;.+, . „_,_.. . .. �. --
<br /> - ,r^�. . � -.. --.- --
<br /> .c. „ . .. ._: ..�.. . ._.
<br /> . •� , . ....---�
<br /> -�pi:�<<� .. : . . . _ _ .__. ..-.._
<br /> �--------------_--_--____--- —
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<br /> - aww�..^+^--'—"—::----�
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<br /> =---_=� ���r��� ,'���'��� - .-
<br /> — -� •r ^�uca:;:�t::ES�,o,,:���=��:.::�a r.r:�a::,;�:� ..: .r� f� - .
<br /> - �.��,�ui Ai�er,Truhtor ehnl!kxep lh� Proparty In aampll�r�a wlt��;.I wr;.
<br /> rolaHnp tA Inclu�t.�i�l hyql�ne or 9nvironmanta1 prot�cdosi(callootivsiy r�IsP(�IO(t�rMin oo"�nvlrc�ri,r.snt�f�_M��¢").7ru�l�r�hiMS =-
<br /> hff�Dlt1�p KN�duae fMe�t��'�1�°b TtUilO h/'1bydNl�tblt'!9!RrIl�f�p�'YMIS►�t0 L�d�f thll'fflOfifY tSA F����11QW�Y1�IYfl�l�011 AP --
<br /> , und�r tha prop�rry.TruMor h�nby�qrMS ta Incbmnffy�hotd h�rmlYw 4sn�NR�li d�!'�O�nn,ufticerr,emplay�s���
<br /> ;i nny wccetaors ta 4ender'�Int�rasl,lrom snd aa�lnet�ny�nd�II clalmw,d�m���a��nd IIaD111tiM��7HE FOREQbItr(i
<br /> the pr�c�,use,dlspos�f or trWn�po�i�0 w�y ��:..�:r��us N�'Srl.I�nn, �+nc{sr,trom or about 4hs PruppKy �r-l�'.�,��^�. -_
<br /> _�a�y��i �p, �iNfpemenl al R�nb.Truetor hareby uts��ry��p Lender the rtnt�,Isaues and proHte of tt�e Prop�ty.P
<br /> i ehell,until the accurrence of en Event of Defe�ult herounder,have ths rlqht to collact end r�tain�uch ron�,luuw�nd proHts��th�Y
<br /> i bec¢me due end p�y�ble.Upan the accurrdnce of an Evont al Detsult,Le��der may,
<br /> elther In pe�ean or by aqont,wtth or wi�h+out
<br /> brinping any action or procesdfnq,or hy e recelver eppolntecl by e court end without rapard tv!he adequaay o1 Ib aecurity,�nbr
<br /> ° upon a��d take ptsssasslan of the Proparty,or en��r partmareof.ln ita own nam�Or fn the neme o omany part��re�t or�n�.+►��Mein= ---- -
<br /> - deems neceesary or dealrabie to preaerve the val�e.mtrEcetabitity or renttblll of the Property. dua i�r or
<br /> increaae tha income theretrom or protect the s�acu�lry b�ereof end,with or without taklnp possetato�°the eam e d CODtO O�d
<br /> ' othenvlae colle�t the rert�,lssues and protita tl�ereoi,I�cluding thoae past due end unpald,and app y
<br /> ma�y datermine The�ente ng'upon an�1 taking po aeaslon oft�he FroPeTtY.�thetcollectlon of s chrente,lss'es and p�otits and t e _
<br /> applicatian thereol aa aforesald,sheil not cure or waive any datault or noNce o1 de}ault hereunder or Invalldate any sct done�n
<br /> reaponaeto suoh defauii or pursunnt 4o such notfco 01 dotault and,notwithstendinp the continuance in possesal�on of the Propsrty or
<br /> tiie coilectEon, racclRt and aCC1lcaUon ot�enta,issues or profita,and Trustee and l.ender shall be entitled to exerclae e�ery�Ight �
<br /> � pravldudiorinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEven9o9Deteult,lnal�d!r.g�itho�+tlimitatlontherightto
<br /> � exe�rcise the power of s�le.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under thts para9rnPh shall be cumulative with,L8�f Y�8� �.
<br /> v;_;,.:.ur,��� Ilmitettonon,Lender'sridhtsan�iramed{esunderenyassignmentofleasssnndrentsrecordedagelnstthvPropertY•
<br /> -' �•�:� and the�ecaiver shat9 be Ilabia to account only those rents Actually received. ,.._-
<br /> -��`�t�5;� 1�, E•renl� ml Osf�uR.The tollowing shall constilute en �vent of Oetauit under this Deed of Trus�
<br /> -=-_='"`�li;� (a)Falture to pAy flny Installment oi prfncipal or Interest oi an�other sum secured horeby when due;
<br /> - __ -- (b) A bresch ot ortiafault under any provisiun contained M tho Note,this 0��of T►ust,any of tho Loa�Documente,pr��y
<br /> ��--�� athar Ilen or en�umbrance upon the Properh►: __
<br /> .`��;' ' (c)A writot execu�ion ar aiiecrnpnt or A�y als,�+ilar Procese ahn11 be entered sgetnat Trustor whlch shAU b6come a Ilen on _—
<br />--j�i��:�' the Properiyor any portlon thereoi or interest iher�ln; _--
<br /> "��''�`''����' d There shail be filed by or agalnst 7tusior or Borrower an actian under eny present or future fedaral,�tate or other
<br />,...�:�
<br /> �.,s.."��ti�`" statuto,law or regulatiun relating to bankruptcy,Insalvency or other relief tor debtors;or there shall be appolnted any hustse, _
<br />��"w.`m:�u•° receiver os Iluufdator of TruBtor or Horrov►er or o1 pll or any part of the Property,or the rents,Issuea or proflts thereof,or Trustor _
<br />_:F uar,.;-;�. or Borrower ehall make eny general essignmem inr iiitl un��efii ot cr�d!lcss: `M
<br /> r�" (ej 7he,eale,tranater,lease,assignment, conveyance or further encumGrance of all or any Rart ot or�any mteresi in ii�a
<br /> ����;:,.-
<br />,_�" perm tt t'�e,xecuteua leaae of the Properirty tha does not conta n an pt on o purcthase andthe term of virhlch daes notoxeeed _
<br /> _ �:,�;`.
<br /> —v�,� uneyear, '
<br /> ___;a�; � � (fj Abandonment ot the Property;or
<br /> ___ - (g) If Trustor Is not en Individual,the Issuence.sala,transfer,assignment,convoyance or encumbrance of more than a tota! —
<br />__��.��=;�.� ercent of
<br /> -=�'=��'Cl o},�_p�rcent of(it e corporatlon)Its issuod end outstanding stock or pf a partnershlp)s total of_.. R �k;'
<br /> �=�`����'� p8nnership Intarests d�fring the porlod thls Deed ol Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. �� Y
<br /> �� i1�,'.-. � 12,RNn�diN;AcaN�QatbriUpon O�tault.In theevent of any Event of Default Londer mey,wlthout notice except ae requi►ed by
<br /> __ ,,,a�o-- t.=:-�
<br />���;�m�'• law,declare all Indebtedness seaured hereby to be duo and payable end the same shall thereupon become due end paya e i`�2
<br />'ts�x=�9�i.��-1 without any presentmont,demand,protest or notice o1 eny klnd.TNereafter Lender may: �
<br />-•-.t-��.,d (e) Demand that Trustee exerclse the POW ER OF SALE granted hereln, end Trustee sh�ll thereatter cause Trustor's
<br /> - � Interest in tho Propsrty to be sold en d t he proteeds to be distributed,all U the menner provided in the Nebraske Trust Qeeds �: r
<br /> a:����.. ACt �''�-:
<br /> __:—_- (b) ExOrcbseanyandallrightsprovidedforinanyoftheLoanOocumentsurbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventotDefaulY,
<br /> ---_ and reciose this Deed of Trust as a mortguge.apPofnt e recelver,or specitically entorce any ot the �.:
<br /> - 'r (c) Commence an acrion to to �'�-'�
<br />:���. T Cavanantshereof. +�t�S
<br /> - ��°... iven .�,..
<br /> No ramedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intonded to be axclusiva ot any other remedy hereln,In the ,,'-`
<br />-'°����� Loan Documents or by law provtded or pormittad,but each shall he cumulativo,shall be in additton to every other remedy g '
<br /> �-s:�;. � '-
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Oocuments or now or hereaker existing at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be oxercfsed concurrent y, �w
<br /> 4�°� indopendentlyorsuccossfvely.
<br /> -�—�,• .
<br /> ���r :�, 13. Truste�.The Trustee may reslgn at eny Ume without cause,and Lender may et any timo and wlthout cause eppofnt e
<br /> ',.r,:�?ti��:' successor or substituto T�ustee.Trusteo shall not be I iabie to any party.includfng without Ilmitatlon Lender,Borrower,Trusto:or any
<br />��-�����i4�'�;•�•� urchaser of tNe Property,for�sn loss or damage unless ctue to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and shali no4 be requlred to take any
<br /> ''YJ.��'r�.�::� . p
<br />,-'��___ , � action In connectfon with the entorcement af thle Deed of Truat unlesa Indemnifled, in writing,tor all costs,compensatfon or
<br /> :F�:-.-;,� expensea which mny be assoclated therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may bocome e purchaser at any He1e ov ded by law;or s'elgt�e
<br /> ��'=�_,�lQ[_�. under tre power ot sa18 granted heveln); postpone the spla of all or eny portion of tho Property, P
<br />:_-m��: Proparty ss a whole,or in eoparate parcels or lats at Trustee's discratfe%ercfse ot power of sale,Trustee shail bo entitled to apply
<br /> • �.� '" 14, Fets ma Eupens�*.In the event Trustee sells the Property bY ower of eale,Including all Trustee's tees,end Lender's
<br /> _�'�'`•'''��„ �{ eny sale proceeds tirst to payenont o1 all costa and expenses of exercfsing p
<br /> � �'" i� and Trustee's ettornoy's tec�s.nctunlly Incurrod to extent pormltted by apP���aCio�ew•In the event BOrrower or Trustor oxerclses snY
<br />��X�� �1'°'•��� ripht provided 6y law to curo an Event o}Default,Lendor shall be entitied to recover from Trustor all costs and expensea ectually
<br /> _..�,;,�
<br />--�';~ -'�;'i incurred as a resuit of Trustor's detault, lnaluding v+ithout Iimitation all Trustee's �nd ettorney's tees,to the extent permittod y
<br /> :-•_.' '''"" applicable law,
<br /> ..?t�''
<br /> 16. FuSur�Adv�ncta.Upon request of Borrower, Lender mey,et ita optlon, make adrlittonal end tuture advances and re-
<br />;- �-:�•='���.. advances to Barrower.Such advances and readvances,with interestthereon,shall bo sacured by thls Deed of Trus�At no timo shall
<br /> ,� -::+:a'Y= the principai nmount of the indobtadness secured by this Doed ot Trust,r1oS j,ncl 00.UO m_,whiche er�a great tT�securlty of thls
<br /> -"�'`"�"r n�.,�rrur,�cuccoad tho orlafnal princfnal amoun4 etated hereln,or$ 15u 0
<br /> -� '��:� 16. Mtec�taneous Provl:lons. �
<br />- •��P��•. (a) Sorrowa Not RN�ased.Extensinn ol tt�o tlme for payment or modfflcatlon ol amortization ot the eums securotl by cn�s
<br /> �":�;:'. Deed of 7rus2 flranted by Lertder to any successor In inter�st of Borrowar 5hail not operate to release,in uny mannar,the Ilabitity
<br /> �• � 01 thu orlglnal Borrower and Borrawe�'s succOSSOrs in Interest.Lender sh�ll not be requlrud to commence procaedings agalnst I
<br /> '`� such succossor or rofuse to sxtend time fo�paymont or otherwise modiSy lmortfwtion of the sums secured by thls Deed ot Trust
<br /> ....4�,.,.
<br /> �:•::+£;;, by reason oi eny demands made by the orlginal Borrower e�d Eorrower's successors fn fnterest I
<br /> ' � ��.� :; (b) LmdH'� Powen.Without aiteCting the IlabHlry of ony other person Ilabto for the payment uf notthen`oa heretofoie
<br /> - _ ,- ;ti=, mee�;�:,;d,aad.::lhau!stteet!ng�hp lien or charge ot this Deed of Trust upon any portbn of the Proparty
<br /> retuasod ns securiry tor the full emount ot ali unpald obllflatlons,Londer may,frrom iins io tim°?^�W ithout notice(i)release enY �_
<br /> person soliable,(��usa to be e eased orr elconveyedtatany time at Lender s 1opt�n an�yllparcel,portiandor'e/l of the'Property,
<br /> •��' or recorney.o ca
<br /> - °?� (v)take or retease any other or additional securiry tor any oblfgation hereln montloned, or(w)mnke composftions or ot er �
<br /> �;:t�.;::� •. �� ' prrangomantswith de�tors fn relatlon thereto.
<br /> .q � i
<br /> , � � ,
<br /> " ._,__._..._.__. ---------__._--- --�-•-..._. . . . .. ..
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