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<br /> 9. Ptepare. sign, and file documa�te with any govemmer_tal bc�dy or ager�cy� ulcluding but not l�nited W. �
<br /> m�thcri�tion to:
<br /> a. Prepara, sign and file {ncornc nnd oth�r tnx r�tums with fcdeml, state, c►nd locel and other
<br /> govenut�attel bodies.
<br /> b. Obtain ;nfu,uuduui� o� docu��iE,ds �i8� fllljr �3V�'ii[?tiC?it Of lt& �gtnci�, rnd rteno±:e*_c,co�prem��. .-
<br /> ar settle eny matter with sisch govemxnent or c�ency (including tax mutters).
<br /> c. Prepare syplications, provido information, nnd peafbrm any other act rea�onably requestcd by nny �
<br /> govesnment �r its agwiciGw in connection wifli �ovemm�ntal benefits {inciud'u�g m�lit�y end �ociel
<br /> security beneSts).
<br /> 1�is Power ot'Attomey s2�31 be construed broadly ws e uene�ai Povler of tittomayr. Tl�o li��-�g o:e�i::wo �o��,s --
<br /> is »ot intended to limit cx resSrict the genetel �ow�rs gc�nted in tltis Power of Attomcy :n any matutcr. __
<br /> My power or authority granted to my Agent under this document shall be limited to the extent necessasy to
<br /> jricvpit uua FCmci 'vi n vi vj u j 52:� 15:�2228 t,^ �' :3}C3�= t!) Ii2;. oant i �n n.ccets t�bE
<br /> �"st �s �.�ss$ ( '�— �..1 Y
<br /> subject to a genernl power of appaintment by my Agent, c►nd (iii) my Agcnt to huva nny incidents of�tvnerslup
<br /> w��,h tespect to nny life insurettc�policies tl►at I may own on the life of my Agen�
<br /> My Agent sl�all not be �iable fur any loss thut results &om a j�ut�ent erroa tfiut was made in good fai�th.
<br /> Hovv�ver, m� Agent shall bc liable for willful misconduct or th� :fA�lure ta aot in�ood feith while acting under tho
<br /> nuihority of.thia Power of Attorney.
<br /> I authorize my Agent to indemrtify �►nd hold ham�ess uny third party who accepts and acts under tlus documen�
<br /> My Agent shell not be e.ntifled to any compensation, during my lifetiune or u}�on my death, far uny 6ervices --
<br /> providul as my Agent. My A,�ent shall be entitled to reimbursemant of ell reasonable expenscs incuRed in
<br /> c�nnecflon with this Power of Attomey. �
<br /> �-.-
<br /> E,:.�
<br /> �_...
<br /> My Agent shall provide on accoun�r►g for nll funds handled nnd all acts perfcrmed ns my A�ent, ef I so request or c�__
<br /> if such a re�{uest is made by any nntharized personal represcntntive ar fiducinry �cring on my behalE L;i-
<br /> n-.
<br /> '(his Power of Attomoy shall become ef�ective immedintely, shall not be affected by my disnbility ar lack of inenUal -
<br /> cor*ipetence, and stiall continue effective until my death;pxovided, however, that this Power may be revoked by me -_.°
<br /> ut any time by provicli�g wsittm notice to my Af;c1►t. �, �
<br /> ���,�,� ,._, 19�„ at Grnnd tslnnd Nebrnska. =
<br /> r
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