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C.,�u....� "�����:� — <br />_.--.�..1 h- <br /> �' '1'O PROTCCY TNF 9ErL1N17Y n�TH1S 7RUST DC�U,Ti�USI'OH NENkHY t;t.�VF:NAH1 b Ai�D Rf:�l€:L::A9•`EH.!-�11N!= - <br /> 1.PAYYENT Ci�F+iiINCiPAL AND tNTEti�S7.Trusta gliatl promptly pay whan tlue the{�rincfpU ot an6 inurl►�t a+4�I���^O�+���� <br /> the Nota,�nd WII other Charpes and leee ea provlded In ihe Note,and lhe princip�tl n1 and intereet on eny Future A�v�nceo asturK!�y 1h1�iru�t[5�et1. <br /> ?.,MJARRA.tdTY C1F 7iTtE.Trustor Is lawtully eelxed and possessed oT gcod and Indeieaslble tltle and eetat�to the PropsrtY Pwr�bY'�^��� <br /> haa the dghl to Orant and convey the Property;tho Properry Is tree flnd ciear of eli Hena and d�icu���L•:ca�c�c.-c"At�''ng nnw�,t recucd;and Truahx w�ll <br /> warrant�nd defRnd the dlle to the Prapxry egalnai eil clalms and demanda. <br /> � 3.MI�INTENANC�A!!D COMPLIANCE WITH I.AWS.Trustor shnll keop the Property In good repalr and condil!on and sh�it not commil wut�ar paKmit <br /> Impeirment or deterloratian ot the Praperty and ahall comply with the provis�ons ol any lease 11 lhis Truat Deed b on a leasehotd.No Irr�prcvsment now <br /> or hereaftar erected upon the Property shall Ue altered,removed or demollshed wlthoW tha prror written cansent of 9enef(c�ery.Trusta ahall comply <br /> � ell lawa.ordinances,regulations,covonants,conditlons and r�strictions afier_Ung 1he P�aperty and not commit,suller or permit any acl to be da�u In or <br /> �—°°°°° upon lhs Prap.�riy In vlolutian ot any law,ordinance,regulatloii,cove�anl,condidon or restdctlon.Trastor sha►t complate or rostare promptly and fn gnod <br /> workmanlike manner any Improvoment on the Pruperty which mny be damaged or doslroyed nnd pay,when due,allclalms tar Isw..^r psrtormed 8nc3 materia�n <br /> turnished theretor and tor uny a�leratlons ther�ol. <br /> b.INSURANCE.T�ustw,at Its exp9nse,will malntoin with insurors approvod by Beneticiary,Insurance wilh respect to tt�e improvementa and personal <br /> prppaty,conslituting tho Properry,against bss by fire,lightnfng,tomedo,and olher perils flnd hazards covered by 6tandard extendad C�veruge Indoraemen�. <br /> In an emount equal to at least onu hundred perCent(1W;h)ot the tull replacament value therooi and insurenca agalnat such other hszards and In such <br /> � amounta as�s customarily carriHd by owners and operetors o1 similar properties or es Benellciary may requlre for its protection.Trusta will comply�clth = <br /> such other requlremont�as Benoticiary may trom time to time requesl for the protection by Insurance of the intorests ot Ihe respecliva partles.AII In6urance <br /> pollcies melnta�ned pursuant to this Trost Ueed shell name Trustur auU Benaiiciary as In�ured,as thetr�ASpec4ive intet9sts may apPear�end provide that <br /> therg be no cancellatton w modification without at Iens115 days pripr written notili,ation to T�ustee nnd Ben�ficiary may prc:.ure such insuranco in accordance <br /> - . <br /> su htani ciaat anuge�nwetg the�t�e urc to furnish�QUC+i insu ABce by T ustoe.orrBenewals las equir�ed h�raundeeshall 1a14�e opto o Benetciaryf <br /> `'� constitut3 a default. <br /> ���� 5.TAl(E8,ASSES�IYIENTS AND CHAHdES.Trustor shall pay all taxes,o>:.ussments and other chargos,Including,withaut Iimitation,enes and imPos�t�ons <br /> � attriWtablo to tha Property and teasehold payments or ground rents,if any,befora the same become delinquent.Trustor ehall prompliy furnish to bevioilclary <br /> all�otices of umounls duo under this paragraph,and in the svent Trustor shall make payment directly,Trustor shell promptly furnish to Henelfciary rece�pt� <br /> --= evidencing such paymenls.Trustar shall pay all texes and essessments which may be levfed upan Beneficiary's Interest haraln or upon thlu Truat Daed <br /> - without regard to any Iaw tnat may be n�iaa6d impo�ing payment ot�ha whole or any part thareof upon the Beneiltiory• <br /> 6.AI?OITiQNAI LIENS AND PROTECTION OF B�NEFICIARY'S SSC133t�YY.Trustor shall make all paymonts of Interest e�d princ!phl and payments <br /> �� ot any other charges,teos and expenses contrac�ted ro be paid to a;y exAst�g orRsabsoav antd discharge sny endCall othor�l o s�,c almsi or charges wfi ch <br /> mortgage or trust oaed'aoiu�a i��o data ihe�ar�..,..,,.Y...............e.__..._.._� . �y. <br /> "--�_�� may�eopardizo the sacurity granted herein.It Trustor fefis to make any sur.h payment or fails to perlorm any o1 the covenants and ag�vemio��ts s�'si:a� <br /> _�:�.;� in thls Trust�eed,or the Note referred to heroin,or in any prior or subsequent trust deed,or if any action or prxeeding is commenced whlch meterialiy <br /> aftoCts Benollciary's Interest In the Proparty,mcluding,but not Ilmited lo,eminent domain proceedings,prqceedings Involving a decedent,notiCO o1 seto <br /> � by Trustee,notice of default by Trostee,mortgage foroclosure action,or il Trustor fails to pay Trustor's debts gonerally es they become dua,then Beneticiary, <br /> •�-?9 at Banoficlnry's optlon and without noUCe to or demand upon Trustor und without releasing Trustor from any oblfgation hereunder,may make such eppearences, <br /> -- digburse such sums and take such e.ctlon as is neCessary to protect Benaticiary's Interest,Including,but nat limited to,disbursement ot reasonable attaney'e <br /> — teea,payment,purchase,contost or compromise of any encumbrance,chargo or Ilen,entry upon the Property to make repaira,or declarat�on o}defauit <br /> under thls Trust Dec3d.In tha evnnt that Trustor shall fnfl to procure insurance or to puy taxes,es�essmentn,ov eny other charges or to make eny payment9 <br /> �� to eny exlsting or subseciuont Ilenhot�er9 or exlsling or cubsoquant bonefiCiArlos,Benetfclary may procuro such insurr�nce end maY,�such payment,but <br /> shall not be obligatod to do so.Any amounta disbursed by Bonellciury pursuant to tt+ls Paregreph 6 shall bocome edditlonel InAebtednese ot Trualor secured <br /> --- by Qhls Trost Deed.Such emounts shnll be paynble upon nodco�rom BeneliGary to Trustor requosting PeY me t ote�Q�os A such bate wou�td be wnlrary <br /> —°°_= date of dlsbursement at the rete payable Irom time lo timo on outstanding pnncipul under the Note unless P�cable la�+.Nothing contafned In thls Paragraph <br /> �� to epplicabte law,in which evenl such amounta shall bear iM�rast nt tha hip�osl rato permissfble under app <br /> ,—,;�„�,.�7 8 shall eequire Benefidary to incur any expense or teke any ection horoundor. <br /> "-•�-�=-7 7.ASSIGNMHDOT OF RENTS.Denetieiery shall have thp nght.powor nnd authority during lhe ContinuflnCe ol this Trusl Deod to CollpCt lhe rents,issue9 <br /> —=--_-`-�,� er.d protit�of the Property anA of eny personal proporty locnted lhoreon wilh or without taking possess�on o1 lho property ollocted hereby,and Trustor <br /> = hereby absolutely and uncondrtionAlly assigns all 6uch ronts,issues and prolits to[3enotcc�ary.Benetir.fery,howovor,hereby consents to lhe Trustor's <br /> - ' colleCtlon and retend�n ot suCh rents,issues and protits as they accruo end become payabia so long as Trustor fs not,at 6uch timo,In delauit with respoct <br />'��y•,,' to payment of any fndebtednoss secured heroby,or m tho portormance of any agreement horeunder.Upon any such default.Beneficlary may at any Ume, <br /> i 4t. either In person,by egunt,or by a roCOivcr to bo uRpointed by fl court,w�thout notice and without regard tu the edequacv ot nny security for the Indobtedness <br /> �� � hereby secured,(a)enter upon 0nd teke possession ol lho Proporty or any part thoreof,and fn its own name sue tor or othervv,se coliett such rents,Issues <br />= and protitS.�ncluding those past dua and unpafd,end epply the same,less costs and expenses oi opera�tiriorm s�h ects otf epalr og p otectfo�as ronY be <br /> , }eos,upon eny Indebtodnoss secured hereby,and In such order as Beneticinry m3y determme;(b)p <br /> ?`��� necessflry or prope:to conservo the value of the Property;(c)lease the samo or any part thoreot for suCh rantal.term,and upon such conditions es fts <br />^.�;��.` �udgment may d�ctate,or terminate or adjust the torms and conddions ot existmg leases.Unless Trustor and BenefiCiary thereof agrce othurwise�monit6 as' <br />--ri+�. any epplicatlon of rents.issues or profits ro any mdebtedness socured heroby shall not extond or postpane Ihe due date of the instellment puy <br />_:;.�':'� ' provided in Said promissory note or change the amount ol such installmenls.The entanng upon and taking possession ot the Property, lhe collection <br /> ot such rents,i55ues and profits.and the appiicat�on thereot ps aforosaid.shall not warve or curo any default or natice o�detault hereunder ar Invatidate <br /> '.'��`, . any act dono pursuant to such notico. Trustor also assigns ro Benoficiary,as further secunry for the performnnce of tho obligations socuretl heroby,a�� <br /> �'t� prepald rents and all mornes which may havo beon or may heroafter be deposded wdh sald Trustor by any iessee o(the Property�to secure the paymcnt <br /> "'�� pf any ront or damagos,or upon delault in the perlormance al any ol t�ie prows�ons hereol.Trustor ngrt3ns t�id�p em sos shal�l be suHpc ent to equlre sa d <br /> ;i%�'y'; Delivery of v�ritton notica of Beneficiary's exerase ol the nghts grantod horoin,to any tenant�ccupy 9 <br /> 'i ,`� ' teoanl to pay ront fo the Beneficiary unUl furthor nohce. <br />..r,y?�'+i! ' <br /> - 1 r 8.CONDHMNATION.If litlo ro any part ol tho Property shell be token�n condemnauan proceed�ngs,by nght o�em�nent domam or s�milur aCtion,or <br /> ,`';�� • shell bo sold under threat o�condomnabon,aii a�Vards.damages and proceeds era hereby assigned and shatl bo paid to Benohciary who shell ppply <br /> 1 6uch ewards.damoges and proceeds to tho sum securud by ih�s Trusl Deed.w�th tho excoss.i�any.Uaid lo Trustor ��Benet ciaeCShell be anmled,at <br /> ��'��`�', othor fnformatlon rogarding such actluns or procoedmgs.Truslor shall gfvo prompt wnttnn notico lhereof to Benahc�ary. �Y <br />" � it9 option,lo CommenCe,appear In and proseculo m Us own name any sucn actlon or proCeBdmgs and shall be entitlad to mako any compromise or Settl�mnnt <br /> r�T in CanneCtion with any such aCUon or proceedmgs. <br /> - .,o.,,..o.,,.��Tn�alot.TIIV ff181t6 <br /> 9.FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon raquest of irustor.Beneliciary at Beneticiary's option.pnor to ►ccanvuya��i.o�.�:•`•�• •-�-�-. <br /> '�.r."�'„' tuturo advances to Trustor.Such fulure advances,w�th mterest thereon,shall bo sacured by this Trusl Deod when ovidencod by promissory notes stahny <br /> � thitt sflid notas are secured herpby:provided that at no timo shall[he socurod pnncipal and luture advancos,not mCludmg sums advanCed to protect <br /> :`M the seCUrity.ozCOed Iwo hundred perCOnt(20046)o�the ongmal pnnc�pal amounts secured hoceby- <br /> � �� 10.REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustoo and Benetic�ary,and each ot them,shall be enUtled to ontcnco payment and portormance of any indobtedness <br />,.'"' . �� or oblic�tlt�ans sncured hNreby and to oxerase afi nghts arid po�vers under this Trust l)eed or under any other agrnement�3xecuted in conneclion her8with <br /> " �, • or any laws now or hereaftor m force,natwrthstandmg some or all of tho such�ndebt�dness and vbhgatwns seCUred horeby may now or horeARor be <br /> " ' otherwiSC secureA,tivhether G;�� desd.p�edge.��en,assiqnmont or othenvise Nodhor tho ac.ceptanCe o+th�s 7rust Deed nor ds ontorCOment <br /> . ��1� ght to real ze uponler an orca any otheesecunly now orrhereafter held by Trus eo o�Bono1 cia y!rt bo n9 a9 eo that Trusleotand Bonot ci aynanld e ch <br /> t�wen.. . <br /> ..�`--t :. , 1 <br /> ,. _._._____ . . -- <br /> . __— --......__ .._.--- �-.. <br />