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<br /> ----.::.x,F,��ar�f�n� pay rn�ts may no longcr bc roc;uirr.tl�at tho optlan of Lcndcr.if martB�Be insanurco coverege(in the�rraamt rr+d far tha paic�d —
<br /> �:�;:.
<br /> _- --- =- �
<br /> — tluc i.axier rcquires)provid�d by�n insuru ep�voal by l.a�drr�aLi i�eccK��s xv;�;fu:�u:i�c;;.::.:.::,�.�:�;�::::�`.:.L"�;�*a _
<br /> �Y��� p�emiums roquirM to m�L►taln rrartg+�ge insur�ncs in cfltect,m w pmvkla a bsa raa�vo� undi th.c roq�sirement for mo�rtg�b
<br /> insuru�co enda in aa:ard�ux:e with any wduen agrameat betwzen Born�wu snd I.entles or apnli�cabk lxw.
<br /> -_--= 9.YArpectloa. Lendrr or I�egc,�c m�y makkc reasonebk enaies upon ar�tnspa.�tia�s oF the Propetty.I.cnder shall give
<br />_—= -���.. �' Sorrower ncKica at tha dmo of ur prior w an inspoc8on s�ecifying ra�vonabk caust far the inspecticxi.
<br /> =_-�'�'�, � 10.Cosdemnatioa. 'I'hC pn�coeds of eny awaM or clelm for dar►wge.s�diroct a con�oqurntial,(n �onnc�don wi�h any
<br /> =�,II'.�,�a::= nn
<br /> .Y----=.,,�.�1. condun�n or otha tekitig af eny part of thc Praperty�or for ccxweya�ce In lieu af aandc�nn�tias�arc heoehy ar.."i;nsd and -- - -
<br /> ---�°°�`' shall bc�mid to Lentler.
<br /> _�:�x�f::��'` In tho event of a total taki,ng of the Pcoperty.lho�rocoeds shatl be applied ta the sums secural by Ihis Socuriry In.wrurnent,
<br /> �-�y;;�,,.�•r —
<br /> -=- whe.tlxr or not tt�►due,wIth�ny excess paid t�o Borrowu.In the event of a paNa!taking af the Property in which the fair m�rket
<br /> --''�`�:'��',�, value of tbe Pn4tx.rty fimmediatciy before the taicing is oqual to cx grcaur than the amount of tlie sums socurod by this Securiry —
<br /> _ ..:_;:r��� Insmiment imrtxd)ately before the taldng,unlat9 Acnrowu and I��fci othawlse egree in wripng,the sums �cuc�d �y U►is
<br /> ���=av��'7. Se�cttdey Inqtnunu►t shall 6e reduced by the amount of the proceuls muldplied by eh�o follawing tracolon:(a)ti�total enwunt of
<br /> �"`'"�"'`"�`�''` tt� sums se�ued immediately before the taking�divided by (b)the fair market valne o4'the Pro�erty immcdlately befote the
<br /> _z�,� ^::p
<br /> .�-• :�'.'�. fak*ng,qny balance shall be paid to Botrowa.In the eveat o�a partiaZ Wring of the Pmp�rty in which thc fair rr�arku valsx of Ihe
<br /> _c :;�,,. ..•::
<br />. . ....� :, Pr�genY L'nme�!;arP1y before the teking is Icss than the amount of the sums secured unmccliately 6efore the taking, unkss `
<br /> "��--.:�_.--._�ti•-_- ^---...��.�r....w...�.w««.ie�.�...�.�i..:,..iNnn�.��ntaca o�nlirahln ls�v r►thenvise nmvidea.the i5lo►;�d4 Sh811 b0 BFPUCd t0 Itle
<br /> __._'_._.^_'�' UUf1U�1�.i PNL LMIVM M�w��r...r�..r«� .+.p.. _f�' ...
<br /> . � sum�securcd by this Securiry Instniment whether or not the sums arc thcn duc. _ __-
<br />- n��;-� If dk Prope�ty is abandone.d by Bormwri,or if.aRer notice by Le�►der to Borrower thsu the candemnor offers w malce an
<br />- �- � � award or scWe a claim fnr damages,Hornuwca fails to respond tn Lender withln 30 days aftcr tha date the s�fldce is given.Lendu
<br /> " .�"� .. is authorized w collect and apply the proceccls,at its o�rion,either to restoradon or repair of[he Propraty or to tha sums secured =�_
<br />.. � ';„� by thls SecurIty Instrument,whether cu not thc,�due. —
<br /> Unless Lender and Bacrower othenvise agrc;e in wririn8��Y�Plication of pmcee�is to principal shall not extend or po�tpone
<br /> the due date of thc monthly payments refeired to in paragrapt�s 1 and 2 or ct►ange the amaunt of sueh payments. _
<br /> ` "" Il.Borrawu lVot Rekased;For6wrance IBy Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtcnsion of the time for payment or momiTiGauon �
<br /> � �'. of amozti7ation of the sums secure:l by this Security Insun�meat grattted by Lender to any sur,cessor in�ntetr,st of Bortnwu shall —
<br /> � : noi operate to release the 1lability of the original Bornowu or Borrower's successors in intetcs�L.ender shall not be required to
<br /> ' commence proccedings ag�inst any successor u�interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amoetiTatioa of _--
<br /> � the sums secured by this Securiry Ins�ume�it by mason of any demand made by ihe original Borrower or Bomower's successors �_:
<br /> � in inuresG Any forbearance by Lender in Gxercising ar►y right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exenise of any
<br /> � riglit or remedy. ''.;
<br /> 1Z.Successors nnd Assigns Bound;Joint ond Several Liabil�ty; Co-si�ners. The wvenants and agceementa of this :;:::;
<br /> ' Securiry Instrumeni shtill bind nnd benefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower� subject to the pmvisions of � ti
<br /> . l paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants end agrecments sha�l be joint and several. Any Borrowcr who co•signs this 5ecurity °
<br /> lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, �ant and wnvey that
<br /> • -• Borrower's interest in the Prop�cty under the terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b) is not personally obl�gated to pay the sums
<br /> " , • secured by thLs Security Instrumen�and(c)agro�s that Lender and c�ny other Borrower may agnse to eatend,modify,farbear or
<br /> � make any nccommodafions wlth regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bomower's consen�
<br /> " ;�t. 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Seciuity Instrument is subject to a Iaw�vhich sers maximum loan charges,
<br /> , and thut It►w is fmally inte�preted so that trie interest or other loan charges collected or to be coDected in connection with the loan
<br /> eaceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary w reduca the chnrge to the
<br /> � �.iF permitLed limit;end(b)uny sums already collectecl from Borrower whieh exceeded permiucd limits will be refunded w Borrower.
<br /> ' Lendea may choose to make this refund by reclucing the principal owed under the Note or by makin� a direct payment to
<br /> Borrower. If a refund reducxs principal, the reducdan will be treate�l as a pattial prepayment without any prepayment chazge
<br /> , under thc Notc.
<br /> 14.Not3ces. Any nodce to Burrawer provided for in this Security Instrument shaU be given by delivering it or by meiling it
<br /> by Cuat ctass mail unless applicable law requims use of anather method.'ltie nodce shall be direcred to the Property Adclress or
<br /> , any othcr riddress Borrower designates by nodce to Lcnder,f�ny norice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to l.ender's
<br /> nddress stated herein or any aiher address Lender designates by notico to �orrower.Any notice providect for in this Security � ..
<br /> Inswment shall bc deemed to have becn given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> I5.Governin�;L�w;Severabitity. 'Ihis Security Instrument shall bc govemed by federal law and the law of the i
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In ihe event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> . conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull not affect othcr provisiotts of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be �
<br /> given effect without the conflicting provision.To ihis cnd the pmvistons of ihis Security Instrument and the Note an:de�;lazed to I
<br /> be scverablc.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 �
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