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<br /> 5. N�rrd or Prapa�ty Imaur�nce. 13orrowcr ehull ke�p ths improven�ents now �xisting or he�c�Rcr creetcd on U�e
<br /> p�r�peny in�uroci ogstnst los3 by fire, I�acards inclucled wi►hin the term "cxtende� coverage"nnd any ocher h:►zurds, inciuding
<br /> ilesals or flocxling, tor whicli Lender requt:es insurance.This insurance shall be muint�ir�i in tlk anws�nts nnd far tha poriad�
<br /> that L.ende�r requireq. 'i ne i��sura�t��cui���ici•irovt�tir���:►e isz;uc�nc_ sl��al1 b°rl�n�.An hy Ro►•rowcr suhjeet to L.enctcr�apptovul
<br /> which shel! r�at be unreasonably wiihhxld. [f Borrower fails to muintain coverage describcd atxive, I.erxin� ai�ay. oc l.endtr's
<br /> option,obiain coveraee to pratect L�ixler's rights in tlio Pr��perty io accordance witlti parugrapli 7.
<br /> All insurance poticies wd rtnewals shall bc;aeceptable ta I.ender and shall include a sr,utderd mortgage clause. l.ender
<br /> shull have ahe ribht to hola the pc�licies and renewals.if Lendcr rcquires.F3orrou�er shall prompily give to I.ender all reccipts of
<br /> paid premiums aixl renewal notices.In ahe cvcnt of loss.fiurrower shall give prompt notice to tt�e insurancc carricr and Lcr�der•
<br /> I„cnder may mnke proof of loss if siot niadG�r�mptly by 8c�rrot:er. -- -
<br /> Unles�Lende•r and Ii�rrowcr othcrwisc agree in writing,insurance procccds shall be�pplied to restoration ur rep.�ir of thc
<br /> F�roperty dan�aged� if the restoration or repair is economicatl,y fcasible and l.ender's security is not lessened.if the restorution or
<br /> repair is not economically feasihle ar Lender's securiq� would be lessened,tl�e insur.tnce proceeds shall be applicd to tlie sums
<br /> secured by tUis Sccurity l�zstrumcnt, whethcr or not thcn due. �vith any cxcess paid�to C3orcowcr. If Borcawer abandons tlic
<br /> Property,ar docs not unswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> l.ender may collect t3�c insurance proceecls. Lenaer may use the proceods to repair or restore the Propercy or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Secu�ity Instrument,whether or not tl�en due,'Che 30-day period will begi���-vhen the�otic�is given.
<br /> Ui►less Ls_�nd�r a�l Borrower otherwise agree in writins, any applicatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extPnd ar
<br /> �st�n.^.t_hc doe date of the monthl_v paymcnts refcrrcA to in para�raphs 1 and 2 or change tiie amount uf th� payments. If `--
<br /> under pamgrap121 the Property is acquired by[.ender.Borrov�er's rigNt to any iusurancc policies and proceeds resultin�Cru,�t
<br /> d.n�r�ge to the Properry prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> immediate�y priar to the acquisition.
<br /> �:fkcuoa�xy,Preservution, Diaintenance and Protectton o6 the Property;BorroK�er's Loan A�plication;Leasehalds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Praperty as Borcower's prnecipal residence�viti�in,ixiy da�+s aftcr thc execaticn of -
<br /> this Security Instrum�nt and shall continue to uccupy ehe Propeny as Borrower's principal residence far at le��►st one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless L.ender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably v�ithheld, or unless
<br /> extenuating aircwnstances cxist which a�e beyana Sorro�ver's conirol. �orrower shall not destr�y, dam:ige or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Propeny to deteriorate, or cornrrEit wasie un che Pcx�pctiy. Su���:�er ��a!!�..° i:�ef s!i if an; fo*fnitnr�
<br /> action or procee,ding, tivhether civil or criminal, is bc�un that in Lender's guod f.aith judgmcnt could result in forteiture of the
<br /> Property or othenvisc materially iRnpair the lien crcx+ted by this Security Instcument or Lender's sec.urity interest. Borrower may
<br />- cure such a default and reinstate,:is provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a reiling
<br />- that. in L,ender's good faith detennination, precludes forfeiture of thc Burrowcr's intcrest in the Pmperty or other material
<br /> impai[ment of tlie lien created by this Security Instrument or Lendcr's security interest. Borrower shall also be in defnult if
<br /> Borrower, during the loan application proces.,gave materiully false or inaccurate information or stueements to C.ender(or failed �;
<br /> to provide Lender with any material informatian)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but nut limited _
<br /> to,re�utsentations eoneerning Bonower's occupa�icy uf Uie Prope►�ty as a principal residence. [f this Security Instrument is on a �___
<br /> ._.:,.
<br /> - leasehold, enrrowcr shall comply with all the provisions of thc Icase. If Borrower acyuires fce title to the Property, the —_
<br /> Ieasehold and the fce title sh�ll not mcrge unless C.cmder agrees to thc merger in writing. �__
<br /> 7.Protectlan oP I.e�ider's Rights in the Property,Ii'Borrower fails to perform the coveucu�:ts and agreemenu contained in _
<br />" this Security Instrument, or the�c is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect l�nder's rights in the Property (such as a �
<br /> proceedin�;in bankntptcy, prob:�te,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then l.ender may do and ;,:-�a;
<br />-- pay for whatever is necessa►y to protc:ct the value of the Property :uid Lender's rights in ll�c PropeRy. Lendcr's actions may �
<br /> _ include Rayins any smns secured by u lien which has priority over this Security [nstrument, :�ppearin� in court, paying _=_-
<br />= reasonablc:attomeys' fces and enterins on the Property to make repairs. Although I,ender msy takc action�nder this pardgraph �i_,
<br /> ��.,:
<br /> � 7,Lendcr does not have to do so. ``"°
<br /> F.�-
<br /> _ Any vnounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional dcbt of Borrower secured by this r�_•
<br /> Securiry lnstrument. Unlcss Borrower and Lcnder agrce to other terms of payment, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the �;
<br />-= date of disburscmcnt at thc Note ratc mid shaU be payable, with interest, upon noticc from Lcnder to Bonowc� requesting �«
<br /> �„
<br /> - payment. �.�
<br /> — S.Mortguge Insurunce. If Lcnder rcyuired rnurtga�;e insurance as a condition of making the Laan s��cured by this Security n;,
<br /> `- lnstrument, Borro�ver shall puy the premiums reQuirul to maintain the mortgage insurunce in cffcc:t. If, for any rcason. thc .
<br /> = mortgage insur�nce coveragc required by Lender lapses or ccasr.s to be in effect. Borrower shall puy the premiums reqaired to
<br /> obtain covera�e substantially equivulent ro the nwi�tg:�ge iusurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the ��
<br />-= cost to Borrower of thc mongagc i�isurance previously in cffcct, from an alternate mortgage insurer approvcd by i.endcr. (f
<br /> _ subst�mti:dly equivalent mongage insurance cuverage is not available, Borrower shcdl pay to Lender each month u sum eyual to
<br /> == une-t�velf3h�f thc yca�•ly mortgage insur.uicc prcmium being paid by Borro�vcr when the insurancc coverage lapsal ar ccasecl to
<br /> �:� he in effect. L.ender�vill accept,usc and retuin these payments as a loss reserve in licu of mortgage iusur.uice. L.oss reserve
<br />.�,� Form 3028 8190
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