,at �
<br /> its opti0n,ta Commpnca,pppuar in and prosccute m its own name nny such ncuan or prc�eoodings and shall bQ onlitled to mako any compromiso or suttlttmont
<br /> In COnneCtian wilh any such acUon or proceedinps.
<br /> n CI�T��OC��1L1t7f�GC� I IMn�a m1 n/T...�.Inr Gnnul:n.n.....�Oi..�ul.nin...'�.� ...ln.• nl Ihu D..�.�n�1..1n T...n1n. ... .wnLn •.
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<br /> lututo 88venCeS ta Trustor. Such future ndvences,with inlerest thoreon,shall be secured by this Trusl Deed when evidonCOd by promiesory notes steting
<br /> that 9�id notos erp secured hereby:providod that at no timo shall the securod prineipal nnd future advonces, not Including sums advanced lo protect
<br />_ tho SOCUrity,oxceod two hundred percant(2004u)ot Ihe origmnl prfncipal emounis secured hereby.
<br />- 10.REMHOIES NOT @KCLUSIV@.Trusteo and Bnnoliciary,and aach of thom,shall be enutled to enforCe paymont and porformanco ol any mdebtedness
<br /> or Obligations secur4d horeby end to o:ceraso all rlghis and powors under this Trust Deed or under any other agroomont oxecutod in connoctlon herewfth
<br /> or any laws now or heraa}tctr in forco,notwilhstanding some or all of Ihu such indobtudnoss pnd obli{�ations s�CUrod hereby may now or herea(tQr bo
<br /> othorwiso secured,whother by mortgage,trust deed,pledge,Gen,essignment or othorwise.Neither the acceptance of this Trust Dead nor ds onforcement
<br /> whether bycourt u�tion or pursuant to ihe power ol sale or olher powors heram contalnod,shall pre�udico or in eny mnnner effect Trustoe'3 or Boneficlury's
<br />_ nght to roalize upon or enforco any other socunry now or heroatter held by Trust�u or Heneficmry,it boing agreod that 7rusteo and Benohciary,and Qach
<br />