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<br /> —1� ov�r and across sucl�portions-o�Traet I as may be reas�nably neccss�ry for such _
<br /> vehicula��and pedestrian i�gcess and egress from the Si�nage Ea�cment Area r�s m�y be
<br /> reas�rnably req�ix��to criable Gr�ntee ancl Yts tenants,and thei�respeetive sub�tcnants,
<br /> � en7ploye�s,agr,nts,contracta�s�li�ense�s,permxt���art�invitees to insi�.f E anr�zxLaix�tain -
<br /> - the pyloix si�A and�att�erwise rcaliz�th�,ben�;���o�t,h�z�Si��g�Easemen�...
<br /> (, g�jp�$���,�,�.q„Gra�at�t:anr�xts tenar►ts, and their resp�ctive
<br /> subtenants,emplayees,agen�,con.tr.�ctozs,lx.�;nsees,pe.rmitte�s and invitees,shall
<br /> comply�vith all parking requirements of f�ir.ra�cand Yslan�3 RRe►�icipaf f;od�. L�Tu baiiicade,
<br /> fence ar other like mbstruction shall be erected or maintained an the Parking Eas�ments
<br /> � �- �' Areas so as to nrevent the free£low of v�Iucular or p�des¢rian�xiic t�atwe�ii�;ie��;cu.� —
<br /> _ ar��s o�Tra�t I and the parkin�g areas on Tract II(except this restriction�ha11 not apply ta
<br /> fencing enclosed trash faci:ities,temparary consUuction barricades,and like
<br /> improveraents not solely intended to obs�ruct access perman��tly).
<br /> =� �. R�y,c�jctions onlse. Except with thie prior written conseni a�f Gr�tee,
<br /> __ ;;�������y�ip withhelci in Grantee's sole[iiscretion,Owner shall not co�astruct any
<br />_—�:�;; permanent structur�s upon or mal:e any additional improven*:��ts to Tract I,other t�ian
<br /> __----� pavang,sigr�age and landscaping i�n the arcas depicted on the�ite.Plan attached hereto,or
<br /> -`•-`�� use or permit Tract I to be us�d for 3ny p�uposes ot�er than parking, ingr�ss and egress
<br />__ ---�'� and signage as an appurtenunt benefit to Tract II as descr�bed herein and as contemplaterl _
<br /> ��"'' by the Site Plan attached hereto. . °==-_
<br />---�� ,.
<br />_•�.a _.
<br /> _��;� 8. Maintenanc�:ProF�Tax�s. In cansideration of the easements granted =
<br /> ��� and restrictibns impo�ed by Owner herein,Grantee,on iYs own bshalf and on behalf of its
<br /> :v`-�•v' successors in intex$st and assigns,agrees to maintain Tract I,including all paving and --
<br />-_-�_�_"� r_��:=
<br /> -�.�:�� landscaping, in good condition,to mak�all�necessary repairs dieeeto at its sole cost and F ;._
<br />--� expen�e. -� -.
<br />---_:� �'-
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<br /> ;�� 9. �e�etuitv af a e�nts_and Restrictions. The per�manent easvments and �L_....
<br /> -:;�� restrictions established herein shall burden Owner and its successors atad assigns forever `'•'_"
<br />.--'�°�:
<br />�:,..�,;� and shall burd�en Tract I, shall benefit Grant�e and it�successors and assi�ns furever and -
<br />_��,��:: shall benefit Tract II,shall be perpetual and irrevocable,and s�all run writh th�land and
<br />_�;='�:�• continue forev�r(except as expressly prnvided for herein). The obligations c�f Grasatee set
<br /> �����` forth herein shall burden Grantee and its successors and assigns forever and shall burden
<br /> .�� y Tract II,and shall benefit Ovvner and its successors anc�assigns forever and shall benefit ..
<br />;__. �,
<br /> :i„�: Tract I,shall be peppetual and irrevocable,and shall run with the land and continue
<br /> ' �� forever(except as expressly provided for herein).
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