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I" `l,_ <br /> .> c c.i "_ ' !`.� ° <br /> (ay Fatbosca�a by L�nd�r NM A Mf�iww.Any fartt�rpnao by Lend�r In�x�i�ci�i,��g any ripht or�emddy hK�und�►,or <br /> alhNW114�/if�OY�d�y ipSlNc�bia l,�w,Nh�il nn!t»� w�ivar ot or pr�ttlud�th�sxKalN o1�ny ouc:r�rlyht o� r�medy.Ths <br /> procur�m�nt nP In�ur�n�:�or th�pRKm�nt ol taxri or oth�r Il�n�ar chup�e by Lsnd�reheil not bs a wsiver at I.sndfs'�Nphtto <br /> �ccNsrnl�tM rrMWrity ot th�Ind�bt�drtss0 wcured by thiw Droc!of Tru�1. <br /> (d)i�o�ors end AeNpror Ilaund;JoMN�nd d�N�.!luubNN�tD��MM�++�•Ths cawn�nM�nd�yrMmrnta hM��fn cbn- <br /> t��n��th�!!b!n�,�it�i►he�I�h�n hfrr.:m�!Pe r.h�ll in�uh tn,thr,re�±nentive e��r.�e!!are P�d aeel+�rrd ot �LAndAV�nc1 Trustor.All <br /> �own�nb�nd�pnwnettt�ot T�u�tor�hrl!M jolnt�nd e�v9r�1.Th�c�pdone And hwd Inps of tho p��aqr�ph�ot ihl�Qasd M <br /> Tvutt+�r�for convsnl«ic�anty ind�re nW to be u�ed to IntArprtt or daNns the provlt[ona he�e�f. <br /> (s) q�quNt loe fIMkM.7h�eµe��le�hor�by r�quaetthat�copy af any notics af dats ult hereund�r�nd a copy al�ny nodco <br /> ot ats ha�md�r b�maltsd to e�ch p�rty to dl�I�[i�ad of Yru�t at rhe addrass�e!forth ebov�In tho rr�n��p�acribe�i by . <br />• eppllcabte law.Except far�ny othor notics required undor spplicabl�lew to be piven In enothsr mennsr,any no:ico provlds�d <br /> tor In thl�Deed of Tru�t ah�ll be qiven by melllnp euch notice by certNlad m�ll eddresde�!to tha othsr partis�,atthe�ddresawt <br /> (orth above.Any notice provlded tor in thf�peed o}Trwst ahatl be ettxtiva��pon m�lllnp In the menner deaiflneted he►sin.It _ <br /> Truetor Is mors than ans perwn,notice sent to the nddresn eet torth sbove shell be notice to ell auch persitim. <br /> (Q In�p�cYon.Lender may make or caued to ba made�eesanable entrtes upan end inaper,tlons of the Propertyr,provldsd <br /> that L.endar ahell pive Truator natice prlor to any auah Inapectton speclfying reaaonable ceuae therefor retated to Lender's <br /> IntereaQ In the Property. <br /> (y) R�conwyanc�.Upon payment of all aume seeured by thle Deed of Trust,Lender ehall requeat T�uatee to reconvey 1he <br /> P�operty and ehai!eurtender thls Deed of Trust anc9 all notes avldencinp Indebtodnosa eecurcxl by thls Deed of Truat to Trusteo. <br /> Truatee shall reconvey the Properry w(thout werreny end w(thout ch�rpe to the person or persons Iegaliy entidad thereto. <br /> Truator shall pay all coate of recordntion,ii any. _ <br /> �h) �al Praperiy;S�udt�►A9n�m�nt.Ae additional security tor the payment of the Note,Truator horeby granta <br /> Lender undertha Nebraska Untiorm Commercte!Cade x security Intereet in al!fixturea,gqulpment,end oiher personal propary <br /> used In connection with tho ceal estate or improvemente loaated thereon,and not�therwtse declared or deemed to be e pari oi - <br /> the real estate secured hereby.This inetrument shRll Ce construed ae a Security Agreement undor said Cvcl�e.8u�3 Gte Ldi�u9r �_ <br /> shall have all the rEght�and remedies of a sACUred parry under sald Code in aad�z�on to the righta and remed)ns creatod vnder <br /> a�d acCOrded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust provided that Lender's rls�hta and remedles under,4h9��aragraph ehall <br /> be curnulative with.and in no wby a limitaUon on,Lender's rl�hts and remedles under any other security epr�ee>ment s!pnpct 6�y � <br /> Borrowor or Trustor. <br /> (f) L'+sns■nd rncumorances.Truator i�eieuy warrants en�raain�ante f�at thera Ia rso d�fauit undor th�ptovis!ona o!an, ... <br /> mortgago,deed oi truat,lease or purchaee contract desscribing ali or any part ot the Property,or other can!►a�t,i�atrument or — <br /> agreement constltuting a 8en or encumbrance agalnst all or any Part ot the Property(colleatively,"Llens'�,exlsting as ot ths = <br /> date ot this Deed of T�uat,and that any end aii exlsting Ltens remaln unmadiilod except as disolo3ed to Len�er In Trustar's " <br /> writtan disclosure ot Ilena and oncumbrances provtded for hereln.Truator shall timeiy partorm ell of 7rustor's obllg�Uo�s, - <br /> covenants,representettpns end warrantlea under any and alt oxisiting and tuture Ltons,sfieii promptiy fiarward ta�enoer copios <br /> of all noiicba o!defauit 9ont in cannectlon wlth eny anrl ell a�xistlnfl or tuture Liens,and shall not without Lersder's prlor wrlttan ' <br /> consent(n any manner modfiy the provlsfone of or allow any future advances under any exiating ar future Llena. <br /> Q) AppNcatlon o1 PpymM�b.Unless oihenviae roquired by law,sums patd to lender hereunder,lnclu�ing without Iimitadon <br /> payments ot prinalpal end interest,inaurance proceeds,condemnatton proceeds and rents end protite,shsll be epplied by <br /> Lender to the amounts due and owinfl from Trustor and Borrower in such order ea Lender in its sote dlacretlon deema deairable. <br /> (k) 6wKaWNtr.If any provislon at thls Deed of Trust cor�flicts with appitcable law or lo declared invalld or otherwlee . <br /> unentorceable,auch contlict or Invalldity shali not aHect the othar provisons of this Deed of Trust or the Note whtch can be <br /> given eflect without the coniilating provislon,and to thls end the provl�lons of thla Daed oi Trust and the Note are declarxd to be -- <br /> aeverable. [�: <br /> (1) T�r�ru.The term�"T�ustqr"and"Borrower"shall inctudo both etngolar and ptural,end when the Truator and Borrower <br /> are tha seme peraon(e),those torms es used In thla De�.01 Truyt shall be Interchangeable. G-. <br /> (m)GovornkEp I.�w.Thie Deed of Truat ehall be governed by tho lawy oi the Stete ol Nebraska. �:�.: <br /> Trustor haa executed thla Qeed of Trust as ot the date written ab ve. �i��%G�� :�. . <br /> .�'f% �y <br /> � <br /> am . ue ner �ustor Single Person -- <br /> ;� <br /> F;� <br /> Truator "'�:': <br /> rs..-- <br /> ;-..,., <br /> .:�. <br /> N . I . <br /> �f 1 1 i <br /> I <br /> �- <br /> � <br /> I <br /> �__ <br />