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<br /> NC1tIFICATIAIM 0�iJ��O�TRUdT�R'!�D `
<br /> �Q g���q�pL�1�FORMANCE OF Ci�4.IQA'f1A�1
<br /> 7M undentpn�dh�i�uy i�w�.�u�l:dy;.:�sr.d unC�rct�nd�tNn�!Ne docamen�4o be exeoulod by lhe underelpoed 1��taust de�d and nol a
<br /> mortpap�,+�nd thal�h�powu ot��I�provldad tor I�IhM trust de�d provid�s�u6strn1laliy difler�nt ripht�Nnrf obt���tlon�3othK trup�o��iiac�:
<br /> mo�tp�qa in Ih��v�Ae al�d�laull or br�ach ot o011aallan.
<br /> 31st MaY ,�9�5 .prlor
<br /> D�t�d en�l�x�cule�on th�—........ dry ol. – ,.-
<br /> to�xacuuon oi M�� wi 7rur�1 Ue�d. � �
<br /> r'�""-=--�-` --.°"� _._- • -�---� Sharon K. Fra zen
<br /> Gerald L. Fransen _ �— _
<br /> Tf�UST DEED
<br /> 31at Ma ,Sa 95 —.
<br /> THIS TRUST DEEO,m�de thla....----day ot -.---�
<br /> byandmm�ng G�Yald L. Frsnzen and Shaxon K. Franz°n, Hueband and�. Wife
<br /> whose mnfling eddresa fa .221� GaCe�rav Avenue. Grand_Island NE 68803
<br /> mere�n"7rustor"Cand�����n�' �n� Tr�.�st Co�anv �xand T.sland ____. _
<br /> .o�.,�
<br /> whosemallinpaddres�fs 2008 North Webb Rosd, P.O. Box tiltib. urand ieinuu 1YG VVV^��J
<br /> (hereln•'Trustae'I;�nd Union Rank and Truet Gompany Grand Island .�
<br /> whose meiling t+�dress is 2008 North Webb� Rond, P.U.__Box 5166, Grand Island NFs 68803�heroin"9enotic�a�y"1.
<br /> FQFiVALUABLECQNSIDERATION,TrustorirrevoCeblygrants.tranafers,conveysandassl9natoTruatee,INYRUST,WI'PNPOWEROFSALE, "
<br /> forlhebenatita�dsocurilyo(genefdCiary,urltf3e�1ndsub�ecltothetermsandconditfonaollhiSTrustDeed,thefoftowinpdeqc�Co nryeNeb naka�
<br /> lacated In ti
<br /> Lot Nine (9). B1ock 7t�o (2)� Colanlal Estatea Seventh Subdivision, 3n tne City
<br /> of Grand Ieland, Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> AAID
<br /> LoC Five (5) Hiflhop Heights Subdivieion, part of ttee Southwest Quarter of the
<br /> Nortl�west Quarter (SWl/WPNFiI�/f�the 6tht1P�M.E�Ha11 CountyT�Nebraskaleven (11)
<br /> Noxth, Range Ten (10),
<br /> TOGE7H�9 WITH all olthe lollowfng,wAetnernowowned or hereafter acquired;rants,profits,�oyaltfos,income end otherbenetits derived(rom
<br /> ths raal�roperty;all lea�ee or subleases covering the real propony or any poftion thereof:all Interests,esteta or other clalma,bolh In law and in Y
<br /> oquity In tha real property; ell homestead exemptlons whfch are horaby roloased end welvod; all oasements,rights•of-way,tenements,
<br /> hereditetnents:el1oi16ndgaarlghtaandprofits,water�ights;aUrtght,tittonndlntorestolTrustor,inandtoenyla�dlyingwithintheright-ol-wayol _
<br />– eny street or highway ad�otning tho resl proDerty;any and ali bulldings,fixtures,improvemonts,end appurtenances now or horn�ttar Croctad _
<br /> thereon or belanging thereto,(Aorefn referredlo c�s"ImprovemonY'or"Improvements"�:and nny end eil aweMs made(ortha ta7cing by eminent
<br />" domain,or by any pracoedfng or porchase in Ileu thoreot,otthA whotA or sny part ot the real proporty.Ali ot th@ fo�egoingestats,propeRy and
<br /> Inlerosl sonveyed to Trusteo ho�eln collectWey relorcod to us lhs"Property".
<br /> u_ 7t 95
<br /> (n)The payme�uof indabtedness ovidoncod hy T�ustor's noto or gunrantao�"NOto")deted
<br /> raoj .i.� 1H- --
<br /> - 'lt��nty-Ttao Thousond Eleven and 25/1�0 +�'� ** ** *� �`� '�� '�*
<br /> In ihe principal sum ot Dollaro
<br /> _ �s 22,011.25 �* a� *,t +��e ��
<br /> �,together wilh Interest utthe rate or ratos prOVided thoroin,and tihe princ Bpal and Intoeost on eny
<br /> � lulure edvances ovidenced Dy promissory notes or guacantees stating they are securod heroby,and any nnd all renewels,modificailone and
<br /> sxtenalan9 thereof.both piincipal end intore3stboing payabio in accordnnco with the terms set forth ihotoln,whicl�by tAIS rE!orence ls made n purl
<br /> htlte0l.
<br />.w. (D)The pertormence of onch ngruomant an�covmnaM o1 Trustor horefn contefnud;and
<br />�; �c)The paymonlof any sum or sums of inenoy whlc�may bo hereaftor paid or advanced hy tho Benc+tfcfery under the terma ot this Trust Deed,
<br /> = topether wilh intere�t thnreon et the rate provide�in tho"Note".
<br />�
<br /> --
<br /> �
<br />