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. . . _ -_- <br /> �., . �, - - _._-- <br /> - ---...._—___ _._r-.=^.;�_. .. . ,..,, <br /> __ ����_�..��,�.� :�.=-��a---�.__-----�----.�_�.._._..�..���_� �__ <br /> ._.��. .-»:.,,.�.u-r--.-;,�--T-�.-�..,_ �...:,-�.�.�.l:ti,.�„-..��..e,.�,�. .,r„-,�.T�.,�e.,.d„�: -.�.��: - �--- <br /> ----— -_..������.n;�i�-��-, - .�.�-��.:��—-�— ----- —=_---=-- ---- -- - <br /> ,._�_��._ ;...�....e��.._.. -- — <br /> ---- -- -- " - - ---- <br /> __.__.T,�_.>.-----�----T�__ _�..,,,,.._�._��-......-.,:-..-, --- »._._.-.-_.r,.;.:--�-.,.._�,.,,-,�. <br /> �_._� �..� , _.. .�-....z�.,-:,,:-r�,•...�.�-, <br /> �- -- - -.-_... -- .•-_ _ _ <br /> . : . <br /> . ... ,. . ,. ., . ,,,. .. ,, . ..,,r;. <br /> ��"". �,«,�'��,� _ <br /> TO�ETHt'sR WITN al[ the improvcnxrrts n�w or hensifttr er�xtod on tt►e prepeny, �ixi ali ca�ements. appurteiuu�,tuxl <br /> fixwres unw or• iicrcaf¢er a F�art oF the property. All rtplax:ementr. artd acidiuons �hull also 6e cu�ervcl by ehts SecuciEy <br /> Instru►mnt. Afi af the f�rcgoing is refr.rrccl to in ihis Sec:urity Instrument�s li,C"Fropeny." <br />- P.QRI?OWF4 CONPNANT�ih�t Rnrrmvrr jn I'!t•�f�ll�y f^?!^_tl of l!cP t'tr�t���rrrhy r��nvF-yrti �n!l hns d!e�f�•ht k►erN�tt Pt+t1 . <br /> wm•ey the Pro�rty and ttu�t nc� property iy u�encumbered,except f��r eizcumbrancea af record. Barower warrants urrd will <br /> Jefend generally the title to the Propeny against alf claims and dc�mands,subject Qo uny encumi�rances ot record. . <br /> THI5 SLCU[tITY INS'Y'RUMF.NT combines uniforni covena�►is for nati.rnll und nan-uniform covenants with liinitod <br /> variations by jurisaictior�to canstitutc a uniform security instrunxnx cavcring rcai praptrty. <br /> UNIFoRM COVENAI�TS. Elorrower a�id L.cixler covenant and agree as Tollows: _ <br />_ 1. P�ryment of Princi�l �nd Intertxl; Pre�ysne�t end [,a[� Ch!�rges. F3orrawcr ch�l1 pmmptly pay wheu due ttts __ _ <br /> principal af und interest on the debi evidenced by the Note arul any prepayment und late cFiarges due under the Note. <br /> 2. C'unds for Taxes Qnd I�suraeue. Subject to applicable I,►w or ta n wrinen waive� by l.ender, Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender on thc day montl�ly paytnents arc duc under the Note,until the Natc is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> and assessn�ents which may attain priority uver Uiis Security 1nsUtiment�s a licn on the Prop�rtv;(b)yearly leasehold payments <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if Any;(c)yeatiy h:uard or property insurance premiums;(J)yearly ilood iresurance pren�iums, <br /> if any; (c) ycarly nwrtgAgc insurance prcmiwns, if a►ey;arul(�uny sun:s payable by Burro�ver to Lender, in accordancc with <br /> Qie pruvisi�,i�uf�a��ag�api►8,iu liru uf tl�c payment of mortgage insunnce premiums.Thesr items:ue cail�l"Eu:j'uw iteras." <br /> L.ender ma�r,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amou�it not to exceed the maximuin amount a lender for n fe{ierally <br /> . relatcd mortgagc loan may requirc for Borrotver's escrow aecc�unt undcr die federal Rcal 6state Senlcmcnt Prcx�edures Act uf ` <br /> 197a as v�►zcndcd f'rom timc to time,�12 U.S.C. Scction 2G01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another !aw that applies ro thc Funcls � <br /> sets a Icsser emount. If so, Lender may, �it any time, collect and hold �unds in an an�ount not to exceed the Iesser amount. <br /> I.ender may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current data ar.d masonable estimatcs of cx�senditures of futu�� <br /> Escrow Iterns or othenvise in n:cordance with applicable I.ew. <br /> TGe runus abali i.n:I�cld in au iu�tiiutiun wiw�e deposits ure i�uurut by u iederat ugcucy, ii�aiwu�eui:iiity, ui cniiiy - <br /> (including l.ender. if Lc:nder is such an institution)or in any Federal Hume Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Itenu.L.ender may not cha�ge Borro�ver for holding and applyiag thc Funds, annually analyzing th$escruw accctunt,or <br /> vcrifying the Esirow[tems, unlc�s Lcndcr pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L,cnder to make suci� <br /> 8 C�ini�C. t 3V�4YVT�i.w.i'.��i T"uj iC.yUiC4 L'vTivii%ci iu Nuy u��ic-iiuic��=iu�bc tu� u����i�cN��ii�cii iciu c�tatc tan�cE,CrTtiii�S.."TJt.:.. <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law nrovides otlzenvise. Unless an a�reen�nt is made or <br /> applicuE!r !mv requires enterest to be paid, Lender shall not be requirecl to pay Dorru��•cr any interest or earnings on the Funds. - <br /> 13orro�vcr and L.ender may a�ree in writing, however, that interest shall be paiJ un tlxe Funcls. Lender shal�give to Borrower, -- <br /> without charge. an annual accounting of tfie Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds nnd the purpose far which each <br /> debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pleclged as additional security for uU sums seeured by rhis Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds hcld by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. L.ender shall acco!:rt to Borro�ver _ <br /> for the excess Funds in accardxnee with the requirements of applicable law. If the;u��ount of the Funds held by Lender at any -- <br /> time is not sufGcient to pay the Escro�v Items when due,Lender may so notifv Borrower in writing, sucti�s�Borrower --• <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borro�ver shall make up the deficiency in no more thari `-' <br /> nvelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discrctiun. r.. <br /> Upon payment in f'ull af all sums securcci by this Securi[y Instrumcnt. C.cnder shall prompdy refurtd to Bonower any `i <br /> Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragr;,ph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the PropeRy, l.ender,prior to the�cquisition or sale f � <br /> of the Property, sh:►II upply a�iy Funds hcld by Lender at the time uf acyuisition ur�,:.le:u a creJit against the sums secur�d by P'' <br /> this Security Instrument. E=_ <br /> 3.A��plics�tlon of Payments.Unless applirablc law providcs othcr�vise,xll paymcnts reccivc�d by Lender under paragraphs i� <br /> i and 2 shull ba applicJ: Grst,to any prepnymcnt chargcs duc under the Note: second,to amourts payablc under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to intenst duc:fourth, to principal due:and las[, tu uny Istc chargcs duc wider the Note. :�� <br /> 4.Chmrges; Llens.Boarower shull pay all taxes, assessmems.charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Froperty =_ <br /> which may attain priority ovcr tbis Security Instrumcnt, and Icasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay - <br /> thcse obli�ations in the manncr pruvided in paragruph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower sE�all pay them on time directly 'i <br /> ro thc pc,rson owcd payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to[.r.nd�r all notices of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. <br /> If Sorrow�r make.r• the5e payrnents directly. Borrnwcr shall promptly furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing the payrocnts. <br /> Borrowcr shall prompt[y discharge any licn which has priority over this Sccurit}� instrwnent unless Horrower:(a)ugrces in - <br /> �vriting to thc paymcnt of ihe obligation securcd by thc lien in a msnner ucceptablc to Lender; (bl contests in good faith the licn <br /> by, or Jefends against enforccment uf the licn in, Icgal procccdings �vhich in thc Lcndcr's upinioi� operatc ta prevcnt the - <br /> enforcemer�t of the lien; or(c)secures f►•an the holder of the lien an agreenierd satisfactoi��to subordinating the lien to <br /> this Security Instrtiment. if Lender detennines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may atuun priority over <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lendcr may givc Borcowcr a notirc identifying the licn. Borrowcr shall satisfy the lien or takc unc or - <br /> more of tl�e actions set fonh above within l0 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Form 3028 9l�0 <br /> Paqa 2 nt p � .. <br /> � _ <br />_...-------=_`'- .m'^" .. .. <br /> ..___,�.Yrr•.a��unr.a�c.av-,s, . ...�-__._._.,.�_..�_..m._...�,.'- - - ......... . ... <br />. ____'—_'_._T..�iTti_""'_.__{ �'^' �.. ' ' '.� ' � .. 'T;TkI�'�',���_ o--..-T�. ' "—__--�• . ._.... <br /> ����. �� <br /> `2 � �.. ° . ., , _ . ,� . �, - �. . . ' ..� - - .. - „ . . <br />. _ — _'_.=r./- _.. .'�____—_-. _._"_""'��--__'___— _'- ^__—"—'_'" . " _-.�,.~. '_. .-. —_._'—_'__.'—'. _" _—_. _. <br /> •� �• .. ., . . .. �`�.a. � �A'r..,_� " . . <br /> . � - . �A - - - !i <br /> .. �. ,. . . � , �� " � �� . . M, '1 �;f•`��F•.'.�sf - .. <br /> _ J _ : .. . .. , .. , .. 'iA�:�J .t,}?r .. '.. <br />. ' . . � ' ... • „ " .. . ..`. . :r��ttl�rVi.'y,'.;,rv.•.�.... . 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