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<br /> � I, Imogenc Grace Quick, residing et 2110 8antern Street, Grmid Island, NcSraska 68801, haeby nppoint C�cegary Lce �
<br /> � QuicJC of 32 Ri� Road, Narfollc, Massachusetts OZG56, os yny Attamey-in-Fact ("Agent"). d
<br /> (� 1 hereby revoke eny nnt! all gen..cal powers of attomoy and specfai powers of u4tomcy tiia4 pnvi�u�Iy tUiva �Wz
<br /> simted by ma —
<br /> My A,gent st�a)1 have full power altd authority to act on my behelf. 'It�is power nnd auth�rity sha� authorioe u�y '
<br /> Agent to manffge nnd conduct nll of my nfl'criirs nnd to exerciso nll of my legnl right� and powers, incltaciing all
<br /> righb end powe� that I may acquir�: in tho future. My Agar�.t's powers shall includ�, but not he lirnited to, the
<br /> ��u�� f�� �_
<br /> 1. ppeit, mau►tain or close bank accounts (including, Inu not limitcd to checldng ac�ountx, savings accounts,
<br /> and ceriificates af deposit), brokcrage accounts. and other simiinr accounts with financial institutions. _
<br /> a. Conduci er►y business with o.ny basltang or nnancisi insiiivaon vviin c�tm:: w�'�y uf ...•s�cussL:,
<br /> includi� but not timited to, maidng deposits and �v�tfici�rals� abteining bank statements,passboolss.
<br /> dix8s. money orders, wat[�nts, ond ce,�tificates ar vouohas payable to m: by any person,tinn, -
<br /> co�tpotation or poli6cal entiry.
<br /> b. Perfoun any nct mecsssary to deposit, negotiaYe, sell or transfer any nate, security. or dra� of the
<br /> United States of Ameriea, inoluding U.S. Treasury 5ecuri6es.
<br /> o. ETave accGSS to any safety deposit box tk�at I might own, including its contencs.
<br /> Z. ScU, exchan�e, buy. inves� or reinvest any assets or pzoperty owned by me. Such essets or ptopetty =_
<br /> may inclu�o income producing os non•income producing assets and property. �
<br /> ►'
<br /> g, purchase ond/or mein�in insurance, including life insumrtce upon my life or th� lifc of nny othex C �
<br /> pppIOpIIS�C pC16011. e
<br /> 4. Take any end � legal steps necessary to collect any umour�t or debt owed Yo me, or 4o settte nny cloim, ;c
<br /> � whether mnde against me or esseried on my behalf against any othcr person or entity. K
<br /> ' G
<br /> S. Cntcr into binding contrncts o�n my behnlf %�_
<br /> 6. Exercise nll stock rights mi my beheff as my proxy, including nll ri�t�ts rrith respect to stocks, boncls, I-
<br /> debentures or other investments. �.�
<br /> 7. Employ professionnl nr►d business assictnnce ns m�y be nppropria*.e, includins attomcys. accountents, aaid
<br /> rcal estate agcaits.
<br /> g. Sell, convcy, lcase, moitg�gc. maaagq insur0. improve, repair, or perfonm any other nct with respcct to
<br />- any of my pr�pedy (now owned or later ncquirecl) including, but net limited to� oeal estate and nal �
<br />= estnte righis (including the right to remove tenants and to recover possession). This inofurles the right to I
<br /> sell or encurnbcr my homestead as described on thc attaohed Bxt►ibit A.
<br /> i�MO►MY,StM1�f�
<br /> /N1S,►iRAJ,HANSEN � (�
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